The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 03, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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STORE TO CLOSE • '**•?'. '•- * '• ?V ' ' • ' ■' * *• %' I* * v i*-"< • ’ m 15 DAYS ANjUJPEN UP IN JACKSONVILLE, FLA. ; /rder to save expense of tttoving e hereby offer nmntftw HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND 2 BICYCLES FOR SALE. till aL I jnl I 8 K.ll |S I ilull Al so Sent our Store to a Good Tenant TOR SALE OUR STOKE FIXTURES FOR SftLE, - _ , nA Q T | SHOW CASES, MIRROR. DESK, A I ' UU S I ! IRON SAFE. CASH CARRIER, Etc Not inciudStig Freight. ~ igfc, No. (Ms Mcife Or Slumps Given Doling This Silk', ; MV COST MARK ? ’ TRULY, a w. H k-k I 4 oTI aR. L- HARRISON & 00. •' ,**../% ;■ * , A ■ — Sale Begins Today. Merchants WiU do Well to Call and Buy This Stock. SHIPPING REPORT. CerrMUd Diily by Oayt. Otto Jobanceten Port of Braa*.iok, Ojt. 2, 1900. ARRIVED S. S. Durotea, Anst,Co*ullch, Phila delphia. HOW’S THIS? We effer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for sny case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hal ’s Catarrh G^Tre. F, J. CHENEY A Cos., Props., Tole do, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the iast 15 yesr, and . believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and fiuat c ally able to carry out any obbgs'iona made by their firm. W*gt & Truix, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O.; Waldiog, K.r nar; & Mir ?io, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Halt's Catarrh Cure is taken inter na'ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price7sc. per bottls. riold by all drug- gists. Testimonials free. gUII’e Family Pill* re >h> The Eemdj for Btomaeh tod Bowol Troabloi How Bright’* Diitist Start). Indigtion, bllionne*fi, blood poisoned with area and aric acid (which should hare been excreted by the kldr,ey. . rheumatic paisa in nerves and Joints, causing irritation of the kid neys, then paisa ovei the small of the back, mark sore approach of Kr ght'a disease. Do Pin taking Foley’s Kidney Cure, for it t kidneys rixhi. Take no substitute ta. Ton can apeil it congh. eoff, caugh, kauf.kaff, koogh or kaugh, but the only harmless remedy that quickly cures it is One Minute Cough Cure W J Butts, No R-litf for 'lwenty tear*. “I had bronchitis lor twenty years,” said Mrs Minerva Smith of Danville,lll., *and at times have been bedfast. I never got relict until had taken Koiey's Jioncy and Tar. It la pleas ant and gives quick relief, and is a sure cure for throat and long dbeams.” labs nothing lae. W. J, Butts. “I on my leg for seven yea:, |b|ni> of Cheppcwa Faj -*■ jir 4s of dollars In trjl j^^Kanncr ■Hared it. most m>T forge!. that Dr, MOTwt’ft TgMbja it (Teeth t ng I\ dors) will cure their flfifild. HCHOOIj NOTICE. Misses Gale’s select private tobool will open Qct. lat their residence, 708 __ ** Vt. ./7 •? E street. .* > t . f • r. • ■ Thorough.lfistrtictioß is given in primary, intermediate acd coiDgiate departments. This institution of learning is of seven years’ standing, and the teaohers are progre.s’ve, em ploying 11 rhe new and improved methods of instruction. mm Half <hs World is in Darkcs's as to ilie cause of tkelr ill tiealih. If they would start to treat tbeir kidneys with FWey’s K: i ncy tore, the wtaritessollenlyand mind,!,self ache, headache and rheumatic pairs would j disappear. W. .1. Halts, i The progressive nations of the world are fjhc ; great food consuming nations. Good food wel j digested g ve? strength. If you cannot . digest | all you ©at, you need Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat. Tea need not. diet your* j seif. It contains all of the digest-ants combined ( with the best known tonics and reconstructive! it will even digests all classes of food* in a bot tle. No other preparation will do this. It In stantly relieves and cures ail stomoch trouble*) W J Butts Agood many consumptive# would be cured and the worst cases comforted and relieved by using Foley’s Honey and Tur. Suggest It to those afflicted, you ebculd do this an a friend W. J, Butt#. For Bladder Troubles use STUART'S GIN and BUCHU. When yon cannot sleep for Roughing, it is hardly necessary that anyone should tell you that you need a few doses of Chamberlain’ Cough remedy to allay the irritation of tfis throat and make sleep possible. D Is good Try it. For sale at Dr. Bishop's drug store. The emergency bags sent by church societies to Kansas soldiers in the Philippines contained among the necessities a box of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel b&lve, the well known cure for piles, in jane? and skin diseases. r Jhe ladles took care to obtoin the original DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Balve, knowing that all % ibe' 4 counterfeit# are worthless. W.J. Butts. Nervousness is enred by making the blood rich and pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla. When you want a good medicine get Hood's. “buy the genuine' i SYRUP OP FIGS ... KANTTFACTTatED 8Y... CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. Xl-na Ki-n.—Quinine in a tantele** form, without ,fleeting It* medicinal v*lu, combined with ueete-ilid and iron. Ju.t lUetbiogfor children. Pleasant to t*ke. Me a bottle. For ewle by W. J. Butt?, the drugviet. Goldthweit* & Son, Troy, Ala., wi ote: Teeth - Ina’*pcedy cure of old sore* mid eruptions upon the ekin bare been remarkable. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, OCTOBER 3. 1900 j CHEAP BATEB SYSTEM Account of the annual - meeting of the National Association of Spanish W&r Vet-.rns at Ohcttanpoga, Tonn., Oct. 9 Vtr Jl, the Flam System will sell tickets from Brunswick t® : Chaitacooga and return at ohe '"Tor round trip, i Tifilrhta on tale Oct. fcaiityi,' final limit j Oot. •Jfe'-- 8 •#. ‘ 7i ! Account of the Hmtucky Trotting Horse Breeders- Association, ton, Ky., Oct, 2 to 3, the Plant System wjlj*vlf tickets ?<|m 3rpnswlclf to Lc-xlng on and return at one fa re-tor ’’ho round ti ip Tick 'C ou. s/&. Sept,, 30 to Oct. 1, liusi'.ed until ' * Second household furniture bought and sold; also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc, J. W, Watkins. Cheap Rates Via Southern Railway. MACON, GA.—Grand Lodge, F. <& A. M. One fare round trip. Ticket on sale October 29 final limit November 2, 100. LOUISVILLE, KY.,--Annual convention tol ored Oddfellows. One fare for round trip. Tiek-tson ga;e£ept. 29-30, and Oct. 1. final limit Oct. 9. ASHEVILLE, N.C.--Afilrual mooting Missis sippi Vallep Medical Association One faro for round trip. Tickets on sale uet, B-9. Una' limit Uct. K*. KANSAS CITY. MO.--Account >f Nation Con vend n of the Christian church, ticket#will he acdo to Kaunas Cut, Oct. 8-10. with final limit oct. 28, at rate of one fare loi the round trip, plus sf. CHATTANOOGA. TENN.-CLmamauga and Chattanooga National Park Commission. , Annual reunion of the Society of the Array of be Cumberland, Confederate Veterans South; annual meeting National Association Spanish Wat Veter Ans. On* far© for the round trip. Tickets on sale Octoben 8 and 9. with final Umit October 18, 1000. LEXINGTON, KY -Kentucky Horse Breeders’ Association. One fare for the round trip T e* es on September 80, with final limit < cfober 15, 1900. ATLANTA, GA.—Southern Interstate Fair For Individuals, one fare for the round trip plus 50 cent# ad ni##ion to the fair ground#. For n ilitary companies and bras# bands in nniform, twenty or more on one ticket, one cent per mile In each direction per capita. CHARLKHTON, 8. C.—Annual Convention League of American Municipalities, on© fare for the ro"nd trip plu. I?.'JO. Tickets on pale Peoeinl cr 9 and 11, with final limit De cember 24, 1900. AMRRICUH, Lodge A. P. and A. Masons and Auxiliary. One and one-tliird fa es for the round trip. Tickets on safe September 80 to October 2, with final limit October 7, 1900. LUMBER CITY. Ga Colored CampmoeM One and one-third fares for t-o lonjgM Tickets on a,tie Hepb'iubcr 27 final I,' .It October l, ’.JO", *■ • Bo Prints now 4c yard (5c Prints now 44c’ 7c Prints now 54c Briliiantine worth 65c now 41c Poplin worth 85c now 55c Henrietta worth $l.OO now 80c Blue Briliiantine worth 75c now 55 Camel’s Hair worth 65c now 42c Camel’s Hair worth 25c now 124 c Dress Flannel worth 25c now 15c Dress Flannel worth 35c now 21c Blue and brown Henrietta 15c now 94c Henrietta ass’t colors worth 25c now 17c Serge Dress Goods worth 65c now 42c Imp’td Dress Pattern worth $1 now 65c 1 tnp’td dress pattern worth $1.26 now 83c C*' . SILKS Taffeta Silk worth 95c now 624 c China Silk worth 50c now 38c’ Big lot Silks too numerous to mention. Liberty Satin former price 60c now 420 Press Silks former price $t.25 how 83c Black Satin former price Hoc now 55c Blaek.Satin Duchess former price $1.25 now 72c , ' 3 . Silk Velvets, all colors, former price ♦ 1.00 now 72c v Silk Mercerized in ctofisi-s foldidr price , 40c now 23’j'c Ladies’ Colars, former 7c Ladies’ Cuffs, former price 15e trW 1)4" Skirt Denlrae, former price 19c uow 134 Ci-eaton;.former price 10c- now 7c Table,Linen, former price 50c now 30c Allo.vcr Lace, former price 90c uow6oc Semoe By PubiieaUon. STATE OF GEt )ROI A —County of Glynn. John Rogers, i in Giyim Superior Court, May vs. S Torm, lfKWv. SiiHie Rogers. ) LIBEL LOR DIVOILCE^.^ To the DclVndaut. Susie Rogers: You are hereFy e mmandod to le and at the Ifeoemher Term, uext, of Glywr Court, to bo JiQjden at the court ? hou£MH| rtrunHWick, sdMyi*n County, Georgia, on tm First Monday in December, lbuO, up a by X&n (10) O’clock of the forenooh of *nid date, then and there to answer the c<mipip-ifitof the plain till' in the above stated,' ease in liis JJoel for Divorce. Witness tbe l/onoralrfe Joseph W. Benlwtt, Judge of the Sup rior Court of Glynn Owuuty, thiM the 16th day of J uly, IDoQ. '. m-r. duftfGXox. Clerk Superior CoujL (vlynn • odwty, Ga. SERVICE 'pY HA BI.ICAJJON. GEORG I A—Glynn <spuhtV. - * Mrv> Mary C. Remfard v> JofTeraoM. Levy,' The National Bankßi! ilrurr-widk and tne Mgy or and.Council of Bi Unpvvick.-WTetition Jor mil tioUjof realty in-Glynn court, MP* emher Tcrju To (he efciuitjat. *You arc that the petitioner in tne uhove stated case will apply for a qiarti tioii of real pi’opeu)' in tk state of Olyhn And Bruns v iek, descHhof? T e Northeastern portion of what is knowit as and. 4’aljetLdthel *d hirty An e i vact ,> or *‘Tbe Welis.. Tract, bavHug the following coime#end hiotanceri, w wit: Conuneocjig-wt ihO'fccntrc of the • ern line of Union street and fnnning tfietn e Sdrilft Ldio feet: thence running Last- I ward!) fuel ; thence running Northwardly} Wthfeet;-thence running Weßtw irdlv SiS feet. j except three certain nnall tracn l ereU foro l 9*d vy. the cm n*rs; suen appli lion* for par tit Icm of said land will he na k at the -n* rtk H*rnn o/ eoui t to he held -ou the first Mo da> in December next. Thi* ndlce given in pur>uar.ea of an order granted September 2-5.1900, Gy Hon. Paul K. Seabrook, J.iJge of ruiid court j rc fiidihg, ‘ln Honorable Joij’epb W, Behnet l/ciiu o .‘quaJlfied in said caae. Wiim‘a> the Honorable Paul 10, Seabrook., judge of said court, pre-lding, this October 1, 190 b, li. r I>U BIGNON, Clerk duporior< onrt.Gl vnn County, Ga. ' SI'A KK.S V I AJTTY, HetPioner’d Attoineve i- J> BERVICK BY PUBLICATION j 1 State if Georgia—County of Glynn. ff* Mrs,Ella Markham Libel fbrdiroi •; UA tlm Superior court w/cMyijf. | ra. county. May Order to perfeep i .ce Mart n B. Maikbam granted aA*ald.4u j. To the Delendant, Martin li. klyfen. You ire hen by required, in person orby nt-1 torney, to be aud appear, at *tbo December Term, 1900, of Glynn Huperior court. v> be hold- I en in md or aaid county, at imn court house,in j Brunswick. Glynn count- ./Georgia, on tbe first 1 Monday In Docembei, ltfOO, and you will le there by ten (10) o’cloekyof the forenoon >f said day, ‘hen and thcri t - a<. swei thi complaint of the plaintiff Mn* i Ha. Markhotii in the nbovc stuied ca. ,iu bei liEjk/1 for divorce. WitneHS he nondurable Jor.epb W. B • , r*t. Judge of tk Superior court of Glym c >naty. this the 24 1, day or August* 1904,. A. O. TOW NBENi), Deputy Clerk of, the aupeiior Court, Glynn County, Georg/.a. EKNKBT DART. Attorno f. i PkmtJff, bERTICB BY Ik B I.[CATION, fetatc of Ge^>rgia—Onjn’ f of Glynn. Mr*. Kdum Wylie XJ‘“>l /for /iLorce; in tbe HOyC iy; c‘ -urt of HL >v> vs. county, May term. 190", ord<*r fx*ifect service, Jamas Wylie. r> a id term. To the Defendant. OY/liL*. Yr u are hereby require 1, in Tijhf'M 1 ' tor* 7, t-o l>o ud nppesi af '*•' term, 19 0, of Glynn flu arior c< nT lw no.'d en In aD.I lor sid c* *iur/. a- ih cJrrt b'Wi In fjrnswirk, Gl?’ tot Go.miS, on *h< first Monday in De e-*‘ ' , " v ’* Z? u *“J b. na i-o. *j> ••-'*# ‘ h ;’,‘“7“"?" 7 -V a ft'f, then and there w eotu plainloi the plaiiwWf, KApa VVylie, lolhe rtVu“d be-, in her *®r <Bnre. Vk 11 new thv Houoi-sbio Joseph W, iiounrt, .Inilzo < .ho St.peilyr oohv, of of August, 500 Bolts of Ribbons All Colors and Widths Going AT COST. All kinds Belt Buckle and Ribbon Pins One |45.00 Music Box lor $27.50 One $25.00 Music for $l4 00 A lot os Ladies' Wraps and Jackets White Table Linen worth 35c now 21c White Table Linen worth 50c now 39c White Table Linen worth 75c now 55c White Table Linen worth 95c now 66c Wnite Table Dinen worth $1 now 824 c Joans worth 20c now 1H Cottonade worth 15c now 9c White Pique worth 10c now 74c White Piquo worth 124 c now 94c . White Flannel worth 40c now 27 l-2c White Flannel worth 25c now 16 l-2c White Flannel worth 35c now 14 l-2c Corsets worth 50c now 37 1-2 Corsets worth 75c now 59c Corsets Worth $l.OO now 75e Comforts from 70c-to $1.50 each 'Blanket sf rom 40c upwards White Linen worth ot)o ndw 33c A lot ot white Lawns, Swiss, Organdies Monslth de'Soirc Towels, Damask, Scrim, others too nu merous to mention Boys Pau_ts : 2so now.lOe SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. Mr. Clyde Freeman, Libel for Divorce. Re turnable to December vs. Ter*i, 1900. of Superior Court of Glynn coun- O. J. Freeman. ty, Georgia. Mo Urn said defendant, O. J. Fnieman: are hereby required' peisonally or by ■H>rn*y, to he ami appear at the uext term of Ijpe Superior Court of said county, convening Wthe ilrst Momlftytn jYecember, U>po,then and there to answer : plaintilf, Clyde Freeman, upon the nu,ritk of her petitlou for divorce filed a you; an in default Qf such appearance the wurt will proceej as, to jutice shall apper taiu. Witness the flur Joseph VV. Bonnet, q| said .superior Court,. tin 22d day of A ngugf; ll'OO. • ,\, u, ToWNHEND. Deputy Clerk -uperior Court. Gl< r htt Cos., Ga w\- kk. -vuss, vu trH, AUy.' • W SEUMCto LV. K'bSiCATION^ Slate of-Gcorgla—County lit Gljnn. hliz ; Long Libel .for divorce:- In the ~ ii j rfor houi r m ®svnn vh, county. Wav term, HjOQ Gc, . Ol vicc, ThpmAr A Louk granted at said term. *■ To ttm Defendant- Thomas A ivong. You ore hen bv required, in person nr ny at torncy/to he arid appear, -M the December term, JPf-vhof M c* Glynn Superior court, to he, •hoJdoji in aui." ftM said eountyvat the court house in ItniN;yvick, GlVmi coiinlv, Ck*orfrl;i f on i f?io llrac MoHi'ayf in LOceundicr. IIK-O, n ' you iviM'li*'tnorc by ten fin) o’ciocKof ihe h i bon of said day, then aiwl thci •; t > answer the com plnint of the .plain ML Mrs. Lizzie Lonr in the p ahoyf -taie, 1 ru^e'in hj’r.Uhi 1 (ordivorce. Wtn< -s .ho ilonorahle Jo.if-ph W. Leirnet, J'Ydge of the Superior court* >f Glynn county, this tiio Jlth -L>’- oi Augjot.AO,Q*. A. OfT TVVV.SKND. lepu.tyr lnk of tl:e Superior Conrt, Glynn < ounty. Georgia. % ERNEST DAK'!? . Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE ore LOCAL LEGISLATION. Notice 1-. <-e sr-ven that the follow tig hills •will be introdu'-'at- th next Mv-sion of the General A ssimli v of GeottJa, towit: A hill to lie Lt i 1 **i An Act t<i auic an Act to create a Board of Commissioners osda and Itc onii' in the countji of (ilyj Ti -sod in 1870, it ml tbe Acts amentb so rh to i.rovide end fix JJI /trompcnHitci f tie liuirinan of *uch ic/ird; gn<; f.-rn' rpurposes; Alt-.o a lull to ; idled An Act |p amend toe Charter of the City of Bru- ? wiekSjMDd lor other fiprpoßcii: Aiso-ibil'lfloheetdi'li*- Act to arr.e and an A i t estabisli the City >urt of Brunswick-. j for the County < f Gl}iw; to define Its juri.- ieUou and power; to ]<rovldc> for the appointment, of u judge and other t<. doth e tn ir powers *nu flnttes. ,in t fanoilior purpusoa, Aimroved December the (li. !s9n, s > u-'o prohibit the juugfc i-f iala cou't t on \ racticlng law, and to fix the aalary of such jndge. and for other pur poses : * Also a hill he enti led , hnrt <‘ r °f the City of Uriinaw lek, and loi other pur ,;hi*h This ictober isi, ipou. *’ CIIATIDN, ~~ GKOIIGI Y—Glynn Conijy ifbnuß Dart,ol GL. has h pfiod U' * 'f ii., *mLnv7 •,f *?,*,. ft 1 ;iyi .iW.x.-i lon of ~ l ~rt antT.a'u . ; ■ £# TM?ff pan-upon the i.k. i j , ilL 1 * i' 15th tay o OcloiM-r. ~ ifoo'-iFn xid connty of t’vi-a. 'I I<K) . I I .-I h-O’.r (\BPjcWkh, .1 dire oil, Conrt of Brunmvlck -uid pro ' vice • ordinal-) Olynn County, Ccorg . M CITATION. I UkUIIGIA-G’ INK t CO -TV. M 1/ ix xj i T in r, wife of, ia AJ;i. w a TuqH applied for lxhli • ’•>> ' tiality ing ajiart and v.lna. opines tend onr, of h - n>o|)r'y ir 1 v *?fVIL/Apm the sumo at 10 r% loeka. in., on . i of Ortolior.iliOO, •l. in y office. Thn* leptioi*h**ni9th, 1900 U L DART, O' <lo .y < llynn ■ ounty, <:a. - - ti - fir if - ■ ■ -i- - A ION. MSTy ■ ■ ....m.u has apbluvl for *x yM‘J&EBNK9* n ' e-i tii< iip-rt iid m *' ' ,{k G* " f u. /Ipd, lt< nf ij rot'iil' ' and Ufor the hmi;,c ui i Y"<* -y >•( , ,f •• t h- '•( • .1,1 < ,ki t> Boys Pants 50c now 374 c Boys Suits from 65c and upwards Ladies, Children and Gents of all de scription oil cloth worth 25c now 19c Gents Shoeß worth 1.35 now 95c Gents Shoes worth 3.00 now 1 80 Gent's Shoes worth 3.00 now 2.25. Boys Shoes worth 1,60 now 1.10 Gent’s Clothing worth 5 00 now 2.50 “ ’ “ 7.00 now 400 “ “ “ 990 now 0.60 ,* “ “11 50 how 7.50 “ 950 now 6.00 “ “ “ 12 00 now 800 “ “ “ 11.00 now 7.25 “ “ “ 10.50 now 725 “ “ 14 50 now 10 00 “ “ “ 13.50n0w 8.90 And many other Suits too numerous to mention 500 Gents Pants A lot of Gents and Iloys Hats and Caps A lot of Gents Underwear of all kinds Collars, Half Hose Jewelry, -etc Gents 25c Neckwear now 19c Gents 50c Neckwear now 38c 124 c Sea Island Percale now 10c 10c Sea Island Percale now 74c $l,OO Ladies Shoes and Slippers now 75c *1.85 ladies Shoes and 9 ippers now 95c $1.50 ladies Shoes and Slippers now $1 A lot of Children and Misses Shoes space not sufficient to name prices, 7H558 Ladies, Children and Gents Rubbers CITATION. GEORGIA—GIynn County. Whereas, Ella ,J. Jennings, adnilriiatratrix of George W. Calvin estate, represents to the court in her petition, duly filed and entered on record, that she lias fully administered George W . Calvin’B estate. Tills is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said ad ministratrix should not he di-charged from administration, and receive letters of dismis sion on the fir-i Monday in Doeembor, 1900. HORACE DART, Ordinary. NOTICE OF LOCAL LEGISLATION. The public i-hereby notified that a bill will be offered nt the next session of the legislature amending the charter of the city of Brunswick R. R. HOD KIN 8, Brun. Sept. 27, IOD. A'Uujiagteators Notice, All pei-.onßa^.i ( a- '•pi>elVHHKl* ilrt against e-tale of k iid all to Ll "- U.- i aec>unt^o^^HHHMk^'*^ I l J o&bu Ad m Bioodworth &jom* New Liverv Stables New Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given ah orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. E St. at ttfafcßß’s i * m 1 5 #,ran t Sta]| Jl W^ Tor ai °* Wc lih 176 on A utroet -lne lot. on WflJtßtreet, for sale cheap B. H. Daniels & Cos. #lO NewcastJ ht. STOVES REPAIRED. Rice, tlie stove doctor, repairs 11 kinds or cook stoTes and ranges, bay Md soils second band stoves, 414 Bay 5