The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 03, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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pr :i: -, ff SVrup-Rgs -^eCf ffcdfdntfy sfzd/bompt/y. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually wHcn bilious or costive. /resents inthe most acceptable/him the /aaratjve principles ofp/ants Ano ten to act most beneucially. TO GET ITS DE*|rSSß®diftCTS BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCO. SAM FRANCISCO, CAI. LOUISVILLE , KY. NEW YORK. R.Y for sat. ty dnegisfi - price 50* per kottU. GEORGIA DETECTIVE AGC’Y BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil and criminal cases attended to business strictly confidential. En quires conducted with secrecy. Ls. a. LEAVY L. J, Leavy 6c Cos Auctioneers, Commission Merchants and Gener al Collecting Agents Consignments Solicited and Prompt Returns Rendered, special Attention Paid to Collection of Rents bTj. clew IX ]£ -y— -#Pio yles Belling, Renting, Repairing, w „ „ „ , , Messenger Service Monarch, Crawford, Kagle, Elk, Dixie. Best of Wheels for the Least Moriev. Kotiol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itartificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gaDs. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relievesand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, c latulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, biclc Headache. Gust raigia,Cramps, ana all ot her results of imperfectdigestion. ertoored by E. C. DeWltt A Cos., Cjlca.o. W ,1. Butte. tb* Druggist, NOTICE. New milled rice meal, best milk producer and feed for stock on the market. Ben Borchardt & Cos., Wholesale Grocers and Pro duce Dealers. [•Good Positions ECU RED IKt B/ActTve Vide. adlf I TsdSiut Young Men lIJSi^VV/OiYIEN (pdrse I , dICKWOMO], I " , BUSINESS , COLLE3E I SmdmrGatatopr,- INSTRUCTIONS 5Y MAIL gUfiLYOUSSfr'h JL a J.lV*. tS WCj Tim vs iuii*'loue o . ration-i 1. i in ■fhwvt*. vt inneotitf nei/jßr. nm |*P{Tiew.i*C majDob.. I’aluiepn, Bird n' t iwitrta* VhIW&xQD' IfHDt or J/riwtHj P-yiX v. j. 4. >P?r*y ,e - t >'•' • - . ■■’if ■% mi' r t-r i,.i ** CVcnUr tern vb o iuaf*. I>o©iety. Major R, E. Durt left yesterday af ternoon tor Barnasville and Griffin, where he will visit friends for a day or two, returning on Saturday wllh Miss Roby Dart, who has been spending the | summer in Baroesvllle, the guest of friends. Mrs. R. R. Hopkins and children have returned frrin a pleasant visit to relatives in Thomasvllle. Dr. and Mrs, C. F. Meld rim, of St. Simon, passed through Bruuswlok Monday tnroute to Baltimore, Mrs. L. E. Cargyle has returned to Brunswick, where she she will remain a few weeks before going to Macon lor the winter. Mrs. H, R. du B’guon aud Mrs. J. 0. Stiles and children will icturn to Brunswick on the 15 h from a visit to Brooklyn. Capt. and Mrs, James A. Foster, Lottie Foster and Miss Besde Fox of .St. Simon, are in Baltimore where they will spend several months. Mr. W. J. Dangaix, a plias -Bnt visit to Brunswick leaveß today for liis home in Birmingham. Special services for the month of October are being held in lhe Catlo lic church every afternoon at live o’clock. meeting of the Brune w ck Library Association on Thursday at five o’clock at the library rooms. Mrs. Wo, Nightengale is in New York, where she she went to place Miss Hazel Nightenga’e at achcol. Miss Bertha Baker has returned from a visit to Douglas. Mrs. John Gawdrey has rein ncu to her home in Savannah from a visit to her aunt, Mrs. C. J. Doerfiioger; This evening at eigtn o’clock at tho Episcopal.cLorcb, will occur the wed ding of Mrs. L. A. Hobtnson to Miss .Sophie Mortoa. The ceremony, will be pm formed by Rev. Mr. Raeney add the wedding march will le played by 1 Mis? Helrn O'Conor. Miss Carrie Baiiey, of Bailey Mills, wilt 6e maid of honor, and Mr. S. C. Li rle field will will be the bes: man. Immediately alter the ceremony ire young couple will leave lor Washing ton and the north. AT THE OGLETHORPE. J. A, Eidson,Atlanta, W. C. F*ier, Macon; W. C, Davil, Atlanta ; B. B. Arwood, Guyton; M. S. Sanders, A. H. Robinion, Macon: R, T. Hubard, Atlanta: W A. Levieon, Cincinnati; W, D. Slartir, New Orleans; Louis Elsas, Atlanta; S.B. Burris, S'. Lotus; R. H. Watson, Charles Keller, New York; W. D, JBlsby, Louisville. IN MEMORY OF,MB. DODGE. Next Sunday morning a handsome window in the Episcopal chuff j will be dedicated to the memory of the lament ed A. O. P. Dodge. The steamer Bessie will leave Brunswick at 0 a.m. and will return to the city as aeon ah the ex • ere.'ses are over. MR. VERDEKY BEITEK. The condition of Mr Verdery if much improved and he will be able to he out within the next few days, Mr. Verderjr aaya he will explain rnaDy tbingf as soon sa he gets to hi„ office. i■ .1,., —. Tbe II Hf-uifn will tas.l in th f r ar aHE BRUNSWICK TTMES-UALL, OCTOBER 3, I9uo. I Lydia £ I Pinkham’s lf ’mm ' J I Vegetable I Compound I that Is curing women. , I / f Mrs. Watson tolls / j oil suffering wo mmW g / j men how she was 1 L f j cured and advises IH/2 J * J them to follow her ™ W / / example. I Hk W / J Hero is her first letter W / /* Mrs. Pinkham i . fPJ lyN. ,a (published by permission.) a\J “March 15, 1899. I MRS. PINKHAM, Lynn, Mass.: | &BBBSi “ Deah Madam:—l am suffering from inflammation jr ■ /%Wmr of the ovaries and womb, and have been for eighteen I / - _ , m ° nths - * h&ve a continual pain and soreness in my A b f ck and slde ' lam only free from pain when lying I f I^Fm V A" Ml'ttk d0W u ° r SlttlDg in an eaßy chair ’ When I stand I suffer 1 J|| 1 * S6Vere Pain in my 6ide and back - 1 believe my ti JH troublos Wo re caused by over-work and lifting; some lEf years ago. §/T *“Life is a drag to me, and I sometimes feel like i P a well tvofpan ; have become cureless / ’VrIIII * 'vß&ou rjm , and unconcerned about everything. lam in bed now. I / ’w/ S r ha l several doctors, bukthey did me but little good. fIV.) [, r ydia Piakham’s Vegetable Compound has been \ * dt ? mo by a friend, and I have made up my mind 5 \ t 0 gi^,k fair trial. \ j/l ‘'3 write this letter with the hope of hearing from you in K \ t 0 mJ- ca “ "- Mm - S - j - WaS, Hampton? vZ \ ' Mrs. Pink ham's advice was \ \ promptly received by Mrs. ■ Watson and a- few monUr" later NKf •: IHhHOWBB •ho writes as follows i ™K;:y .„ t \ / (PUBLISHED BY PERMISSION.) &A,\ 4k' ( “November 27, 1899. “ b)EAR Mrs. Pinkham :—I fee! it my duty to acknowledge . t3s-y°u the benefit that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound has done for me?- 9 >y | t bad been suffering with female troubles for some time, could Walk but a short distance, had terrible bearing, r ffijrjLl doW 11 pains in Jower I ,art of my bowels, backache, aim pain ln OVary ’ 1 U6f<d your D'edicine for four months and was so aiucb better that I could walk three times the distance that iP** * could before. “ 1 ani to da y in better health than I have been for more than two years, and I know it is aU due to Lydia E. Pink s Vegetable Compound. ? , 1,1 recommend your advice and medicine to all women i Wh ° Buffer '’'~ MßS - S - J - Watson, Hampton, Va. . M / 8 ‘ Wat son’s lettors prove that Mrs. Pink hßm 8 f . r ?* otlvloe / P> w . ,ys forthcoming on nif ffiffi' requts fZ*? d ,* hßt n ,s a st •*//to health nvIZ n VL°J , rS are but 8 dr °P ln tho ocean of euch I ►. f milfr x n %j!& s * ne bae sucb a record of cures of yjnMBBL) ' t r.'i.bJ^r ßuchhogtg o fg r ate f ul f rjends t r i*. **r • T'Vc-i ;■ - . 2a^*i,*JSi&Zwh JStwa .V\ impt arn gnpdi. Any dealer w I PfWW/IR&. * J* Bt9so '*<'’l”T+ "has no Intones i ~s y * H °l 8 / lrgor prot A. | P . hZjZF/i! t . wfrFF iili'Y'wJ i* olio w the record , , , , , I - . ’-jwSL totbo^hop,., KES-iJiS™ I i-:-'A *r -tf- *?* ?- -*-* . >i nt dW Jk Lydia E. J ■ .egetabte Compound V ? 4 k a ■ x .i-- itulßfr' I Ih “' fro>s. ~ :■ ■ V...l ''■!■.< Vv ■ , jgwK&SEsfeL' , • - , . vf 7