The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 04, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 TEe Brooswick Times. ... Zitabltahsd 19. The Brunswick Call. EotablUherl 1891 Tbe lirunswick Times-Call, CONSOLIDATED IHOO, Published ItVKRV MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY. ABXHOB H. LBAVY ----- Editor BOLAND A. MULLINS, Bonnes. Manager I mOalethorpeßloek,2ll T Street orricK | ibuefhoxm no si. t • pro SUBSCRIBERS: Subscriber, are requested to notify tbe office when they fail to get any Issue of the Times- CaU. Attention to this matter will be appre ciated by the publishers. / -The Times-Call will be Delivered by carrier or mail, per year. SS.OO; per week IS cents Correspondence on live subjects eeUeiled. Beal name of writer should ac company aame- Subscriptions payable in advance. Failure to receive paper shonld be reporteS to the business office. .Address all communication! to THE TIMES-CALL, Brunswick, Ga. And Georgia is all right. Somebody said wc needed rain. Populism is deadlsm in Georgia. Sheriff Berrie made Mb usual good £*ac. Judge Sparks’ record is Indeed a good one. Those who are egotistical should not be and vice-versa, I '"’’Tol. Lawton did not create half the ta'k he anticipated. The national election is now little more than a month off. Pay your subscription bill. You will sleep easier, eat easier and liye easier. The Daily News, Atlanta’s new paper, will make its appearance next Monday afternoon.* From the largo number of proposed bills from Glynn, our representative will certainly earn bis salary. a =ar v~ Tbe New York Herald thinks McKin ley will win. Butfwhat matters what the Herald's thoughts are. The Montgomery Advertiser wants to know what i* the matter wjth Quay, as he appears to be as voolferously silent as •k _ _ It is too bad that this the great Em pire State of the south will go ugaiDst Bryan because Col. Lawton ts going to vole for McKinley. Too bad. When a woman devotes a good deal of her attention to charity, her femiuuus friends eay she is trying to keep her mind from her mean husband. Lord AVoo!seley is authority for the statement that the end of all tbiegs, In liia opinion, will bo China fighting the United States for the supremacy of the world, When a school teacher comes batu Irons her summer vacation she looks five years younger, hot af'er she has taught two weeks, she begius to look ten years older than when she went away, remarks the Augusta Unrald. T--T.’.’ '■'■UlT,' TBE ELECTION YESTERDAY. Reports received from Mi parts of Georgia indicate a very (Altering vote .J>r democracy, aud ** the eyes of all America watched ua we haye done our selves proud. But the vote yesterday is not what we will roll upTor Bryan and Stevenson in November. In many counties the populists oppos ed the regular democratic nominees and had with them the republicans, but in November the McKinley followers will have to go it alone, while the united white forces of the state will present a solid front. In Glynn county the vote was not very large, but it rained nearly all day and this accounted for the falling off. Georgia, dear old Georgia, we wish that every state in the union was like her. TO THE BOARD OF TRADE . The Times Call will from tlmo to time publish lists of industries look ing lor locations, and by some activity, there is no doubt but that we can sue ceed in bringing new enterprises here Below we give the tt-st of cur In tended series of “hunting locations:*’ The McMyler Manufacturing Com pany of Cleveland, Ohio, is seeking a location. L. K. Crist, of.Oeborn, O:, Is casting about for a location to estaj|i;sh a spring and wife mattfess lactory. * Tbe Carl Anderson Company, of Chicago, maau'acturcr of gasoline en gines and general machinery are look ing for a location. £ The United States Antiseptic Pack ing Cos., of 601-002 Tremont building. Boston Mass., are seeking anew loca tion to establish a factory. C. R. Hanchett and 11. £i. Haochett, representing the Ideal Foundry Com pany, of Girard 'Station, Pa., are ing about for a location.} ‘ v THE NEXT HOUSE. " • v ' - : *■ • J It is conceded by best republican fig ures that, to carry the bouse of repre sentatives at all, they must fight hard er than in 1698.' , They nqw have tilt 185 nDtnihCrs (♦ 163 democrats, seven populists and two - •aL/'A. . * V V silver republicans, a bare over all of IS votes. ?- Tbe new suffrage of Sacuf of the 3outbern stale?, Qla will add several Vctes to tbe demo cratic strengih from this section, in creasing it from 109, as at present, td 6 115 or 116 in tbe next house. Tbfe ! -*L . . •£ leaves 03 votes to % be secured in •I'® north to give thm tn; n H.oritfc liLtUe. whole Louss. Of this number now bave 55, sjralght dcmoofaU m the northern states, which, with the two silver republican and the six popu lists from the northwest, would give them the necesEary 63. The republicans confidently expect to gain one or two members in Missouri, but they may be diiai pointed, soil they arc as liable to lose In Indiana as to gain tu Missouri. In the r,mainlng northern state* the. democrats have by no ineije ’heir nor mal proportion of members. Michigan Minnesota, Wisconsin and lowa have # solid republican delegations, and there are distrioU in tikes'* state* which nor “Every cfbud Has a Stiver , Lining/* of Art Hood etfoeloptnj /wmand■•no'iv A sr/wr lining in the ih*pt of * specific to remon’C them. It is Hood’.' S*rsapAf{iU. America's Greatest Medicine •uAich drives out all imparities from the blood, of either si r r any Age. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. OCTOBER 4,1900. BLOOD We live by our blood, and on it. We thrive or starve, as our blood is rich or poor. There is nothing else to live on or by. When strength is full and spirits high, we are being re freshed, bone muscle and brain, in body and mind, with corn tinual flow of rich blood. This is health. ... . . When weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is hot test and sleep is not sleep, we are starved; our blood is poor; there is little nutri ment in it. Back of the blood, is food, to keep the blood rich. When it fails, take Scott’s emulsion of cod-liver oil. It sets the whole body going again—-man woman and child. Wei! stndyou a SCOTT & ISQWNE, 4Ptart New York, mally go democratic, while the balance of thtlr northern votes sere secured in a year and under olrcnmstancgs which reduced them to the lowest level of their s’rength.; -.3 If elected, and the republicans are ter give President McKinley * support him i£#y will hav% tp do taott huetlfnSthanlfr appuneut In the campaign, • • HOW’S THIS y We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any cs ofGatsrrb that can not be cured bjr Hal’- (Jatarrb Cure, Props., Tole d,o. ; We, the undersigned, bave known F J.,Chem>y for tbe last 15 years, and believe .bim perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially ■y out any obligations made nt. ruax, wholesale druggists, Waidfng, Kicnsn & Mar vl ft,- wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Htli’jj.eatarrhC ure it taken inter ■ >i' - ■*. v 'Tan * aa acting ; direcflj uppo tbe blood Abl muoefis surfaces of the syaflm. ghts. Testimonials free. HalUe Family pills are tbe bhst. *■*“ — *’■ 1 ■ £ , CHANGt OF SORXMJXE |. ! * V J> v PLANT a'TSTEM. •’ Hnifiswrek *t’B a. m. ! r.-y Brunswick r. 45 p m j Train fiO'ftrives Brunswick 10 a. m". ’ f .Train S8 arr.ves Brunswick 6 p. j*. rjC • , ... ... * It ffajpered in a Drogfter*- - ’ “One dar lasi winter ,1 lMy catjO jny drug store and ikad for a brand..f 601#* medicine that I did not have in Hock,’’ Mr, C.-Tt Giandiu. the popular druggist of Ontario. X.f. “Pile wss disappointed and wanted to know what rough preparation 1 could recommend. I said la her I that I could freely recommend Chumberloln’s Lough Remedy and that abe Could take a bottle rtf the remedy and after giving It'S fair trial If she did not and it worth the money to brine hock the bottle and I would refund the pnee paid. In the coulee of a day or two the lady came bank in company with a friend In > e*d rf a cough medicine and advised Jier tohny a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough! Remedy I considerdhal a yen- good recoin, fnendatbm for thMsmedy.” The remedy owes Us "toat, popularity and extensive sale in a large manure to the personal recommends- 1 tions of have been cured by its use. ft is for sd*Pr. Bishop’s drug store. fltfik SAVE MONEY-lly having tbe old ol<itties dyed, Jim Carter is the man to do the w.iek, CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought of - ■ TO CUBE fWJCEb IN ONE I)AT Take InxaU/n Hlfimo Quinine Tablets. Hi druggists refund th money if it fails to cure E. IV.Gfov-Vsigns)die is on each ho*. Sic. ON THREE LINES. Plant System Mileage Good on Msbf O her Roads. Commencing Oct. Ist, and until fur ther notioe,Plant System of Railway's mileage tickets will be recognized by the Atlantic Coast Line, Richmond, Fredericksburg A Potomac, and tbe Pennsylvania railroad (between Quan tioo and Washington). Thiels a long looked for privilege by the working man. Under these arrangements, Plant System mileage ticket* are good batweeo Port Tampa and Washington, Punta Gorda and Washington, Mont gt mery, Ala., and Washlrgton, Alba ny and Washington, Brunswick and Washington. In faot, between every station on the Plant System and Waab ington, and intermediate points on the lines mentioned. It will at once be Men that this scheme affords many advantages to the traveler. The most iiamty and effective pill* made are DeWitVa Little Early Risers. They are ane qaaied for all liver and bowel troubles. Never gripe. W. J Butte. SACRED LITERATURE CLASS. This evemißgat 7.80, at thelpastor a ipNdy, la the rear of the First Baptist wi*yk, ther* trfu be organised a class Wtemture. The oourne of twenty-five les son* on “Tfee Ufe sh<l Teachings of Jesus.” The class will meet weekly at the same place and time, *nd will be di reeled by the pastor, W. M. Gilmore. The aim will bo tp e*. a .clearer add •NS more comprehensive view ofyke peer less life and maebings of the Christ that tha Student,roay be better equipped for life’s duties and trial* and Ter tbe en joymeut of heaven. Charts, map*, blackboards atjd other helps will be used in impreaaiiSg;Jto The. stu dies are ’ free c|af( is open to anyone; regard!:- - ; ~.. T u|prc vcn t* con u h toa aati lan?? tfoWe %nhCurtf \Y J JJuttA; n ■ a- ? ¥ Thestoies of all the - were closed yeeterda|, j also wtSre the liquor retabUahmeijt*,' , &d count a<a did net deceive it| will , b: ready for : ,t,s early (bis moroing *01! Ihif look>r .-.livel# w secures! Tha Orcosadp S*ieun*t W (S,* Time Glxi JTjKvany. tlaae Hi* Pcrnmal Attention. g-.-l-' M'Olifoolrtr*bar-*r.rtH.n narnb--' , ai*Urt?k rrtinittH* nhicla rU-y lIAthAW> r ft Wh’rb wr-riunt all flratlar; m-,fu r fh.if'iA nol I‘r. H*alavra voHMod. F.y4jrywtth4iim i*r.iOet carefully jjik.-.n .c • -T.u ft U ,{ OiR ewe X i- P°*IOO of th kliW RAvkil r. WSjkV d"t*rnJ'n*si. 1 hn- Jr <*a*je iffitroaU'4 Rppar ■ atc-iy andmp<iciaf*fcr *<l m m ministered which xr fS speclaUir prpfwred under .7 Dr. Hathaway *e iiernonal -M. x '/ soperr Jsloa for each car*<*. No twopeople umafft'ehßl by Afautlcular the OB tIiT ' *’ wn xnaiiner, coniHs<teiit iy no two people should be treated in the same way jJPE*?’' i.TX'-s for same complaint '■ sv-CkTyt Ur Hathaway is a sp>clal -IRI In the best st ne of the word—he treats speefal dle ■ 11 - ases hi especial manner.'of ofhieown—• syshrm studied out years iro while in Kwmmw Am am college and hospitalpractice audlm tvory vasuf proved end upon constantly iMOUIIy darlnt tbe twenty years since— twenty yeere of the most extensive ■ mated. practice eojoyed by any specialist In thiicountry- Dr. Rathawav> unliormaoc* cesa ts due to this individual *y*t*in < ( f treatment exclusive In wite of hundreds of requests TmAmM from doctors to all !arts of the ■ rtatlaOlii world, asdumr for the privilege of usinjr Dr.llatha way'smethodof trea tmentlje believes U wiser to allow none betide himself the knowtodcre of his remedies, as he is t- >o well awa.'e of theiuTs chtel which may lie done by the anskUlfu! use of any m ._ clu systcm.nerermindhowpfrhrt. Blood and Skin Dr. H Ithsway’s trefitment for Dlaaaaaa. Wood diseases In whatever staire uiieatea. cures all forms of olwnmmrw, blotches, pimples, etc., and not only restore* the skin and scalp t their nAtural condition, h it so purifies the hlixid that the disease is permanently aud com pletely driven from tbe system ami all ih,* without administering poisonous damrerou* dru<*. J Hi trvatmvnt o! v ArKVK . v | a Vai tcocelo and and Mricture i!*a meth.-vl ezcln- Stricture. l “. ! ' 0 •*' * ot all caw* rv-ti.’t* In * p*rf*ct anj permanent enra. No I, riun!*d ana no pain or incmvvnlooc- am *xperln-ad hr U. Kt'ant Iha oxponw of thia traatmcnt 1* mud, Iw* an that of any oparatlon. or b.i*i>ital or in.titura iraatmw>t,anrt(a both fa ad .nraTra-tomi tha organsto acondltbrn of perfect, normal h"at(l, Kldnay Olsaasea. gi^V^fJ^T’ everyone who%dsHmhs name an./addreA 10 Mew Book f^r U-thMwn-'* now "vi OOOK book Manliness. \ rur, Health’* has FREE. fln,t •tfSonof I M n .^ <^m.’k l e’; 2?SSSSfe , n,EE * l:;. r * drK> •“ >,u ‘' r . ■ NK> !t T OW HATHAWAY M. O. • ww „ Dr. Uathawaj&Co., 15 Bryan Street* f<avannM> n- MENTION’ THIS I*APKR WHEN Wrr^ G^ An Expensive “Tip” is the one which you cut off and throw away every time that you smoke a Fiye Cent cigar. There is nearly as much labor in making this end as all the rest of the cigar, and yet every man -who buys a cigar cuts it off and throws it away. You get all you pay for when you smoke % Old Virginia Cheroots Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this <s* year. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. r Advertisers lways v PPRECIATE REAPING j ICH ETURNS r AIVJD THAT IJS THE Regular ETURNS j EPORTED By Advertisers Who Use These Columns. —^ Quantity and Quality of CiiuMinr pm and Quality to Advertisers < And We Give Both’ ——WE ALSO—. GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. DON’T SEND AWAY FOR .;i> ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC, ' When you can get them at home for the same jsrice and besides you save the cost of freight and drayage. OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. % We don’t mind calling and talking the matter over with you and giving you our estimates, and if we fail to get your order that is our fault, not yours. ALL WE WANT IS A TRIAI i Times=Call, f and 211 F Street. A