The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 05, 1900, Image 4

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The Brunswick Times. lstebliihad 1889. The Brunswick Call. Established 1891 The Brunswick Times-Call, CONSOLIDATED 1900. Published EVJCBT MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY. ARTHUR H. LEAVY Editor ROLAHD A. MULLINS, Bniinou Manager orncx C*v ~ {TO SOBfIOaiBEESj SDbaorlbers ar#reqae(ed to notify the office When they fall to get any Issue of the Tlmes- CalL Attention to this matter will be appre ciated by tbH^publiahers. The Timci-Culi will be Dslivered by carrier or mail, per year. *6.00; per week IS cents. Correspondence os live subjects solicited. Beal name of writer ehenld ac company same. Sabeeriptiona payable in advanae. Failure to receive paper ihonld be reported to tbe business office. 'Addreea all communications to THE TIMKS-CALL, Brunswick, Ga. WHO IS GOVERNOR? Roosevelt does not please all of the Hew York taxpayers by his present con. duct. He is the supposed governor of the great state of New York, but he ab sents himself by the month to mane pos litieal speeches in behalf of himself. Mr. J. Henry, of Buffalo, addresses a letter to the Evening Poet, in which he inquires: “Who is governor of New York?" He puts h'.s inquiries In this share: Sir: Will you kindly tell us; 1. Who is the present governor of the state of New York? S, Where Is the seat of government for the stale? 8. What is the salary of the governor —say by the day? 4, How long since the governor elect' cd twoyesrs ago withdrew from office? D. Whether the governor elected two year ago and occupied with personal business since last June continues to draw the salary of governor of New York? This will striae most folks as an emf? nently proper Inquiry. THE CREDIT SYSTEM. "V- The practice of giving credit is too genera) in nearly all stores. It ia too easy to get credit. In fact the policy of storekeepers in tills day of sharp compe tition Is tirttyvite trade by encouraging customers to make bills. Almost any young man abo is employed can buy anything ho wants, from a necktie to a •nit of clothes, or from a shaving glass to a suit of furniture, and have It charg ed. Men would purchase much less if they paid for things when they got them, and young men aro induced to run up considerable bill because it is so ao easy to “have it charged.” I’ossibly the increased trade that Is Induced by the system offsets the loss s from non payment. One of the extreme cases under the credit system is now attracting public attention In Chicago. The wife of a rich man has been brought into court by •everal merchants there on complaint of l having obtained SSO OCO worth of goods from them from tlm* to time without paying for the same. “Previous to the failure of her husband she wua one of the most exteusive buyers In the city, It Is said by one dry goods firm that she purchased $85,000 worth of goods from it in a short period. One dressmaking room at this dry goods house was at t apart for the making of her oMfldran'i ~ - - * clothes. A ppbile auction of her gowns * ‘ was held there not long ago, and she still has mncb more than the average amount of clothing with her at the hotel where she Is staying with a sheriff out side her door. Her maid testified that her furs alone were worth from $50,000 to $75,000, and that her jewelry was more valuable than her furs. ’’ That each bills could be made and al lowed to run creates the impression tha storekeepers were aiding and abetting a silly and extravagant woman in her reckless spendthriftness. They believed that her husband had money, and they were doing all In their power to get ss much of it aa possible. They knew that such bills were not in the ordinary coarse of sensible shopping, and if they were willing to connive with her for the reckless expenditure of her husband’s fortune, they are entitled to little sym pathy because they lost in their specu lation. A GENTLE CALL-DOWN. Tbe Philadelphia Record calls Mr, Hanna down on his charge against Mr. Bryan as to cabinet making, In this connection the Record says: “When Chairman Hanna charges Mr. Bryan with making extravagant promts;* of office in order to gain the aotive support of prominent politicians, he reminds the public of his own work for Mr. McKin ley’s nomination by the St. Louis con vention In 1866. It was said at the time that every approachable delegate from the aontb, negro and whit#, was indue ed to vote for Hanna’s choice by the promise of an office. It is certain that after the inauguration of Mr. McKinley the chairman of the republican national committee began to discharge bis obli gations, and that he met with consider- W" 1 ■ able opposition in the senate. A noto rious negro gambler of New Orleans was named -Tor surveyor of customs, aad other men who were not conspicuous for their virtue were chosen by the pres ident for the offices. The republican j senators, though far from squeamish, could not ratify all of Chairman Han na’s deals. One poor negro was induc ed to accept $ postmaster’s commission in South Carolina and suffered the ex pected penalty. Mr, Bryan Is not the * , . ' * V . /. <<v \ inventor of tbe promise system of cam paigning." ‘ Five of the oldest, but still alive, citi zens of Boston, varying from 74 t0.,50 years of age, were asked by the Globe of that city to write a reply to'th* ques tion: “What is the greatest achieve ment you have seen Id your time*' One names the civil war and its results; an other the growth of humane sentiment in the last thirty years: a third reviews modern rapid transportation, bi t would like to include electrical progress gen erally; a fourth (a teacher) chooses re forms in education, and another (a na tive of Ireland) pronounces the progress of the Irish race in America the greatest thing he has witnessed. The Galveston News deolKeMhat the best reason in the vsi|d for rebuilding the city Is the fact that the scv. rest kind oi a let' has proved that tbe foundations are sound. ~ ...... The Augusta want* to know if a mao with whiskers can bo called a barefaced liar. Mood's FiSSm Po net gripe nor irrltata the alimen tary canal. I'hoy act gently yet promptly, cleanse effectually and Give G&mfert Sold by all druggists. 25 cents. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, uCTOBER 5,1900. DON’T COUGH Stop it with Scott’s emulsion of cod-liver oil. A little coughing is nothing —the tickling, that makes you cough once, is some dust; not the leasf harm. You scratch an itch, and forget it. This cough is scratching an itch. But the cough, that hangs on and comes back, is the sign of an itch that hangs on and comes back. There is some thing that makes that itch. Inflammation: a germ per haps; it’s alive; like a seed In moist wans ground; it will grow if you let it. especially in children. We’ll send you a little to try, it you like. SCOTT & BOWNfi, 409 Pearl meet. New York. ARE ADVERTISING. Tbe Tammany campaign managers have hired pages in sll the New Yoik theatre programs and run tHe following as an advertisement in display type; “No militarism, no trqst or imperial ism." Hij a “Imperialism and militarism liberty and snake subjects, not citbi zens.” “Trusts stifle competition,, raise tta price Of the necessities' of .life and lot? peril the future of the young men.” "Sustain the declaration of independ ence by votiDg for William J. Bryan for president, Adlal E, S evenson for vice president and John B. Stanchftetd for. governor.’’ “Our unholy war against tbe Kliipiuog has cost the country $200,000,000 and B,o6oyoung American lives.” "Vfe want no colonies under the AgjMun' flag. ’* Wolfeefch of Col. J. E. Dart at the Kiilem&'a banquet last night was a gym of oratory, *■ . . > **# „ .Mr. Hanna Says the laboring man un derstands him.’. No doubt about that. There Is a big leak ih'.he full dinner pail. HOW#TBI3f A 0o Hundred I>uilr*Ky ward fSapkay ease of Catarrh that can not bweured'by Hal.’ Catarrh Cure. F. 3. CHENEY A Cos., Props., T01e ... • do, O. "" We, tbe undersigned, have known F J. Cheney for tbe last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in ill business transaction*, sod flnaccislly able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West A Truss, wholesale druggiets, Toledo, O.; Walding, Kicnsn & Mr vin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Hell’* Catarrh Cure ia taken inter nally, aotiog directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottls. Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials free. Hall’s Family Pills are The beet. CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. se. Kind You Have Always Bought Signature f Stops tbe ci|P \ and works off th Cold. Tablets,cur* a cold In one Jay', No t nre, Xo Pay. trice *9 cents k away M raw. Speaking of the queer flukea oC lock In the goldfields of Alaska, & writer to Ainsfee’s Magazine say*: "Often after the ‘pile 1 Is roads acci dent, disease or death stepa lit to pre vent its legitimate enjoyment “One man dropped dead when a# tbs weighing of the first clean up be found himself a rich mao. There was some thing wrong with bis heart He bad the physical strength to make tbe tight against bad food and water, to endure the back breaking toil of developing aad working out aad all tbe strain of tbe uncertainty that went before. Tbe supreme moment of succeea was more than he could stand, aad the use of the gold passed from him with Its ac quirement "A certain James Meade lay down with typhoid fever in an outlying camp Just as be was starting for home with the accumulations of tbe year, aad be and his bag of dust entered Dawson together on a litter. It took six men to bring blm In—alternating four to carry and two to rest—and be paid each man sls * day. One# In Dawson Meade seemed to grow better, and When his sailing day came be walked to tbe boat He reached tbe wharf and tall dead as he was ’ about to go A QmsiMrd btcMoa. “In tbs early days of Occur and" AJeoe “ •aid an oM miner. *T was working wttb my partners oc a ctaim when we were suddenly startled by pistol Shots and. looking up, discovered a man ly ing prostrate oc an adjoining claim, while his assailant was trying to es cape by legging K to tbe best of Ms ability. Without stopping to pick up tbe Injured mao we gave hot chase to the one trying to escape, whom we finally overhauled, captured and haled before a justice of tbe peace at Mis sion, Ida, the nearby town. "There, as I remember It, It develop ed that ft was an attempt at elaim Jumping and, that the man who had done the shooting was tbe would be jumper. Tbe evidence was all against him. and Word came that flfc man who had bejMsf jthot lay all but within the - portals of death, the physician giving . ft aA ftia upinioa that be could last only A few wtirs longer, and thereupon the 'famed Justice of the peace rendered hla - decision. VJR * "“I find yesf tpdlty of murder fti the - first he severely as be turned toward the prisoner at tbe bar —‘that ha. provided tbe victim dies.’ and so that decision Mauds to this *fiay.’*- t ► 2 Are# Destroyer. "Ha is a mean, sneaking, underhand ed • siement, the moth Is.” protests John |Sen4rlck Bangs in The Woman's Home Companion, “Fire has a decent sense at the'proprieties. Moths have none at aIL When fire attacks you. it smokes and crackles and hisses and roars and lets you know. In clarion tones that it ha# come., The moth steals upon you fq the dead of bight and chews “bp four best trousers gorges himself ajjtro yout wife’s -furs, tickles hi* palate nh your smallest flannel golf uititC, tuiio*bu bny upon your handsomest rug, punches holes In your best sofa Cffsb loti* with bis tusks and theu sißSatly folds ills tent and steals so much as a thank you fori Bi* mvsh For unmltl-. gated meanuefik commend me to the moth) AloogsJdghf the moth and his nefarious work evac A 'book agent pales into Insignificance and an unpaid grocer’s bill becomes an absolute plca* THE SISK ARE ' MADE WELL, * AiMtttiA %Fewfc.ere *UtorHl to Full Viffor and Strength at Hut HamU of th? threat* tt HtMhtor of lUotitrn Tui*?s. Are You Slrk? purttlea? Ar* you nervous? r>® you lark *oar ami activity of uiindand body? Ar** ? ou tire*!? tiave jr>a -4)00' * !>**t ambition*? 13 tbre airy A uuilfutAl drain uixm th® Mi *jAti*nT Is tvvry organ j**r- LLA B f'ratoW It* proper fane- Pna a I .liv-u? In tktlu-r Word®i CM V ' ‘Hi Perfectly ■kTf r/ Mronr. Active, Vlfor* / ’** IlottlthTv Happy } . If' - Muior n oman ? . If Hot, you tooufcl not de- Ur on® dayefore you eon a apcelahet. on* to Wi*'tmhfibiimAD body®n "!DK, k and who under* 'WJiRj;;‘ mto • ry! h*s*eof re tn-u* (and ibreati* and to win mllio proper treatment 11 1 —* top a cur® i* as almple a* the adding of a cchimn of tievutw. TK. r . My tnrsl>R.J.KEWTOlf Tn® Leading HATH\v. A imat cen the* toad’ dr Specialist. fa Acruutry. fltopiac * . Ue? lihb been t.r tArt larger than thatof All other *recJ4linto<*oinbiiefi. IDs cure* of aU H>ru ot du-outwvi condttu • h*Vo been tfte marvel of the medical proftyrtoo anot! yivtplo generally, fils fame ha* #pre l into every town and ®v rj hamlet, rhoeeufllvted at: ha lime finer of diMMure* have nought h.A Aervicv*® In order that they ml*!* b® mad® whole t>y the Administering of Ida w<. uU*i2ulKjt< u:n?tr**at ment. Wrecks of Lines.tty have eons® to him for conaoltation and medicine®, who ■ few month* later Lay® returned to li or lit ox >*t viaoivu* health to Hire ... .. thanks. All Diseases Dr Uatfcawa* { .vats Cured. men and th<*® peculUr to vt rnpii, as w,MI a Cattrrh, KheuTuatt-m, R Inor C uiplulnte, Fcaeme. aodallforwaof and chronic dieoidere. VirifAxaU *' r Ha?haway'* eurceea In tbe Varicocele and trr , „f Varicocele and Bt.*iotlirt. Strlctnrew tint the aid of knife or cautery la rhrnomenal. The patent !* tr,*sfrd by l - cudhou state owtikmae w thout panor uw fr ni btteinee This to posttJvely theoQ’y teuetiroi.t v.l . -b cure* with out an ooeratlon. Dr. Uatbaivc r Ci.lU> D® i articular atten tion of sufferer fi.*rr, Vartcoc**!® him . iricttiro to pdfi;ee?i,£*,hMOand Su-f 1 .snew look wt..cli will u$ Everv Ue.d 9 T x w* *' r ; a Eyf*rr o ve t„k**u ty l>r. Hathaway •p 8 l!y to speclntlv treated aceordlnir trite Treat Ml. hta general rn* rsoi iai . . ™ anda l remed im used by l >r<>,M< lgd.P'tn the purest ami ■<** ♦ drugs In ntoown under his pe'xvnal oversight, and all fr<th prewar cfhieim. t mum e-M ' D’duaw - i.iakea ho charge f*r consul* Low tatim nr ■ du . i tl*r i h| . „fB- ,7h. Foes. JSSb*SS.*te"'A."'s # tfc* oi low etOMlsenrloM!*” “H' o ** m*Jk-:aef imd proie* J. NEWTON HAt HAWAY, M. O. _ I* SSBrr.nSti. i l, Savnnh. Ofc lAWCTtON TUIH PAI'KR WBCH W’amxa. An Expensive “Tip” is the one which you cut off and throw away every time that you smoke a Five Cent cigar. There is nearly as much labor m making this end as all the rest of the cigar, and yet every man who buys a cigar cuts it off and throws it away, iou get all you pay for when you smoke Old Virginia Cheroots Tbroe hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this 0 jtu. Ask jonr own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. " t Advertisers lways PPRECIATE 1 Reaping : iCH ! ETURNS ( ArvJCD THAT 15 THe Regular -i ETURNS | eported ; By Advertisers Who Use These Columns. i Juastitj id JunStj of Circulation nws Ju&tfyjuid Quality to Advertisers 1 And We Give Botlf „ ■ ALSO^—. GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. DON’T SEND* AW AY FOR # ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, 1 V BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC., - you can get them at home for the same price and besides you save the cost of freight and drayage. flimss r [ OUR ‘PHONE! IS 31, B and a message will receive^ prompt attention. I” □□We don’t mind calling and talking the matter over.with you'and? giving you our estimates, .] I if we fail to get yonr order that is our fault, not yours. ALL; WE WANT IS A TRIAL^ Times-Call, - | 209, T2U9 1-2 and 211 F Street. S M S