The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 05, 1900, Image 5

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STORE TO CLOSE El 5 DAYS AND OPEN UP IN JACKSONVILLE, FLA. wT And in order to save expense of moving onr goods, we hereby offer Aim nnmvnn nn a hit HOIJSEfIQLD GQODS m 2 m %ith for sale. 1111 K jhj|w H IKh \ I ULK Also Rent our Store to a Good Tenant FOR OUR STORE FIXTURES FOR SftLE, A _ . SHOW CASES. MIRROR. DESK. AT COST ! I' IRON SAFE. CASH CARRIER. Etc Not including Freight. No Goods Men Back Or Stamps Given During This Sale. ik. 1 2 3 4 5 678900 “t* ■■■" & i-% ■m •\ -p c. w. TI AR I SONBD^ HARRISON & CO. w Sale Begins Today. Merchants Will do Well to Call and Buy This Stock • ■HSfI .. ; • 4 *. -•/ •: .>* ' •*’ '* ' V" • . ' : ' . v 1 . f- . STILL FINDING VICTIMS. L Death List at GalvestoD Will Exceed j Five Thousand People. Gal Teuton, Oct. 4—The finding of corpses seems never to have an ending, an average of 23 a day being teoovered. Certainly the dead now in the city will exceed 5,000; beyond the city limits 1,300, and on the ma n'and more than 1,000. Commercial conditions are im proving. The police have been ordered to arreet all idle men, the ci.v being no place for m.n who are unwilling to work Cali and see the new ime of up-to date, ready-tc-wear Hats. Miss Kate Slater. Second hand household furniture bought and sojd, also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W, Watkins. QUIET AT SHENANDOAH. Oct. 4.— Things here are spuming their normal conditions. fie Eighth regiment left tor home ibis af ternoon. TO FEED STRIKERS. Wilkesbarre, Oct. 4 —Mitchell Is mak ing arrangement* to supply the strikers j* oi*this region with food. * GOV. CRANE RENOMINATED. hoe on, Oct. 4.—Governor Murray Crane was renominated today by the re publican state convention. Goldttwaite & Son, Troy, Ala., wiota: Teeth I na' speedy core of old (tores end eruptions upon the wtin have boon remarkable. SHOT IN THE MOUTH. Adam GoodiDg Had But Two Enem es; One Shot Uim in Mouth. M ffliotowo, Pa., Oct. 4.—While re clining on a chair be ide an open win dow last night at his home at Oriental, Juniata county, Adam Goading was shot through the mouth by an un known assassin and its'antiy kiiiec. Mr Gooding was beard o remark that be b. and but twoenemie* in the world, of one of whom be was ter ribly in fear. Cheap Bates Via Southern Railway. MACOsV. GA.—Grand Lodge, F &A. M One fare round trip. Ticket~ on sale October 29 final limit November 2, lIKKh LOUISVILLE. KY,,--Annual convention col ored Oddfellows. One fare for round trip. Tickets on safe Sept. z 9-39, and Oct. I, final limit Oct 9 ASHEVILLE* N. C.-Annual meeting MLsfs •ippl ValJep Medical AnodittOD. One fare for round trip. Tickets on saloocUfl-9, final limit uct. 15. KANSAS CITY* MO.—Account of Nation Con ven'ion of the Christian church* tickets will he sold to Kansas City, Oct. 8-10, with final limit Oct. 28, at rate of one fare foi the round trip, plus $L CHATTANOOGA- TENN.— ( hic&manga and Chattanooga National Park Commission. Annual reunion of the Society of the Array of the Cumberlftnd, Confederate Vrteraos j South; an anal meeting National Association ; Spanish War Veterans. One fare for the j round trip. Tickets on sale Octoben H and 9, \ with final limit October IS, 1000. LEXINGTON, KY.—Kentucky Horse Breeders' Association. One isre for tbe round trip Tickets on sale September 30* with final limit October i. 1900. ATLANTA, GA.—Southern Interstate Fair For individuals, one fare for the round trip pins Mi rents admission to the fair grounds For ilitary companies and brass bands in uniform, twenty or more on one ticket, one cent per mile in each direction per capita. CHARLESTON, S. C.—Annual Convention League of American Mt>m ip&ljtieg. One far** for the round trip plu* <2.00. Ti. l * \ >' c sale cember 24,1900. AM ERIC (J?* G A.—Grand Lodge A. V. and a. Masons and Auxiliary. One and one-third faies for th* round trip. Tickets on sale .September :y to October A with final limit October 7,1900. LUMBER f**.TY, Colored Camp meet lug. f>ne and oue-third fares for the round trip. Tickets on Sale Septembe r 27 and 30, with Or al limit O* tob i 1,1990, Money loaned on jiersonal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W- Watkins. THE BRUNSWICK HMES-CALL. OCTOBER 5. 1900 DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHAKP A cheap remedy for coughs and colds la all but jSu wonraoiafl thing tba* wij believ* and. cure the n ostwrfrerr aid rgaulla n throt#Bd - itfublk •' Wfcmt tbn do? fld %6im£r itartUtft regula climate? Yea, if i ors'Ur ; if iot j.o alble for yi u: fkt i. 4* t.tbei uh tab ths oply remedy ’fcat lttro liioed to clvillved countries with fluooeas It) acre throat a/yi lurg troubles Gerthan It pot on'y etlmuFates the tliauea to deS’ roy the' germ disease, but allay* lnflamatlon and causes expectoration, give* a good night's rest and. cures the patient Try one qottle Recommended mgjuT {ears by all druggist. 1* the world' Sample bottler at W. .7 BtitU ■ and Brown Dyune* Cos -1. 1 It Heal" thS Lnegs. Whou suffering from n cough take ft 6( Honey kirif Taf, The open e*s will be relieved and 4 warm, grateful feeling and healing of the part* afty'ted frill l>e expe rienced. Take noHuVstitpfe," W. J. Butts. The progiessiveufrtianfc of the world are the great, food coueuming nations. Good food wet digested g vet strength. If you cannot digest all you eat, you need Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you oat. You need not diet your *ielf. It contains ail of the digeutants combined with the beat known tunica and reconstructive* it will even digests all classes of foods in a bot tle. No other preparation wIW do this. It in stantly relieve* and cures all atomoch troubles W .1 Butta ; When you cannot sleep for coughing, it is hardly necessary that any ono ‘hould tell you | that you need a few donto of Chamlierlain’ < ough remedy to allay tbe irritation of th* 1 throat and make s ? eep possible. It is good Try it. For aale &i D . Bishop’* drugstore. SAVE MONEY-By having th old clothes dyed. J m Carter is the man to do the work, Nervousness is cured Ly making the blood rich and pure with HcodV Sarsaparilla. Whet you want a good medicine get Hood’s. - - —*~w Hiiifbt’e Du a- Hlgb llvitig, intemperance, ixpoaure and many other thing* bring on Bright’s disease., Foley’s Kidney Cure will p. event Uriglit'adls euse and all other kidney or UadilaM|l|if,)era if luken in lime Take notblnp W. J Butta. Kt-na Kt-na.—Quinine in a taatelese form, witlio ■ aireetlng It. nuuiciaat value, combined wii.h asetaniiid and Iron. Just tbe thing for children. Pleasant to take. ilScaboltle. For I saio by W. J. Butts, the druggist. 5c Prints now 4c yard 6c Prints now 44c' 7c Prints now 54c Brilliantine worth 65c now 41c Poplin worth 85c now 55c Henrietta worth |I.OO now 80c Blue Brilliantine worth 75c now 55 Camel’s Hair worth 65c now 42c Camel’s Hair worth 25c now 124 c Dress Flannel worth 25c now 15c Dress Flannel worth 35c now 21c Blue and brown Henrietta 16c now 04c Henrietta ass’tcolors worth 25c now 17c Serge Dress Goods worth 65c now 42c Imp’td Dress Pattern worth $1 now 65c Imp’td dress pattern worth $1.25 now 83c SILKS Taffeta Silk worth 95c now 624 c China Silk worth sflc now 38c Big lot Silks too numerous to mention. Liberty Satin former price 60c now 42c Dress Silks former price $1.25 now' 83e Black Satin former price 85c now 55c Black Satin Duchess former price $1.25 now 72c Silk Velvets, all colors, former price SI.OO now 72c Silk. Mercerized in colors former price 40c now 23>4 c Ladies’ Colars, former price 10c no.w 7c - Ladles’Cuffs, former price 15c now 114 . Skirt DCnlme, former price 18c now 134 Creaton, former price 10c now' 7c Table Linen, former price 50c now 30c' Allover Lace, former price 90c now 60c CHEAP RATES FLANT SYSTEM * " ■e, AcCQjunt of the annual meetjjtg of? the Natipnal Association of SpffiW War Vot< rna’ at Cbeuannoga, ’TtwnV/ Got. 9-*To 11, tbe Plant System will sell . tickets from Brunswick to Chattibooia ■M and return kf one fare for round trip. 1 ' 4 ' Tickets on tale Oot. 8 and limit Oct. .3. Account of the Kentucky Trotting H tree Breeders’ Aesocluioo, I.oxlhtr ton, Ky., Oct, 2 to 3, the Plant System •villriD ' .ick from 5 ' B-unswick to L' and return at one factor be roi ad trfp Ticket* ou. to Ue fhriii&sj unti l There ia a ionVibout big profit* to a biisiiw man. Bui thw conservative and cau trader prefer* have tbe leaser per cent. ot int fi esi and the larger per cent, of safely in li h investment*. There lno man who would not consider It a sound proposition to in verit in an enterprise in which absolute loss was impossible anrl which offered ninety-eight chances in ft hundred of a rich profit. The sta tistics of cures effected by Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery show that ninety-eight per cent, of cases of "weak lungs’* can be absolutely cured. Almost if not all forms of physical waukoese may be traced to starvation. Starva tion Raps the strength. The body la Just as much starved when the stomach cannot extract nutrition from the food it receives as when therein no food. “Weak lungs,” bronchial af fections. obstinate coughs, call for nourishment “Golden Medical Discovery” supplies that nourishment in its most condensed and assim ilable form. It makes “weak longs” strong, by strengthening the stomach and organs of diges tion which digest and distribute the food and by increasing the supply of pure blood. A Card. The maonfaeturerii of Earner Salve have au thorized thr* undersigned to guarantee it for burn*, cuts, sores, ulcer*, tetter, eczema an.l all akin diseases. You have your money back tit doesn't do nil it clonus. W. J. Butte. Bear, the yp 1 • Kind foil Hjti BOi^L LOW RITES. To Geor(ljgM|MFair at Valdos'a, Octcbf 29tb to Nc ue riant System one fare from pointin'Georgia. Honda nod ‘Ala- j bam a, plus GO cents addluionsl for admission Military rate 1 cent per mile each dir*?’> or more on one ticket. B. W. WHEN N, Passenger Traffic Manage* 500 Bolts of Ribbons All Colors and Widths Going AT COST. All kinds Belt Buckle and Ribbon Ping One $45.00 Music Box for $27.50 One $25.00 Music for sl4 00 A lot os Ladies’ Wraps and Jackets White Table Linen worth 350 now 21c White Table Linen worth 50c now 39c White Table Linen worth 75c now 55c White Table Linen worth 95c now 66c Wnito Table Dinen worth $1 now 824 c Jeans worth 20c now 114 Cottonade worth 15c now 9c White Pique worth 10c now 74c White Pique worth 124 c now 94c White Flannel worth 400 now 27 l-2e White Flannel worth 25c now 16 l-2c White Flannel worth 35c now 14 l-2e Corsets worth 50c now 37 1-2 Corsets worth 75c now 59c Corsets worth SI.OO now 75c Comforts from 70c to $1.50 each Blankets from 4Qc, upwards White Liiien worth 50c uow 33c A lot of White Lawns, Swiss, Organdies Mouslin de Soire ■ Towcjp, Damask, Scrim, others too nu merous to mention Boys Pants 25c*cow 19c Cam* Near Dying. v “For three days and nights I aufl'orod agony untold from an attack of cholera morbus nought on eating cucumbers,*’ says M. E. rjngt lher, clerk of the district pourt, Center i3pfe. lowa, “I thought I should surely die and tried a dosen different medicines, but all to no purpose. I eeht Tor a bottle of Chamber lain Celic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and three doses relieved me entirely. I went to sleep and did not awake for eight hours. On awakening ft few honrs ago I felt &• gratified that theffrst work I do < n going to the*office is to write to, the manuffteturers of this’Yomedy and offer ifedta my grateful thanks say •God bless ysui *ud tha'Splepdid medicine you make” This re'flrttdy is for sale at Ji Bi*li op’s drag store. . • Tbe key to bealtb i, in the kidneye V nnil liver. ' Kp these organs active anrlj.ou have hesl b, s’rergth and obeeFful spirits. Prickly |Aash Bit tens Is a stim ilant for the kindeys, jregiilates tbe liver, stomach and bow el.. A golden household remedy. \V. .7. Butts, druggist. To Stop a Cold. After exposure or when yon feel • oold corn leg on take s Core of Foley’s, Money and Tar. It never f ils to stop a coljlf I’Jien n time. W J. Hulls. WORDING NIGHT AND DAY. Tbe busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made ig Dr. King’s New Life Pille. Every pill is a sugar onated globule of health, that change weakness into strength, lisiletsuess into energy, brsin-fag into mental power. They’re wonderful In build ing up tbe health. Only 26ct. per bottle. Bold by ail druggiets. HalOtieVciricl i, in Datkn* R i as to ’.ic ennso of tt N ** .• lOftilh. If theywoulil start to treat their kidney, wish Foley's Kid ney Coro, the wiarlressof ho'lyand mind,back ache, Jugadeclu; and iheumatlc paios would <1 J. Units. luV of up to dalc^yf,/>to-wea> 'Hat*. Miss Kate Slater. Ills exssperatfng to one who knows Foler's THoney and Tar, auu snows whai It will do, , have a dea'cr reoomu iml something e'ee s “Just the a .’’or ‘ j ,i, as good’’ for oolds, coughs, ci i. .a grippe, etc. W.J. liutts. For Bladder Trouflpee use STUART'S GIN and BUOHU. Boys Pants 50c now 374 c boys Suits from 65c and upwards Ladies, Children and Gents of ail de scription Oil cloth worth 25c now 19c Gents Shoes worth 1.35 now 95c Gents Shoes worth 3.00 now 1 80 Gent’s Shoes worth 3.00 now 2.25. Boys Shoes worth 1,60 now 1;10 Gent’s Clothing worth 5.00 now 2.50 “ “ “ 7.00 now 400 “ “ “ 990 now 6.60 “ “ 11 50 now 7.50 “ “ “ 950 now 6.00 “ “ “ 12 00 now 8.00 “ “ “ 11.00 now 7.25 “ “ “ 10.50 now 725 “ “ “ 14 50 now'lo 00 “ “ “ 13.50 now 8.90 And many other Suits too numerous to mention 500 Gents Pants A lot of Gents and Boys Hats and Caps A lot of Gents Underwear of all kinds Collars, Half Hose Jewelry, etc Gents 25c, Neckw'ear now 19c Gents 50c Neckwear now 38c Hi 124 c Sea Island Percale now' 10c 10c Sea Island Percale now 74c SI.OO Ladies Shoes and Slippers now 75c $1.35 ladies Shoes and Slippers now 95c $1.50 ladies Shoes and Slippers now $1 A lot of Children ami Misses Shqakapace not sufficient to name pricesHftgjg Ladies, Children and Gents Rubbtirs BUY THE GENUINE^ SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANUFACTCRED 8Y... CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. IV*NOTE THE NAME, NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Maahood Corolmpofency, Night Emissions, Loss of Mom* °7 wastinar diseases,r—” ■■ all effects of self-abuso or Itflßs A** cesa and indiscretion. nerve tonic and PILLS - jtfblood builder. Brinas K pink alow to pale fiST/% restores the of r outh - mail cts* 2s 9° Vf) L O boxes for'— $2.60, with our bankable to cure or refund the money paid. Send for circular and copy of our bankable guarantee bond, NervitaTaWotsss fynLLow label) lmnicdiatc Results Kvely guaranteed cure for Loss q£ Power, rxjolo, Undeveloped or Shrunken. Organa, is. Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostrm* Hysteria, Fits, Insanity. Paralysis and the to of Excessive Use c>f Tobacco, Opium or jr. Bv mail in plain package, SI.OO a 9 for $5.00 witn our be ikable gruar* antee bond to cure In 30 days or refund money paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO/ Clinton it, Jackson Sts, CHICAGO, ILL. For sale by Brown Drug Cos., Brunswick, Ga, KESSLERS Cor. Monk and Grant Bta] MV.' WjH| PARKtKfS hair balsam ftWcirdlVr iigyß■‘' ,1 tM'itlfie. tin- nail, li JBW. KB ’ ''““i'f a IIIxIIriail t Krnvtll. ,;r FrIIa to Rcgtoro (>rav SSft*. 'TEL S.* Jr , t ? VonthOu SoW 7 BW|F>il> Uamlrull falling.