The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 07, 1900, Image 3

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Shoes. Jmimanic Shoes at... - $3 00 Men’s "Vici Kid Bals at “ 2.50 Men’s Tan Vici Bals at 2 25 Men’s Calf Bals at .. 225 Ladies Ultra Boots at 2.75 Ladies’ Kid Lace Boots at 2.25 Ladies’Kid Button Boots at 22% Ladies’ Patent Leather French Heel Ties at 2.75 A LARGE LINE OF MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S SHOES AT COST. PALMER SHOE COMPANY. COTTON GROWERS TO MEET. nia Inter S'ate Convent! n Called to V 7 Assemble at Macon Nov >O. Tlih *- -* '■*' ut iv e conjfnHms or srta Oolton Growers’ Protective Assoei ■ation unanimously parsed a resolution at Maoon Friday, calling an inter-state convention of Southern cot on irowers and business men, g nerallv, 'o meet in this c.ty on Tuesday. Nov. 20th, fcrt President Hsrtle Jordan wa auth or! iced to issue the call, and rent out letters to prominent planters mid bu.i ness men throug l out the cotton brl , urging iheir attendance. Every eff rt Will be made to secure ike largest gathering of cotton pr< ducers evr r as sembled In the South. BRAVE MEN FALL Victims to stomscb, liver and kid ney troubles, aa well aa women, and all feel tbs results in loss of appetite, poisons in tbs blood, backache, ner vousness, headache, and tired li.tleas, run-down feeling. Bn* there', s-o need to feel like that. LUte tuJ.JSi. Gardner, Idaville, ltd. He aye: “Electric Bitters are just the thing 1 for a man when be is sll run down, and don’t oare whether he lives o dies. It did more to give me newr strength and good appetite than any thing I oould take. I can now eat anything and have anew lease on life.” Only 60 oents, at all drug stores. Every bottle guaranteed. .Fueling. of safety pervade the bounehoff Hi a Mm One Minute Cough Cure, tbe only liarui- Haa remedy that product* Immediate re-uita nx la infallible for cougha, colds, cmup and all throat and lung troubles Itlll prevent con aumptlon. W J. Butta. Juat received, • Hi e Hue of radj to-wear Hate. Miae K'e S'aler, wanted. Arteaiau wrlla to drive al $250 eat b 1 eod capaclijr (uarautaeil will o guarantee to ooto|>lefe well* m 15 fje. Cell on or addre.n A 11. Dakar, ' Olouoeater afreet. " •at received, a fine line of ready- Miaa Kale Slater. Hurry! - Hurry! Hurr^WP^ BIG CUT RATE SALE. mOCK. MUST GO —EVERYTHING AT COST ELECTION IN MTwTOSII. Thla County Will Have a Colored Rep resentative Capt. W. IT. Atwood, the democratic nominee fur representative of Mclntosh county, was defeated by Lee ureil Craw ford, colored. Liberty county will also send a negro to the h'ghda’ure. Cj&.&’X' Cjs XT. X . Bears the -?18 Kind fon Bait 1 Always Bought •rr (Zs-//&&u Don’t be deceived or humbugged by’peopl who claim the discovery of some hitherto un known herb or root in swamps, or on some mountain or prab ic for tho cure of kidney and bladder trouble, Any doctor or druggist will tell you that such claims or fraudulout. Foley’s Cure simply contains remedies that are recognized by tho most skilful physicians as best for these complaints, so don’t be credulous or foolish. W. J. Butt-.. IS A GORGEOUSLY HOUND Work of art ha* just been aao< (1 at an outlay of over SIOO,OOO, for whioh the publishers de-ire a Manager in this fc. couuty, alao a gtod eol oror; good pay to tie rgit party. N arly 100 iff e;.graving , uru,. u .us pa per, illuminated oovere and bindings; over 200 golden lilies in tbelMorooeo bindings; nearly 50 golden roses in the cloth bindings. Sells at sight; preeeea running day and nigbt, ao great ia tbe sale, Cbriatian men and women making fortunes taking orders. Ktpid prouiuiions. One Cbriatian wo man in ile clear SSOO in four weeks, taking orders among ber church ac quaintance. ad friends. Write ue. It may lead to a permanent position lo uiadag-j uur bumneis and look after our large correspondence, winch you can atrmd to right at jour boin. Ad drear J. A. Kii'gbt. Secretary, Coro'J raii budding, oppuaite Coiled Statee t'reaaurjr, Waebirg'ou, l>. Cl. J. W, Watkyis will loan you money on per>onal piop* erty and real estate. THE jBEUNSwio* TIMES-CALL, UcfobKß 7, woo V iim nil >^HN' ! I Till 1 dm Mi MIL I ION.S GIVEN A r AT. It i certainty gratlf I g„ O.e pub lic to know of o i. c imj , n |n the land who arc no’ afraid to be g> ti-run- to the needy and anti ring. I tie pro prietor of D‘. K'pg’s New Discovery fur 0 .11 umptlon, t ough* and Oold, have given over ten million trial buttlsa of this gr-at m dinlnc, and hve th-* antisft.o*ton of kpowit g it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cates. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, and nil d’-easis of the Thrnft', Chest slid Lui g , are surety cured by id, Call tvo a l d-oggi-te, and get a free tilal h tfl ■. Regular size 60c. rtutl tjtl. Every bottle guarantee-!, or price refunded. Cure Whiskey, Harper’s. Pet feot Win ky, Harper's. Every bottle guaranteed Harper’s. H il l by T. New man, Brunswick, G„ Mothers must not forget Hint t)r, Moffett’, Teetblna (Teething Powders) will cure their Child. Rftemansm Rheumatic pains are the cries of protest and distress from tortured muscles, aching joints and excited nerves. Tbe blood has been poisoned by the accumulation of waste matter in the system, and can no longer Supply the pure and health sustain ing food they require. The whole system feels Uie effect of this acid poison ; and not until the blood has hr—ti purified and brought bock to a healthy Condition will the aches aud pains cease.' Mrs. James Kell, of ?r> 7 ‘.inth sireet, N. 8., Washington, D. C.,write.,'as felloes: 5 'A months ago I had an attack of Sciatic Rheuma tism lu its worst form. The pain was so Intense that I became completely proa traled. The attack was an unusually severe one, and my condition wae regard- jar ed aa being very danger- Wjf fm. oua. I was attended by •> \i,v m \ one of the most able doc- ]U Jrl* r tors in Washington, who ia stso a man<l-rr of ths fac- . ally of a leading medical ; SWjSHBffiJBjK ' college here, lie told mo (■■■■■■l *f> continue his prescrii*. tiousaudl would get .veil. After having! filled iw-lve times without receiving the slightest he-iefit, T declined lo continue his treatment any longer Having hrnrd of S. A. 6 (Swift's Specific ) recommended for Rheumatism, 1 decided, aUno-t In de-p.iir however, to give the medicine a trial, and slier 1 had taken a few bottle? I was able to hobble around on crutches, and very soon there alter had no use for them at all, S. 8. 8. having ru:ed me a mud aud well. All the diatresslng pel ns have left me, my appetite haa returned, and X am happy to be again restored lo perfect health. Stf.± the great vegetable |A purifier ami tonic, is the ideal remedy in all v j rheumatic troubles, wgfjjr There are no opiates or minerals in it to disturb tbe digestion and lead to ruinous habits. We have prepared a special book on Rheumatism which every sufferer from this painful disease should read. It is the most complete and interesting book of the kind in existence. It will be sent free to any one detiring it. Write our physi cians fully an|[freeiy about vour case. We make uo charge for medical advice. THE SWIFT tftCXNC CO., ATLANTA, OA. BEST PRICES . bc-t goods, b.’et, irsaimout— those nro tLe three rules which tub, In this btorc in all s 'atone of the year. My aim is to'glve I erfect smiFf&ciion. There is no reason hv.j uhou'd nm ; and if, at any time, you got mu thing here which is not tiglr, I ask that > ou Util me of it. ITEMS FOR TODAY: New Evaporated Pcao&cs. New Evaporated Apples. New See Them. THOS. KEANY GROCEKIJfiS. , Phone 11. 312 Newcastle Street. ELI ZISSIMATO, 3022 Newcastle St. Run ml::.. CIG AIiS AND/IOBAGCO Ice ;C?aw tab CtmtShake Soda WatoSlp^ All Kinds of Candy. DEVArTsT LEVAtIAs7 Gocerics, Country Produce i <<*>—Vegetables- etc. Also Confectionery. MONK HTItKKT. BRUNSWICK. OA Gent’s Furnishings. Men’s Gold and Silver Shirts at 7Qc and #I.OO Men’s Saminer Underwear ai Cost. Men’s Winter Underwear at Cost. Large Line of Guyei I hits JIM 2l > Men’s Stiff Hats latest slyles 1.7% Boys’and Youth's Shoes at |1 20 A large line of half hose and E. & W, Cujiars at cost. n ur line of Neckwear is swell and eoitipleii .' Men’s Work Shirts all sizes at. T 65c Come and See Us. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure Impotency, Night Emissions, Loss of Mem. * tlffh ory, all wasting diseases, >■■■ 11 ofTocts of self-abuse or Ct and indiscretion, vl V ISPTiA nerve tonic and tIK ji jsll.blood, builder. Brings L l ! ,e . piuk £ low io Palo fCf\ cnGeka and restoros the of Y out, ‘* .Hy nmiJj^CTS. "60c por box. 6 boxes for®C—•—J $2.50, with our bankable gaurantsf to cure or refund the money paid. Bend for circular and copy of our buukable guarantee bond. Nervita Tablets ™gs (yellow laded Immediate Results Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Varicocole, Undeveloped or Shrunken Organs, Paros is. Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostra tion, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and tho Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By mail in plain pack ago, SI.OO a box, 8 for $5.00 with our bankable guar antee bond to cure in 80 days or refund money paid* Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. For sale by Brown Drug Cos., Brunswick, Ga. , Pleasant to the taste. 'Effective, reliable. DR. J. H. MCLEAN’S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM Eliminates uric acid. The best remedy for Rheumatism and diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. SI a Bottle, al druggists. ►he oh. j. h. mclean medicine co., j : ar. louia, *o. ** FOR SALE BV AAMfVNV w VlTrn, Tb Druggist. P|KE INTO YOUR SHOK3. A Imikc, a powder. It run',, painful Ingrowing mtil*,.tml 'r Sf out t,r cornH n,,tl •*•*s I tighi now (■ain '-'in r..r nvi'ni m I fowl. Try it driifrpnHiH ami shoo stores. < torzm m MtnmiHt. Trial package Kr<. 1 AOrVCm 1 ML A g.Olmetcud, Lo Hoy, N. Y. SBTV* T *&k PAfcKk rT’S i BALSAM I at Kt.SSL.ERS Dor. Monk aud Grant Sts KIDNEY DISEASES most fatal of all dis eases. Ffil FY’Q SIDNEY5 IDNEY CUHEII * lULL I C Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as ihc best tor Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. ■-/ W. J Butts. flip Druggiiet. Sloodworth & Jones New Liverv Stables New Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given hli orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. K St Guilt YOURSELP l i vo liniia t..r unilateral •f ieclm rgfH.lfi lln in mat ions, irriUUoriM or uleoratioua id in ii con h nieml'i ;hi*h. I’atuleHS, and not atttriu* , or poiMtioiM. IJ hy I>nifrirtiitf or Bout in plain wranpv I>T jkpress, prepaid, fnf tI.CK), 0r.3 hottlcN, |2.7f1. Circular vent on r.-.jue* M/TCHKUk U THCMAB. fjiFor?, hoard ingr and vale Blablaa. turuoiUa Id the city. Newcastle Bt.