The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 07, 1900, Image 5

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/ I w JjT^ +Wjfa Ms&fL ipes that are enjoyed by the public of cities ten times as large as Brunswick- For the forthcom of individuality and correct fashion, but prices .are kept at their proper distance. We are ■s. Our Mr. Arnold Kaiser, who is now our resident buyer in New York, is giving his time to secur- Bypk fection ot all the art typified by our new ready-to-wear garments MPLvt| for Ladies’— \[Jf • Tailor-Made Suits, ■ - *. •' I Skirts and Jackets. Htasct Latest Novelties in Ladies’ Neckwear. Styles straight from ? ar is, London and New York. fE MEN s/: the finest productions from the shops of the greatest Clothes Makers in the World. J.j ■.wearer. Counters are high-heaped with suits that touch every L ~ ■weaves and fabrics. ~ /© B r' • -A- / :‘'L: ■s°, $17.50, SIB.OO, $19.00, $20.00, $22.00, $25.00. T t jE, rOL.THCO. noomLt EL* ouR l,ne - : - ■hissea- V of Juvenile Shirts in white and col- Iftment I +*■-• ored shows a superior laundry. A ; L s full line of boys neckwear, suspend- j(jf I |e r y, ril ISLd ers > etc., at prices that are decidedly ll attractive. Eyery economical mother . T 1 Ry fiti’in f stock ot school shoes for Roys and ' )j idy*. Girls. ■USEFURNISHING GOODS. ff 'lapestry, Hfdy Brussels,Stinon’s Velvets, Alexander Smith & Sons Axminsters, Saxony and Velvet Mifyuettel i I THE:BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL OCTOBER 7,1900 Fall and Winter 1900=1901, SOUK AGRNTS For the Following: Her Majesty Corset. The Celebrated P. N. Corset. The W. B. Corset. AIL other standard makes of Corsets. Onyx Black hosiery for ladies and children, The celebrated Wear Resist! ng Leather Hose for boys. T"* ‘ B. Priestly’s <% SoiUs Henriettas. The Paragon Skirts. HT- Poster Ar Perrin,s Kid Gloves, The Gold Medal Black Dress Goods. The Favorite Kid Gloves for Ladies, best $1 'glove. Mother’s Friend Boy’s Waists. fiir. Union suits for Jades and * children, The celeb Oneita Underwear for Ladies, ~~~~~~~~~ ■■■■!, " Butterick Pa^erns. The Ruffled Bobbinet Lace Curtains the very latest. have strengthed our House i V Department this season oy to it the largest assort • . „ t netit Hugs, etc., ever city'. The grades below in this deppartment.