The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 09, 1900, Image 3

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'' re Watches, Clocks BBielry broken, bring R to me and I will Kfi in first class order, H very lowest price ■Hat with careful, first ■Work* Our 20 years’ Hicefit us for the finest plmost difficult jobs. €rk is fully guaranteed. ■ ■ ■N r i.- r feTGlasses to any and all Eyes, and ■pawntee a perfect adjustment. ■wine line of .Jewelry and Silverware Mpcf all kinds, and your £ inspection. b*NON MOTT, ■ and Graduate Outiciar. 215 Newcastle Street, a A (or Southern Railway. Time by Wire July from Wash!, on Hfy. J. N. JBKADT, IWEN & BRADT, Ins] BUIL.DERS kf B.;' : and Frame Building Blbr<CTraßPwm*t. Tile and'Artlllelal Stone. ffiSE RESTAURANT, ■ ESTBLISHED 1889. ■E HALL, Proprietor m e best the market affords by eating here OIfANT ®"SHIRT WAISTS P\nother lot Boys’ cents and SI.OO PLaundered Shirt f Waists —one week |§4Bc. PWew Line adies’ Skirts, [EVY’S “ U ■ . K 'V:;. v, : fin.’ - 4 THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. OCTOBER 9, 1900. WOMAN’S DAILY GRINP\ A young lady from Denver, Colo., recently wrote a letter to Mrs. Pinkham, which aptly pictures the condition of,a great many young women. She says : “This is the first opportunity I have found to write and thank yon for the good your Vegetable Compound has done me. I feel better than I have for years. It seems a ‘ seven days’ wonder *to my friends. Where I used to be pitied, everything is the opposite now, and there is not a day but what someone wants to know what I have done to make myself look so welL “Before taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound I bad con stant headaches, was constipated, bWMad, eyes weak and watery, bearing down pains, pains in the small of my back and right side; took cold very easily, which always caused intense pain in the ovaries, and I did not want to go anywhere or see any one. I was oalled oross, but I oould not help it, feeling an I did. I could not lift anything or do any hard work without suffering for days afterwards. Menstruation lasted for eight or ten days, the first three or four days being almost constant pain day and night.” What a picture this la, and how unnecessary! Read the letters which follow and see how easy it is to overcome woman’s suffering when you go the right way about it. Nothing in this wide world has relieved so much female suffering as has Lydia E. Pinkham *s Vegetable Com pound; no medicine can produce such positive proof of cures and good results; therefore, no other medicine oai be “ iust as good.” Women should insist upon getting the med icine which has the best record, and which, they and ©very druggist in the land know, kasno equal. Miss Thompson!* Pains are Cured. “ Dear Mrs. Pinkham I want to tell you what Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound has done for me. For several years 1 had suffered with loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, constipation, palpitation of the heart, headache, pains in nearly all parts of the body. My physician said it was only indigestion, but bis medicine did not help me any. I began the use of your Vegetable Compound. I have taken four bottles and now those troubles are cured. I cannot praise it enough.”—Miss S._ Thompson, Bo* 14, Acushnet, Mass. * Just why Miss Thompson’s physician diagnosed her trouble as indigestion it is hard to understand. This iuu£take, however, is frequently made. If you have any doubt about your case, write to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., for her free advice. She will understand your symptoms at once. Miss Scholtes Tells of Suffering Overcome; “ Dear Mrs. Pinkham :—I write to let you know that Lydia E, Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound ha3 cured me of painful menstniation from which I suffered terribly. I really believe that I would be insane to-day if it had not been for your medicine. I cannot praise your Compound enough, am) feel that if all who suffer from female troubles would put themselves under your care and follow your advice, they will find relief from their sufferings."—Miss K. E. Scholtes, Mt. Oliver,-Pittsburg, Pa. e SrnAfi RPWiP.n L | iII ifi It Ka I® nllU UMKMHilaenei. of the leMtooatei loner, | Ia i I 9 wo cputtaoiiy publishing, we have ■ B deposited with the National City Hack, of Lynn, Mik, $5,000, ■9■fial Pft r? w hieh will be paid to uay person who ran show that toe above wLJ O Bjp bl 15 MJO testimonials are not genuine, or werepublinhcd before obtaining tha writers’special permission.—Lydia K Pinkham McniCUfftCo. QUESTIONS ANWEKEU. Yee, August Flower still has the largest talelof any medicine In the civ-* llized world. Your mothers and grand-' mothers never thought of using any thing else [.for indigestion or bilious ness. Doctors wore scarce and they seldom heard of apendicitis, nervous prostration, heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undl gested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate thelactlon of the ner* vous and organic system, and that Is ail they took when feeling dull and bad with headache and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's Au gust Flower, In liquid form, to make you satisfied there is. nothing serious the matter Jwilh you Sample bottles at Butts drugstore or Brown Drug C Should be In; every household mede Cine chest.£ It affords certain relief Bad Drinking Water .—Every one suffers greatly from the different kinds of water he is compelled to drink, and nothing is so likely to bring on an at tack of diarrheas. I’eiry Davis’ Pain- Killer is the only safe, quick and sure cure for it, cramps and cholera mor bos. Avoid substitutes. There iebut one Pain-Killer, Perry Davis’. Price 25c. and 500. [There Are Many Things h We would like to tell you about, but a few wo will retention that in jut In - I Ritter** preferves, In boxen. h Rittcr’g preserve* In urnail stone jar*. I RitterV preaervoa in Hmall glasft jars. F send down and try a pound. * L RING PHONE 158, : I l rilJb II t'BTLKK. MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY. It is oertainiy gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern in the land 4ho are not aTraid to be generpussto Tbe needy and suffering. TbhTPrp prietors of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, (loughs and Golds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine, and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, and all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs, are surely cured by it, Call on all druggists, and get a free trial bottle. Regular size 50c. and sl, Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. EVEKY MOVEMENT IIURTS When you have rheumatism. Mus clea feel stiff end sore and joints are painful. It does not pay to suffer long from this disease, when it may be cured so promptly and perfectly by flood’s Sarsaparilla. Tbia medicine goes right to the spot, neutralizes the acidity of the blood, which oauses rheumatism, and puts an end to the pain and a tiffoess. Biliousness is cured by Hood’s Pilli. 25 cents. No other pills can equal DeWitt’s Little Ear ly Risers for promptness, cortntnty and eflic leucy. W. .J. Butts. (§o©ietg. The Savannah presbytery meets in Brunswick on the IStb inst. and re mains in session several day*. There will be about thirty members present. Rev. Mr. Hollingsworth, who is retir ing moderator, and should preach the opening sermon, has courteously in vited Dr. Fair, of Savannah, to take his place, this being Dr. Hollings worth’s parish. Mrs. Heury MoWborter and chil dren, of Satilla, are visiting relatives in the city. Mrs. N. Grinding, of High Spring*, Fla., with her ohildren, are visiting Mrs . Victoria Jeffers. Mrs. F. A. Wrenoh and children have returned from a visit to Worth. The oorner stone of the new public library in Atlanta was laid Saturday with ceremonies. Many prominent oitizena ’ook part ami large orowds of people who are inter ested in library matters were present at the oeremony. Mrs. H. K. dußiguon, Mrs, J. C. Stiles and ohildren will returu on Sunday from Brooklyn. Mrs. J. B. Abrams end children re turned Sunday from a pleasant sum mer in Deinorest and Toccoa. Prif, G. J, Orr has introduced anew work on pbyobology for study in nor mal olass this year, namely, Buell’s Essentials of Psychology. This is the second year of psychological study among the teachers and it has proven of great value. It is in interesting branoli of metaphysics, its me being to train teachers to observe the work ing of the human mind and will, es pecially of children, learning the best methods for controlling and guiding their inclinations. It enables the teacher to disoover individuality in children and to adopt different methods for control and instrnetion suited to the peculiarities of the ohild’s temperament. With a thor ough knowledge of the workings of the soul as far sa Is kouwu to oou soiousness, a teacher ia equipped with insight into the nature and ohanc teriatios of children and beoomea so expert that she oan classify them on sight. With this superior knowledge spe can easily oonquer the erratic rea sening of a child’s mind and surely and safely lead him to where he can use hia own judgment and be guided more or less by his own conacienoe. Scrofula In the blood shows itaelf sooner or later in awellings, sores, eruptions. But Hood’s Sarsaparilla completely cures it. TO CUBE A COLS IN ONE SAT Take Laxative Diomo Quinine Tablets. At druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Drove’s signature la on eneb box. 2f,c. The beat method of cleansing the liver is the use of the famous Uttle pills known as DeWitt’s Little Early ltlsei-s. Easy to take, Never gripe. W. J. Butts. It is well to know that UeWltt’s Witch Hate Halve will heal a burn, and stop the j aln at once, ft will cure eicema and skin diseases and ugly wounds and sores. It is a certain cure for plies. Counterfeits may lie offered yeu See that you get the original IleWltt’s Witch Hazel Salve. W,.J. Butts, 1 " Rubber Btamps, Beals, Stencils, Badges, Check Protectors, Numberiog Machines, Steel and Brass Dies, Steel Log Stkjapi, etc. v Will B. Fain, Agent. 312 Newcastle street. Have you a sense of fuUncssfn the region of your stomach after estlngf If so you will be lamented by nsing Chamlwrlalb’s Stomach and Liver Tablets.!They; also [cure belching and sour stomach. They regulate the bowels too. ij’rlos sue. Hold by Bishop's Drug Store, y w Disinfect Your Hoqjps..... Choi oro - Naptholeum r A Safeguard to Disease. We Sell in Anv Quantity. W J BUTTS, The Druggist, “On the Corner.” WELL, I DON’T THINK! You have tried all of Our Spec al Flavors of ('old Soda Wrier. There are several of them that will vou in any old weather. For instance, Uayc jou ever tried our new drink, _ , . If you have you know a good thing. If you haven’t, there real treat yet in s ore for you. Our reputation of having the iieSl Soda In the city must be sustained, and that is why we use only thdfe pure fruit juices for our syrup and why we are never just out. “ ” Its served oight and cold as ice can make It. * ara To„ Nunnally’s Candies BROWN DRUG CO. Summer * j§y§' Bar s a ' nsHN Furnitu rej A clearance sale to make room for new goods. *'•" I Parlor i-uit, 5 pieces, worth S4O, now $29. jh' \ 1 Oak R“frig-nuor, worth S2O, now sls. . 1 Osk Bwt Room Suite, 3 pieces, worth $25, now $lB Bed Lounges, <>rih $lO, now sl2. ItH >vP Centre Tables 50 oenle to s(>. •! . loe Cream Freezers worth $2.50 at SI.OB. A A large assortment of Sideboards, Cupboards Hri M Prices Below the Market. fla # _C. McfiABVEY. m r Coney &and Parker an DEALERS IN Goal and Wood, Bricky Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. Phone 18 4 525 Bay St. tfP- FTI DR. MOFFmWSs Irritation, AidsDigestiMr^ i£-~r ITrTII 111 /tt Retjulstt. the Bowels, WUiSf! I ELIH IN h\ Mikes® Teethes Ey.‘ Lt j JL. (Teething Powders) JLI. TEETHINA Relieve, the Bowsl Costs only 25 CQpts at Druggists, Truub A*NY age"" * Bormsll *ll rents to C, J. MOFFETT, M. D.. BT. LOUIS, Its' LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND YOT CAN’T BEAT- CREAM OF KENTUCKY Whisky. SI.OO PER QUART ; $4.00 PER GALLON, - NOT MADE BY A.TRUST' I- Trager &. Cos,, Independent Distillers. Sold in Braiunswick , F=?- V.C CSOUGI-Jy 1 x , 20658 av Street.