The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 11, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 uin un 81111 lit Bit Men Are Bit Mil for Him. mm of cm sum It Is Said That Large Re wards Will be Offered for the Murderer. The negro who murdered Conductor Latimer U still at large and the chances for his capture are Indeed slim. Sheriff Beirle is out and several offi cers of adjoining counties Bro keeping a sharp lookout for him. It Jls said that Governor Candler will offer a fat reward for his capture as also will the Order of Railway Con- Muctore, and ti e man jyjjjflpflti WoZ • I’ 11 ! Stffruaifcfin Railway officials an ready to co operate in any way poss ible. It is to be hoped that tbUlieart less wretch will soon be brought to justice. KEEP YOURSELF STRONG And you will ward off colds, pneu monia, fevers, and other diseases. You need to have pure, riob blood, and good digestion. Hood’s Sarsaparilla makes the blood rich and pure as no other medioine can do. It tones the stomach, creates an appetite, and in vigorates the whole system. You will be wise to begin taking now, for it will keep you strong and well. Hood’s Fills are Price 25 oents, Strengthen (he tired kidneys an jf purify the liver and bowels with E doses of Prickly Asb Bitters, it an admirable kidney tonic. W. J. B.utte, druggists. \ —■—..i....-,, It Heals the Lungs. When (offering from a racking cough take dote ot Fuley’B Honey and far. The soreness will he relieved and a warm, gnteful feeling and healing of the parti affected will he expe rienced. no substitute. tV.J. Butts. NOTICE. A special ills r ting of the laboring men will be held at -Newmau’a ball tc night, at 7:80 sharp, \Atll members ro urged to be present, V. j. JoHEs, Pres., C. H. Pobteb, Seo. The Quakers Are Honest People. tThe Quaker Herb Ton io is not only a blood purifier, but a Blood m a k er for Pale, Weak and Debilitated people who have not strength nor blood. It acts ae a tonic, it regulates di gestion, cures dyspepsia and lends strength and tone to the nervous sys tem. It is a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, and can be takeu by tbe most delicate. Kidney disease, Rheumatism and ail diseases of tbe Blood, Stomach and Nerves soon succumb to ita wonderful effect on the human system. Thous ands of people iu Georgia recommend I*. Price *I.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the med icine that, the Quaker Doctor made all of hi* quick cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia. Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism Sprains, Pain in Rowels; in fact, all pain can be relieved by it. Price 23c and 50c. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, w medicated soap for the skin, scalp aod complexion. Price 10c a cake QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for the cure of tetter, ecicma and eruptions of the akin. Price 10e a box. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS F. A. DILLINAIIAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati, PollnJHHp Store ANEMIA Pale, thin, weak, run-down, low spirits, no appetite. Rosy and plump, fair strength, with pleasure in work, get hungry three times a day. and like good food. Which of these two pictures is yours ? There are ways to either condition. Skip the first, for nobody wants to be in it, If in it, the way to the second is .■ •***■ -*■ Scott’s emulsion of cod-liver oil, with proper* attention to course of life. We’ll acrid you * little to try i 1 you like. I SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 PearlMreat, New York. BRAVE MEN FALL Viotima to sli msoh, liver tod kid ney troubles, as well a* women, and all feel ibe remits to loss , 1 -*™ ll oer wmSu Teel WflgT But there’s no need to feel like that. Lietea to J. W. Gardner, Ida*lt!e, lod. He says: “Electric Bitters are just the thing i tor a mac when he is all tuo down, and don’t care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and gord apatite than any thing 1 could take. I can now eat anything and have anew lease on life.” Ot ly 50 cents, at all drug store*. Every bottle guarauseed Dyspepsia is difficult digestion, due to the absence of natural digestive fluids. Hood's Sinaparilla restores the digestive powers. _ It Happened in a Dmg Store. •‘Ouo day lal winter a lady came to toy drug atore and staked for a brand of cough medicine that I dill not have in stock,” aaya Mr. C. B. Gran din, the popular druggist ot Ontario, N. If. -She was disappointed and wanted to know rough preparation t could reconi meui 1 IJttLso herjthawl. cyuU tteol*--rjconrtS|4d ■amberlaln's Cough Remedy and that she ■uid take a bottle of the remedy and after r\vp>g Jt a fair trial If ahe did not find it wytb bemqjiey to bring hack Ihe bottle and I wtn-dd refund the price paid. In the course of a day or two the lady came back in company wlllgsa 'fplend in 1 eed cf a cpyghvmglicitK. and ml > and hwtobny a bottle of b . ; u Remedy. I consider that a very gdod recom mendation for the remedy.” The remedy owe* ita great popularity and extensive vale lu a large measure to the personal recommenda tions of people who have been cured by it* use. It is for sale at lU&fitshop’* drug atore. fE-ek I. 1. Tor sprains, swdilmgsSbd, lameness there ia nothing so good as Chamberlain's Paiu Italian- Try It. For sale at Dr. Ujahop’s drug atore. QUESTIONS ANWFRtD. Yes, August F.ower sMU fcaa the largest sait|of any medicine lii the civ ilized world. Your mothers nudgwod mothers never thought of 1; VMf .*'ft thing else for icdlcesiion orifcgjMaiP ness. Doctors were scarce at seldom heard cf npendlcltls, nervous prostration, heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentatlon of undi Rested food, regulate the action of the liver, slim-late the acl’oc of the ur-- vous and organic system, and that t§ ail they look when feeling dull and hud with h a.lsche aud other aches. Yeu only netd a fow doses of Greeu'* Au gust Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there :s. nothing eerloi:* the matter with you Bsmp’e bottles at Butte drugstore or Brown FiugC Should be Ir.etarj bouse hold nre/c oins chest Tt afords crr'nlf relief MILLIONS GIVEN AWAY'. It is certainly gratifying tothepub- v He to know of one eoooero iu KUtJibO who are not afraid to be geoerVl the needy and suffering. mpjp| prietors of Dr. King’s Nw ] for CAn.umptiOD, C&Ugh*’ have given away over ten bott’-aof ttiij great medteina, 1 hay the faliafactiotw'V keowihV has staolutefo. cursjT .loua-nd- <* _ i' r-!e- vjJK'MkyS'.tiftß iW ' ' I fti' |>v| * ■ \ urn: 4-' free Kf i. p - c re.i i M*.liter- mu 4. I tvetjova llrf JHlMiu THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, OCf^fERTo, NOTED ANAGY’GPiMS. lagenlova Tranamtattea of th* Names t Well Knows Penes*. Anagrams that transmute the names of well known men and women are often startlingly appropriate. What could be better In this way than these announcements, evolved from two great statesmen’s names when the retne of power changed hands: Glad . stone, “G leads not!” Disraeli, “I lead. : Mr!” Quite as happy Is the comment on the devoted nursing of Florence ! Nightingale, whose name yields “Flit < on. cheering angel.” Among those | that are most often quoted we may mention Horatio Nelson. “Honor est a Kllof Charles James Stuart, “Claims Arthur’s Seat;" Pilate’s question, “Quid est verltasT” (“What Is truth?”), answered by “Est Vlr qui adest,” CD is the man here present/’)! Swedish Nightingale, “Sing high, sweet Linda;" David Livingstone, “D. V., go and visit Nile;” the of Rlpon (who re signed the grand map(r-shlp of Free masons when ho tiSBl a Romanist), “R. L P„ quoth Charles Prince of Wales, “AJI France calls, Oh. help!" Sir Roger Charles Doughty Tichbproe, baaonet, ‘Yoa horrid butcib et Orton, biggest rascal here.* Aad many shorter specimens, such as tele graph, “great helps" astronomers, "no more star*"' and •'moon starers;’* one hog, “enough/* editors, “*o tired/* i tournament, “to ran at men/* penlten | tlary, “nay, I repent/* old England, “golden land/* revolution, “In love : ruin/* fashionable, “one-half bias/* lawyers, “sly ware;" midshipman, “mind his map/* poorhonae, “Oh, sour hope;" Presbyterian, “beet In prayer;” sweetheart matr!m<v ny^Alfcg-r-waSUWnolhltiers* four CURES BLOOD POISON, Scrofula, Ulcerr, Old Bore, Bone Pina—Trial Treatment Free, First, second or third stages posi tively cured by taking B. B. ‘ B. <Bo tanic Blood Balm). Blood Balm kills or destroys the iSyphieitie Poison in' the blood and expels it from the ays tern, making a perfect onre. Have tipu sore ah rear, pimples, copper col ored spots, old festering eating eores,” ulcers, swellings, aorafula, Itoiftng skin, aches and pains in bones or joints, sore mouth, or falling hair? Tbek Eotaoic Blood Brim will heal every sore, stop the aches and make the blood pure and riob sod give the riob glow of teal bto the skin. Ov-r 8,000 testimonials of oures. B, B. B. thoroughly tested for 30 years. Drug stores sl. Triel treatment of B. B. B. fres by writing Blood Balm Cos., At lanta, Ga. Describe trouble nd free medical advice given. Don’t Aespair of a cure as B. B. B. else fail*. | y“ j Second hand household furniture bought and sold; also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W. Watkins. The best rr.etJwd ot cieanatng the liver Is the use of tho turnout little pill# known as DeWitt’a •Uttle Karly Risers. Kay to take, Never Setpe. tv. J. Baits. This is tlieeseon when mothers arc alarmed on iireonutof croup. It Is nuk-kly can'd by One Minute Dough Cure, n hick Children Ike to I take. tV. 3 Butts A Minister’* Rood Work. P “1 haj jj sever# attack of bilious colic, got a li 'itle r< hsmlwrlaln'* Colic. Cholera and IM.iffhjS* I falsify, took two donee aud was en tirely el. ’ .:, says lie*. A. A. l’owcr, of Kmpo m, Kan -My neighbor serosa thertieetwaa Sick tor ver a week, had twoor ibiee isJitle* o medicine tram the doctor. He used them /or three or four day* without relief, thin called In another doctor who treated him fur go-ne day* and gave him no relief, ao him. I went over to see him the next morning, Ue Raid his bowels were in a terrible fix, that they hail hen nmninjt off so long that It was almost blornlv fln*. I asked him It he had tried Chain tmrlsin'a Colie. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, nod he said, ’No.’ I Went home aud brnunUt bon m i bottle and gave him one dose; told h m to late another dose in fifteen or twenty oun utiv if he did not flud relief, but he toox no m re and waa entirely cored. I think It the Inu.l i.iedinine 1 have ever tried ” For sale by t o 1- ib p’a drug Xtore. CASTOTIIA. Bean tk /y ?he Kind Yon Haw Always Boagiit JjTfg-MEggS' jS|iiwa!te& Son.Troi, Ala. wrote: Teeth. ; %"idy ot old aoree slid erurtion? Sk-A have been remarkable. ABTOniA. ■ \ ri* *lwp Bosrr HWViS7 wm at ngtembawli.. tun- *•• er’.. V ar . "ni/CWa- bit it will do, I. rerorttniecd I lj i ■ ,■ ~, Mue."i.r -J.ji ns go. and” for told*, up. la grippe., 1... W. J. Butt*. niriUdHr Troubles QiN and ■U. i SHIPPING REPORT. Cemeted Daily by Capt. Otto Jokaaneaea Port of Ernns * iek. Oct. 10, 1000. AKKIVXb. Scfac. Fannie L. Child, Fuller, Ro.k land. Ship Notioe. Neither the master nor owner- | of the German bark Oidenburg : will be. reeponaible for any d-0 - contracted by the crew of said bark. FcheCKKR; Master. Ship Notice. Neither the master, owners or con signees of the Norwegian bark Pioneer, will be responsible t r any debts contract* and by the crew ui ■aid bark, Sobloe, Master. No other pUla can equal DeWitt’s Little Eir ly Kisers for promptness, certainty and effic iency. W.J. Buna. What a Dreadful Thing it up in the night sufT ring fra|6|plllli morbue, and yet cases of this, kind are very common. The trooble, bpwever, will never become *erieueraf* a yra k*ep a bottl* of Pula K Her a* hand, for it is* remedy that nev-r fail* w mire cholera, cramp*, diarrf rc< or dysen tery. Avoid subatitu’es. There Is hut od Pain Kttljr, Perry Bum*. Price 25.-. it 50u. " The editor of the yordvU|c. Ky-, MfeceiSui coil*, writes as a posteerijit tda bnWness ietter: “I was cured ot kidney treSb-w by takiny Kidney Cure,’’ Take noUilu#flte*. ‘ \V. J, iJuTBi k WHEN * YOU f FEEL DULL " Tired, nausetted and Jow spirited, the machinery ot the body is dogged up somewhere. You should take a few dose* ot PRICKLY ASH BETTERS & ■ ,i “ rr tt it a thorough riser and win make you tf bright, vigoroiu and dteerfui. sovo at oßuccirra. Price, #I.OO. W. ). Butts, Special Agent. llcljpi ife PERUCHI - BBLDINA Cp. Will appear ac tt ~~ ning Monday, October 22(1* cure ycujiself t uaestcis: ’T ir *iri la t T-w- wa I**.Dhatru;f ,iufljmii.*ati"r # eirriiations or tc*r&fjna vf a. a co us Bpaii*.'b'M. rilnksi, an.l o-jt mu la* , <ut or pciDuc3. Sold by DrccgUia, or sent in plain wrtppo. brilllTfSJ unpaid, ti 1f.03, or a liottls*. i-i. Vi. Circular *-Dt on r EWitSTKATION NOTICE. Office City Clerk, Brunaw iek, G.. Oct. 1,1900 In accordance with -.action X of lhe v.iended chnrvrol the City of Brauanlck, , . rc.Te.l November 13, ISSe f will on the drat Bon..ay in October. lno, at 10 nm., tier the books for the rexlstnliun of the qu.iliOe (to be qualified to registei all Slate, County and City Tsxes inn. t ire paid; yoters of the city of Brunswick, t.a . and keep the same open until the first Momiav in November, im L. C. BODKT, Clerk.' 9ooDkops] CASTQRia i s, . 'ii :i~i-iadw UlJyi’i- “Wtr.-- • .re 1 AVegelable Prcparatioiifor As similating llteFpodandßegula ting the Stomachs anCLßwets of Inf vn hildkln Promotes Digestion,CheerPuf ness and Rest .Contains neither Otritim.Morplrine nor Mineral. Not Nah u otic. n^eafounrsmrLPircHai ftmpAut Srat- . Mx inum - 1 -A) I o \ CT + . ' Ikl , . lOnstifkA Hon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK Alb month's, JJ Dost s- J jCi ni> EXACT" COPY or WRAPPER. m DR. MO fETT’S A Allans Irritation, Aids Digestion, 'J I !r T TIII II /! ‘he Bowels. I EETHIN A SKrtasaj £■ j (Teefhing Powders) JLJL TEETHINA Relieves the Bower Costs only 25 cents at Druggists, Troub any age!'"’ J. MOFFETT, M.D..ST. LOUIS, f J. J. LISSNER. WHOLKSALK Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIAL^ 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. ■ T. POOL, Contractor and Builder, IJ9 Souih S onswaMr e‘. Brunswick, - Georgia- ELI ZISSIMATO, tC2i Newcastle St^ CIGARS AND TOBACCO I:s C:c Frssa Srsrr hv, H;ik Sub Soda Wain Re, All Kirda oCCndy . NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor aad Manhood Coral no potency. Night Emissions, Losa of Mem* ory. ai! was Woe disease*. ail effe*. is of self-abuse or 42 excess and indiscretion. UV Wm&P'A nerve tonic tnd PILLS' ny >%Hbiood builder. Brings ® pick glow to pale R A cheeks and restores the of yooth. By mail CTS Wini tsoc per box. 6 boxes for>—- ■ —IT., $2.50, with our bankable gaurantee to curd or refund the money paid. Send for circular and copy of our bankable guarantee bond. Nervita Tablets^™ fraixow LABEL) Immediste kcsulta Po*!tive!v guaranteed cure for Lo*s of Power, varicocele, undeveloped or Shrunken Organs, Fareslt, .Locomotor Ataxia* Nervous P rostra g°*V Hysteria, Fits, Insaulty. Paralye ; s and tbo Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By mail in plain package. SI.OO a box 6 for $5.00 witn out bankable guar £SSy& to £sU a 30 NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton& Jackson CHICACO, ILL. For sifle by Brown Drug Cu , Brunswick, Ga. ThTKp -dr’s" CASiORIA THE CCNTAUB COMPANY. NCW VONII CIW, MEXICAN MIXTURE Fir M>f*. For Nervousness. Ilaek-Ache, Despondency lusomacia, Sexual Impotency, and all diseases re*Wt*mr from Early Error* and Later K\cesses Over-Work and Worry, which if neglected,com- * ole-telv unde.rir.iue the eye tern, often resulting in INSANITY and DEATH. U you have any of the above symptom* MEXICAN MIXTURE WILL CUBE YOU IT It AS KO EQUAL. i Develops Youthful Strength and Vigor to ever* part of the body. Avoid quack doctors. Refuse iaub&tttntes. Get MEXICAN MIXTURE. Im | mediate effret*. Permanent results. Recent [ discovery. Phenomenal tncce***. Hundreds ' testimonials. 11.00 per bos. 6 for $5.00. Poti ' live guarantee every $5,00 order to refund I the money if care is not effected It is not a j mmulant, but a rebuilder. Try it and be con -1 vineed, Send stamp for parophlt.dA etlerds BROWN DRUG COMPANY. ■ i BRCNBWICK, - - GEORGIA Pleasant to the taste. Effective, reliable. DR. J. H. McLEAN’S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM | Eliminates uric acid. The remedy for Rheumatism diseases of the Stomach, Lifer and Kidneys. SI • Bottle. #! druoflisl*. THE OR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDIC* •T. WOUW, MO. mj&Jk \ i { *WWW> FOR SALE BY W > BUTTS, The DroggUt.'