The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 11, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 ~ fNT£RPRE TAT ION. " Wt long ter a peace that I* '..atin*. We p'.ee-l for a lapsur* that's rasa, I lit* t‘!/.Twr ,vef*i<v*ly matin* Their net* tn thr *r. f of -W-pelr. We dvnw from ilr-cp tran-rs i eorroer Dark we-stcs of oi l fcititre and tear. And out irf n . I." •* -at burrow The atortn tbet will never oome near. Width •peefh pad tite tootefepe of duty And halt* at Ltie door of a tomb; Wrought pierces the aoune of all beauty And returns unto hurt- til the doom Of each man child to strive and to wonder. To plan ha some poefttve gain. And only find mister tea umkr All Ufa, he It pleasure or pain. to, tn realm# of the mind (hen Is treasure For toilers who dwell in content; There la truth that no adenoe can meaaur% And the taarfeee are never forspent; Then Is light wpen earth shadows sn falling, Then's reward la* the deeds thst an done, When envy crowned vtrtuce are celling, "Hirough faith Is thy victory woof” —Charles W. Stevenson In Chicago Record. Mr. R LI. Everett In much improv ed from hi* recent illness ttud wilt soon be able to resume husinese. A little daughter ia the guest of Mr, and Mr*. Willi* Merobaot. Mr. Myddleton end Mts**a Kva and Samrnie Myddleton leave ahoriL'' .* Valdosta, Mr*. J. I’, l’erry and children have returned from a p'easant summer in Providence, R I T e many friends regret to hear of the illnee* of Mrs. Krauk Bosriett in Fort VslUy. Mrs. Schny'er and non will shortly remove into the brick residence on Ifuton s' formerly occupied by Mrs. Liura U.ue, Mr. and Mr*. 11. F. Dunwody have returned from a trip rbroad. Mrs. M. Isaio .‘eft Tuetday ui'.roi g to vtsis relalives In New Yo’*, M-s. If Oud„u".L Us; re’.u-ct.. a summer in tbt naonnUiO? 'f boro is a fascination about big prosit* to a business man. But• ttio connorvafeivo nurt cau* tiousi trader prefer# So have the lessor per cent, of intn-bt and the larger percent, in It investments. Th re Is no imflinohs mlfi wl o would not con idor it a found proposition to in vest in aft enterprise, in which absolute lofs was impossible and whlcßcffeiOt} chances in n l.nndt od of a rich profit. TlsAstu tibties of carta effected by JL>r. l*iercp*# Medical Discovery 8’...,w that iDoety-Ught per wut. Of case# oi '•weak can l>e absolutely cured. Almost if not all forms of # phy&lcat wenknew Uiay he tr coil toMwvation. Starva tion saps t'c strong h. The body is just ns much starved when the .stoiach cannot extract nutrition from the food it receives ns when there U no food. “Weak lungs,** bronchial af fictions, obnlm its coughs, caU for nourishment “Golden Medical l)isoo\ery M supplies that nourishment in itsuiosl condensed and hhsluvt iUble form. It m .kes **weak lunti*" strong, by strougthuntng the stou-ueh and organs of diges tion which digest and distribute the foo l and by increasing the supply of pure blood. M°ney loaned on personal properly and real estate.’ Ap ply to J. W. Wat Kins. Do not get scared if your bean tcoublcsayou Most iaUi ly y*. u suiter from indigestion Kodo DyspepMaNJL'ure digests what you e it and gives Ihe worn out Uivxnach perfect lest. U is the only preparation n that digests all classes of foods; that is why it eu os the worst cases of indigestion and stomach troivthlt after every thing else has failed It may l*e Vtakeu in all conditions and cannot help In tdo \you good. W, J. Butts. \ All memb ra of the white labor UDjion arc urgeJ to be \ resent at she mcetiiag tonight. \ Whiskey - THB WORLD’S FAMOUS CONSUMPTION CURE hM no fqnut. Fri-wrllwd by leading d<wt,->r for nrl half a c#nturf as the only absolutely pure, nn ijtoraUne DUT7T S MALT WHISEXY CO., *oche.,r, S.T. THE DUTY OF MOTHERS. What suffering frequently results from a mother's ignorance ; or more frequently from a mother’s neglect to properly instruct her daughter 1 Tradition says "woman must suf fer,” and young women are so taught. There is a little truth and a great deal of exaggeration in this. If a young woman suffers severely she needs treatment, and her mother should see that she gets it. Many mothers hesitate to take their daughters to a physician for examina tion ; hut no mother need hesitate to write freely about her daughter or herself to Mrs. Pinkham and secure the most efficient advice without charge. Mrs. Pinkbam’s address is Lynn, Mass. Mrs. August Pfalzgr&f, of SojltiW Byron, Wia., mother of thevimrfjpady whose portrait wrote Mrs WjAAffiaSsaSyffg'dVrarv. 1899, saying had suffered for two JnTwith Irregular menstruation bad headache all the time, and pain In her side, feet swell, and was generally miserable. Mrs. Plukham promptly replied with advice, and under date of March, 1899, the mother writes again that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound cured her daughter of all pains and irregularity. Nothing in ths world equals Mrs. Pinkham’s great medicine for regu lating woman's peculiar monthly troubles. AT THE OGLE THORPE. J J. Ora's, Savannah; A . H. Argo, Atlanta; <6. J, llays, Macon; J. Brick, Now York; 0. H. Davie, Townsend, Ga.; I. E. Itarry, Knoxville; A, H. Roblt son, W. M. Itotbschl and, R. M, Martin, Savaruah; H, E, Slel'lng, Charleston; W. J, Gnnougb, Columbu*, 0.-jHK. Illume i; field. Savaunili, 11, 11. Goldberg, At’anta. \ Our Grcsteat Sp.clttlut For 20 years Dr. si Newton Hath away has so successfully ’reated chronic diseases that ho Is ackncwledgcfl-today to stand at the head of his ; rofoseion in tliia line. His exclueive nrcihod of •rcntmect for Varluoccle ana Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery cures in 90 pnt cent, of all cases, lu the treatment of loss of vital foroee nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints,qramlysi*. bloo-1 poisoning, rhoumavlsm, catarrh and dLeasaa pecul iar to women, he is equally successful' Dr. Hathaway's practice is more than double that of any other specialist. Jw’uscs pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to bis treat ment. Write him today fully about your case, lie makes no charge for consultation or advico, cither at hia of fice or by mail. V J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M.|B|„ 28 Bryan Street. Sav^nnaff Qs WORKING NIGHT AND DAY. Tfce bnntest and mightiest litlls tbieg thitwan matte is t>r. King’s New Life Pill*. Jiverj pill m a sugar c. atptt globule cf fc al!b, ibut changes weakneee'iuto sir-rgth, li-'lessnsu* into erergy, braD-Mg into m atrial power. They’re won lerfulin builil- Ii r up the health. Only 25ct>. per bottle. Bil.l by al’druggie**. lir. \V. 11. t.’ w i.. La ivrecceviile, v., writes: | “I am u-ing Uodol Dyspepsia Cure In my prac tice among several cute, of indigestion and ilud ii an admirable romody,” M:tny hundred. of physicians depend upon tho use of ttodul Dys pepsia Cure in stomach troubles. It digests w hat you eat and allows you to eat all the wood food you need, providing you do not Overload your stomach, Given iuatautreUvYittad a per manent cure. W. J. Dutta. " JnA Bright’s Di“4*. Iliph living, luisippores'.'. ixposure and many other things bring mv Bright’* disease., ' holey’s lu'm y t aiy hit pervent llrig’it*.- di. j ease aud all otherftdnny or bladder disorders Ljf taken in Ume. W. J Kl' os Kl na.-<Julwe Vu without affecllnit ilSu-edic Md with .-uegnnUidand ie __ JgoV children., Pleasant 14 For •ale by W. J. Hulls ® The key to>> J kidneys and liver active andty and obe* , f Bit- D>* kndttye, re(J ah arjj bow *y - remedy. / ) THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. CCTODEE H, 1000 ALDERMANIC BOARD TO BE NAMED SOON Good Govornient ClnD Soon to Hake Nominations NO OPPOSITIONJ.OOKED 1 The Club Wilgm Select the Best MclWfor Beats ' in the Council. Wrhin be n*xt f*ww**-k*thi 6 rod Government olub will bold a mass meti g for the putpoee of naming an alJtrmsn o ticket for the IJeCembw election. It is understand that the club will re’eot only Mi be,t men for Mie ttoke r . A nomination at this time mayisrem a Mtle prtmscute to those who'do not gye the matter much thought, but in the Judgment of the Times Cam., (be sooner it is done (be belter, because It is generally couceeded tbst this tie' at will have no opposition, and the ge-vl-men who are named con and begin at once looking into city affairs and preparing tbemsrlve* to enter c anoil. Ju*r when the rfomina ii g meeting will be held, Is not knows at present. SNEEZE AND BLO V. Tbst i* wbt you must do when you bsvs catarrh in the head. The way to curs this disease is to purify the blood with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Toit medicine soothe* and heala the in darned surfaces, rebuilds the delicate tissues and permanently cures ca tarrh by expelling from the blood the *o££floi>s iaitts upon which it de pends. B? sure to git Hood’s. The non-’rritating cathartic—Hood’s Pflls. To Stop a Cold. _• .-e* After efjwsnre or when you feel a cold coni - lug on tab# a dote of Folov’s Honey and Tar It iiorer f-lls to stop a cold If taken in time. W J. Butts. 8 t your winter clothes ready for wear. Jiui Carter will pur. ißstn in order. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of For, Backache use ST if ART’S GIN and BUCHU: lUlf World is ia D#rk r, # a aa to the cfuuN>of their ill hewlth. Tf they would Btart to treat their kidneys with Foley*# Kid ney Cure, the wtAricess-of body and mind, back uehe, headache ru4 rhevmtatie pains would disappear. W. J. Butts. drfsses cm l>9cle%npd nicely at Jim CAr’et'i clothes oleamn* estab- UebfDPflt. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE PLANT SYSTf M. train 87 leaves Hrunwiok at 8 a. in. leafea Brunswick 5.45 p. m T'imSQ.arrives Brunswick 10 a. m. TVsiVBB arrivet Brunswick 6p. m. WFen in need, cal! on .1. W. Watkins. He loans mo ney on personal property. OABTORXA. Bean tb Kil You Haw Always Bought Don't be deceived or humbugged by ;peopl who claim the discovery of some hitherto un known herb or root in swamps, or ou some mountain or prairie tor the euro of kidney nnd bladder troubles, Any doctor or druggist will tell yon that aueti clabna or fraudulent. Foley's Kidney Cure simply oontains remedies that are recognized by the moat skilful physician, as beet (or these complaints, so don’t be credulous or foolish: IV, J. llutts. PAID PROMPTLY. Metropolitan Life i* Quick to Py up Death Claims. The fcPowlne t* self explanatory : Brunswick, Oct. 10, 1900 Mr N. lon*', • •*>' ' ArsteCast Supt. Metrop litan L>fe leuranoe Company. Pest accept my thanks fir :b --promp' payment of my bu-band’e pol icy . Mr. died on Satmdsy (Actobrr.e, and your company paid tb claim today, 0-t'ober 10, only three day* after proof* of the cla-m. Youra respectfully Margaret J. Malpbrai-, The only company ihai pay* oiain • by wi-e with no teia', reaidrnoe, milirer/ or oavsl service, nbsoge of occupation nr otherwise'—non forfeitabis aftertbree years. LibsriT conditions such as paid-up, carh surrender or loan*, with aseets of over fifty million dol lars. All modern plans of in-uranoe is written by this company, Industrie) Intarautionol and Ordinary, ad works mors insurance than Any com pany In the war and. Office #er_B*t>*' drug store, 123 Newcastle trit. THE "COLUMBIA.” Mr. Julius May’s New Saloon Will Be Opened Tuesday Night. The “Colnmbi*,” Mr. Julius May’s handsome new saloon, will be formally opened on next Tuesday night. The “Columbia,” will be managed by Mr. Henry tlirsob. now manager of the Arcade. Mr. B. fiMrscb will re main ia that saloon. Card* will b issued to th*op*ning of :Ae "CatumHa," and music will he furnished by an orchestra. <>m* Near Drag. *Kor ttm* ilaya and tumble 1 nifferwJ agony untold from u attack of cholera morbus brought <m by esKng rucuuibers,” ssys M. B. fxiwther, clsrk of Ins district court, Center vil'C lows, "t thought X sliotild surely die and tried a doten different medicines, but all to no parpnee. 1 sent for a bottle of Chamber lain Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and three doses relieved me entirely. I went to sleep and ill 1 not nwska for eight hours. On swnkenl g a ten hours ago I felt so availS-ri that the first uvt'k XVkwn -o'ajr.m the isMce ia to * rite totlio O’SSr ibjeti.ror., ul ; his remedy and offer them juy grateful thunks and say ‘Uod We-a you o I the •■deiplid uu-dielMe you lUAke.’ ’* Ttila rrr.l, is fur sale at i*Jr. Ri,h op’s drug store. Send your winter clothing to Jim Carter, to he cleaned and pressed. " hen ,s baldly nemeVea * f you need WwSS^&MSjjl' 'hsr.i'., • ( nugh remeily to ou of throat aud make steep K •* grod rr> . t, re. * I’b* fea’ plsc to have josurt [dyed is at Jim Carter's. BUY THE GENUINE^ SYRUP OF FIGS ... MASTTFACTORKD BY ... CALIFORNIA FICI SYRUP CO. nr.OiOTE THK VAW. Have yaur old cluihea dyed at Jin Carter’s. For Diabetes use STUART’S GTX nnd BUCHU; Jim Carter deans olotbes at 504 Monk street. J. W, Watkins will loan you money on personal prop erty and real estate. LOW BATES. To Georgia State Fair at Vaidoeln, October flith to November 4th, via Plant System. One fare from points lu Georgia. Florida and Ala :c cents additional for admission. MllitaA rate 1 cent per mile each direction, or more on one ticket. 11. W. tv BENIN, Passenger TrafllcMsliager WINE O A LITTLE f DOES MUCH. '■_■ Boo 3TB, lowa, Deo. 14. /‘ v jTf No bongne con tell what I hare endured '\J+‘ — In the past ten years with my monthly sick- / 11 i ness- Whiie soffsring untold agony, a "■ ■ /// friend called and recommended wine of J 1 Cardui. I sent for a bottle, and Oh! what J ) hvf relief. After the first dose I be*an to feel fr r f JJfm* better and hare had so pain since. / y AS m MBS. GBACB LAMPHEBB. J ' WoeTordo' Wine of Cardul not only cures but It acts AT ONCE. Here b a ease of ten years’ standing, and yet one single dose madethe sufferer feel better, and stopped the pain. The Wine goes straight to the seat of the trouble. It acts directly upon the menstrual and genital organs, .its action is not violent, and it does not force a result It simply gives Nature that little assistance that the sufferer’s system lacks. A single disorder in the feminine organs spreads many disorders ail over the body, and when the Wine cures tbe source, all the other ills vanish as a matter of course. A woman can be her own physician and cure herself at home. Local ex aminations are largely things of the pt-the obnoxious custom to no ei yufxcmee to reeee requiring ep.cii longer necessary. Wme of Cardul fags&fe ;sthe only perfectly safe and sure amici** co, chtt*noog, ;'wtable Wme made to-day for L* the female troubles . Druggists sell Large Bottled# or SI.OO. ivi 11? i jmwj HIEANS nuntos doctors find , n . tite*A Good - -i M* +J&- PrescriptiQiL a lor mankind s >— 4 i * f *eoA Tee mpU. 4 ox -—Vi —- W 11. BOWEN. .J. N BRADT. BOWEN & BRADT, CONTRACTORS Ar*>l C3. 1 —I! I — cz*> Ox Stono- Erick and Frame Eui Idicg Mamifar-tHTprs of teuiont. Tilo iunt .Artificial Stone. C oney & Parker DEALERS IN Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Ilair, Shingles and Laths. D !i3"'! 11 5?5RsySt I l Soifflcii fill Sr When the liquids come from our ttock. We carry such a fine line of Wines and Liquors —r tbM It is impossible to find a brftd whreh is not pleaalDg in rome These coode are fully matured? have a fine rich body and mellow flavor.; Excellent for family or any use. R- V- DOUGLAS. 206 Bay Strert.