The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 12, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 PRESBYTERY TO CONVENE Nearly All the Minis ters in the City. WHERE If J STOPPING The Presbytery Will be in Session for Three Days. The fall session of ihc semi-annual meeting of the Savannah Presbytery Will convene in the Presbyterian church this evening at 7:45 o'clock. It will be opened by a sermon from Rev. Dr. Fair, of the Independent Presbyterian church of Savannah. After the sermon, the Presbytery will be railed to order Hcv. a new moder ator will be elected to servo until the seat regular mooting. The Presby tery will then adjourn and take up Its regular buelnees tomorrow morn ing. Further announcement .will be made tonight and through the columns ot the Tikes-Call. Those who have notified the pastor of their Intention to b3 present have been assigned to the following homes: Mrs. M. 0. Howe— Rov. A. J. Smith, Elder from Blacksher church. BIG-HEAD CHILDREN with long thin necks —you see them in every school—want Scott’s emulsion of cod-liver oil, to build up their poor little shrunken scrawny bodies, School will be of no use to them. Something will carry them off. They have no play in them. There is no fun in playing, when everybody else can run faster, jump further, turn round quicker, and keep on longer. Big head is no harm; let the body be big too. We’ll send yon a little to try If yon like, j fcCQTT & BOWNE, 409 Pevlwreet, New York. Mrs. Mary K. Ijrnj^U^HopHrfcin7 pfaSrTGr. B'act—Rev. J. W. Quars term an. Messrs. Cornelius—lt :v. D. F. Shep pard, E der J. A. Cromartie Capt. and Mrs. Tapper—Hev. W. H. McMten. Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Way-Rev. W, M, Hunter, Elder A. E. Dlmmock, Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Lewis—Rev. Chas Montgomery, Elder from Waycross church. Mr and Mrs. Wro. McDonald- Rev. A. S. Allen, Elder M. Roed. Mrs. Gann—Elder W. Poo, Elder F. B. Hicks. Mrs. Susie Way —Rev. R, A. Rr<y#n, Watch this Space . for the grajid Fall and Winter Opening:. at v M ELKAN’S. &oß*Newcastle St. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, OCTOBER 12, 1900. Elder Second church, Savannah. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins—Rev. W. A. Nistett, Eldbr C. C. Varnadoe. Misses Hezlehurst— Rev. M. E Pea body. Mr. snd Mrs. P. W. Flemicg—Elder J. B. Marlin. Oglethorpe Hotel—Rey. J. Y. Fair, D. D. O her delegates, who=e names have not been sent in, will bears gncd to homes upon their arrival. Several families of the church, who are so si tailed as to te unahl otc en tertain oeiccates at the I nljfjlj have cr.ntributtd toward necestSpglixpenseH connected with the tn‘attainment of the Preshyury. : V".f • .... xotkb. There will be a preaching service ev ery night during the session of Presby tery. A epltVlid choir will be in charge of the music. .Tbs general pubi c is cordially Invit ed to all the services, whether davo tlonal or-.ef-ff' Fair, of Savanaah, will accom pany her brother as a visitor and will entertained by Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Bnrford at the Oglethorpe. Mrs. McWhorter, of St. Mary’s, Ga . will be a visitor to the meeting of Presbytery, and will be entertained by Mr,, Susie Way. The Tms-<btA will print reports of each day’s sessions, and will contain Important anntAncements. Watob for them. Several of the pulpits of the city will be filled on Bundiy by the visit ing ministers. OA.STOTIIA. Bsn tbs Kind Vmi Haw Always, Bought SHIPPING REPORT. Oorrectod Daily by dipt. Otto Johanneses Port of Bnuusiok, Oct. 11,1900. ABBIVBD. Steamer Geo. W, Clyde, .Chiches'er, Boston, via Ports, merchandise and pas senger. Schr. Frank W. Howe, Williams, Bcs’on. Schr. William K. Park, Lee, Poit land via Delaware. CLSIA BED. Steamer Colorado, Ave.y, New York, md-e. and passenger. Schr. Annie L. Henderson, Barter, Boston SPECIAL NOTICE. All bills against the British steam ship Kennett must be presented at onr tffioe before noon meat thereof will be debarred. Wm. Johnston A_Co-;'Timtthfl, consignees. Ship Notioe. Neither the msstsr nor owners of the German bark Oldenburg will be responsible for any debts contracted by the orew of said bark. Schbcker; Master - • Ship Notice. Neither the master, owners or con signees of the Norwegian bark Pioneer, will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew uf said bark, Sobloe, Muter. RED HOT FROM THE GUN Was the bill that bit G. B, Stead mao, of Newark, Mich., in the C vil war. It caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment help for 20 jrare. Then Bucklen’a Arnica Salve cured him. Cores Cuts, Braises, Barns, Boils, Felons, Uorus, Skin Eruptions. Beet Pileoure on earth. 2Scts. a box. Cure Sold by ti] druggists. vSffiwKKa’ JSBff jRSpa,jJL •. iB I AND BTHRNQTH tre two qualities desired by every H ISA GORGEOUSLY BOUND Work of art ha- just been issued at an outlay of over 1100,000, for which 'he publishers desire a Mi&ager in his county, also a good solicitor; g od pay to 'te right party. Nearly 100 full-page, sumpturu* pa per, illuminated covers ard binding-; over 200 k Oden lii'es i the Morocco bind t g-; nearly 50 in the cloth binding*. S Us at ugh'; presses running day and night, so great is the sale, Christian men and women tusking fortunes taking t rier*. R*p and peon otionr. One Ctiristian wo man ui-do detr S6OO in four weeks, taking orders among her church ac quaintance* a-d friends. Write ns. It nay lest! to a permanent position to manege nor business and after our large ccrresptndeooe, which you .ns attend to right at your tin in. Ad ores* J. A. Kn'ght. Secretary, Corco ran bu lling, opposite United States Treasury, Washington, D. C.