The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 12, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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ipJtHjl’ ;' Jufw ■■TO Movemeni. ./ ♦ 10 GOSI 111! MOUSH It Is Said That It Will be Built by Next Season. The Tiuks-Cai.l bat i. from a reli able sju ce that a hotel coating nit I as tbai tbi ty <hiu >nd delta's ,jjr mu tie erec ed on S’. Simon Jm&nd before oex’ season. ;BruiW^ .. . bu-loess men 'n the matter but outside capital will be solicited and ii lasafe to say that not leas than half the whole amount w.ll bj nut up bv them. The e is no doubt alout the success of the proposed hotel as the j past summer demonstrated that the people still regard St. Simona* tie ■c mice of Georgia summer resorts as tbey flocki and there in large numbers and had to leave because of a lack of hotel aecoromodallon*. Perry Daviß’ Pain-Killnr.—lts valu, able properties t a speedy ourc for pain csoao: fail to bs gsnsr.-lly ap preciated, aad no family should be without it in case of aoc.d-at, or sud den attack of dysemory, diarrl u< or obolera uiorbu-. Sold everywhere. Avoid substitutes. Tuere is but one Pain-Killer, Perry Davis’. Price 25j. and 6!)c NOTICE. A special uv’f’ting of ibe laboring men‘’will be held at Newman’s ball t< - pDight, at 7:30 sharp. All members are urged to be present. V. J. Jonkb, Pres., C. B. Pouter, Sto. GENTRY’S DOG SHOW. Pr,.f Gsntiy’s (log and pony show 's ill be in Brunswick on October 22. Prof. Gentry has been a visitor (o Brucswi.k for a numb rof years and always receives a good cowd - ! - ■""" Sinn-lif. ActsfJcasant/y and/hympt/y. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. Presents in the most acceptable/orm the lajca/lee principles of plants An own to act most beneficially: TO GET ITS BEWSri BUY THE GENUINE JdANF D. BY CALIFORNIA FIGSTRUPCO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE . KY. NEW YORK. N Y. for safe by druggists - price SO* per bottfo^ ||ps Gornib o W ua Ct.QiPPC rtiet 1 rub the body and un ’ covet every weak spot; hence ; *0 many fatalities after people 1 ihmk they well of La ! Grippe. . . . * JOHNSON’S CHILL and FEVER TONIC Cures La Grippe Cures It in a day Cures it Completely An<J Is a safeguard against the dan gers which follow In Its train. USE NOTHING ELSE. ‘ 60 cents If It cures; *, Not a cent If It does Dot. A. B. GIRARDBAU. Savannah, Ga. O SLIM CHANCE NOW. Latimer's Slayer St.ll Evading the OtH :ers of the Law. * " The chances of captu-iog the -layer on Latimer grows! ..TTonduotorßta^^l^^;^^—< less each minute a->d is Send will go unpunished It is the cp'nlon of some ILat he is st ll In the vicinity but this is ihought to be wrong by thoss who hare e ud ed criminals. Tae man ha* had a good •oporiunity to pul many mi es between his pur suers and himself and there is no doubt butth t he b is taken advantage of It R<ch, warm, heal:by blood is givtn ■by Hood’. Strsapsrilla, and thus cough-, colds and pneutuoois are pr vented. Take it now. Ome Nnsr Dy ng. ‘•For three days anil nights I suffered agony untold from an attack o( cholera morbus brought on by eating cucumbers,” says M. E. Lotwher, clerk of the district court, Ucuter vil'e. lowa. “I thought I should irately die and tried a dozen different medicines, but alt to no purpose. I sent for a bottle ot Chamber lain Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and three doses relieved me entirely. 1 went to sleep and did nut awake for eight hours. On g a few hours ago I felt so gratified th i do on going to the ollice is to write to the manufacturers of Ihis remedy and offer them my grateful thanks and say ‘God bless you ami the splendid medicine you | make.' ” This remedy is for sale at Or. Bielr I op’s drug sturo. QUESTIONS AN WEB ED, Yea, August Flower still has the largest salt| :f any medicine la the civ ilized world. Your mothers andgrr.od molberß never.though: of using any thing e'sf* for irdieesilOD or bilious ness. Doctors wore scares and they seldom heard of spendicitis, nervous prostration, heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of until cexted iood, rtguialo the action of ihe liver, stimulate the action 0/ the ner vous and organic system, acd that Is Ml tbey took when fee!, eg dull and bad with h adaeba and ether aches. You * en’y a f"> dose* of Grcec'sAu- Lgusl Flowt-r, 11 liquid fe:ui. to make you sat! -Sed them nothing serious the mati, r ,vi.h ■ t.r, Bsmy. e bottles at Butte orutstore 01 Hrowr. DrtigC Bhovld hr ii , 'ttry bdv.fcbolc mere oir , at * Tt afr,d* i t ,j.:n relief A MEETING SOON. The I 0.. r i of ir de will bold an Im porfftnt m-'cl'tig * rO.:ii) s Mr. C. I’ Good e,r fini-h s collee'lng from Ihe c't'z.ns w ,0 the Ch mher of C mmerco list and this will oily take a few mere Tbe sooffrr tbe new m*a a taken in the better and the Times Cat,!, urges ao early meeting: It Happn ed ip s Drag Htora. ‘‘One day last winter u lady came to my drug store and asked for a brand of cough medicine that I did not have In stock,” says Mr. C. K Urandlo, the popular druggist of Ontario, N.V. “She was disappointed and named to know nliat cough preparation I could recommend. 1 said to her .that I could freely rocornmend Cliami.orlHln’s Cough Remedy and that she could take a bottle of the remedy and after rr ng I, a fair tr'al If sf* did nor f.nrl it worth he i.iouey to h. tog haek the ixittle and I would rr fund the price paid. In tbe course of a day or two the lady came hack In compauy with a friend In r.eed of a cough medicine and advised her to buy a bottle of Cbamherla'n’s Cough Remedy. I consider that a very good recom mendation for the remedy.” The remedy owes Its great popularity and extensive sale In n large measure to tbe personal recommenda tions of people who have been cured by its use. It Is tor sale at l>r. Bishop's drugstore. LOW RATES. To Georgia State Fair at Val4o*‘a, October am, to November 4th, via Plant System. One fare from points In Georgia, Florida and Ala bama, plus 59 cents additional for admission Military rate 1 cent j>er mile each direction, */0 or more on one ticket. B. W. WRKNN, P&aseager TrafflcManager THE BRUK oCTctS'S lw THINGS THEATRICAL. 1 Commencing with the engagement of the Perucbi-Bsldem Cos., the our tain will rise promptly at 8:15 p.m. This is as it should be. The curtain in Savannah rises at 8:30 p. m. Eastern tiru’, which is 7:30 p. m. Brunswick time. So theatre goers will no doubt govern themselves,and not corns in late and disturb the enjoyment of those that are there before them. Seats for the engagement of the Psruobi Beldeni Cos., will bs placed on sale Monday, ladies are admitted free with the usual conditions, that is one lady will be admitted free with each thirty ont tleket, provided said ticket is purchased before 6 p. m. the opening night. i Sapbo, sans etairoase, sans sugges'- l|M®#kie booked for an early produc tion in Ward A Vokes may be seen here io anew edition of the Floor-Walkers provided a reasonable guarantee is rsised. Tea Nights In s Bar-Room will be here early in November. This play has made more money than any play that baß ever been produced. John H-nshaw, lo the part of David Garrick, ia with Stuart Hobson this season. “Too Kioh to hlarry, ’’ is the name of a faroial play that will be Been here in November. ‘ Tue King of the Opium Ring,” which treats of soenea in Chinese life, has six real Chinese actor- in the oom pany. Chue Hail has already spoken for a box. Russo it Holland’s big miistrels may be here next mouth. The I’eruchi-lleldlna Cos, seems to hive "caught on” iu great shape in Sivannah, according te the Nhws. SCROFULA THE CAUSE. Eczema, catarrh, hip disease, .chile swelling, and even oonsumptio’ . lwve their origin in scrofulous out ' > i -or. With the slightest taint of scxrula in the blood,' there ia no safety, The remedy for tbla disease in all its forms h Hood's Sarsaparilla, which goes lo the root of rtie trouble and expels all impurities and diiease germs from the blood. The best farniTf cathartic is Hood’s IMK , —————— ■— Money looted oh personal property ini real estate. Ap ply to J. W. Wat Kins. v '1 here is a fatoluatlon kW.ut big pfAiiis to a Uu-liiCHH man. Hut t!ie ijeu-Gi vativo and cau tlourt trader prefern the lesser per cent. of inL iiost and the larger percent, of safety in It s Investments. There la no man wl.o would not consider it a sound proposition to in vest in an enterprise In which absolute loks was impossible and which offered ninety-eight chances in a hundred of a rich profit. Tbe sta tistics of cures effected by Dr. J*ierc#*s Ciolden Medical Discovery Show that ninety-eight per cent, of cases of “weak lungs’* can be absolutely cured. Almost If not ail forms of physical weakness may be traced to starvation. Btarva tion saps tbe Rtrength. The body is just as much staryod when the stomach cannot extract nutrition from the food it receives as when there It no food. “Weak lunge,** bronchial af fections. obstinate coughs, call for nourishment “Golden Mcdicnl Discovery** supplies that nourishment in its most condensed and assim ilable form. It makes “weak lungs*’ strong, by strengthening the stomach and organs of diges tion which digest and distribute the food and hy Increasing the supply of puie blood. Do not get scar ed if your heart troubles you Most likely you suffer from indigestion. Kodo Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and gives the worn out stomach perfect rest. It Is the only preparation known that digests all cl&ssea of foods; that ia why It cures the worst cases of indigestion and stomach trouble after every thing else has failed, it may be taken in all conditions and cannot help bet do you good. W J. Butts. kvalta4 Drrlilon, “In tbe early days of Cceur d'Alene," an old miner. “I was working with my partners on a claim when, we were suddenly startled by pistol shots and, looking up, discovered a man ly *n?,.^r?strato 0Q nn a dJolnlng claim, while his assailant was trying to es cape by legging It to the best of his ability. Without stopping to pick up the injured man we gave hot chose to tbe one trying to escape, whom we finally overhauled, captured and haled before a Justice of the peace at Mis sion, Ida., the ucarby town. "There, as I remember It, It develop ed that It was an attempt at claim . jumping and that the man who had done the shooting was the would be Jumper. The evidence was all against him. and word came that the man who had been shot lay all but within the portals of death, the physician giving It as his opiulon that he could Inst only a few hours longer, and thereupon the famed Justice of the peace rendered his declajflu. , )fcr “ Kuilty of murder In the first ddfeipi,’ said he severely as he turned toward the prisoner at the bar —‘that Is, provided tbe victim dies,’ and so that decision stands to this day.” ran jam best goods, beat"“TOftlinout— those are tbe throe rules which rule in Ihu store in all seasons of tbe year. My aim is to give perfect ea'iefaction. There is no reason why I should not; and if, at BDy time, you get suithlng hero which is not right, I a-k that } ou tel' me of it. ITEMS FOR TODAY: How Eraprated Peaches. New Eiapratci Apples. New Prahes. See Them. THOS. KEANY GROCERIES, Phone 11, 312 Newcastle Street. ELI ZISSIMATO, 3021 Newcastle St. Porn 1! :... :.:. Hi is CIG ARS AND TOBACCO Ice ‘Cream Fresh Ever? Cat, M Shake Soda WataEtc,, Al. :nds nf;cndj . ; SSOO Reward. Y We will pay the above reward for any or Liver Conipl.aint. l>y*pepsia, Bk:k JJoadahptyt Indigestion. CoiiKtinatiou or Costlvenesa Ave‘ cannot euro with idverata, the Up-to-Dnto Littfe Liver Hills* when the directions are htrictly complied with. They aro purely vggo taide and never fail to givo satisfaction. 2 r e boxes contain mo pills, 100 Ihjxcs contain 40 pIIJS, 5c boxescoiit;tin 15pills. Besvarcof.hub* slitutca and imitations. Heut by mail. Stamps taken. N Kit VITA MKDiUALCO., cor. Clin ton and .T ieh-*on Sts , Chicago, 111. For sale by Brown Drug Cos . Brnnswick, bn Heal Estatb for Sale / We have lot number 176 on A eet nine lots on Woll Street, for Balt eap B. H. Daniels & Cu . 310 Nowcaetl hi. KKGJ ST II AT 1 t-k K OTI Cl#. Ofbce City Clerk, Brunswick, Ga.. Oct. 1,1900. In aeeoidance with heetiou X of the amondeu char’er of the c;ity of Brunswick, approved November 13, 1889.1 will on the llrst Monday in October, llk'O, at 10 a. m., open the books for the registration of the nuulifleu (to be uuallfled to register all state, Courity and City Taxes must be paid) voters of thMhy of Brunswick, and keep the same open urMjLthe. fl vg'MatiM ■&, in Nov..:d>er, IboO. GEORGlA—Glynmpnnty. To whom it m/ *rnceras A * g. Hhanuop having iu proper form applied to me for per manent letter* of ad in in uu-atton upon the es tate of I). F. feieeper, of said county, taceased. this is to cite the creditors and neat of kin of said deceased lo lie and appear at my ofh| within the time required by law and Ibofl cause, if any, why permanent letters should no® I* granted to tlie applicant . Prayed fori Witiie-s ujv official signature this 11th of PitoM her, 1900. HuUACKI>ABT,OWMfeug NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS.™ For the purpose of collecting the Ktste and , County Tax for I'.KK), 1 will he at the foMctiMUng district precincts on dates named, DUt. Oct. 27, Nov. lb and Dec. 8. 27 Diet. Oct Ssfl Nov 2) and Dec. 4. 1850 Dial. < >ct ‘A Nov. Jl and Dec. 0. JL; huh o t. 24. Nov, 22 and Dec. 7. 2h Dist. Oct, 29,30. 81, Nov. W. J *• **• jj' 1. yii'li u,f Gg ar Dealers Like to have theirregular customers smoke Old Virginia Cheroots because they know th&t: once a man starts smoking them he is “fixed/’ 1 and that he will have no more trouble with him trying to satisfy him with different kinds of Five Cent cigars. Tire* lundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked thin jeu. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. Advertisers lways PPRECIATE | t |>EAPIJMG ’ iCH AND THAT^IS^I^ V w ~ Regular eturns EPORTED ; By Advertisers Who Use These Columns. Quantity aid {unity ef Circulation gives and satly to Advertisers And We Give Both WE ALSO— GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. DON’T SEND AWAY FOR # ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, j BILL HEADS, SHIPPIHGTAGS, ETC, When you can get them at home for the same price and besides yon save the cost of freight and drayage, OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. We don’t mind calling and talking the matter Hover with you and giving you our estimates, • if we fail to get your order that is our fault, Bgt yours. WANT 18 A TRIAL. and 211 -F Street. 3