The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 12, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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► WHEN A YOU A FEEL DULL 1 Tired, nauseated and low spirited, the machinery of the body is clogged up somewhere. You should take a few doses of PRICKLY ASH BITTERS It bS thorough system cleanser and will make you feel bright, vigorous and cheerful, •OLD AT DRUCCI9TB. Price, *l.OO. ■ J Butts, Special Agent. --.wmcn ioi u co. • . "Will appear at the opera house for one week, begin ning Monday, October 22d. FACE i IS YOUR FORTUNE. iwk JA Throw away Cosmetics, t*. mfCmß American Women throw / sevenr v -fl . e million , doll ar.s annually tor fac : pow lets,lotions, etc., mo which are made of pois >nous subs tances an stroy fbe skin. To aecuie a Natural. Rob Healthy Complexion, get a VIRGIN RUBBER MASK. Restores original contour, permanently re moves pimples, freckles, blackheads, and ail imperfections. Absolutely harmless Results iruaranteed. Write for particulars. Price 43.00 by mal Gioves s2.uo and *2JM) VIRGIN RUBBER CO., No Wes: l*th St N. ¥ “ Brown Drug Cos., Sole Agts Brunswick, Georgia. ~ T. POOL, Contractor and Buildw, 119 tfoutli S:oneaii Str et. ' Brunswick, - Georgia. - cure yciirs: - '■ - cj ■ . ; ; t "’“s u i.'iitstioi*# or tiL 'sn. a*/t u. i.ri.Ure. r.f muutiii v, -•r, , .r. > n-. A Faiales*,. and not astria* %r •YIHCEvAii&CHEU.'Ga.Cq. t’eutor i. 0. l*jr JOriivgKl*. r. a. a. Jgj3r 2 r sent in plain ivrappe, CrcuUr sent on Pleasant to the taste. Effective, reliable. DR. J. H. McLEAN’S LIVER AND BALM Eliminates uric acid. The best remedy for Rheumatism and diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. SI * Bottle. t druoflUti. t THE DR. i. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., IT. LOUH, VO. FOB SALE BV W I. BUTTS, The Drugrist.' A Pood at 110 aa'ooaoa . i4 *A few days ago/* said a clubman, "I received a small Jar filled with a pe culiar brownish paste, which was sent me as a present by a young Chinaman who used to have a laundry here, but Is now living In San Francisco. A let ter which accompanied the gift ex plained that the paste was a combina tion of peanut buds and ginger Jelly. That sounds Uke a Joke, but It Isn’t “If you will break open the keruei of a peanut, you will find at the base a lit tle cone shaped formation usually sur mounted by two microscopic leaves. It is the life germ of the nut. and if planted would develop Into a tree. As my friend Wong explained to me 'he nuts are first roasted and tlio r minute growths are carefully ed. They are so small It tak thousands of them to fill a teak when a sufficient number are edy they are put a mortar and gft aid into a fine flour, which Is subsequently mixed with the ginger jelly and rubbed down to a smooth paste. “That sent me was about the consist ency of cream cheese, and It bad a peculiar aromatic taste thnt was rather pleiygpit. It Is one of the queer semi that-the Chinese like to nfjfpfe at between cotiampntiiu costs $lO au ounce it is literally worflP almost Its weight in gold. 1 have eaten A little of the preparation, but I don’t tfcfhk I'm apt to acquire a taste for it” —New Orleans Tlmes-Democrah The trony 01 rme, Speaking of the queer flukes of luck In the goldfields of Aluska, a writer In Alnsfec's Magazine says: “Often after the ’pile’ is made acci dent, disease or death steps in to pre vent Its legitimate enjoyment. “One man dropped dead when at the weighing of the first clean up he found himself a rich mau. There was some thing wrong with his heart. He had the physical strength to make the fight against bad food and water, to endure the back breaking toll of developtug and working out and all the strain of the uncertainty that went before. The supreme moment of success was more than he could stand, and the use of the gold passed from him with Us ac quirement. “A certain James Meade lay down with typhoid fever In an outlying camp Just as he was starting for home with the accumulations of the year, and he and his bag of dust entered Dawson together to briug four to carry and two to rest—and he paid each man sls a day. Once in Dawson Meade seemed to grow better, and when his sailing day came he walked |to the beat. He reached the wharf and fell dead as he was about to go afteat-o.' L Lnd Wlilatle. A clergyman In Scotland desired td hearers never to call one another “liars,” but when any one said “the thing that was not" they ought to whistle. " One Sunday he preached a sermon on the parable of the loaves and fishes, and being at a loss to explain it said the loaves were not like those nowa days—they were as big as some of the hills of Scotland. lie had scarcely pronounced these words when he heard a loud whistle. “Wha’s that ca’s me a liar?” “It Is I, Willy Macdonald, the baker.” “Well, Willy, what objection ha’ ye to ha’ told you?” “None, sir, only I want to know what 6ort of o\eus they had to bake those loaves in ?’’ Rubber Stamps, Seale, Stencil., Badges. Check Pfotec’orr, Numfc.-riiig Machines, S'eei and Brass Diee, S'eel Leg S amps, etc. Will If. Fain, Agent. 812 Newcastle street. The progientire nations <il itie world are the great food coraunting nations, t.ood lood wel digested g ves stivngth. If you cannot digest all you eat, yon ueed Kodol Dyspepsia Cute. It digests what you eat. Yon need not diet your self. It contain-all of the digestanta combined with the beat known tonics and reconatr icttves it will even dsgests all of foods in a bot tle. No other piepßration will do this It in stantly relieves and cures all stouaoch troubles w J Butts L. Pure Whiskey,\ Harper’s. Per/ec’ Wrn.k-y, Harpsr’s. Every bottle Harper’-. Sold bt T New man, Brunswick, Ga. Second hand household furniture bought and sold, also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W, Wa'kins. Fceli trf safely peivsde (be household tqa uses One Minute Cough Cure, the only harm less remedy Ihst firoducfl Immediate reunite. It Is intallihle for cough*, colds, croup and all throat and lung trouble*. It will prevent eon sump lon. W J. Butts.. WANTED. An is u wells to drive at $260 esi b K, h ari l capacity guaranued will also gusrai tee to complete wells io 15 day*. Call on or address A. H. Baker 205 Gloucester street. IHE BRUNSWICK TIMKK-CALL, OCTOBER 12, 19iQ. A Baby's /\1 Birth / ing of a flower. Its beauty and I perfection depends entirely I upon the care bestowed upon I its parent. Expectant mothers I should have the tendercst care. They should be spared all worry I and anxiety. They should eat | plenty of good nourishing food and take gentle exercises. This 1 wr*l go a long way toward preserv- 1 ing their health and their beauty . as well as that of the little one to come. But to be absolutely sure ' of a short and painless labor they should use Mother's < s ‘ ss * Friend regularly during the mmitiisot tiop This in a simple liniment,.which ( , is to l>a applied externally. If gives ( strength a . \ vigor to the muscles and pie voaua all of the discomforts of prog nancy, which women treed to think were absolutely necessary. When Mother’s Friend is used there is no danger whatever. Get Mother’s Friend at the drug ( store, *t per bottle. THE BRADTIf l 0 REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, OA. Write for our frwj book, “ Ufor* TUhjr is Horn.” A NEW PLACE TO BUY DRUGS. Smith’s Pha macy. corner Newcastle and Monk Streets, is now well equipped with a .new, fresh nnl well seketed steak, of pure Drugs, Soaps Perfumes. and AilTihet Articles found ir* • ,rst clas% * uj-to-datc drug store Your Prescription* will receive the pergonal ittenUou of a graduate in Pharmacy of many V'luss practical experience. You will %**ve money, get the best attention and your trade will be appreciated. SMITH’S PHARMACY, COR. NEWCA.-TLK AND MONK STS, GEORGIA DETECTIVE AGC Y BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil and criminal cases attendso to quaint e, strictly confidential Eh-, quire* conduoled with secrecv. ; L. J. LEAVY TVI =, rt *■? <7 <=■ '• L. J. Leavy 6c Cos Auctioneers, Commission Merchants and Gener al Collecting Agent* Consignments Solicited hnd Prompt Retnjrns Rendered. Social Attention Paid to Collection of Rente —,— fey B. J. ULEWINE icvles Selling, Kentiiig, Repairing, • ti<-w q gi*; Service We sell Cleveland, Sloasuli, CraKturd, Eagle. Elk, Dixie. Best of Wheels for the Least Money- Wan Paper AT THE PAINT STORE, 502 Mon I- Et. W.H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. QEVARIS & i.I.VAOAS, Goce cs, Counts i'roituce <>e Vegetables *tr. Alsu CoiMcnerv. MONK BTKEKT. IHUNHWUIK. OA Service By Publication. BTATM OK QKOHtiU-. CouniV o[ (ilvnn. .lohn Rogeir I lu Glynn Superior Court. May „ , ''?■ } Term. imto. . Susie llogers. ) J.rRELFOK DIYOKCK. To the Defendant, Sueie Rogers • You are hereby commanded to ho, and appear at the December Term. next, of Glynn Superior Court, to ho holden ,u the court hooie in i>' imswick, Glynn County, (loorciii. on the First Monday in December, 15100, a U <l by Ten 1 0 V? CloC * of the ,r V nOuU of an id date, than Itml there to answer t.n> complaint of the plain tifT in theal*ove stated case in his Linel for Divorce. Wituees the Honorable Joseph W. Bennett. Judsoof the Sup rior Court 0 f Glynn County, this the loth day of July, 1900. . c H. F. duRIGNOV. Clerk Superiov Court, Glynn • ounty, Ga. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION, GEORGIA—GIynn County. Mary C\ Beppaui vs Jefferson Levy, The National dank or Brunswick and the May or and Council of Brunswick.—Petition for par tlon of realty in Glynn Superior court, Do* ceniber Term To the Li vy: .1 ‘a! ftro that the petitioner in the Above staterteWse will apply for a parti tion of that certain rc&l property in the Mato of Georgia, county ot Glyun and city of Bruns wick, described a* follows: Tc Northeastern portion or W'hat Is known as and called the **l hirty A*i*e Tract” or u The Wells Tract ” hav ng the following courses and distances, to- Avit: Commencing at the centre of tho South cm line of Union street nud running thence .‘southwardly feet; thence running East- Ayardl.vMO.feetr ihenc° runuing Northwardly JbiO feet; thence running Westward)v Bfs feet, except three certain small tracts heretofore sola oy the OAvners; such application for par titlon of saiit land will bo irade at tho next torui of said cotut to bo hold on tho first Mou <lao In December next. This notice given in pursuance of an order* of said court presiding, the in said ease. “h W. Bonnet being disqualified Witness the Honorable Pa in r;. be... said court presiding, this October''., H. F. DU BItiNON, Clerk Superior f’ourt, Glvnn Count}’, ia. SPARKS A TWITTY, Attorneys. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. State of Georgia—County of Glynn. Mrs, Ella Markham Libel for divorce; in the Superior Court of Glynn ys. county. May term, 1900, Martin B. Markhnm granted at said term. To tyre I>efendant, Martin B. Markham. You are hereby required, in person or by at torney, to he and appear, at the December Terfn, lUOO, of Glynn Superior court, to be hold en in and'fov said county, at the court hopsejn Brunswick. Glynn count > , Georgia, on the first Alcmdavin December, iffOO, ami you will bo there by ton GO) o’clock, of the forenoon of said d*£*ihen and there to answer the complaint of the plaintiff Mm JCllft Markham, in the above stated ease, in her libel for divorce. Witness the Honorable Joseph VV. Hen net, .lodge of the Superior court of Glynn county, Lhig the 2ith day of August, 1900. A. O.TOWNSEND, Depuly Ulei'k of the Superior Court, Glum County, tieorgia, ERNEST DART," Attorney fur HKBVICK BY FUHf.KjATIOFk ,V,rß. Clyfie Freeman, Libel for Divnrco. He tnrnable to December vs. Term, llKM),or’ Superior Court of Glynn couu- O. J. Freeman. ty, Georgia. To the said defendant, O. J. Freeman : You are hereby required* pcigoually or by attorney, to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county, convaning on the flryt Monday m December. lflOO, then anil there to answer t © plaintiff, Clyde Freeman, upon the merits of her petition for divorce filed against yon; as in default of such appearance the Court will proceed an to Justice shall apper tain. Witness the 11011 Joseph \V. Hen net. Judge of said Superior Court, thb 22d day of August, HOD. A. O, TOWNSEND. Deputy Clerk Superior Court. Glyun Cos.. Ga, D. V.\ Kit \USS, IMtfTV Ally. NOTICE OF LOCAL LEGISLATION. Notice le hereby given that the following bills „wI be introdaceq at tb ■ of the General Assembly of Georgia, towit: A bill to bo onti tied An Aotsto ainetwi an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Bevenun in the county of Oly a, passed in 1870, and the Arts aincn latory therouf, so as tb provide and fix the compensation of tlio rbairman f nidi ' board; and for other purposes Also u bill lo Ije oni ith-u An Act to amend tne ( barter of tho (Jifj of Branswick, arul lor other purpotet: Also a Mil to be entitled An g\ct to amend an Act t estabisli the City i Court of Brupswlek. in and for ttie Gv-outy t j Givnn; to define itp jurisdiction ana Mjwei"; u* i provide for the appointment of a judg. r. ’ oxbei officers thereof; D. define Hi ir po\vet ' well duties, and for other purposes. A p r lec'niber Mm 9ih, Hdtfkg) a •> rrul n ii th* \ i’Mtge *f rad court f'-otn bract cfng law. and )■> | ix the wiiaYy of s ich jn ige. owd for ■ in-i pur j poses: , Also a DiM t** ie entiUerf \ 1 A< t o mend tnc c:hartcr.ef tho City of Brunswick* and for other purpose. Thu-* cto her Ist Jboo. VV B Lit. 8V! K ,8f e*of <enrjsi.-- f ' , >f <*lynn. Uad*r ntni iiv vrino of t. * |i*/v%t* *,f 'C)* iain uhi tli • nod • m-c n'- <;■* t from Ain.u.ii . A. D vis in Hu* Dru’b .ck Title oimr.mie ■ Hud L an *>■ ? pa- y. • uted an., and -ii vend on m :jt.i tay ot .Vet•mar. .I^2, ! which sin do‘*<i ' o sec.:(•> ',',lit 5a y re- I corded on page* U. 14: ; aua 44 it \'i<l of the general records of Glynnjcoutii", Georgia, ref creme thereto )eing ii vl, tiie Brumiwjek Title [ <>uaranK e and L ;au 1 omjmnjr will t.xinw and I offer for auk* to the hlgln st and asm .'odder for 1 cash, before the court poum. door u ojvnn' county-, Georgia, within tbel jgal hours >( sale, j on the first Tm ed yj iu Novtmbor, I 1900, all of th t cm fain t ract, lot 1 or parcel of land, with the bußdhxb I and improvements thereon uituate'd! bei ig iu the Old lnwn of ’be Lily uf Brunt, , wick, lynn county, Georgia, known and dc •' keiihed a#* the 11 irlheaeiern iWxDo foot, of Old Town lot number twcDo Hi), b unded on the noithbyiJee tern oue-hitif of old town lot number eleven (11) 9') feet; east nv Oglethorpe HtreetfiO feet, >out.ii bv the rernaiulntr ekstei n port iou of aid lot number 12 90 kef, and-weft by the northw stern portion of Id Old Town lot Dumbai 12 3 f#*et. Old Town lot num ber .2 K*ing Her: 1 1 fled upon D up of Bald cl*y made by Gourde li. vtln .D. 1837, t > which rofe ©c< 1* heteby )> o,fo tbupQr; osc* of liquidating the indeb-e eaa enfd com pany by the aarl gruntOi mm j 00 prin cipal dei t, Ix siden ii'feio t u 1 • the first i'iich da.v i November, P 00. ountlng to 1417.33. anttapo further sum ot S9OO *• e costa of adver tiding this kttie. BBUN.'sWIGK COMPANY. By C. P. GOODY l All, Fr*sl!ent. Attcrftf* W. K. Kay, Sec A Tit**, NOTICE OK LOCAL LEGISLATION. The I'utTic in hereby notified tba f a bill will be Qtlved ;t the next action of 'he topiel ture amending the chtirter of tbo '•ity of Brunswick H. Ji. HOI KIN’ 4 , lirtinswick, G., Sept. 27,1900. Administrators Notice, I All persons having claims against estate of J U, Cfa.nn .till will present 'hem to tlwluiider-1 signed, and all owing said **‘ute will ’' e * l ' o pay their accounts to ><• SrBABo,’. Fsiate J, U. CampbelL ADMINISTRATORS SALE. GEORGIA—GIynn Countv. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordi nal y ,f saul county, I will si li at public ou.cry on the first Tuesday m November, 1900. at Hie court house in paid countv, Avithin the legal hours of sale, the following deseY.-bed kands, the property of the es ate of Bridget Miaeffalh ceast and, situate in the City ot Bruunswick, in said state and county, to Avit: Lots numbers twelve hundred and thirty seven (12:57), twelve him red and thirty eight (1238), twelye hundred and thirty-nine (1230), twelve hundred and forty (1240;, six hundred and forty-iwo (1*42), ami six hundred and forty-three (048), respec tively. each of said lota being in that portio i oi said city commonly called “New Town,” and designated upon the map of the plan of said m,l s e *‘- v Geo. H. Baldwin, serveyor, a. l>. loot, and of the audition thereto,by the num bers above described, aim to which map ami to the order of said court of ordinary aforesaid, reference is madef,rail purposes of dose lip Also, llie unoxplrcd lea-eh >ld interest in nna to the following lots or parcels ol land sit uate in the city of Brunswick. and in that part i iierriifrommo l ! !y called “Town Loin nons/ti -1 fiat portion of lot liuinbor at veniy-ilve (*.) troniing foity i4oi feet on Amherst street and ninety (HO) feot oil J street, tlio leasehold “herein expiring u on March 21, llHiTi lot muii hr r one hundred and thirty-five (.135), bounded east by Albany street, south by I, slreet, west YVoIU: el net and north by lot number one bundled and thirty four, and having a from u; on Albany and Wolfe etreS'p respectively of tune'jy (9i))4eot ft ml a depth between said sin eis of liumh\ and and ei. lity (Ist) feet. t i ial P ortl °u °f lot number one hundred irtv - o J ,r^:! o bounded oast by Albany Miim’rt 011 / l .S l ' )l " u,nber 01,0 hundred and i „ i e i' vest Wolfe street, and ??. l /iL ° ni l. ,ll P er onc hundred and thirty ruree (IS.}); aid the romainirg portion of sad lot number oiii hundred Mid thirty-three (JM4. the aaiue fronting twenty-nine (‘ill) feet uifcm foet ll l>oU Wolfe l, h ?irc a8,,lK ’ lri interest therein expiring Match 2, Uhl,, and the description of each of said row a i ,ommon lots and pints of lota being in . ule with reference to the map of wlmt is com nm. h ailed tlie ‘-Hughes Survey” of the Town i mumoin otaald city of file in the office of the nit!. >i ’ aad council thereof. Terms of sale casu. 1 ins 1 1, iolier S, MOO. UOiKNOO TOItBAS, inutrator dc bonis non etc. Bridget Mine '■i. NKKVtOtfi BY PUBLICATir oi Georgia—County of Glyun. Mrs. Liz/, e Long Libel for divorce; In the Superior court of Gly*>n vs. county, Mav term, 1900. Older to perfect sei-vice, Thomas A. Long, granted at said term. Ti the Defendant,Thomas A. Long. . are hereby required, in person or by at torney> to be and appear, at the December term, 1900,0f the Glynn Superior court, to be holden in ami for said county, at the court house in BrunSAviek, Glynn county, Georgia, on the first Monday in Decomber, 15)00, and you will be there by ten f 10) o’clock of the forenoon of said flay, then and there to answer the com plaint of the plaintifiT, Mrs. Lizzio Long. In the above stated ease, in her libel for divorce. Witness the Honor Able Joseph W. Bennet, Judge of the Superior court of Glynn countv, this the 24th day of August, 15K0. _ „ , A. O. TOWNSEND. Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court, Glynn County. Georgia. ERNEST DART, Attorney for Plaintiff. * CITATION. GEORGI Y—Given Convhp, i r Dan us Dart, of Glynn county, in said State has a (plied to the Ordinary of aaid county of iilyun for exemptijwj. of personally and setting apart and valuatloh of hoiuesteaa, and 1 will nasM upon the o’clock a. in. upon the duy of OctoHernuOO, tit the court home in B.aid county of Glynn. Tins September 22. I'JOO. T , JEFFERSON SPARKS, Judge City Gonrt of Brunswick and pro hac vice Ordinary Giynn^ouDt}jWbk'j^rgtar-^~^- ■kVmtxioN. GEORG I A—Glyn u ty, IV liei eas. EUa J. Jeuuingg, administratrix of ) V ‘. ,iy/ n e f tatc * represents to the court in her petition, duly filed and entered on record, that she has fully:, attallni.stored George \V. Calvin s CBtato* Thia is, therefore, to cite, all persons eppetyped, kind red and creditors? to show cauflj, If any they can. why ,-aid ad mimstratrix should not lie discharged from administration, and receive letters Of disuiie feion on the first, Monday in DecernbFP. 1900. HOK/xUEDA RT, Ordinaiy. CITATION. Georgia—Giyun Counry. M ra. Mary Mahoney having applica tion fqr twelve- mouths’ suppoit/out of tho estate ftt T/iMothy Mahoney, and appraisers nted to set apart the same having filed their return, all persons concern! <1 are hereby reunited to show cause before the court or ordinary of taid County On, the IDs: Monday in November, 15*09, why said application *h< uid i i.ot be granted. Tlib 4tn dav of 1 'ovein er.tfioo. i HORACE DART, Ordinary. : 'mLm CITATION : GEORGIA C*LVN S’ (JOU.NTV. ~k"&il* arner ’ V* llf Turn. r. has apV mil for exom; turn of personal; ;v n , B „u. tug apart rp<l valuation of li,.i,M'-ti-a.I out .if hm jnojjeriy anJ f" ju |,a f , upon the satin- at ID o’clock a in..”n the iiiiul Jav of o .’oliof iti'e■ at my office This September 2i1,. ~t • Horace dart. Or linc.ry Giy-nn County. ,n. CITATION. r Georgia—Glynn County. M'-. I'ftnnie A. Smith has a poked fdrexemp tb.,’of })<o>onnliiy and the setting apart and ‘ * 11 pf iiO’iv tcad out of tf e estate of II t b i .decen , ’. to of said couutv and c tf tc. and 1 will pass, upon the game at te o’clock a. ra .oit :!ic42nd day of Oc'abm, isxio at my office in the eonrt house of said cotmt 1 and st ite HOEU'.K DAIiT, Ortliunry t.Pyuo Count, i,a ht.RVfCJe BY PUBLICATION. V t” pt Georgia—County of Ulynu Vlru. Ktlea Wylie jLI he: for divorce; in the 4 SopetlW’ court of Liven y I’ Orfiy, May term, m*"u. and aaont- *. rV i. •. Jirs't Monday IdS T ’ K,M be tliore by ten (lo ; y " l ‘ said day. then aad fbeVGo '**piioo! olal* tof the plain-iff Vdr 1 **’ r " MI above stated cafe* t J ,v u ' 1 <’ witness the tUm- , 1 Judge of the thb the 24 h tl;iy <?,? c, ' u,li ' VVNskn:, ... I”, ... 'ualetlS "of ■ - .f it ••* ' • i ' \ V Mi % ■ w wa |. m '■‘l m . V I ! " j Jj,| J|-[fg at KESSLER’S Uor. Monk and Hrant Sts| iITIONS H Secured 3/ Active ,Vklc 1 ToungMen i d V/OWIEN jo our practical BUSINESS ( ■ WMRE.. | " IMSTRUCTIONS ! Jiainy Day Hats. The very best of the moat favored shapes are 1 own in our assortment. Ir-imsed and Untrirsmed felt Hats f In a variety of shapes, styles and colors. Y. Whe have bought and made them up to sell to'lnoae who desire something set ricethle, yet pretty; good, bat low priced. These arc right, and priced right. HISS KATE SLATER, 504 G LOCCKSTKE ST.. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Diyests whvt you eat. Itartilidall v (ngfc.tfs the food and aids Nature }-> strengthening and rocon stiuotiL’i 10 exhausted digestive or gans. X|i tha latest discovered digesfc antatiWonic. No other preparation tan approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures pvSpepsht Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Nick 111 adache.Gastralgla,Cramps,and all other results 1 >f Imperfect digestion. Premred by E C DeWitt eco . Cblcojo. W J, Putts, tfet* Druggist. KIDNEY DISEASES most fatal of all dis eases. HI! EY’C kidney cure is t s ULI ! 0 Guaranteed Remedjr or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles, PRICE 50c. and SJ.OO. O ’V i • " Dru S.-UKE INTO YOUR SHOES. * ,n ’i F.k.i 1 a power. ft cures painful, uivt* • f<*i t uuil naila,nnd • n"t,:. ” tv ui( Kn au Ht comfm discovery of the m o AII HV i • nit-Knee*tii,t e* light or new rb>mi. i on*p. ain a lam cure for Hweat h>i*.onllou* .tni h *t , aching feet. Try it Unlay, hold by all dr>i£gta>i ami shoe store*. By iiMt for 25c m fctumps, Trial pack Hire Free, i Add Mien tt*Olmtead, Le ttoy, N. Y.' 1% \ 'WM PARKE 6*5 I HAI * RALSAM (2^rrtT h'-nutllifii the naif. I " fSpWk ± Eli N ' rcr to nvLtrecVjrar % toLl&Jv ?t* YonUfui Color, rfc. rrevrf.U J>*r..|Mir *n*l hull fulliiw, I W4JgaL _ ~TL ins' 1 . yi ■ *,, B - 7