The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 12, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 You have Watches, Clocks OTi Jewelry broken, bring them to me and I will put them in first class order, at the very lowest price consistent with careful, first class work. Our 20 years’ experiencefit us for the finest and most difficult jobs. . All work is fully er, —'“ Lcsea - We also fit Glasses to any and all Eyes, and guarantee a perfect adjustment. We carry a fine line of Jewelry and Silverware of all kinds, and your inspection. KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Outioian. .15 Newcastle Street, % Inspector o( W!che lor Southern Railway. Time by Wire ilal tropin WssMogtsa CHINESE RESTAURANT, ESTBmffED im:L . CHUE HALL, Propriatfir , Toucan get tlie best the market affords by eatiris“£ere 2IS GRANT ©T. db.moffetts motion, ffIBfIttTIIIIA SSsi \£*§sw JL (Teething Powders) X, >. TEETWNAlffiltvthe Bow ASA^Vr~ V , * . ' _ Trouble...* CMd™, o - Costs only 25 cents at Druggists, any age. |Khjjl Or mail ib cent. to C, J, NIOFFETt, M.D..BT. LOUIS, f BOYS’ SHIRT WAISTS S -JSP „ ' Another, lot Boys’ 75 cents and SI.OO Laundered Shirt Waists—one week 48c. . New Ladies’ l Evy|-' THE BRUNSWICK 71MES-CALL. OCTOBER 12, 1900. ECZEMA’S iTOH IS TORTURE. Eczema la caused by aa acid humor la the blood coming In contact with the ■kin and producing greet redness and In flammation j little pustular eruption* form and discharge a thin, sticky fluid, which dries and scales off; sometime* the skin U hard, dry and fissured. Eczema in any form is a tormenting, stubborn disease, and the itching and burning at times are almost unbearable; tbe acid burning humor seem* to ooze out and set tbe skin on fire. Salves, washes nor other exter nal application* do any real good, for as long as tbe poison remains in the blood it will keep the skin irritated. BAD FORM OF TETTER . h*&T y e * r * I srfSt, hands, which caused them to *weli to twice Bomb. their natural Mae. Part of lae time the cUaease juLjjzgU u wai inthe fown of run- * lfSt 1 ning aorea, very pain- 1 ful, and causing me O much dlacom/ort Four , wJffA doctors Haiti the Tetter & LwHSfc;'*' ha-1 too far me. 11 -ok only fin ee was completely cured.. Tbit waa fifteen yea re ago, end I have never *' y •mce ween any sign of mv old trdlible.** —Mu*, I. B Jac/Uo*, 1414 McGee &t., Kauaas City, Ma 8. S. S. neutralizes this add poison, cools the blood And restores it to a healthy, natural state, and the rough, unhealthy •kin becomes soft, smooth and clear, £%2k dSfo* A cures Tetter. Bry- SSS^^Js Ml oned condition of the —'bod. Send for our book and write tu about your jcasr. Our physicians have made these diseases a life study, and can help yon by their advice; we make no charge for this service. All correspondence is conducted in strictest confidence. TNI SWIFT moirtc CO, ATLANTA, QA. CHEAP ADVERTISING, CASH IN ADVANCE Ailrsrtisciaeuu in this column will 1> fann ed st tbe uni form rate of One Cent a Weed % esch fctssjjlon. No. advertisement, fcthvWs* moll, lee. nten,SO corns. Cash in adrsboe, SL ■V WANTED-3*o buy a good h-si'se. Addreei A, oars this office FOli KENT—Three room collage. Apply to All Howea-re^t. EQIV KENT-My oficfte at 2:2 Vr> Inn street, Modern improvement-. Ap plflo J, D. Si^s. cottage, IR) ss>lfs street. Apply to W., ■ f -'}■. * ‘ WAN TjtJß—C o I "rtqt *A, sober a oil trustw'.nßyS tupiHpsre It traveling. |3O a maeth" aod nil.expenses to begin. A’leaae enolose self-stlfiyessed envelope. President MsolJrsdy, 366 Dearborn, Chicago WVvvv. --.)Uyk. iscjißjpjy,, soMb4mj3yj Hustling young man can make per month snd '*p#ises. position. unnecessary* Write quick for partwQlara, Gi*ri#sP Uo., ft) & Jjuou. Street*. nhis. Pa. \Y.\N TED.—CftfistiaTi man or wo rusD willing to qualify for permanent position of trust, here or in home coon y. 1900 yearly, Kudos? <te!f addreeard stamped envelope to Secre tary, care of Timkc-Oaix ■ . w-.".—. ■ ■ ' ——. f EOK *BAl,E,—Hillery Island, sit- U|te ( and on Turtle river, contaiulsg 3i' a acres of high land, tollable for truck ing or poultry railing; about 15 acres cleared ; good Arhing and oyster beds srouhd the Island. Also, Island View, oontiing 80 acres, more or lese, situ ated OD G bson and Ferrises' oretie*, six urea of which is under new wire fence; Tft to 100 pear trees, sr.-d lm provfmsnts on further in formation, apply to K, Jos. D.tcrfivr ger, 316 Union street. Ml Jew! Large Oval Cans MACKEREL with Tomato Sauce, per can 20C. G. W. HARPER, THE HUSTLER. PHON E 158. GFJ. EVANS WONTACCEPT Notified He Could Be Adjuiant Geuerai fill IIPOEIfIIf CMENCf The Race Has Now Narrow ed Down to Four Candidates. Atlvma, Oct. 11.—At * conferenoe yesterday in tbs executive office at tbe cspitoi, at which both GDvsroor ler and G-oerst Clement A - Evan* were the i ffie- of adjutant made vacant by the death of General Mclmtosb K-lt, was tendered to Gen- eral Evans. It Is understood that the offer of appointment was refused by General Evan*, whose - am- has been mont-oned repea-tdiy for the pltoe, but who has never filed an application. “There are a number ofcooeidera tions,” said General Evan., after tbe conference, “that would deter me frrna accepting -.he appointment of adjutant general. Il iwever, tha effio# lea tine one, and offers the Inducement to the successful applicant of improving cue , of Ina most important departments of Die 9ae government—the military, ’ Miny of thg friends of General Ef -‘*3 tufc i. so* bays b-en urging him to apply Up tli flies, confident that bis splendid, • mt itary record in tbe Confederate ser- *vlo*/tagetß With the court dance fell in him by the militia of tbe S'ate, eouid Dad to his seleoflon by the governor without dr]sy- On being no tified, however, -hat be could get the if Jus desired, General Evans In- tite governor, It is undt rstood, oduld not accept it. Gossip has it that the race )ias.nar rowed down to feur men—lospeainr Georsl O’Bear, Acting Adjutant Gen ersl Byrd, Captain Goodloe Vapcey and 0, L J. W, R iberson. Stops me Cough ani wor| off the Cold. • Laxative itumoiQalalae TabMs cure s cold in one day. $0 Cuts'. Me ray.' Price a:, cents GEITING TOGETHER. Secrdlarr Ljiig aad Steel Companies JJoJcNa Timber Con fere roe. I-, -. \Va*h'.nstou, Q.t. 11.—Sooreliiry L ng ha had auo’.h'r coufMvnie with the reproseatativca of the Bethlehem ■and Carnegie steel companies respect* • jr' tPR the placing ot contract* for sls iiOO,- 000 wo th of ' plate for he navy. Th; cmference lasted u arly en h nr While It was not conclusive In its re sults the par ies to It were e ch and all under the impression that they had sue.ceded iu getting i eart-r to one another, while, as far as the navy de that there is no longer the necessity confronting it of building an armor plant, which was the alternative pro vided in the act of congress io the event of failure to secure armor from the private makers at the prices named in the act. This Is tlie season when mothers are alarmed on aivount of cronp. It is rjulekly cored by One Minute Cough Core, which children like t > take. VV. J. Butts. For sprains, swellings and* lameness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain’* Pain Balm. Try It. For sale at Dr. Bishop’s drug store Disinfect Your Homes..... Choloro - Naptholeum, A Safegua and to Disease. We Sell in Anv Quantity. W J BUTTS, The Druggist? “On the Corner.” ; 1 YOU LOOKiHG FOR MldfH | W- arc sure we are not and what is more we want to make as little for you as possible and to tbt end we make it a rule to sell drugs and chemicals t vat are the purest obtainable at tbe fairest prices By so I doing we save you running a mile or so out of yonr way to obtain some thing better elsewhere. We are in a position to demonstrate tbe truth of our assertion by any fair trial. HE IS A WISE MAN Who judge* goods on the'r merits entirely and n -t by what is said of them. What we say about our drugs and druggists' sundries. We say ; for the express purpose of having people inquire into our statements f and judge for themselves as to the merits of the articles in question, i Our policy is to invite inspection at all times. We don't care who avoids it, we are always pleaed to face ihe issue and stake our reputa tion on our ability to prove the superiority of our goods. ao ™Fok Nunnally’s Candies BRCTWtt DRUG ca LEADING DRUGGISTS. Ckf! Summer • 6argainSiN A clearance sa ! e to make room for new goods. 1 Parlor ru'f, 5 pieces, worth S4O, in s2B. .eSSs 1 Oak Refrigera’ ir, w rtb S2O. now sls. l Oak Bed Room Suite, ;•! piece*. worth $25, now SIS itsd Loong'S, worth $lO, now sl2. JlLil&drJf- / --C iJfrlL Centre Table* 50 ceuta to $6. —i Ire Dream Kr.oaers worth $2.50 at $1 88. ; A large assortment of Sideboards,* Cupboards }|jp ; j Prices Below the Market. ljl|l|l S, MoOAiVEY. W. LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND YOT CAN T BEAT ft>i? Of A!f" pWPIWV Whisky / SI.OO PER QUART ; $4.00 PER GALLON. NOT MADE BY A TRUST* . I- Trager & Cos,, Independent Distillers. Sold Exclusively in Braunswick by FR.Jj V-S DOUGLASe 206*Bav Street.