The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 13, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 You have Watches, Clock orj Jewelry broken, bning them to me and I will put them in first at the very lowest prige consistent with carefulrflrst class work. Our 20 years’ experience fit us for the finest and most difficult jobs. All work is fully guaranteed. —** We also fit Glasses to any and all Eyes, and guarantee a perfect adjustment. We carry a fine line of Jewelry and Silverware of all kinds, and your - ' inspection. _ KENNON MOTT, , JeweleV and Graduate Ontioian. 115 Newcutle Street, I ii spec tor o t Watches tor Southern Railway. Time t,y Wire dally from CHINESE RESTAURANT, ESTBLISHED 1889. CHLHE HALL, Proprietor You'can get the best the market affords by eating here 215 GRANT BT. m MOFFETT’S A Allays Irritation, Aids Digest^ IPjKH V f B Irrr dill n Regulates the Bowels, ' l", I I" I* I H I At /1 Strengthens the Child, W3r J f LL I 111 II h\ #*k Teething .Easy. Costs only 25 cents at Druggists, any aoe. j&K&v or rn>l 4.-.0.UU10 c. a. MOFFETT, M. 0./st. touia,r- Skirts and Waists. The new shades in Flannel . . - in m u'mu ii '.waists are in. \ Lavender, Old Rose, Blue, Red and Black. $2.50 to $3.50. Skirts in all grades, either walking or regular length^lpr ■' ——-Ugll LEVY’S THE BKUNSWICX TIMES-CALL, OCTOBEiI 13, 1900, Cancer !H§ _ a a.. the Wood i* pol,tried aa tli system thoroughly con- tb ** Wearily virulent poison. Then a sore or ulcer appears on some part of the body; it may be email and harmless looking at first, but as the can cerous cells form and are deposited by the blood near the sor3, it increases in size and seventy, with sharp shooting pains. No matter how often the sore is removed by the surgeon's knife or flesh destroying plasters, another comes and is worse. The real disease iain the blood, and the treatment must begin there. The poisoned blocd must be invigorated and purified, aud when lhi3 is done cancerous cells can no longer form and the sore will heal naturally ana permanently. Sir*. Sarah M. X&<tfUng, atrWindaor Ave.. grfctol, Tctia.i vrritea: "l am 41 GfcZ, A yc#r pro. and for ihrec jk ¥*§ yearn had with a •event for .* of Cencef on C?t my )aw. which thegfoetprs k aniii wai Incurable, and that I could noMire more ’ ft, rfWj-i 4 r'v GkinfiU niomhs. I accept- ffyM&jzi J ecUhctr t>uum**tr a* true. tad had np *ll hope 7/i %1 of ever iq&ig v ell again when try know log of ui/condition ncorn njfuaed B.g. 8. After tak- * * ing a few bottles the aore bwaa to heal, to tba awrpriMt of the physWana, and in ft short timemade a compfete cure. I hive gained iu fl<h mjr appetite is splendid, sleep i rtrfTeshiag -in tact, it in enjoying perfect IvTalth.** ARk overcomes this de- K/w structive poison and removes, every vestige [h-JP of if from the system,.. W makes new.'TTCn'bioojC strengthens the body and builds up the general heaJtfc- " If you have a suspicious sort, or have in herited auy blood taint, send for our free book on Cancer, and write to our medical department for any information or advice wanted ; we make no charge for this ser vice. Your letter will receivs prompt and careful attention, and will be held in strictest confidence. •v , e- - O .THE SWIFT SPECIFIC 00, ATUUSTA, UK CHEAP ADYERTISING. QASH IN ADVANCE - Ajl vertiwroenu ufthis column will bo insert ed at the uniform rate of One Cent a Word for each Insertion. No advertisement, however mall, less than to i *pi4, y ash la advance. v AT WANTED—To buy* a goed horse.- Address A, care this office. FOR room cottage. Apply to 204 Howe street. ypll uEnT— My cottage at Hlil'n- U>h Streev|j,jM(i;fera l„a.provemttfe. Ap ply to J. D # MIR RENT. —Six-room, oue-sto#/ oottags, street. Apply lo W. ‘KerirtlSnfcX l.s*., i JA ,—g— _ Colored uutn, sober and trustworthy, to-prepare for traveling. fs#a month kt*d alyaxpensrs to begin. I’lease eno losif Self-s if dressed envelope. IfrijsldeDt Afscilrady, 356 Dearborn, 6fnoago ' - Hustling young man can make SftO per monlb and expense., Permanent ■\josition. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for partioulars, CiatkA O’o., 4th & Locus Street#, rhiladei pbia, Pa. WANTED.—Coriattan man or wo-1 man willing to qualify for permanent position of trust, here or in home county. S9OO yearly. Enclose self addressed stamped envelope to Secre tary, care of Timks-Caix. 1 -'*'? FOR SAl'E.—Hillery Island, sit uated on Turtle river, containing 32 1 , 2 anree of b'gh laud, suitable for truck ing or poultry reieing; shout 15 acres cleared; good flsbiog and oyster beds around the island. Also, Island View, oontaiug 50 acres, more or less, situ ated on tiibsnn and Pervisea creek', six acres of which is under new wire fence; 75 to 100 pear trees, and Im provements on tame. For further in formation, apply to F, Jes. Doerflm ger, 316 l oion street. Mil ...New! Large Oval Cans MACKEREL with Tomato Sauce, per can 20C. G. W. HARPER, THE HUSTLES. PHO.NE 158. PRESBYTERY Hi SESSION First Meeting Was Held Last Night FAROE AUDIENCE PRESENT Rev. W. FT. McMeen, of Flemington, Elected Moderator A Urge congregation waa present last night to witness the opening ex ercise* of Savannah Presbytery a .U&i’reebjferian ebur^r After-satnr inspiring nano by a splendid choir, the audience listened with rapt attention to a beautiful, elo quent and forceful sermon by Dr. Eel# of Savannah, on "The Symbolism of.the Pillar of Cloud." Presbyrery was then organised and | dalefates enrolled. Only two absentee* were noted among the minister*, but quite a number among the delegates from the various ohurebea. Some will ooma in today. R;.*v. W, H. McMeen, of Flemington, was unanimously elected moderator, and received from Rev, W. F. Hol- lingsworth, the retiring moderator, "the gavel as symbol of authority. The houra fixed for the business ses sions is from 9 o'clock a. m. to 1 p. m., ,frpm 3 to 5 or 0 in the afternoon, with a abort business session after the preaching service each evening. Rev, O. ,C. Carson of Valdosta, one ef the atrongsst preachers in the Presbjt'ry, will preach tonight. Ser vices will begin at 7:45. NOTES By reasoc’of the prospicl of bad weather, the pastor announc'd last night that the biat excursien U:b bad been arranged for this afterroor, would be postponed-rnftil Monday. At that time the Pzesbytery will he eotertaioed by a trijvto Jskyl and St. Simons. . Ail the e#eion* of Preebytery, whether of adevo'iopal or boeiness obarteter are op,n to the public, and the people are invited to me evening servtne, (for which the choir has arranged *me g<fad mu<ip. OFF FOR PRESBYTERY. • Ptrtbyterisn Minister* Lesre Tb'A Afternoon For Brunswick. Tbe Siranoah Press of yesterday, said: “This afternoon at 3:25 o'clock Rer. W. A. Nesbitt, pastor of tbe Andersen Street Presbyterian church: R*y. A. J. Smith, pastor of the First Presby terian church, and Rer. James Y. Fair, pallor of the Independent Prea bytsrian obnrob, left for Brunswick, wbere they will attend the session of the Presbytery that is to meet in that city tomorrow. Mr. A. 8. Macksyof tbe Anderson street church, will at tend as an elder, and Mr, H. F. Train will go, representing tbe First Pres byterian church in a similar capacity. Or, Fair will preach tbe opening ser mon t< morrow, but will retnra to tbe oity on Sundsy and fill bis pulpit bare on that day. Mr. Smith and Mr. Ms bet will remain in Brunswick through Sundsy. Disinfect Your Homes..... -Choloro - Naptholedm, A Safegua and to Disease. We Sell in Anv Quantity. W J BUTTS, The Druggist. “On tii© Corner.” if YOD LOOKING Ed TROUBLE ? We are sure we are not and what is more we want to make as little for you as possible and to th u ,nd w make it a rule to sell drues and chemical* tnat are the p.irest obtainable at the prices By so doing we save you ruun ng a mile or so out of your way to obtain some ihing better elsewhere. We are in a position to demonstra'o tee truth of our assertion by any fair trial. HE IS A WISE MAN Who judges goods on the r m<= its entirely and net by what is said of them. What we say about c < drugs and druggists' sundries. We say <or J l , hß , cxp / esßpDrposeofb&vin 8 People inquire into our statements and judge for themselves as t-> tuc merits of the articles in question Our policy is to invite inspection at all times. We don’t care who avoids it, we are always plea*rd to face ihe issue and stake our renuia tton on our ability to prove the superiority of our goods. a(,kn for Nunnally’s Candies BROWNDRUG CO LEADING DRUGGISTS. jjjkj? Bargains in A clearance sa'e to make room for new goods. I Parlor Suit, 5 pieces, worth S4O, now *29. l Oak fWrtg-wror, worth S2O. now sls. 1 Oak Bsd Rocu Sui'e. 3 piece,, worth $515, now $!8 frtt* Bed Lonng-s, worth sl6, row sl2. fcjg ijjjyJlt. . Centre Tab‘e. 53 cen's << $6. Ice Cream Frei“rs worth $2 .50 at $1 98. ! A large assortment of Sideboard*. Cnpboards l||£ JjM Prices Below the Market. ]pp|l? C. McOARVEY. LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND YOT CAN CREAM OF KENTUCKY Whisky SI.OO PER QUART; $4.00 PER GALLON. NOT MADE BY A TRUST* I. Tragec & Cos., Independent Distillers. Sold Exclusively in Braunswick bv FR.i X/.i 206iBav Street.