The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 14, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 FACTOM MAY HERE Chance to Secure Oys ter Canning Business. 1 m IS NOW OPEN 'H Would Employ Many Hands and Inducements Should Be Offered. Tbe-following is self explanatory: JCdltor Timkb-Uall, City: Beat Sir— ln your issU3 of the Times tUix of the 4th Inst., you stated in an editorial headed "to the Board ef Trade" that your ’paper would, time to time, publish a list of the in dustries looking for locations. D The writer is using hie best efforts to aecure the removal here of. a large oj ater canning factory, whiqfltfSrat ptw aent engaged, Vn the oyster canning business at Chester, Florida. This factory has for some time been anticipating a removal into Georgia, and I am trying to induce them to se lect Brunswick as the place for that purpose. ThU factory would have a oapaclty of ten thousand cans per day, would employ from two hundred to throe hundred bands and would have a pay roll amounting to not less than @1,500 per month. Fishermen, canters, a** ■Women shuckers, boys *nd glrla would be given employment and many a dol lar would find its way into the hands of our merchants that does not now go there. Besides it is the step in the di rection in which we all look, namely. Inducing factories to loeate bore. One factory will bring another and the time 11 rips for some decisive action. Mr. Harry F. Nicholl, president and Mr. Howard Williams, superintendent of this Florida factory were Ib the city Friday acd Saturday and were shown aboutthe town and the /different Bites suitable for such an enterprise were pointed out to them. They went away faverably impressed and it is “op to" the citizens of Brunswick to say wheth er they will get this factory. If euf> fiaient inducements are offered them the factory is a certainty. An oystdr factory that will put money Into'jLOur community, at once, is a certainty inducements are offered and tbe^^^nitiTsßewn. If those Interested it) this matter suf ficiently to Justify it will kindly send their names to the undersigned maybe the movement will be put on foot and the matter will end In success. / Jfoua vary trtu'.y * Max Isaac. ThU is one of the fir.-t matters which shouldhe brought before tho Board of Trade. There is no doubt but that a little work on our part will bring the enterprise here. Sweet Clover Boneless Breakfast bacon at Harper’s, the Hustler. Half the World is in Darkns*s as to the cause of their ilf health. If they would start to treat tlielr kidneys with Kolor’a Kiri - noy Cure, the weariness of boifysr.dinld,tMiek ache,headache and rheumatic pains would disappear, w. J. Butts. Grand Fall and Winter MILLINERY OPENING, October 16th and 17th, at M, ELKAN’S. V _ * ~ 308 Newcastle street. g •gallon I.’® We will have on exhibition by far the handsomest and most stylish display of everything in the Millinery line ever shown in Brunswick. Each and everyone cordially invited to inspect whether pur # * chase is intended or not. We invite the public through this * medium. No Cards. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, OCTOBER U, ISOO. AT THB OGLETHORPE. J. L. Foster, 8t Simon; J. W. Con nelly, Southern Railway; Dan Bul lard, Macon; O. D. Wood, Barnwell, S. C.; J. H. Myers, Tifton; L T. Rice, Maoon; W. S. Worthy, Atlanta; T. W. Brioe, St. Louis; I. H. Gilmore, New York. New Georgia syrup in bot tles at Harper’s, the Hustler. SAILED YESTERDAY. The Mallory afeamer sailed for New York yesterday morning. The boat did not sail Friday on account of the predicted storm. - - I+* The Quakers Are Honest People. tTbe Quaker Herb Ton io is not only a bicod purifier, but a Blood maker for Pale, Weak and Debilitated peonM who have, stre*S nor bldod. ItactJGMF tonic, it regulates di gestion, cores dyspepsia and lends strength and tone to the nervous sys tem. It is a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, and oan be taken by the moat delicate. Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and Nerves aoon succumb to its wonderful effect on the human system. Thous ands of people in Georgia recommend It, Prioefl.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the med icine that the Quaker Doctor made ali of his quick cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism, Sprains, ihain in Bowels; in fact, all pain oan be relieved by it. Price 25c and 50c. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap'for the skin, scalp and complexion. Price 10c a cake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a 1 vegetable ointment for the cure of tetter, ecaeraa and eruptions of the skin. Price 10c a box. For sale by alt, druggists. F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati. Polhill’s Drue Store WANTS NO MORE CITY COURTS. Gov. Candler May So Recommend to Legislature. It is said that Gov. Candler, in bis message to the Legislature, may ad vise agaiast the establishment of other eity oourts, except where a need for euch tribunal actually exiata. For several years it lias been tbe custom of tbe Legislature to create city coarts at any point desired, and at pretest there are tome towns not having over 800 people which have city courts, with the same power as those of Atlanta, Macon and Augusta. Tbs object of the Governor's reeoa* mendatlon, it is said, will be to relieve the Supreme Court of Georgia of tbe bard work it has been doing for tbe past four years. It is claimed that tbe eity courts are establiebed mainly for tbe purpose of the pnvilegejfrfTlreet appeal fJourt instead of going to tbe Superior Cour*. 4* the matter now stands, tbe Georgia Supreme Court hears appeals from fifty-four different courts, and tbe number of esiet appealed every year amounts to over 1,000. Gov. Candler says theoanseof tbe courts being to bard worked is due to tbe large number of olty courts wbieb have been established. RED HOT FROM THE GUN Was the ball that bit G. B. Stead man, of Newark, Mich., in tbs Civil war. It oaused horrible Ulcers that no treatment help for 20 years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Beet Pile egre en eartb. 25cts, a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists. SECOND ADVENT CHURCH. Elder H. V. Skipper, of Live Oak, Fla., a former paa’or of tbe eburob here, will preacb today at 11 a . m. and and 7:30 p. m. Ttte morning subjaet will be a diaoouree on tbe Songs of Solomon. Tbe evening subject will be tbe Lord’s Supper, wbat i* it for, who should take ft, la it open or dost ? A revival ie going on and the interest is increasing. Elder Skipper will preacb each evening at 7:SO. A cor dial invitation is extended to tbe pub lic to attend. The best hams on earth — the Dove—at Harper’s, the Hustler. IS A GORGEOUSLY BOUND Work of art has just been issued at an outlay of over SIOO,OOO, for wbieb tbe publishers desire aManger in Inia county, also a gTOti solicitor; good pay to the right party. Nearly 100 foil-page engraving?, sumptuous pa per, illnmfnated covers and bindings; over 200 golden tbe Moroeoo bindings; nearly 50 golden roses in tbe cloth bindings. Sells at sight; presses running day and night, so great is the sale, Christian men and women making fortunes taking orders. Rspid promotions. Oae Christian wo man made clear S6OO in four weeks, taking orders among her oburoh ac quaintances and friends. Write us. It may lead to a permanent position to manage our business acd look after our large correspondence, which you can attend to right at your homo. Ad dress J. A. Koigbt, Secretary, Corco ran building, opposite Treasury, Washington, D. C. WORKING NIGHT AND DAY. Tbe'busiest and mightiest little thing that sver was made ia Dr. King’s New Life Pill*. Every pill i 8 a sugar coated globule of health, that change# weakness into strength, lis’lessness into energy, brain-fag i D r O mental power. They’re wonderful in bulld og up the health. Only 25ct*. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. REWARD OFFERED. In this issue Governor Candler of fers a reward of S2OO for the arrest of Will Frey, tbe murderer of Coeductor Marion Latt mer, ■■ I__AJLILJIIU WHY HEJURES. The Greatest Specialist of the Time Gives Every Case His Personal Attention. Doctor* doctnr* hare a certain number nJU , °f,“ t<Kk remedies which the? use !a Hathaway’s • cases which eeem at all similar. Method 18 not Dr. Hathaways method. ntcimra. Eery cage with him is moat carefully - ldiaanoaed and the exact position of the diMttsedcoo* dltion determined. Thus K every case is treated separ- K# Q “tely and medicines are id* hw M ministered which ar • fUff*| F5 specially Prepared under ■g’ - I , .7 Dr. Hathaway's i'ersonal PiAa 17 ' supervision for each case, t siWir y No two pooplea re affected by a particular disease in the ' •mm* manner, conseqaent >y notwopeopie should be V treated in the sumo way - /ws ewo for same complaint. Dr. Hathaway is a special* ,n beet sense of tbe word -be treats specLaldis- TTi " : 1,1 ■ leases in a special manoerjof or ma own— a system stuciud out years aMO while it* c VAnv Case college and%mapital practice andLlra- Kvery vaso proved and an&rged uponeor>'tantlj Spool ally during tbe tSmty yean since-* twenty year* of t>u* eitensive I raaica. practice enjoyed by any specialist la this country. Dr. Hathaway’s great and uni form suc cess is due to this individual system of treatment. • treatment It wtaor to allow none hwlde himself the knowledge of hta remedies, aa he ta too weU aware of tho mis chief which may be done by the unskillful use of any Blood and Ski. blotches, pimple*, etc, and not only restores the akin and scalp V> their natural condill.m. but no purifies the blood that the disease Is permanently and com pletely driven from the system and all thla without adminletorms poisonous or dankerons draw*. Uaalaaaala waj *IIB friMtlDOUt (l{ V|{H(*APA|a Varicocele and and Stricture ta a method exclu * stricture. Si™ 1 ? h „£.2, w "£•“• iserut and permanent enre. No operation 1* no ouln or Inconvenience are cvperienced by the 'lheetpeusoof thla treatment la much less ihanthat of any operation. or hospital or . .-tltuto Kidney Diseases. IhSfSRSWffSS trouble anti this blank he will gladly pnd free to everyone who sends him his name and address. *"* ®“ oi< thla bock will he sent fronto anyone who send, bla Consultation J, 1 ! 1 ! addreaa to Ur. n..thaway. w0 2.„„ t,0n , ~r - Hathaway makoa no churios FREE. f or Consultation and advice at either M hla office or by mail. f J. NEWTON HATHAWAY M. D. * Dr. Hathaway A ® *5 Dry an Street, Savannah, Ga. HKJ.TIO.N THIS PArKB WBXX WHrT. ud