The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 14, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 WHY go away from home to ham your EYES treated and fitted when you can have the just as accuratelyandgi V | You Save Money Hmfiome, ?.nd get just as strong guarantee. We refer you to any one who has had us fit them with prescription lenses. If your Eyes trouble you in any way at all, call on me and I will examine them FREE and tell you what you need. We have glasses from 25c up, and you don’t have to buy the expensive ones unless you want to. MAUIi id Gonsuflalion IE.-* KENNON <MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Ontioian; ■■ 215 Newcastle Street, Inspector of Watches for Southern Beltway. Timo by Wire dally from Washington*, CHINESE RESTAURANT, ESTBLISHED 1889. >- St CHUE HALL, Proprietor You’can get the best the market affords by eating here 315 GRANT T. .. ijy^aJhaia^jLji^flßßgßßßg trp m DR. MOFFETT’S Aids Digestion, “fflUTHisa'ites Castseajg, 25 cents at Deists, any agp. **. l Or mall ilrfuta to C. J. HjOFFETt.NY^^CftUiS.r SkiPts and Waists. * # \ ■**> . -i ' f *\ gift \ \ ■ >' . ’ - A— The new shades in Flannel s? iwr 1 Waists are in. Lavender, Old Rose, Blue, Red and Black. $2.50 to $3.50. Skirts in all grades, either walking or regular lengths. levy's THE BKTTXSWICK iniL’S-CALL, OCXOBEII 14 . 1900. Forowarned, Forearmed. The liability to disease is greatly lessened when the blood is in good con dition, and the circulation healthy and vigorous. For then all refuse matter is promptly carried out of the system ; otherwise it would rapidly accumulate —fermentation would take place, the blood become polluted and the consti tution so weakened that a simple malady might result seriously. A healthy, active circulation means good digestion aud strong, healthy nerves. Asa blood purifier and tonic S. S. S. has no equal. It is the safest and best remedy lor old people and children because it contains no minerals, but is made exclusively of roots and herbs. No other remedy so thoroughly and effectually cleanses the blood of im- S4S& purities. At the fiV<s same time it builds n&v up tywlak and de mlitsted, and reno vates the entire sys tem. It cures permanently ail man net of blood and skin troubles. .. A, K - Xelly, of tlrbana, O..yrritM! I had Bcaonia on my hand* andlaoe tot ftv yearn, it would break out tn little whito pustules, oruste would form and drop off, leaving the akin red and Inflam ed. The doctors did me no good. I used all the medicated eoeps and Halves witters, bonenl. B. B. B. cured me, and my Jf is as clear and smooth a# any _ Mrs. Henry Biejrfried, of Cape MaydrT J., seys that twenty-one bottles of S. 0. 8. oared her of Oaroer of the breast, Doo torn aud friends thought her caee hope less. Richard T. Gardner, Florence, B. C., suffered for years with Bolls. Two bop ties of B. B. S. put his blood in wood con dition and the Boils disappeared. Send for our free book, and writs our physicians about your eaflg. Medical advice free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, CA. CHEAP ADVERTISING. CASH IN ADVANCE Advertisements in this column will be Insert ed st the uniform rate of One Cent a Word for each ineertion. Ke advertieomont, however well,less than so heals. Cart in advance. WANmU-tYibav a go-d herte. AtMfCWLAj CWo thlv i FOR KKNT -Throe room cottage. Apply to-j))4jjJHowe atregig^ FOU QK JTr-My cottage a* dtfip- I Umstrect. Modern i<uprovenien*®fcAp- I K&RHWNT-more R. 1- Harrison w Mir*cdU Apply tox. c. irififit, saa.'i Tfw ijastle street. ' . • —•'— 1 v*- 1 ■■ ■‘mA 1 ' NIK; W iirfcni’iftbsr and trasftworthy, td*fcrepare for tfhveiltig. ♦6O a expenses to begin. Pleaae en oloeaet-U-Jrdtfc vsaiMe n voUip*. President .m*Degrborn, Chicago, -b'' Hustling young man nan mike #6O per month and expenses. Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars, Clark & Cos., 4thi*"|t Locu* Streets. Philadel phia, Pa. WANTED.—Christian man or wo man willing to qualify for permanent position of <ru*t, here or in home counly. #OOO yearly. Enclose self addressed stamped envelope to Secre tary, care of Timku-Cau.. -■■ ■ 1 ■ FOB SALE.--Hiilery Island, sit uated on Turtle river, conTainiog'32.l,, acres of high land, suitable for truck ing or poultry raising; about l.*> acre* oleared; good fishing ami cystey beds around the laland. Also, Island View, oontamg Sb acres, more or leer, situ ated on (Jibson and Pervieea oreeks, six sores of which is under new wire fence; 75 to 100 pear trees, and im provements on same. For further in formation, apply to F, Jos. Doerilin- I ger, 316 Union street. Mtlins Jew! Large Oval Cans MACKEREL with Tomato Sauce, per can 20C. G. W. HARPER, THE HUSTLEB. PHONE 158. MUCH WORK WAS DOSE A Busy Ssss ion ai the Presbytery MAY All MONDAY A Boat Excursion Will Be Tende red the Visitors on Monday. Those who attended the bu.inesa sessions of lh Presbytery yes'erday witnessed an animated scene . iNTne body got down to work at an sh- ug|| J.-aimlUfes were appointed work assigned them, and the items on the docket were called and disposed of as rapidly as possible, tpiite often there would be earnest difeu-tions and (be clash of oonlliotiag opinions, but the e were relieved by quick flashes of wit and good humor. Tneee men cross swords Intellectually, bat no blood is spit , and no uff-nse given or received. The report wbiob evoked most In- terest and discussion was that of the Home Mission committee. It showed progress til along the line. Often the varioui committees, in their effort to do their work, would almost deplete tha Presbytery of a quorum. B ackshear was chosen ee the next e r ; of .'meeting, and Friday before ' theWirfl sAwtday in April, the time. At the Cbarles C. Carsoh, of Valdosta, preaoh ed a most interesting and profitable sermon io the delight of a large audi ence. The clfsr-eat style and force >f arguinsqjjgkombinGd with earnest •** rsrvegood taste, secured Mr. Carson clossMttentioo. The Presbytery votfd unanimously to accept the levitation of tbeohurcb to go trtUtjioat ride Monday afternoon. Ons mttTi>r sunonuoed bis desire to go an the ex‘Uiioo ev*n if he b-.d to work all that r. tin<sh the work of the Prebj tvry . All ni-mbery of the church and- rongrecstion, end the looal pastor#, ite invited to go oo th : s vxcmioc. Boat will leave the M' Her j ack rt 3:45. T’f bo *me<a ot ths rFesbjtrwy will be '*r*ffmed again, at 9 n’oieoWdotnor-! ro e uiorttKig. The niuti*s of ?lie ministers wlkj will oc< apy tbs var oua pulpits today wi 1 be found in another plan*.. Just received full linenoveltiej for u ts and trouserings at Winter's. Knottier piltt can equal DeWitP, Little Ear lT Kisara for promptsew, certainty and effic iency. W.J. Butta. Now wouldn't it jar you to see everybody’* friend, Pap Qoldamitb, ‘ diked" oat as an old maid at the Old Maids' Social, Riflemen’s Armory, Friday Oct. 18tb. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Overcoating in great varieties at fair prices at Winter’s. Steps the Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative BromolQntnine Tablets gore a cold In one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price *5 cents Foil line foreign and domestic suitings at Winter's. Disinfect Your Homes WITH Choloro-Naptholeiim, A Safegua and to Disease. We Sell in Anv Quantity, W J BUTTS, The Druggist. “On the Corner.” ARE YOU Ml FOR We are sure we are not and what is more we want to make as little ! for you as possible and to that end wa make il l rule to sell drugs and I chemicals toat are the’purest obtainable at the fairest prices By so I doing we gave you running a mile or so out of your way to obtain some , thing better elsewhere. We are in a position to demonstrate the truth i of our assertion by any fair trial. | HE IS A WISE MAN i Who judges goods on 'he r merits entirely and n>t by what is said of them. What we sav about onr drugs and druggists' sundries. We say for the express purpose of having people inquire into our statements and jndge for themselves as to the merits of the articles in question. Onr policy is to invite inspection at all times. We don't care who avoids it, we are always ploaeed to face lhe issue and stake oar reputa tion on our ability to prove the superiority of our goods. AOBS roa Nunnally’s Candies BROWN DRUG CO. LEADING DRUGGISTS. Cjkfj 'itfSummer ™jy| V. Bargains ™ g^a^^Furniture A clearance sale room for new goods. I Parlor t*uir, 5 piece*, worth S4O, now $29. 1 Oak rat or, w irtli S2O, now sls. - 1 Oak Bed Room Suite, 3 pieces, worth $25, now $lB Sff. Mm lied Imuoffsn, worth sl6, now sl2. Oentre Tables 50 cents to $6. lOe Cream Frteiers worth $2 .50 at 1.8. A large assortment of Sideboards, 'Cupboards S' - Ljj Prices Below the Market, fellir C. McGARVEY. m LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND YOT CAN’T BEAT CREAM OF' KENTUCKY Whisky. SI.OO PER QUART; $4.00 PER GALLON. NOT MADE BY A'TRUST- I. Trager & Cos., Independent Distillers. • Sold Exclusively in Jfiraunswick by F=*-i:*V- DOUGL-AS, 2068 av Street.