The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 16, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 VETEANB MEET. De legatee Were Named For the Big Augusta Reunion. A large number of Confederate vet ans met at the office of Dr. W. B. Bur roughs Saturday afternoon and ap pointed the following delegatee to the Augoita reunion: Capt. J. L. Foster, Judge Horace Dart, Bergeant Sam Hathway, Dr. W. Joerger. Besides theft! a large number of the ?oter%ns of thitr-eity will aUo attend. All railroads have agreed to give a rate of one cent a mile from all sect'ons of Georgia. The following resolution was also adopted: Resolved that a committee of three from this association be appointed to confer with their representative in con gress, and ask that he draft a memorial to the next congress, and to use bis bast efforts and influence for the pass age of a bill to refund the cotton tax now awaiting claimants, that where no direct proot can be given, that said tax be returned to the surviving Con federate soldiers and widows of the South. W, B. Burroughs, Ohr’m. Urbanus Dart, J. A. Butts, Commit’.ee Selected. BED HOT FROM THE GUN Was the ball that bit G. B. Stead man, of Newark, Mich., in the Civil war. It caused bcrrible Uloers that no treatment help for 20 years. Then Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boil*, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best File cure on earth. 25cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists' ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. The following is a list of letters re maining in thaj postoffice at Bruns wick, Gt., unclaimed, for the week ending Oot. 13,1900. A—John Allen. Elizabeth Armstrong, John Albritton, Mrs. Amelia Ander son. B—Mrs. Mary Brown, Thomas Boyd, Miss Kate Black, Miss Nellie Baker, W. H- Baker. C—lsmael Cash, Mrs. Sarah Chat man, Mrs. Cathrine Cooper. F—Henry Floyd. G—W. L. Goes, Elmer Graves, Sal ford Glover. H—Charley Haywood, Emannel Har ris, Charley Hector, C. F, Hlgbsmiih John B. Hill, _ J—John Jonf >ete Jones, 1 Wesiaj .1 onelf _ .W. ?| ■ J L—Miss flSfp M-A. L. Mol N—Henry D. Netpnan, Miss Nannie Niles. P—George Pinkney, Mrs. Ella Park er, Miss Emily Peterson. S—Mrs. Mamie Smith, Mrs. Elar Simmons. W—Mrs. Ida Walburg, Geo. Wash ington, Geo. W. White, Hschel Wil liams" Parties calling for any of the above will please slate that they were adver tised. | Patrons of the post office will try and have their correspondents ad dress they wish their mail delivered. As an example, do not have it addressed to a street number if jou are a box renter: nr to a box, H you wish It delivered by carrier. Especial ly avoid the address “in care of’* some individual or firm if you do not want it ogo there. We try our best to follow Grand Fall and Winter Millinery - Opening, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 16th and 17th, S M. ELKAN S. 308 Newcastle Street. We will have on exhibition by far the handsomest and most stylish display of everything in the Millinery Line H ever shown in Brunswick. •V Each and everyone cordially invited to inspect whether A j..,*. 'K. >t purchase is intended or not. A We invite the public through this medium. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, OCTOBER 16, 1900. out your wishes, when we know them, and you will see how difficult It is to deliver mail as you wi.h, when It is dif ferently addressed. F. Me. C. Bkown. P, M. Half the World is in Darkness as to the cause of their ill health. If they would start to treat their kidneys with Foley’s Kid ney Cure, the weariness of body and mind, back aeha, 'headache and rheumatic pains would disappear. Yf.'J. Batts. POLICE COURT. The following cases were tried in police court yesterday morning, all charged with disorderly conduct; P. Evan*, $8 or 30 days; Wm.-L&m bers, 15 or 20 days; Adam Baker, $8 or 30 days; Julius Marlow, diamkflM. The Quakers Are Honest People. tThe Quaker Herb Ton ic ia not.oaly a blood purifier, but a Blood ra a k er for Pale, Weak and Debilitated people wbo have not strength nor blood. Is acts as a tonic, it regulates di gestion, cures dyspepsia and lends strength and tone to the nervous sys tem. It fe a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, and can be taken by the most delicate. Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Biood, Stomach and Nerves aoon succumb to its wonderful effect on the human system. Thous-. suds of people in Georgia recommend it. Price SI.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the med icine that the Quaker Doctor made all of his quick cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache, Baokanhe, Rheumatism, Sprains, Pain in Bowels; in faot, all pain can be relieved by it. Price 25c and 60m . QUAKER WHfrK WONDER SQAP. a medicated soap for the skin, tfcaip and complexion. Price 10c a cake. QUAKER HEALING HALVE a vegetable ointment for the cure of tetter, ecacma abd eruptions of the skin. Price 100 a box. FOR SALE BY AT.I, DRUGGISTS. F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati* PolhiU’s Drug Store LIST OF REGISTERED TOTEHS. City of Brunswick, Year 1900 A Aiken, F. D. Ames. W. C. - B Blair, M. C. Bowen, E. Bull, Milo, Braxton, Atwell Bailey, Jack Bryan, W. W. C Campbell. John Cobb. Ransom Cassidy, Ed D Daniels, WillMtn Dart, J. E . Dubberly, J. E. Doerffinger. F. Jos. Daniel, Mose. du Bignon. H. F. E Emanuel, N. F Fbrrld, L, Fahm. B. A. Farmer, Robert Fader, G. 8. Franklin, A. L. Flanders, V. W. G Green, A, Good bread, Jno. W Graham, Grant Goodbread. C. G, Gocdbread, C. TV Gill. Lewis Gardner, Jack Green, J. C. Gorton, 8. J . Jr. Goins, J. 8. ’ H Holme*, W. H. Hendrix, Thoi. H. Hendrix, Souder Holmes Dempsey Hathaway, 8. J. Jennings, H. A. K Kellir, D. 1.. Knudseo, Peter Loback, Wa,, Larson, A. Larson. O A Heavy, A H Leavy, L J Jr, Lott, J J *m- • ’ Mundy, EBT Maddox, C O Mfror.Jß B Merebaot, Willis Me McKsnzle, W M Mclntyre, Solomon N Nixon. L T O Orr, G J P Pennlm-n. E A PyLs, D B Potter, W A R Read, H J , Russell, C A Richardson G W Ifobinsoo, E T Roffo, J S Randolph, U B ' ' 8 Strickland, A C Symons, W F Slricklanil, J J Sowell, Peter Short, Chris ,T • * Thomas, J W • *vl'a;lor, \V J Thomas, W E Telfair, Asbery W "Wallace, J W Wright, L C Wilder, W F Wade, M D Wllcha-, Jerre Wright, Duncan Wigging. Samuel • T Young, G J CUBES BLOOD POISON. Sorofols, Uloers, Old Sores, Rone Pains—Trial Treatment Free. First, second or third stages posi tively cured by taking B. B. B. (Bo tanic Blood Balm). Blood Bairn kills or destroys the Syphieitic Poison in tbe blood and expels it from the sys tem, making a perfect oure. Have you sore tbrost, pimples, copper col ored spote, old festering eating sores, ulcers, swellings, scrsfuls, itching skin, aches and gains in bones or joints, sore month, or falling hair? Tbek Botanic Blood Balm wiii heal every sore, stop the aohes and make tbe blood pure and rich snd give tbe riob glow of faeal'fa to the skin. Over 3,000 testimonials of cures. B, B. B. thoroughly tested for 30 years. Drug stores sl. iy-wWMies fres by Isnta, Gs. Describe trouble and free medical advice given. Don’t despair of a cure as B. B. B, cures when all else fails. lust received full line novelties for sb ts and trouserings at Winter’s. No other ptlla can equal DeWitt’s Little Ear ly KSer tor prompt nett, certainty and effle iency. W.J. Butt*. Now wouldn’t it jsr yon to see everybody’s friend, Pap Goldsmith, ‘•diked” out as an old maid at tbe Old Maids’ Social, Riflemen’s Armory Friday Oot. 19tb. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bough! Signature of Ge(dthivafte A Son, Troy, th - tna’ speedy eure of old aore* and eruptions upon the skin have been remarkable. WORKING NIGHT AND DAY. - Tbe busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Every pill jg a sugar coated globule of health, that ebaogea weakness into strength, listlessness into energy, brain-fag into mental power. They’re wonderful in build ing up tbe health. Only 25cts. per bottle. Sold by ail druggists. “I bare always used Foley’s Honey and Tar cough medicine and think it the heat ia the world,” says Chas Bendcr,a newsdealer or Erie Pa. Take no substitute, tv J Butta. Mr. John Mitchelsoo, of St. Simon, spent yest-rday in the city. THE SICK ARE MADE WELL, And {be Weak ar® Restored to Toll Visor • and Strength at the Hands of the Great* * cat Healer of Modern Times. 5. j 1 „ Have yoaany pain or ache or weakness? Are You Does your blood show that it containaE* Sick? purities? Are you nervous? i>o you lack tmap and activity of mind and bodv? avs "1 you easily tired? Have you lost ambition? Is there any unnatural drain upon the w. system? Is every organ per* W S forming Its proper func % a*- 0 In Other word*: Vo ® a Perfectly U 7 ottK. Healthy, Happy y ManorlVomaa? li aM >' ou should not de ■Q I rr.AjT 006 before you con ' suit a specialist one to whom the human body is an JKBy" / open book ami who under* > ~ t< * r,d V r Vjl r^l^^ >- ■■ for a* the adding at a column of figure*. - j*3§|iSp*^ The Leading SpeolaH.t. ESSXSS&SgiJ&ESi that of all other speciu 1 i*tr combined. His cures of all forts of diseased conditions have been the marvel of the medical prolfetsioa and tb“ people generally. His hurnebas Boread into every t<>an and every hamlet Hrjihj afflicted a if it all manner of diseases have aooffhl hia servJcea in order that they might be ma le whole t ythe adtr.inlMcrlr;* > A bis wonderful system of treat raont tv recks of humanity have oonte to him for oommltatioo and medicines, who a few month# later have returned to him in most vigorous health to give Alt Diseases Cahirrli. Bhonmatim7Kldn*f Ccmpuaht*. Ecr.ema. and all forms of buffering nr.a ch rniu/trifiivn der Varicocele and Stricture. htricturo iddiont theahi of knife or cautery Is phenomenal. The patient Iw treated by tots vietbod at his own h6w> without pain or loss of time from t dsinvewL This is positively the only treatment which cur es wdh out an operation. Dr. Hathaway calls the tmrlfchlar atten tion of sufferers from Vn Stricture to paffee JO and ni of hie ho>k which wUI be Fvasv free on aniMkcM. 5 y case tSsw hji U r. Hathaway Specially !s specially treSfir% tolls Treated. ■ reswa. snr*erviion, andall remedies used hy him are prepared from tbe purest and bestdrea-s in hisowp laboratorieM under his personal oversight, and all from special prescription* of his own. Lam# IrK: Hathaway makes no charge for consul. LOW tation or advice, either at his office or by Fees. 55 a *t* an( t When a case is taken the one low •lonal se^cer erß cost medicines and profea a. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. O. I>r. Hathaway & Oo M Bryan Street, Savannah, G* IfiJtMION THIg PAPER WHEN WRITING,