The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 17, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 SOME LIVELY RACES ARE ON Georgia legislature Will Soon Meet. LITTLEIO BEJPEIiKER MAIN -Race for Secretary of Senate Promises to be Yery Warm. While Hod. John D. Little, of Mus cogee, will be elected speaker of the house of representative* without oppo- Bitioti, there will be a lively tor the position of spcaker'pro tem.'i three-cornered fight, ac cording to present Indications, with Mitchell of Thomas, Johnson, of Bar tow, and Morris, of Cobb, as the candi dates. All of these gentlemen are able and popular men, with strong personal fol lowings. It is likely that Mitchell, of Thomas, will bo supported by south Georgia almost solidly, while the vot ing strength of north Georgia will ha divided between Morris and Joason. Hon. John T. Bolfeuillot, of Bibb, will he elected clerk of the house without opposition, in all probability. He Is immensely popular and bis long service In the legislature has giycn him strong prestige. In the upper house interest is can- tered In the race for the secretaryship. Hon. Charies N . Nortben is seeking re election and has a formidable opponent in the person of Hon. Bill Clifton. This race promises to be a very pretty and lively one from start to finish. The meeting of the general assembly U now near at hand and there Is little time left for the candidates to shape up their campaigns. They have been en gaged In letter-writing for some time, however, and a few nights at tbe Kim ball house will doubtless enable them to get th'ngs in satisfactory shape for the meeting of the general assembly. HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be oured by Hal,’* Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY O. We, the Vee known Weat AIP? wholesale druggists, Toldo, O. Walding KinCASi druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter ally, noting directly upon tbe blood and mneoua surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 750, per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are tbe best. Second hand household furniture bought and sold; also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W; Watkins'. Stops the Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative Broino'Qiitiktne Tablets care a cold in one day. No Care, No Pay. Price 25 cent* Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap pjKHli J. W- Wat Kins. Grand Fall and Winter Millinery - Opening, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 16th and 17th, £IM. ELKANS. 308 Newcastle Street. We will have on exhibition by far the handsomest and most stylish display of everything in the Millinery Line ever shown in Brunswick. Each and everyone cordially invited to inspect whether * . x purchase is intended or not. 'v We invite the public through this medium. "V" • THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, OCTOBER 17, 1900. STONEMAKER3’ TRUST. Chicago. Oof. 28.—Representatives of about 400 etonemaking concerns throughout the country, met here to day to take definite action on the for mation of the National Stone Manu facturing Company, to be capitalized at abont $60,000,000. witb a large iseue of bonds, AT THE OGLETHQBPE. Thomas T. Stevens, Atlanta; H. C. Avery, Jacksonville; J. S. Tart, Oli ver, Ga,; L. TANARUS, Rioe, Macon; M. E. Adamson, Boston; G. A. Roberson, New York; E. P. Epper, P. J. Stacker, Savannah. The Quakers Are Honest People. tThe Quaker Herb Ton ic ia not only a blood purifier, but a Blood taaJlunr. tot Pale, Weak, and Debilitate*, "jejyjlfc •who have not etrength nor blood. It acta as a tonic, 40 regulates di gestion, cures dyspepsia and lends etrength and tone to the nervous sys tem, It ia a medicine for weak women. It ia a purely vegetable medicine, and can be taken by the moat delicate. Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and Nerves aoon succumb to it* wonderful effeot on the human system. Thous ands of people in Georgia reoemmend It. Price SI.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the med icine that the Quaker Doctor made ail of his quick cures with, It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism, 3prains, Pain in Bowels; in fact, all pain can be relieved by it. Price 2-ic and GOc. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for tbe skin, scalp and complexion, Price 10c a cak QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for the cure ot tetter, eczema and eruptions of the skin. Price 10c a box. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati. PoLhilTs Druu Store HELP GALVESTON. London Raised a Large Amour.t For tbe Sufferers. London, Oct. 16.—C0l OcbiUree’d sobeme for a benefit performance id bebelf of tbe Galveston sufferers cul minated tooigbt at Drury Laue Thea ter Royal, which is giveo free, with one act of Cecil Raleigh’s drama, “Tbe Price of Peace.” Sir Henry Irving and his company appeared in “Water loo.” and recited “Eugene Aram.” Mr. Behrbobm Tree, with his company from Her Majesty’. Theatre, presented the dsatb scene in "Julm, Caesar,” followed by the oration of Mare An thony, and Mnje. Milba sung. The receipts were large. Grand Millinery opening next Tues day and Wednesday, October 23 snd 24, at Mia* Kate Slater’s. _ MANY WILL GO. A large nunTber'cf Briinswickian. are preparing to spend some time at tbe great State Fair in Valdosta, whiob begins Oct. 29ih, and contiones until Nov. 3. It is said that this will be the greatest fair ever held in Georgia. It is exasperating to one who knows Coley's Honey and Tar, and knows wbsttt win do, to have a dealer reeerameud something else ea “Just the same,” or "jaat as good” tor colds, coughs, croup, la grippe, etc. W. J. Butts. Most exquisite ttne of Hats ever shown in Brunswick will be seen at Mlea Kata Slater’s next Tuesday and Wendnesday, October 23 and 24. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought lull I THE COMMON ENEMY ... Kidney disease is the enemy *e have most to tear as a result of the i ; feverish restlessness of our modern 'dviluatten;'? (t is a 'treacherous enemy, working out its deadly effect under coveTof the most trifling j symptoms. first indication of changes in the urine, frequent head st aches, troubles?"should be the signal for''prompt remedial measures. ASH BITTERS is a kidney remedy of great H is soothing, healing and strengthening, quickly relieves the % 'aching o serenes*jthafalways appears fn the advanced stage, checksthe progressol the disease, andlhrough its excellent cleansing and regulating effect In and bowels, it brings back the strength and ruddy S'; Vealth? I Sold at Drug Store*. Price, $l.OO Per Bottle. W. J. Butts, Special Agents. IS A.GORGEOUSLy BOUND Work of art has just been issued at an on'lsy of over *IOO,OOO, for wb.cb the publishers desire a Manager in 'hie county, also a good solicitor; good pay to the right party. Nearly 100 fall-page engraving*, sumptuous pa per, illuminated covers acd bindings; over 200 golden lilies' in tbe Morocoo bindings; nearly 30 golden rosea in the cloth bindings. Soils at sight; prestes running day and eight, so great ia tbe sal*. Christian men and womeFYuaking fortunes taking orders. Rapid promotion*. One Christian wo man made clear weeks, taking orders among her oburch ao* quittances ar.<l friends. Write us. It may lead to a permanent position to ma.iag* oor business and look after nur large cerrespr ndenoe, which you can attend tn right at your l;om j . Ad dress J. A. Knight, Secratary, Corco ran buil Hcg, opposite United Sta'tes Trt-asury, Warbirgipn, u. C. iT—_ Rubber Stamps, t*<-aie, Stencil", Jfc >'■£ ' Badges, Check pAljietore, Numbering Msobin%;, Steel and Brass Dies, S’eel Log S ampsy etc. Will h. Faist, Agent. 312 Newca-iJ* street. “I have always used Foley's Honey and Tir cough medicine and think It the best in the world,” says Chaa Bender,a newsdealer of Erie I'a. Take no substitnte. W J Butts