The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 17, 1900, Page 3, Image 3
Svnirftcs Aclrfleasant/y and/hompt/y. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. /resents in the most acceptable form the laxative principles of'plants hnoten to act most heneficial/y; . TO GET ITS BEMffJTii-JftCTS BUY THE HFNUiNE MANFD. BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCO. SAM FRANCISCO, CAL. 'IOUISVIUC . KY. NEW YORK. M.Y. for safe by druggists - /trite SQt per CHEAP ADVERTISING. CASH IN ADVANCE A,i ertiMmenu in tbia column will be insert ed it ;he uniform rate of One Cent a Word for eac* :uaerUou. No advertisement, however mall, test thawtt cents, t ush in advance. JF WA.' TRD—To buy a good horse. Adfiret tLjjjFrs tbla office. FOB SFNl'—Six-room, ona-atory cottage, HO E lis street. Apply 10 W. Merchant. FOil RENT—My cottage at 212 Un ion street. Modern Improvements. Ap ply to J. D. Sparks. FOB BENT—Store room, formerl Occupied by R. L. Harrison & Apply to 1,. C. Marlin —'•*'* - New ' castle street. “IT . plilne, opium, laudanum,cocoolne myself cuted. will Inform you oi oarmiesi, permanent home cure. Mary 8. Ballwin, box 1212, Chicago. • WAN l‘KD.—Colored man, sober and trustworthy, to prepare for traveling. ♦SO a month and all expenses to begin. Please enclose self-iddressed envelope. President Mscßrady, -35 G Dearborn, •Chicago. •Hustling young man can make *6O Per month and expenses, Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars, Clark & Cos., 4 - . b & Locus Street*, Philadel phia, Pa. WANTED.--Coriatiau man or man willing to qualify fur permanent position of trust, here or in home county. SOOO yearly. Enclose self addressfd s’.amp-tl envelope to Secre tary, care of Timks-Cai.i„ A BONA FIDE SALARY sl2 WEEKLY.—Men and women to ap point agents and represent us—some to travel, others for locil work. sl2 weekly salary and expenses Old es tablished han*e. pleaean r , permaucat position ; rapid advancement and in crea eof wages. Write ai once Ad dress Duller & A'dger, Dept. E, New Haven, Conn, 10-10 KOK SALK, —Hillerj Inland, sit nuted on Turtle river, containing 82/4 acre* of bigb land. Mutable for truck ing or poultry raising; about 15 acre* -cleared; good fishing and oyster beds around the Island. Also, Island View, ccntaiog 50 acres, more or ated on Qibson and Ferrises creeks, six acres of which is under new wire fence; 75 to 100 pear trees, and Im provements on same. For further in formation, apply to F, Jos. Doerfiin ger, 316 Union scree*. £ CURE YOURSELF 1 l?e Rif €1 for unnatural dißchanfu.lnflam mat J'.na, irritations or tilceratiwns of rnucouii membrauoa. I’ainl'tflß. and Dot a&trin , gent or poisonous. Sold by Umsnrlsts, or s*nt in plain wrappoi by expresw, propaid, for 11.00, 0r.3 bottles, #2.75. Circular gent on reoucM# MITCHKUL & TH#MAB ry. boarding and sale stables, t turnouts in the city. 7. Newcastle ;9t. THINGS THHWHICiL After two weeks of darkness the Grand will he opened next Monday night, when the Peruohi-Beldeni Cos., will begin a week’s engagement. Tbia company it now pt*y ng at Jackson v lie and the Time. U >i n has the fol lowing to saj: “Tne lVruchi-Beldeni Drams'ic Cos., presented “A Lost Wife” nt tbe Park last night to a full butire. The otmp.ny is entitled to rank well among popular-priced, com panies and the performaooe wss well received. Tne play was a comely drama in four ao'.r, with a oblld part that won a great deal of applsu*.. Tbs tramp made a hit, as also did tbe ne gro in bis comedy turn. The entire company is above the average, and tbe theatre will be a papular place of amu-em nt this ws-k,” Sets are now on tarts at lUitUUg|*s,''*| Store; ladies are admitted freeon Mohdav night aid prioea are only 10, 20 and 300. NOTES. Remember the curtain rises atS:ls p, m., and dont comein lite and annoy those who are io tbeir seats. Manager Wolffs is trying to arrange for a week of opera, to be given [by a company of first-class reputation, some time in Dcoember. CURES BLOOD POISON. Scrofula, Uloere, Old Sores, Bone Tains—Trial Treatment Free, First, second or third steft 88 P° 3i ~ tively cured by taking 8 8l f ßo ' tauic Blood Balm). B’ JOll Bslm kilu or destroys tbe HypP‘ eitio Bolson in the blood and expeP rom l be 6 I 8 * tem, making a Effect cure. Have you °flre pimples, copper ool ored sr^ 8 ' °* d festering eaiing sores, ~-rs, swellings, soraluls, itching hskin, aches and pains in bones or joints, sore mouth, or falling hair? Tbek Botanic Biood Balm will heal every sore, stop tbe aches and make tbe blood pure and rich and give the rich glow of heal hto the skip. Over 3,000 testimonials of euros. B, B. B. thoroughly lasted for 30 years. Drug stores sl, Trial treatment of B. B.;B. fres by writing Blood Balm Cos., At lanta, Ga. Describe trouble snd free medical advice given. Dou’t despair of a cure as B. B. B. cured when all else fails. Just received full line novelties for suits and trouserings at Winter's, A Minister’! Good Work, : U I had a severe attack of bilious colic, got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, took two doaea and was en- Pirely cured,” saya Itey. A. A. Power, of Empo ria, Kan. “My neighbor across the street was sick for over a week, had two or three bottles o medicine from the doctor. Ho used them for throe or four days without relief, the n called in another doctor who treated him for so nc days 'and gave him no relief, po discharged him, I went over to ooe him the next morning, N’e ; said bis bowel* were in a terrible fix, that they had been running off so long that it was almost bloody flux. I asked him if he had tried Chain berlaln’s Colic, Cholera and L’larrhu.*a Remedy, and he said, ‘No.’ 1 went home and brought him my bottle and gave him one dose; told him to take another dose in fifteen or twenty min utes if he did not Hud relief, but he took no more, aud was entirely cored J think it the best medicine l have ever tried.” Forsyte by Dr. Bishop’s drug store. Every lady should attend tbe grand Milliuvry opening at M'ss Kate Hla ter’s next Tue.dsy and Wednesday, October 23 and 24, BUY THE GENUINE' SYRUP UF FIGS ••• MANUFACTURED BY ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. nr NOTH TUB NAME. Kl-na Kin a.—Quinine in a tasteless form* without affecting iti medicinal value, combined with aaetanilid and iron. Juat the thing for children, Pleasant to take. 25c a bottle. For Bale by W. J. Butts, the drugfist. oastohia. Bear* the /) 1 ll? Wd You Have Always Bought GlL&tf&iSit Half the World is in Darkness an to tho caiiße of their ill health. If they would | start to treat their with Foley*# Kid ney Core, the weariness of body and mind, back ache, "headache and rheumatic pains would di#*p)>ear. W,'J. Butts. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES- CALL, OCTOBER 17, 1900. SCROFULA is “bad blood.” A little break of the skin becomes a sore; you come to have a good many perhaps. There are other manifestations of scrofula. This is the plain one. There is a germ to be killed. You kill it with vital force. What is that ? It’s the power that life has. Full life is strong; scant life is weak. Take Scott’s emulsion of cod-liver oil, to cultivate life. Abounding life is, perhaps, the cure of all diseases. We’ll send you little to try II you like. - SCOTT & BOW HE, +O9 Pefttl lirset, New York. QUESTIONSiANWERED. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sa!e|of any medicine In the civ ilised world. Your mothers and grand mothers never thought of using any thing else Tor indigestion or bilious ness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of apendicltis, nervous prostration, heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undl ■rested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the action of the ner vous and organic system, and that Is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headache and otbor aches. Yn only need a few doses of n—s au ffu*s STnjrr*.—iKJutd form, to make you satisfied there nothing serious the matter swith you Sample bottles at Butts drugstore or BroVrn Drug C Should be ia’iVfry household rnede olno chest • Tt affords orrirtn relief Every lad) should attend the grand Millinery opening at Miss Ka'e Sin tor's next Tuesday aud Wednesday, 0)tob"r 23 and 24. There i a fascination about big prods tea business mau. But tlio conservative and cau tions trader profors to liuvo tin; lower per cent. nt interest and the larger percent. Of safety in his Investments. There ie no business man V,ho would not consider It a sound proposition to in vest in n enterprise in which absolute loss was impossible and which offered ninety-eight chances In s husdred of a rich profit. The sta tistics of euros effected iry hr, Btaretmtloldnn Medical Discovery show that ninety.eight per cent, of cases of “weaklong”oait be absolutely cured. Almost If not all forms of physical weakness may ho traced to starvation. Starva tion saps tbe strength. The body is just as much starved when the stomach cannot, extract nutrition Irom the lood it receives ns when there is no Pskl. “Weak lungs, ’• bronchial af fections, obstinate coughs, call for nourishment “Golden Medical Discovery” supplies that nourishment in Its most condensed and nsglm- Ihildeteim. It makes “weak lungs" strung, by strengthening Gift stomach aiid organs of diges tion whiohdtgest and distribute the food end by increasing tbo supply of pure blood. Every lady should attend the grand Millinery opening at Miss Kate Sla ter’s next Tuesday and Wednesday, October 23 and 24. On me Naur Dying. ■"‘"For Hir.o.e days and nights I Buffered agony untold ftot& an attack of cholera morbus by eating cttitmtnbers,*’ Bays M. J£. liOWthcr, clerk of tho district c'mrt, Center ville. lowa. “J thought I should surely die and tried a dozen different.medicine*, but all to no pujrpose. I tent for a bottle of Chamber lain Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and three iloses relieved me entirely. I went to Sleep and dii not awake for eight horns. On aw akening a few hours ago I felt bogratifisd that the lirst work I do on going to the office is to write to tho manufacturers of this remedy and offer them iny grateful thaws and say ‘(iod bless you and the splendid medicine you make.’” This remedy is for Bale at J>r. Bish op’s drug store. The editor of the Fordville, Ky„ Miscellan eous, writes a# a postscript to a business letter: “I was cured of kidney trouble by taking Foley’s Kidney Cure,” Take nothingolse. W.J. Unit# OASTOHIA. Bws th Ilia Kind You Haw Always Bought STOVES REPAIRED. Rice, the* stove doctor, repairs kinds or cook stoves and ranges, bny and sells second hand stoves, 414 Bay street. When you cannot sleep for coughing, it ifl hardly necessary that anyone / ou that you need a few doses of Chamberlain’ Cough remedy to allay the Irritation of ths throat and make sleep possible. It is good Try it. For sale at Dr. Bishop’s drug store. If you want up-to-date material, style and fit go to Winter’s. MAY BE A WRECK Mallory Steamer Saw Floating Lumber On Her Voyage. The Maliory steamer Rio Grande, Johnston, reports that when ten miles E, N. E off Frying I’an lightship, she passed by a quantity of yellow pine lumber 4by 8 from 15 to 35 feet long, and looked as though it had nut 1 mg been in the water. She also saw two spar rigging at tsohed, apparently a schooner. MODJKSKA AT AUBURN. Auburn, Oct. 16.—Madame Modjsaka supported by R. H. MoLean, Odette Tyler, and' a complete company ap peared here tonight There was an overflowing house. In oases of oatarrh Hopd’s Sarsapa rilla heals tbs tissues, bu'lds up tbs system, expels impurities from tbe' blood, and oures. I AM ALWAYS WIDE AWAKE Looking after desirable goods for MY patrons and the general trade. Below you will find a list of a few Specialties for today: Frankfurter aad Wiener Wurst Sausage in cans (imported). Russian Cam Pnree fleFois Gras, PiMfo, Eoam and umii House Cheese. 1 assure you satlMactiou in evorythiug. THOS. KEANY GROCERIES. Phone 11, SiS- Ne wcastle Street. at KESSL.ER& Cor. Monk aud Crant Stej SSOO Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot euro with Liverato, the Up-to-Date Little Liver Fills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vege table and never fail to give satisfaction. 2’c boxes contain 100 pills, Joc boxes contain 40 pills, 5c boxes contain 15 pills. Beware of'sub stitutes and imitations. neat by mail. Stamps taken. N Eft VITA MEDICAL CO., cor. Clin ton and J ickson Sts., Chicago. 111. Fur sale by Brown Drug Cos.. Brunswick, Gu ‘A” Tablets For All UKINARY DISORDERS. Or the moat Fatal and Frevalent of all dls eases are those o ithe KIDNEYS, LIVER and BLADDER.* The Kidneys are two little sieves through which all of tbe blood in the body must pass once in every three minutes. In a HEALTHY condition they filter all impurities into tho IJLA DDElt.thcnce out of the body. If DIBKAH ED they clog and swell,deposititing URIC ACID and other poinons into the system, causing •101 l pFiiiis In tho back.Billiousness, Rhematism, Gout, D opsy, Gravel, Painful aud .frequent Crin non, Ixjsh of Albumen (the nee), and flu ly BRIGHT’S DISEASE Ifyoi iave any of the above symptoms ‘A ” TABLETS WILL CURE YOU Try then aud bo convinced. Recentgliscovery pbenoriunal sneftwe. Hundreds of testimonlel ft.nn/.t i .A ktthag.ipiit.ofi. By mail SI.OO. Send or pan. PAK-AMERIGAN DRUG CpMP’NY Brown Drug Cos., Brunswick, JBfrgia. DAd g plenty of Duffy’s Malt Whiskey, _ AML— _ h and take it regularly. By this time Wk 9 iIIHB 'W® 1 was willing to do anything for iWlgjVapaflh gB Si § VkIF relief. So the dear old man, though /Sr? vMH 1! K SJ he is not a whiskey doctor, ordered ,3f me 10 at mice with two table- |si flSxwnfFjf&iStai vv- + v,,. spoonfuls as a dose every two hoars V day and night, I did so. andimme- / diately began to improve, and now, \ *4~/ sixweeks from that time, Ci m lon S well as I ever could, ami Dr. C says mv binga hv I i', m , vT fea are healed, except one dull place in the l ight V:„j. iiisk- v 1 ‘,'l lur*R, and that tlie cavities are contracting. I I * i 1 , \ du not know wLethf rC and isgbiUKtolet megt Y „ r - ~ ~ wei! or not, but. 1 humbly trust Hewfll, ana I , ~: . , . ■. ; , ~ believe ; hat, under God. your Whiskey has .• ’ 1- a'.,,o''i-oq‘ saveil my Ill's thus far, end if I f nn!;£,™r; mm sib r~* a w-m T , -s ~ ivjkdS } Iri LL lIUVC been < s ' 2rc?<l h ? llliS time* :S:; s .a • • idait V uiskz\ bur r TVi ,s B Dmiik’h Pure Halt Wlif*kerto 1 . * , . ’ , 1 : . a pure luvncorutiiiM * :in.u b° ' r ' , s, ' l v ,'• 1 ‘ . v a ’ uid not- erncunt.. turn nui ionic. Ji. lat>’ b and • r.t; f.:: as to bo Every bottle of tlio genuine bean a luvr-:-lAU>Kt)t my breaili, except with fiiiUculty— pioprletary r vn^uestßinp. vary low. : ri.ought ♦ c aid n- t live much g\ 9H M an lon OnroldphvidHp.n.Dr. T. Vf. C.‘mpbell, H M f : :.*tkv/S. (' , -niiiet'. imv innu-rs and told mS I'lvit •].'. :;s v. \y baa, and tbo 101 - ouo tijjg IV but . f rule l)o( ••*r. tbit 1 1i;m1 cnoiiuh luns W/wt Effln wm leli to li\- n.’ id vliilo ye tif I would take ” ,s ® ™ m mm'Qgp m It druggists and grocers or direct, express paid, SI a bottle. Ser.d for free medical booblet.^^ mm consumption. J'.one of our gam“-f*rnntcr" for wbtrt, etc., Rent free to any reader of this paper. nr j DUM-r malt WHISUrY CO., Rochester, N. Y. ■I U|- licii mi Ani When Ihe liquids come from our NPh9 * tock - We carry such a fine line of Wines aud Liquors—— t \W fr /A Tt \\, " that It is impossible to find a brand fekg jgWM which Is not pleasing is some point, These goods are fully matured, aUte* c have a fine rich body and mellow y. flavor. -6 Excellent for family or any use. ®- V ' hottglas. -V - 206], 8ay Street. Advertisers lways PPRECIATE Reaping ich ETURNS ArvJCD is TI —ie: JPIEGULAR 4 K ETURNS Heport T * par'- - By Advertisers Who Use These Columns. {uantily aud Quality of Circulation p> Quantity and Quality to Advertisers And We Give Both ——WE AESO GUARANTEETOGIVESATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. DON’T SEND:AWAY FOR ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC., When you can get them at home for the same price ami besides you save the cost of freight and drayage. OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. We don’t mind calling and talking the matter over with you and giving you our estimates, and if weTail to get your order that is our fault, not yostis. allTwe want is a trial. Times=Call, it cou 209,2209 1-2 and 211 F-Street. 3