The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 17, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 THESE WANT TO REMOVE List of Industries Hill ing Loealions, WE MAY GETJOME OF THEM Board of Trade is Urged to Bend Some Brunswick Literature. Following is a list of industries hunting new locations; Tbe E'glo Caramel Cos, will tie re organised and anew looation is want ed. Tbe company is unable 'o eeoure Tbe firm of Lears it Nichols, of Chit licoth9, Ohio, are looking for anew location to establish a cunning factory. The oompany will employ 600 bands . The Reliance Manufacturing Com pany, of Chicago, 111., Is looking for a looation to establish a factory for the manufacture of overalls, panta and sb’rts. Nswloii J. Carey, patentee of a slack burner, is also looking for a looation. Tne Fulton Bedstead Cos., of Fulton, N. Y., le looking for a looation. Stuart Hare, receiver of the Ehasam Maohme Shops is looking for a loca tion to eatahlish a machine shop. Hugh Merrie, backer of the McNeill Manufacturing Cos., of East 7th Street, Cincinnati, has bad a receiver ap pointed for the company, and is look ing firs location to establish h : m elf elsewhere. r C. D. Voris is in’eiotted in organiz ing a company with SIOO,OOO capital stock to establish a wire plant. The Dayton tic Cos. shoe factory in Williamsport, Pa., was destroyed by lire, entailing a loss of $300,009. The N. 8. Wertheimer & Cos., shirt waist factory at Heading, l‘a., was de stroyed by Hr* 1 , causing a to*' of S.TO,O'O. EVERY MOVEMENT BURTS tVben joi hve rheumktiem. olei feel stiff six! tore, sod painful. I' does not pay to eudUpfing from tbie disease when it Jf*h‘ be cured so promp’ly and perfStly by Hood’ii SireapirilH. This medioiiie goes right to the spot, neutralizes (be acidity of tbe blow, which causes rheumatism, and puts an eud to the pains and stiffness. Biliousness is cured by Hood’s Fills. 25 cents. NEW GOODS, AL FRESCO Florida Oranges, 300 to 50.'. Fancy New Hates, 10c pound, a New Layer Figs, 15c pouud. £ Fancy Fat Bananas, 20c dozen. New Crop Cocoanute. 5a Fancy Malaga Orapea. Fancy Messina Lemons, 20c. Pure Crystal Rock Candy. Fresh Marshmallows. Fancy Eastern Apples. Pink and white N. Y. Grapes. New Ribbon Cane, 3 for 6c. LLOYD’S, ’PHONE ( txldtor toFg &1 Waff's ) WOMEN CURED AT HOME. THE GREATEST OF SPECIALISTS OFFERS TO THE SUFFERING HIS SERVICES AND REMEDIES. For more than twenty-flve years Dr. J. New- Hathaway has made a specialty of Female Diseases. During that time he lias had among £his patients over ten thous and women, suffering from all those many different com plaints peculiar to the sex, and has completely and perma nently cured more than 80 per cent, of the cases be has By bis exclusive method, which lie haa perfected during the twenty-tlve years f his most extensive practice, he is enabled to curt-all of those different diseases, Including palntul, profuse or suppressed menstruation jrplapsus, all ovarian trouble, tumors and\okmhUoD~ln fact, overv form of those diseases which make a burden of life to tbo great majorltwlammcn. He has 30 perfected this sjKV ajO*iSthat h 0 can treat these cases ( ’ y’' j/PTI per sonal examination (to v 1 11 v . n-iniraily^ibJieUy-- ■ !, r -atlun, with i hr , > danger. V. % • Hi*oysteSusi.'?.a* • Jn pit. vvty-cnfio fk i' UU -tswltlve. /*■ "i i '■ w ONB LOW FEP. S , Write him a letter stating briefly ydur condi tion and he will sond you a blank to bfi-C-Itei-fIPV - Ho will give your case his personal attention and cam and make his fee so moderate (Including all medicines necessary) that you will not feel the burden of the payment, and he will guarantee you a positive cure. Addross, J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Dr. Hathaway & Cos, M Bryan Street. fiaratinah. Os, XJCNTIOM THIS WHEN WttmNU. WISE ELEPHANTS. The baby elephants, members of the famous dog and pony ehow tbie sea eon, are said to be tbe brighteet speci mens of their sort ever exhibited. Iu faot, it is said, they are capable of going through their perform ance without one wotd of oommand from the ring mister. Their part if the program lasts nearly fifteen m n utas, and comprises some of the thoat difficult acts ever attempted by dumb animals. In addition to their bright ness, they are the most duoile sp-oi menn ever seen. Very fond of children and as playful as cats. They play many jokes upon the dog and pony hejg|2*rjk of the octnpaoy, suoh at f-ed, pullirg the dog*’ tails, and things of that sort. They were imported direct from India by Prof. Gentry, and nursed, on bottles at bis farm in I idtana, utiHlth-y were strong enough to go on tbe road with the show. General arta iision; Chil dren, 15 eente; adults, 75 e-nts. At this setaou of tbe year there are always many death*, particularly among children, from rummer com plaint, diarrhea, dysentery, cht.l ,ra morbu-, cramps, e‘e., and cvsry one ought l> Kiiuw I list u sure Alii speedy cure can Vasily be obtained by taking Perry D vis’ Poin-KU'cr ia sweetened wiicr every half hour. It never fails. Avoid Eiib tl'n‘es. There is but one Pain-Killer, Perry Dtvie’. Price 25e, ahd 50c. . It Happened in s lrug Store. "s*t day laat winter a lauy canlc to my drug j 'store ftnd asked for a brand of cough medicine , that I did not have in stock,” t ay* Mr, C. li.' (} ran din, the popular druggist of Out irftr, N, V*. I “She was disappointed and wanted to know ; what rough preparation J cook! recommend. I a aid to her (that I could freely recommend Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and that she could take a bottle of the remedy and after’ giving it a fair trial If she did not And it worth f the money to bring bn ok the bottle and 1 would refund the price paid. Jnthocour e of a day -or two ih© ladv came back \il company with a friend in rood of a cough medicine nnd advised her to buy a bottle of ChamberVnV Cough Remedy, 1 eonaiUer that a very god re com metnlatiOD for \lw ruin dy.” The remedy owes its great vopnlari'v and extensive *ale in a large measure to the personal ivcotmnenda ttons of people who have been cured by its uso. It is for sale at l)r. Bishop’s drug store. WARNING! TVndsrness, aching in tbe small of the back it serious lymptom. Tbe kidneys are stiff-ring. Take Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure at once, It is a re liable kidney remedy and system regu lator, and will oure the trouble before it develop, its dangerous stage. Prloe 60 cents. For sale by all druggists. Don’t hs deceived or humbugged by Ipeopl who claim lbs dflfcovery of some hitherto un • known herb or root in MtUUf*' or on some mountain or prairie for kidney and bladder trouble*, Any jjjqaardrnggist will tell you that auch claitij§Sljßißtelont. Foley’* Kidney Core simply coOTajfremedieathat re recognized by the moat -n|fel physician* as beet for those complaints, -oAon’t be credulous or foolish. W. J. Itntta. _ j Second hand household furniture bought and sold, also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. ,T. W, Watkins. TITE BTtCyswiCK TIMES-CALL OCTOBER 17, 1900 SHIPPING REPORT. * C rrseted Daily by Capt. Otto Jobanuwa Port of Bruns -ick. 0 ;t. 16,1900. ’o;tober 14tb, S3 It o Grande, ten miles E NE. off Fryirg pn light ship, passrd through a quantity of yellow pine lumber, 4 by 8, from 15 to 36 fee! 16ng, not long in water ; also two spar* rigging at'ached, apparently sell toner mss's. AKftIVKO. Schr, Oreenl-af, Johrstn Woodruff. New York. CLEARED. B'ig Pa'lo Cuban, Taetle, Santa Cruz, Schr, Theolene, Frances, Boston. * Schr. Samuel B. Hubbard, Cover dell,New York. GOOD NEWS FOB OUK READERS Wno have scrofula taiuts in their blood, and who has not? SirofaH in nil its forms it cured by H lbd’e Sir*s paril a purifies the blood-, ’This dueaee,"which frequently appear* In children, is g-eatly to be dreaded. It is tnotliy likely to slf-ct tbe glande of tbe neck, which become enlarged, erupt ions appear on the head and faoe, and the eyee are.frequently affected. Upon its first appearance, perhaps in slight eruptions or pimples, scrofula should be entirely eradicated from the ysteai by a thorough court of H rod’s Sarsaparilla to prevent all the painful and eickenfug cons-.- qnenoee of running ecrofiila sore* wbiob drain the ryetein, sap tbe strength, and make existence utterly wretched. Our Greatest Specialist For 80 years Dr. J. Nowlon Hath away has so successfully ’rested chronic diseases that, he is ackniiwledged today to stand at the head of hie fTofeaeion in this line. HU exclusive method -of treatment for Varicocele- ana Stricture without the aid of knife or caatery cures in 90 per cent, of ail cases. In. the treatment of loss of vital forces' nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecul iar to women, lie is equally successful - Dr. Hathaway’s practice is more than double that of any other specialist. Cases hopeless I>V othei physioHp, readily yield to hi* treat ment. write hua today fully shout your case Ho makes no charge for cSnsuliation or adfHee, either at hi*of fice or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 85 Bryan Street. Savannah, Ga WHY SUPFEU WITH BACH ACHE? I have suffered s-veral yea’* with backache, and after taking one bottle of Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure, I bavr been then, 1 have not beea troubled wi b my back. Too much rannot be said in it* praise. Cap’. Win. Forrest, Memphis, Tenn. Brice 50 cents. Fur sale by all drug gists. QTTTT Prof. Gentry’s FAMOUS DOG AND PONY SHOW, which will exhibit here MONDAY, OCTOBER 22(1. Two Performances Daily 2:30 and 8 p. m. Prifs, Children 15, Adults 25. THE LUMBER MARKET. Prices N >t Yet Normal—Th- Lumber M*n : * M e’iiy. To- lu üb-r ro.rk t ts b-en .1 .wly improving for :he pat few m - n h, though it hat not y-i el its nor mal prior. This is accounted for by the fact that both forngo and local tonnage is scarce ;a ooha-qaei c- of many of the boa beirg used in Son’ll Africa and China for trsG'porU. Tbe demands have t-c'-need a!-o, and t ii is accouu’.ed for by hr uastfldcn ditiocs of the <-l Chi o >esr. Nearly 1! of the car manufaoioric* over the country are of the market, and these are the largest purchasers, especially of i eavy timbers. Tber*.l rosdr, l*o, have drjpp-d out of tbe marke - , and beyond tbe locsl demand for lumber, there is very little trading being done. O ruber meeting of the (3-org have been h-id at Valdosta, Oitober 16 h, will uot be held noi l thr 30’h, as a number of members were unable ’o attend bn that date, and reqoettsd Presided Tift to postpone tbe meet ing. Overcoating in g eat vari ties at fair prices at Winter's. Rainy Day Hats. The re ry best of the nv.s! favored slopes ft its bawn in mttyraHiv Ustriaid Felt Hats in h variety of hapea, tyle iul colors, WUe have bought and made them op to sell to those vrho desire somoih'ng serviee*blex jr*i prettjr; low priced. These ere right And priced right. MISS im SLATER. 6<H Ut.OdcLvTFH Sf,‘ ■ WEi VME OF- CARDUI Woman Knows | Homan - Zu*ica, Kah., Jan. *l. I nsad Wine ot Cardui for nur- ▼ousnesa and weakness in tha womb. After taking ona bottle I Jf / \ was well again. lam a midwife J. \ \ and always recommend Wine of j \ } Cardui to my lady friends during l \ Y MFmKS V Sregnancy and after birth as atonic, V Jk very lady who tak**a it finds that ~ it d.'cs even more thau is claimed /'• T MBS V y. BOISVERT. | Nobody knows woman like woman. Men go to medkaLcolleges, study book’s and listen to lectures. They learn indirectly of tl|'diseases of women, but they are men and can never fully understand thSKbnents, . the sufferings, the agonies of mothers, wives and sisters. H. woman know*. Mrs. Boisvert know*. She has passed througtlshe trials and tribulationj of her sex. She has been near by when her siSiers suf fered. She has seen them relieved and cured with Wine of Cardui. Is it any wonder she recommends it? Is it any Wonder that thousands of other Women recommend it re? fctrice in (ei r.qoirinx .prciAi fual experience to prompt them. They spread the tidings from ■Kmrixat c<xf ciittnooi, Tnn. mouth to mouth, telling how Wine ■* of Cardui helps young girls, helps the weak of aIHfcSTWSJs and cures all womanly ilk Druggists Sell Large Bottles for SI.OO. WINE OF CARDUI RTPANS dmbs ■ ► Doctors find ;. v * A &ood Prescription for mankind J'* *w *" nsn, aft DrworiM, firmm, laimm, s&£ Mtwv-StauMb, Gen mu Store* ami Barbers ~ Tky kW> pah., ladnc MS^ Os* |Ww rafiafl N natter what’s tb* uKar. *** vtl • Pf *od. Tea SMB pies mmi ass tSammmj |s. W H. BOWEN. J.' N. BRADT, BOWEN &. BRADT, , ArviCDl E=3l ill CD Of Stone, Brick and Frdme Bui ldii|z Manufacturers of Cement, Tile andJArtifielal Stone. / A Ciartninghdividmlify most welcome to the connoisseur— rich, dainty and sparklingly brilliant <Boh§mah •VU* ’*l Bottled Beers.’*!* Brewed from file ifoffi Canacft, Minnesota barley and tfitl choicest imported Bohcmiao hops, this beer is a nourishing drink of unequaled purity and excellence. Order from Brunswick. Wholesale Wine and Liquor Cos.