The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 17, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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Typhoid Ferer Experience Is not desired in your own per son. A Doctor’s Observation Is Valuable to All. Read wliat one says about Mnsoifs Chill & Ferer Tonic “Last Fall we had a good deal of Typho-Malaria, or perhaps Ty phoid Fever. Some patients died; Some recovered after six or eight weeks. After trying regular rem €*dies two weeks, i gave Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic. In no In stance had given more than 24 hours, w hen fever cooled tioAvu and uid not return. Patients regained good health rapidly” J.E. Kiscublob, M. D m ¥ Conway, Ark. flake JOHNSON’S TONIC at the first symptom, and KEEPWELL ' A. B. Girardeau, Savannah, Ga. Sole Manufacturer. OPERA JOUSE. One Popular Week! Commencing MONDAY, OCTOBER M Matinee Wednesday and Saturday. Perudii-Beldina COMPANY. (Incoporatcd.) Leaders in Modern Repertoire. Specialties will be introduced between the acts by 5 THI PICKETS 5 The greatest acr. batlc comedian on can ttage Charles D. Perubhi " —AND — BABY BLANCHE, The Great Child Artist. Prices only 10,20, 30c. IN Jli ■ ■ ■■urn _■ - ELI ZISSIMATO, 302 j Newcastle Bt. ■\n i1 .... :... list is CIGARS AND TOBACCO ta Cream Freeh Imi Sat, Milk Saaks Seda Water' Etc,, Aii Kinds of Candy , Pleasant to the taste. Effective, reliable. DR. J. H. McLEAN’S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM Eliminates uric cid. The best remedy for Rheumatism and diseases of the Stomach, Liver and KidCg*&T V° $1 • BjttSe, at druggists. THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE . (T. tout., ISO. FOR SALE BV AAA^V W - HUTTS, The•Dro*jfißt. , T. POOL, | Contractor and Builder, 119 South Stonewall Str et. Brunswick, - Georgia. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES. ■lane, a powder. Inures painful, out feet and iogr Ming nn l ana , the sting out of enrna and grenteal oomffrt <:• -c >\er> of the root*KM6 makes .igbt or new . it is a certain cure for bwcat d hot, tired, aching feet, lry t r nil druggist* aud eboe more*, tln ttarapt, Trial package Free. fc.Olinatcad, Le Hoy, X. I\. _ . A 810 SEND OFF. W. B. Carter, Colored, of This City, In a B:g Job. Following is from the Topeka Kan eas, Captol: “The negroes of ihe ciiy who am in terested in educat ng and uplifting their race will hold an important mee ing at the old court house th’s evening at 8 o’clock. They will assemble for tbe purpose of meeting William R. Carter, of Bruns wick, Gi„ who is tbe superintendent elect of the Topeka flndustrial Insti tute and will take eba-ge of this insu tul'.h.n at the beginning of this year’s term on Oetober 15. The ‘Topeka Industrial Institute, which was started a shott lime ago,has very work of the past year. The sas ayenue and is exclusively a colored school. It is the aim to teach studies of practical woith to those who attend, and considetable attention will be giv en to manual training. English, musio, shorthand, typewriting, carpentering, sboemaking, and other branches are taught and other Hn s of 'work will te added from time to timer" It Is the hope of the piwmoters of the Industrial ins itute in Topeka tu make the schoji worth to the negro jou hs of the west, what Tuskegce and Hampton sre to ,hc regro youths of the •outh, Carttr. who, Laconics the superin tendent of this institute, cornos highly recommended. He Is a gradute of the industrial institute at Tuskegee, A’.a. He also spent some time in s uuy at the tehool. Th, teachers who are to assist him are all capable and thorough in the branches over which they have charge.” Carter is from tli s city and has al ways been held in high e leem by both laces. Fall opening at Winter’s Cure Whiskey, j Hsrpu’s. Pei feet ■\Vhi>k>y, Harper’s. Every bottle guaranteed Harper’*. Sold by T. New man, Brunswick, G. It Hels the Lungs. | When suffering from a rocking cough'take j doic of Foley’s Honey and Tar, The torenese ! will be relieved and a warm, grateful feeling and lmsling of the pans affected will lie expe : itcuced. Take no substitute. \V. J, Butte, Most exquisite line of Hals ever in Brunswick will bs seen at Miss Kate 8 ster’s next Tue.dsy and I Wednesday, Oc t bar 23 and 24. For Backache use jSTU ART’S GIN and jBCCHU; To Stop s C -Id. After ex insure or when you/cel a coldcom- I log on lake a dqie of Koiey’s Honey and Tar. j It never f. Ils to stop a cold if taken in time. W ! J. Units. It Is will to know that DeWitt’s Witch Haze Salve will heal a burn, and stop the pain at once. Il will cure ezeema and skin diseases and ngiy wounds and sores. It is a certain cure for piles. Counterfeits may be offered you Sec that you get the original DeWitl's Witch Hazel Salve. W, J. Butts. Tbe Plant System will sell round trip tiokets for the anoual ftir, 'Wsy oross Fair Association, at ooe fare from Tbomasville, Albany, Ssvsnnsb. Brunswick, .faoksonville, Lske City, Udonoicello and intermediate points, A splendid program of attractions bas been arranged and visitors will be well entertained, B. W, Wrenn, Passenger Trsfflo Msnsger, Savannah, Ga. For Diabetes use STUART’S Cx IN and BUCHU. WANTED. Artesiau wells to drive at $250 eacb Rite and capacity ; guaranteed will also guarantee to complete wells in 15 days. Call on or address A. fl. Baker 205 Gloucester street. iriJG BRUNSWIOK TIMEIS-CALL, OCTOBER 17, I9bo. Rain of Shine, The station agent is on duty. On liis exact communication of train orders depends thousands of lives, and millions of dollars in property, each day. In his haste he runs out in the rain or the snow hatless and unprotected. Then conies the bron pulmonary disease 1 is Doctor Pierce’s u Golden Medical Discovery. Almost j '■ / £'•?, Vt all remedies pre-ill p .. bribed for diseases contain HI I “ opium or some j' // / narcotic- which '-A/jfU soother' by stupe- 11 faction. "Golden |/ JjMmfß/'// /&/, Medical Discov- ty*? erv” contains j v neither narcotics t&S nor alcohol. It stons coughs bv curing their cause. | It heals weak 1 Vfj lungs, builds up wasted tissues, and f- l. /. promotes the Esp r 7 / health of even* or-P** .r$P]V- '“.'•V • / If gan of the Txxly. n I am a veil rood *? cu y of Barclay, O.ra'ra. tSunty; Kttiuj. "aTitrfour years ag.> my work *,.*--vuic “ r iu ; warm room amt stepping < ut \w the ctiij air gave me bror.x :%*•:*, which became chrome and deep : seated. j ’>v -iivd to reach ntu! advised jNt tvV . t ..u-het air, but, fortunately for me. r uUmki *tdvi.>ou me to try Dr. Pterce‘H incdicl commenced taking your 'Golden STk.V.i D• scovUry, 1 and by the time I had take- thy • r-> bottle I was better, and after taking four hoi vs ny cough was entirely gone. T have found no necessity for seeking another rl^rate." Dr. Pierce’s P’.,-.wuit Pellets regulate the stomach, liver sad bowels. Tlie Bridge From Sickness to Health is of pure drugs, and these am obtainable hbro at all times and au/'hour. That our stock of Drugs and Ved’cines tthouhiTe fwtsh and pure is of more Importance than its ao. All ordriH can be filled and in a vray that will give* health to the i*atient and satisfaction to the doctor! SMITH’S PHARMACY, COK. A.NII .MONK STS, OEOHOIA 0 ItECTIYE AGH BRUNSWiCK, GEORGIA. Civil and criminal cases attemled to buslcess strictly coufidtutlaL quires conducted wlth ieerecv. L. a. LEAVY rvr L, and. Leavy Oo Auutiouneip, (JcmmisHion Mero&aotfi aud G-ener al Collecting Agents Coilpif UTTif TiG Solicited aD/' Prompt ReinriiP Beudered- Special Attention Paid to OriU eritton of ]Jrit.-. JB. J. OLE WINE c yles Selling, lienting, Repairing, Messenger Scrvloe We sell Cleveland, Monarch, Crawford, Eagle, Elk, Dixie. Best of Wheels for the Least Money. Wall Paper —AT the— PAINT STORE, 50!& Monk St. W.H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. So LEVADAS7 Gocerics, Country Product k-®—Vegetables- etr. Also Confectionery. MONK STREET. BRUNSWICK, GA Service By Publication. STATE OF GEORGIA--County of Glynn. John Rogers, l In Glyun Superior Court, May _ i Term, 1900. Susie Rogers. J LIBEL FOR DIVOHCE. To the Defeat if it, Susie Rogers: You are herq r commanded to be and appear &l tue Dedfen...; Term, tiex.t., of Glynn Superior Court, to be lio; ton at the court house iu Brunswick, Gwnn County, Georgia, on the First Monday in December, 1900, and by Ton O clock of ihe forenoon of said date, then and the: e to answer the complaint of the plnin tifl in tue above stated ease in ills Liuel for Divorce. Witness the Honorable Joseph AY. Bennett, Judge of the sup rior 1 onrt of Glynn County, tki§ the 10th clay of July, 1900. ' , _ 11. F. duBIGNON, Ciork Suierior Court, Glynn t ount.y, Ga. SERVICE BY IHB LI CATION. GEORGIA —GIynn County. Mrs. Mary c. Reppard vs. Jeflerson Levy, The National Bank of Brunswick and the May or and Council of Brunswick,—Petition for par tion of realty iu Glynn Superior court, De cember Term thereof, 190 u. To the efendrnt, JeHersoti Levy: You*are hereby notified that the petitioner in the above stated ease will apply for 11 parti te uOl that certain real property iu the fctate of GeorginAcountyot Glynn and city of Bruns wii-k, portion of;•■ris known us and called the ••Thirty act” or “The Wella Tract,” fiti v ng the following coime* and oistaueea, to wii: Commencing at the centre of the .South rn liueaf Uuiou street and running thence •Souttiwardly-1,010 feet; them e running Eaat-- wardly Sid Teety ■'thence running Northwurdlyf' 10 0 feet; thence runuiug We twardly 855 foetl: exi-ept three eeitarn nalV tracts, heretofarafc sold oy the owbwv, such aj-pUcation for par- ] Dtron of said land will be n ade' at the next Wi fn or said corn tto bo held ou the first Mon- ] (lao in December UfeVt. This notic given in liumniice gFlhXeaSeptemlier 28.1900, >y - - v i: JS‘tibrook;Ju(tge of said court nrtßtdUwaaß Honorable Joseph being disiiuolr* 8 in said case. Witness tbe Honorable Paul K. Beabrook, judge of said court presiding,’lifts October 1, H. F. DU BIGNON, Clerk .SuimriorCourt, Glynn County, via. •S BALKS <NS TWITTY, Attorneys. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION, Stale of Georgla—Countyof Glynn. MrsrKUu Markham Libel for divorce: in the Superior court orGlynn * 4 vs. county. May term, 1900, „ „ w Order to perfect &ervice Martin B, Markham granted at said term. To the Defendant, Martin B. Markham. You are hereby required, in person or by at torney. to, bo and appear, at the December 1 erm, 1000, of Glynn Superior court, to l>e hold eu in and.for said county, at the court house,in Brunswick. Giynu count v, Georgia, on tlm first Mondav in Dei ember, 1000, and you will bo there by leu (10) o oiock, of the forenoon of said day, then and t here to answer the complaint of the plaintiff Mrs. Ella Alarkliahi, in the above stated csk\ in her libel for divorco. Witness U*o Honorable Joseph W. Bennet, Judge of UuTSuperior conn of Glynn county, this tlie 24th day of August, 1000. ' A. O. TOWNSEND, Dopniy Clerk of the Suporior Court, Gli iin (iimnty, Georgia. EILNKST DART, Attorney for Plaintiff. gSKRVICE DY PUBLICATION. Mi. Clyde Frecmun, Libel lor' Divmve/ lte turuable to December vh. Term, lfiOO.of .Superior Court of Glynn eoun (). J. Freeman, ty, Georgia. To the said defendant, O. J. Fremnoti: You are hereby required* v or by attorney, to bo and appear at tlr****xt term of the Superior Court of said countv, oonveniug on the first Monday in December, 11)00, then and there to answer the jdainlifr, Clyde Freeman, , upon the merits of hef'potition for divorco filed against you; as in default of such appearance the Court will proceed as to justice shall apper tain. WitnetH the lion. Joseph W. Bonnet, .Judge of said Superior Court, thi* 22d day of August, 1800. A. O, T< >WNSENI >, Deputy Clerk Surierior Courc Glynn Cos., Ga. D. W. Kit AUSS, PltlTs. AW. public; saik. State of Georgia—County ofcGiynn. Under and bv virtue oiThe power of wale* contained in the deed to secure debt from Amanda A. Davis to the Brunswick Title Guarantee and Loan Company, made, executed and delivered on the 24th day of February* IK)2, and Whitili said deed to secure debt In dulv re corded on pages 141, 14:’ ana 413 of Vol 5 of the general records of Glynnlcountv, Georgia, ref- < ereni’o thereto being had, the Brunswick Title Guarantee an l Loan Company will expose and oiler (or sale to the highest and t>est bidder for cash, before the court house door of Glynn county, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale, on the fii st Tuead.iy* in November, I<oo, all of that certain tract, lot os - parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon situate, lying and Deii gin the Old Town of the City <-f Bruns wick. Glynn connty, Georgia, known and de fCiit od as the northeastern 30x90 feet 'f Old Town iot number twelve 12). bounded on the noi th by eastern one-half of old.tow a lot number eleven (111 9') feot; east oy Oglethorpe .street 30 feet; south by the remaining o a stern portion of said lot number 12 90 feet, and west by ihe i.ortnwestern portion of said Old Town lot number 12 3i feet, aid Old Town lot num ber 12 being identified upon the map of said eity made by George R. Baldwin A. I). 1K37, t which reference is hereby lmd. for the pnrpoNe or liquidating the indebtedn"*# dim m fd coin pany bf tbe said grantor, namely 1600.00 pnn < ipanJobt, f,ebjde interest unto the first i'i, •- nay in November, 1900. amounting to 1117 33, aud tbe further feum of S9OO as costs of dvi r tlsimr this saie. BJiUNsWICK TITLE GUAUANTE V & U >AN COMPANY. By C. P. GOODY E A It, President. Attests W. E. Kay, Sec & Treat. rr: NOTICE OF LOCAL LEGISLATION. 1 Tbe public is hereby notified that a bill will l e offered i.t the next seesion of the legislature amending the charter of the city of Brurawick It. It. HOP KlN'*, Brunswick, Ga., Sept. 27,1900. Administrators Notice, All persons hHvlng claims against estate of J G.(;mpv„il will present them to the undsr • ignert, ami all owing said estate will oleane I ay tln ir accounts to J. J. SPEARS, Adm’r. Estate J. G. Campbell. Bißodwortt) &Jones New Liverv Staines Buggies Fine Horses Prompt orders. DrayagflßPec- F St administrators SALE. GEORGIA—GIynn Counts*. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordi nary of said county, I will sell at public outcry ou the firt Tuesday iu November, 190 1. at tbe court house in said countv, wrthiu the legal hours of sale, the following described lands, the property of the es:ate of Bridget Minehan. de ceastd, situate iu the City ot Brnunswiek, in said state and county, to wit: Lots numbers twelve hundred ami thirty seven (1237). twelve hundred and thirty oight (1238),twelve hundred and thirty-nine (1230), twelve hundred and forty (1240), six hundred and forty-two (G 42), and six hundred and forty-throe (043), respec tively. each of said lots being in th it portion of said eity commonly called “Now Town,” and designated upon the map of the plan of said city as made by Geo. R. Baldwin, servevor, a. L). 1837, and of the addition thereto, by tlie num bers above described, which map and to Hie order of said court of ordinal y aforesaid, reference is made all purposes of desciip tiou. Also, the unexpired leasehold interest in and to the following lots or parcels of land Bit tate in the city of Brunswick, and in that part thereof commonly called “Town Com r.ons,’’ to wlt: That portion of Lot number seventy-five (75) fronting forty tTO) feet ou Amherst street and nine ty (90) feet on J street, the leasehold therein expiring u; on Mai eh 21,1W7; lot num ber one hundred and thirty-five (135), boundod east by Albany street, south by L street, west b> Wolfe street aud north by lot number one hundred and thirty four, and having a front upon Albany and Wolfe streets ret-poclively of ninety (90) feot and a depth between said streets of hund-jsfd ami ei-hty (18t) feet. AlKQjtUftt portion of lot number one hundred ahdtlvflrty-four (134) bounded east by Albany ••'tree MimtU by lot number one hnurirgff and *Mby Wolfe sy-yt.. and 9if j 4 U • W)nii hundred ai pthiitv- portion of su' and BMHMrodrcd and thirty-three (i::t. ”ino (2y) feet upon Il ' upon Wolfe IfoYJliycl aerem expiring 1 | of each of said • .’fit of lots being ' 1 ,Ma F”f what :s com - y Hurt ej” of the Tow n f said cityWWlle in the ofiieooftlie PPPVRhd council thereof. Terms or sale cash. This October 8,1900. liOSENDO TO KRAS, Administrator de bonis non etc. Bridget Mine han, deceased. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. State of Georgia—County of Glynn. Mrs. Lizzie Long Libel for divorce; In the Superior court of Glynn vs. county, Mav term, 1900. . , Order to perfect service, Thomas A. Long, granted at said term) To the Defendant,Thomas A. Long. You are hereby required, in person or l>y at torney, to be and appear, ut the December terra, 3900, of thu Glynn Superior court, to be holdeu in and for said county, at the court house in Brunswick, Glynn county.Georgia, on the first Monday in December, 1900, and you win be there by ten no) o’clock of the forenoon of said day, then and there to answer tlie com plaint. of iho plainti O', Mrs. Lizzie Long in the above stated case, in her libel for divorce. Witnt*H the llonorslilo Joseph W. Konnot, .iiiago of U‘e Suucriur couit of Glynn couniv. this the 21th clay of August, Iff: o. ' " ~ . , A. O. ToWNSKND, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court, Glynn „„ County. Georgia. 1 IERNEST DART, Attorney for I’laintifl'. CITATION. GEOUQI V—Glynn County i r'banns Dart, of Glynn connty, in said State has applied to the Ordinary of said county ef Glynn for exemption of personalty and nettlnc apart mid valuation of homestead, and l.uill pass upon the asrne at lOo’clook u\m. upon the Istli day of Oetober, Him, at the rtuV'.-t f„ said county of Glynn. r l , hia ’ pHMk , , JKFFKKSON tl'TOlii Judffo City Court of Bruum.-iek and pro hao vico ordinary Glynn County, Georgia. CITATION. GEORGIA—GIynn County. Whereas. Ella J. Jennings, administratrix of Georgp, , Galvin estate, represents to the court In Tier petition, duly tiled and enterod on fhby administered George W. Calvin s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why r-aid ad ministratrix should not be discharged from administration, and receive letters of dismis- Sibn ou the ilrfct Mondav n December, 1900. HORACE DA UT. Ordinary. CITATION. Georgia—Glynn County, Mrs. Mary Mahoney having undo appllca- Hou for twelve months’ Huppiui, out of the etatoof Timothy Mahonu). ami appraiHerg ? to Set apart the same having nlcq .Uielr rctui n, all poigoun concerned are b reby required to show cause before the court of ordinary of. said cou uy on the (Hsi Mondav iu November, iyn*, why sai rapi lication should not bo granted. Thig lib da\ of Notin' er.lttui). HO It \CE DART, ord^ary. \ CITATION. <3E< *RG I A—Oltnh County. Lore.jin Turner, wife of Alfred Turner, has for exemption of personality and gett ing apart and valuation of hemeateud o .f hm property and 1 a ill p ns upon the same at 10 o clock a. in., on the 22nd tiay of Oetobcr.ltiOu. at my offieo. This Mepiuinliei 29th, J9OO, IKilld h DART, Grdmf.n Glynn County, Ga. CITATION. Georgia—Glynn County. Mrs. I'aunie A. Smith lias applied for exemp tion of persona lily and the tteUiug apai t and ariation pf homestead out of the. estate of H ( S.iV vh. decoa od, late of Raid county and otato. and I will pass upon the same at ton ’ T ick a m.,on the 22n J day of Oc'obcr, 1900. at rny office in the court house of acid county an J Rtute. HORaCJS DART. Ordinary Glynn County, Ga. bEHYICB BY rUBLIOA'I ION. State of Georgia—County e Gm nn. Mrs. Edna Wylie Li el for divorce; In th** Sup rbir court of Glynn va. countv. Mar term, J9OO, order io p rftot acr v ice, James Wylie. granted at t* m To the Defend mt,.lain* i You are hereby lequi'-cv , ) t i ,on or by at torncy, to lo aud appear at the Deceiniier term, 1900, ofGlyt n Huj.urior con t. to be hold en iu and for said count' t the court hon*6, in Brunswick, Glynn uou ty. ( : *o)gia, on the first Monday In Deeam'tot. ]guc and vou will be there b ’ ten (10 of th forenoon of ald day, then a* '-is io m. xver the com plaint ot the Mrs. Kd n Wyli., . , the above gtflt and FT | *J V n;eo. Wi' J,...,, h \V. Lcnriit, Jtldge o/tbejpn 1 of couutv tills the 24 b dry c J9n Deputy lift' k (J* fnfl Hu pern o < :ourt, lypi (;otinty< Goorr a. w BVh TD/nr > attorimvf*rF ni|jy. Jobu M-?teec AppKoatiun for ie< Jftuh Dt*j|*r, formerly raoval of .ladle Hurts, dia.blMla.. Notice i. hurob) given (baton tu c gth day of Hc’ob' r, ISM, the oniler.lfni and iticrt In Hu office of i o<• ei'k of ’bo Hnpcrioi court oi Gljon CO. otj 111. a nlicat o. for leoioval of II iW bil • M.'l gi |ioi hi luoilrr ttia veruiot Mkl juox ei.i lemlrren in oald court May 21, 1909, in iTic .'ut of hi, former vlfc, .fame nieele! against hln fo- divorce, fi,.) H-a. bald applica tion l| be beard at the u : o of .as I court bo -Btunlng Oi* tbe fir, Holiday in Uercmber next. This Octeuer a, tv*). K)N VI. HTKKLR SHERIFF SALES. GEORGIA, Glynn County. \\ ill be sold before the courthouse door in ?? unt * on , l ! ie flrat Tuesday iu November, 1900. the same being the Cth day thereof, within the lcgai hours oi sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following property to - wit: One roller top desk, Six (f) Mdk mantels, throe (3) larne tombstones, five (5) small tombstones, one Mos ler iron Bafe. on as the property of the defendant. Heed E. LaManee, to satisfy an exe cution issued ftom the City court of Bruns wick, county of Glynn, at the March term, lsua in favor of Swlngler & falconer for three hun dred and eighty-ono dollars and four cfcnts (:kSI.U4) principal, with interest thereon from December 14, 18iW, at 6 per cent, per annum until pai l and all coats. Levy made and re turned to me by E. E. Tayjor, deputy sheriff. Also at the sumo time and place, the following described property to-wit: Thatcer tain lot, tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the city of Brunswick, county of Glynn, state of Goorgia, and known aud de scribed on Baldwin's map of slid city made in the year 1S:II as the southwest ono-slxth (1-6) of (ihl ’1 own 10l number (il. Levied on as the property of lliceetate of J. J. Door under and by virtue of an execution issued bv 11. J, Head, tax collector, for state and county taxes due for the year 18!I9. Amount of tax $2.1.00 with inter est aud all costs. Levy made and returned to mo by K. S. Pyles, deputy shoriff. Also at tbe same time and place, tbe following described properly towit: Those certain lots, tracts or parcels of land situate, lying and being in the city of Brunswick, coun ty or Glyun, slate of Georgia, and known and described on Simmons’map of said eity, made in the year 1891. as Habersham park lots num bers 70,77,91 and 02, between Lee and Gordon streets. Levied on as the property of Mrs. F. E. Habersham under and by virtue of an exe cution issued by 11. J. Read, tax collector, for State and connty taxes duo for the vear 1899. Amount of taxes SSO with interest and all cost. Levy made and returned to me by R. S. Pyles depuly sheriff. Also at the same time and place, tbe following described property towit: That cer tain lot or tract ot land situate, lying and be ing in the 27tli district G, M.. county of Glynn state of Georgia, and known as a part of Colo nel's island, containing two hundred (200) acres more or less. Bounded on tlie north by lands of the Bontli Brunswick Railway Cos., on the west by Fancy Bluff crook, on the south and east by lands of the Brunswick Dock Cos, Lev ied on as the property of said Brunswick Dock Cos. UDder and by virtue of an execution issued by H. J. collector,for state and county taxes due for the year 1899. Amount of tax one hundred and twenty-live dollars ($125 ) with interest and all costs. Lovy made and return ed to me by R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. W. H. lIERRIE, Sheriff Glynn Connty,Ga. CITATION, G EORGll—Glynn County, To whom it may concern: 11, J. Head having MEf-V*"? 1 ?PJ>“ m ® f'>r permanent letteis of administration on tbe estate of George Mc Arthur, late of said county, tills is to cito all and singular, the creditors and next of kin of (joorge McArthur to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration shnuld not be granted to 11. J. Read on George McArthur's eslat*. Witness my hand official signature this 12th day of Oc tober, lin 9, HORACE DART, Ordinary., REGISTRATION NOTICE. Office City Clerk, Brunswick, Ga., Oct. 1. 1900 In accordance with section X of the amouded of the City of Brunswick, aunroved November 18, 1889. 1 will on the llrst Monday in October. 1900, at. 10a.m.. open the books for the registration of tlie qualified (to be qualified to register all State, County and City Taxes must -he paid) voters of tlie city of Uruuswick, Ga, and keep the snme open until tbe first Monday 111 November, 1900, L. 0. BODET, Clerk. CITATfON. GEORGIA—GIynn County. To whom it mav concern: A. C. Shannon having in proper form applied to mo for per manent letters of administration upon the os saW county, deceased, this is to cito tlio creditors'-and next of kin of said deceased t° be aud appear at my office within the time required by law* and show cause, if any. whv permanent letters should not bo granted to the applicant as prayed for. witness my official signature this 11th of Octo ber, 1900. Horace DART, Ordinary. NOTICE OF LOCAL LEGISLATION. MTliia is to notify altpergona concerned that there will be introduced at tbo next session of lluwgencral assembly of Georgia, a bill to bo entitled. An Act to Prohibit All I’ersone from Setting Fire to and Burning Woof Is Within Ihe Limits of Glynn County m Said State: to I’ro sciibe a Penal tv Therefor, and for Other Pur- P' 'Bes, Tcis October 1.7, 1990. W. A. CLARK. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. 'Wit purpose of collecting tho Htttte aud \ ■al'hx for .90 ', I will be at tbe following ci 3 Wm-eciiiftF on date, named, to-wit: 23 i"-f. Ort. 27, Nov, 19 and Dec. 9. 274RJSI. Oct 29. Nov 2 1 and Dec. 4. bi'dQtet. Oci. 29, Nov. 21 and I)ec U. 1! :• Tlf*r Oct. 21, Nov, 22 anti Dec. 7 2) I ’lst, Oct. 29, ao. 81, Nov. 2:!, 21, 29. and Dee. b, io, n. ii. j. rkai), T. Glynn Cos, SITIONS g {Secured By activ'e.Widt a.*, lf Young Men y Women Wljo oui'prac.hcal Business (otJrse j BUSINESS < COLLEGE sr*/ /os CJoJc-yu* Instructions i x KIDNEY DiSES^ .i ■■ rr .. l nrr..-strr=r..* most fatal of all dis eases. rm CVfO KIDNEY CUKE Is a rULL I O Guarantasd Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles, PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. © W. .1. Hun*, ft>r l ■ C *%C~ PARKER'S fm ismew hair balsam r’- - - jWClggntoA uiiJ thu halt. E aui . PKiinotf'e i luxuriant growth. Never i'aiis to Kestore Gray p&i ’Ora,. 11 ur 10 li * Youthful Col -r. r w*BPriPf!*4i Dantiriin riu! tmii'tullidf. ißifinjSQL. - l*tr- lU'l i’> ul Hm/rlntg. J 7