The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 17, 1900, Page 8, Image 8
8 ~*>h m - Ak- - Usw fM/*m F*\ ~ v HR yW m ■/-'■■ ■-■■■% if ml/- - A wJf M' '-4 WHY go away from' Writ i have your E¥jE|| treated and fitted |}th GlassgfSp r.'\ you can have the same work just as accurately and good? Besi^p^c Sate Money Here aMP and get just as strong guarantee. We refer you to any one who has had us fit them with prescription lenses. If your Eyes trouble you in any way at all, call on me and I will examine them FREE and tell you what you need. We have glasses from 25c up, and you don’t have to buy the expensive ones unless you want to. amiii ii canon free.^ KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Optician; IIS Newcastle Street, Inspector ot \Vetches for Southern Hallway. Time by \Vlre daily from Washington Coney & Parker DEALERS IN Coal and Wood, Bpick, # Lime, Cement, Plaster u Hair, Shingles and Laths, Phone 18- 525 Bav St. Skirts and Waists. The new shades in Flannel Waists are in. Lavender, Old Rose, Blue, Red and Black. $2.50 to $3.50. Skirts in all grades, ejthfr walking or regular lengths' - - ■ - LEVY’S TUL BETJXSWICK TIMES-CALL. OCTOBEH 17, 1906. TO EXTEND ROAD NOW. Waycross Air Line To Extend This Way. SI. iR!’SJIS ROOD But Brunswick Get It If She Desires and L Will Work a Little. Following fr m tbe B>otbeat g|pßijrnid that^Am be decided To extend the Wjjf'oH Air fine to either Brunswick or B*. Maty at once. We bare not bed opportunity to verity this rumor, end do not know wbat there i in it, bat we do know that the people of Brunswick, or eome of them et least, ere waking up and looking out for the interest* of t* eir city and county, and we know also that it i* time for the people* of Mary* and Camden county H'#-fhe same. We want that railroad to be built to St. Merjfe Kailroada gener ally build terra*!*!# where they ere offered the best and while tfee people of St. Mary* Kaye of fered the Waycroes Air Line great in*' duc-ments And the natural advantage* for building tbe road Unite tlf greater" than anyvribere elad, it would be well for the people to *ee if graater indues tnih's canTsiPoffered and also that the advantage# of Sr. Marys as a terminal point are ftept before the Air lalne pen pie. It it alt'very well to aajr, 1 made them a good offer and they well know what wehave befy'; if they build taPßrunnwick, they’lr build here too.’" Perhaps they will—in time. What we in Cernden want' ie for the road to be built to St. Marys firat.” * Asb Bitters cures disease of 1 g&i'kidu'eys, cleaoeea and strengthens the liver, eromaoh and bowete. W. J. j Butte, 3*£oey loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W. Wat Kins. SUPER IN TENDENTB MEET. S r . Louis, Oot IG.—The Association of Railway Suprrintendent of liriilg-a and Bail,lings began Its tenth annual convention here today. The topics to be dilated upon during the session are of great interest and are >0 many that the list ot them is a lengthy one. As the delegates are all highly equipped io their lines, the conclusions reached are of much importance, Second hand household furniture bought and sold, also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W, Waikins. The Plant System will sell round trip tiokets for the annual fair, Way cross Pair Association, at one fare Albany, Savannah, Bruoswiok, Jacksonville, Lake City, llonoieello and Intermediate points, A splendid program of attractions has been arranged and visitors will be well entertained. v^t B. W. Wjiss, Passenger Traffic Manager, Savannah, Oi. Etohia. Boilgit LAST NIGHT S FIRE. The House of Peter Gaoiling, Colored, Destroyed. The house owned and occupied by Peler GantUog, the well-known colored barber, corner of Gordon and H streets, was totally destroyed by fire about 12 o'clock last night. No alarm was turned in, and the fire department was telephoned and when they reached there, the fire had a goed headway. Most of the furnitnre was saved. It is not known whether or not tbe house was insured, #3,000,000 LOSS. Fire at. Port Limon, Costa Rico, Does a Great Deal of Damage. Oct. 10.—Tbe fire wbiob started in Pert Limon, Saturday, acourding to late dispatches received here, destroyed the entire business section Of tbe city and caused a property loss of over #2,000, <> 000. Amoog tbe beavieat sufferer* from the fire were the Port Limon bank, Lindo Bros., tbs United Frnit company, and several hotels. Chinese merchants were also heavy losers. Port •• s'd ■ ■ i L'noon rvaein a flourishing condition, and Qjjotue.'eial icteresu ot me city aar/Si’B large, ..?*=*• . •.< - A*'- _ JS.W**.' 1 Bl VCVKr DEALER BANKRUPT. W-'-B. Fenton, a.bicycla dealer snd rpptirer at Bled a peti tion itybankrupicy. B® states that he tlkledhsh s amounting to #1,779 53 that he cannot pay, and asks tbe governs mem to rel.eyc him of tbe responsibil ity attached to them. His was pre rented by T- Myers, attorney. The cate wittf b* referred to a reterte (Or an examination aoti report. IN SACREP city. ~ , Pekin, Oot. 16.—Field Count Von WaUerse*, in chief ooir mand of the alltid troops, has estab lished his headquarters in the impe rial palao, occupying the. same suite of rooms leoeotly abandoned by the emperor and the dowager empress of Chins. GENERAL WOOD SAILS. Havana, Oot, 16.—G00. -Leonard 3, Wo- and, governor general of Ujs lilshd Of Cubs, sailed 'rolsy for the . Ulined St'-te*, o-ten-it l/ou business. bu'.it is ruurued that be will make a few cam paign -pcrones for the republican n raineee. HU : Jew i Large Oval Cans MACKEREL with Tomato Sauce, per can 20C. G. W. HARPER, THE HUSTLER. I’HONE 158. *xs m ' GENUINE OLD FASHIONED Molasses Candy. “4s Ever Unexcelled.” 10 Cents. W J BUTTS, The Druggist. “On tii© Corner.” BROWN DRUG COMPANY’S' stock of Drugs and Druggists Sundries is complete and we sell at the lowest prices possible for pure drugs. OUR DRUGGISTS' are competent men and men of morn! and temperate habits. All we want to prove to you the above assertion is a fair trial. BROWN DRUG Col LEADING DRUGGISTS. FRESH LOT^=^ NONNALLY’S CANDIES. Summer - J* 4_| Bargains .^MffaliFurniture A clearance sa!e to room for ne r goods. t Parlor Suit, 5 pieces, worth S4O, now $29. iitfrßn 1 Oak Refrig-raror, worth S2O, now sls. , 1 0k Bed Room Suite, 3 pieces, worth $25, now $lB : Jri(VX*3!K Bed Loung-s, worth $lB, now sl2. ontre Tables 54 cents to SG. TSUB&WfS&SBmjft -16“ Cream Freezers worth $2.50 at $1.98. f'j TaTge assertmeut of Sideboards, J[Cupboards Prices Below the Market. fcpp’ C. McSARVEY. LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND YOT CAN’T BEAT CREAM OF KENTUCKY Whisky. SI.OO PER QUART; $4.00 PER GALLON.* -=~ NOT MADE BY A'.TRUSTL— I- Trager& Cos,, Independent Distillers. S®ld Exclusively in]|BraJbswick by rf DOUGL-AS, J 2OOIBav Street, W