The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 18, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 TREASURER LEE MAKES HIS REPORT The follow ins; is County Treasurer Lee’s third quarterly report (or ibe ytar 1900-. Balance on bind report t 4f175 111 Ree'd of A f> Townsend sect J A Wrd 500 00 Koc'd of M J Head, general tax 1800... im 00 Reed’ of R J Read, general tax I#9 . 544 27 Roe’dof R V Douglas and T New man, sureties II F Taylor 255 81 Rec’d of U J Head, general tax 10 0— 100 to raid ont on vouchers as per , itemised statement hereto ; |5,75 17 attached * Balance on hand 109 22 #5/144 no 5,844 :tg Balance.. ltiO 22 eoranioK corar. J. V Carroll. . $ 260 W 11 Cook 1400 KSTyles 2 00 If F dn Ilignon 49 70 Mitchell * Thomas gOO Btunswlck Call 16,00 T Newman 2 00 Brunswick Times 15 00 Davis Dubberly 2 00 H * McCrary 2 00 W f Doerftinger 2 00 II M King 18 00 W B Burroughs 8 00 j HFdußlgnon 21001 John C Knoit 1* 00 1 lIH Harvey 800 Al> date 22 60 Brewster Phillips 4 00 Mark Verdery 00 ™ I 210 70 . .OATir t'OUKT. W B Cook . 4 2 00 Jl> Sparks I*6oo 'Charlie Simpkins-*-' 4 80 Olympia Restaurant 4 20 Cobcn Transfer Cos 1 00 AO Townsend 8 00 A K Wens , (100 Clint Brown * 8 00 W If Berrie 4 Ml J K Mason 1 00 O Mcßitrvey 4 00 Uourge Krausa 100 W-nCtubh 2 00 J U Scarlett 2 00 J D Sparks * 120 00 A B Wens 4 00 I)A Currie 800 G P Jaijuoa 000 C H Thompson 5 00 W B Morgan 6 00 Don MeCagkiu.,., boo KM McLaughlin 800 G N Tharln 0 00 John Boring Davia 0 00 H Bowen boo J E Hart ; 6 00 C W Doming nO9 J M Madden, sr Bod John Rummerlha* g 00 T B Good broad g 00 H T Levin 8 00 Roland Mullins 2 00 A Q Townsend ai (0 W H Benda . .. 18 00 J A Smith f 800 Blaeflwjrtli A Jones mo S H Brady 3 00 LoillH GUI . 8 00 J K Htrtcklaud . 3 00 TB Ferguson 3(0 8 00 Mom* Daniel too T K Smith ROO Kd Pfeifer 3 00 T L i.amb 3 00 and n Abu o oo B 1* Lipsey (100 V (iuettc 1 ou V A Clark 8 00 George Krauss -.300 Charlie Simpkins 300 WD Miller (mo C n Leary *^|t A O Andorsou si - sOS Chris Arnheiter. 8 10 B F Falun H 8 Pyles jy 00 JDSparks moo W H Barrie..;;., 1000 Colien Transfer Cos j oo M A Baker, Jr ... ... 2 00 Don MeCaskill e CO Alex Livingston , 3ou 3 002 OO COXV.CTS. ' y '' IV. T. Owen, salary 2 5)13 NEW GOODS, AL FRESCO! Florida Oranges, ;Mo lo 50 c. Fancy Now Dates, 100, pound. New Layer Figs, 15c pouud. Fancy Fat Bauauas, 20c dozen. Now Crop Cocoauuts, 5c Fancy Malaga Grapes. Fancy Messina Lemons, 20c. Pure Crystal Rock Candy. Freab Marshmallows. Fancy Eastern Apples. Pink and white N. Y. Grapes, ew Ribbon Caue, 2 for sc. LLOYD’S, ,'PIIONK 255-2ir*aa (Fext door to Fleming & Waft) W T Owen, salary 05 00 Steve Gorton 5000 Mitchell Blount, salary 50 00 John Howe,salary 11 2 M Robinson, ailary 2500 Colson Hard w are Cos 1228 W R Townsend, bref 26 0' H 8 McCrary 1 50 If S McCrary 100 Mosas Daniel, cans 900 W Joerger 4 10 A Kaiser & Bro., thread 55 Lott & Lewis, supplies 01 25 W RTownsend, beef ft 110 Walter Owen, salary nsoo Walter Owen, salary 294 M Rohei son gg M Blount, salary..., 50 00 Steve Gorton, salary 50 00 H M Millet & Son 1 75 W R Tow nsend, beat i yy Douglas Hardware Contents no 00. GB Scarlet!, toward cutohlug escaped convlots p*j J3 45 J K. Orr Cos., shoes... 27 00 Gaorg* A Thomas Keanv jgfjySßHpt-'T V 24 G K tcarJett, rcwlfK4,'V' ; 7 , -w... W T Owen, salary.Ti •• 4 4" tv T Dwell, salary.. .tL ' ' j *'• , sti-vu Morton, salary - M Blount, salary... *• | Will Bloitut, sal,ry . .* t f Nod Blount, salary t ll M ltol.s.’rsuipv'.jyftqr ’’ !■ , \ 3 w R'ToivnpjwThoef'’ MoelMae, supplies mm ""Colson Hardware Cos j 35 Downing C<>, # supplied 4 i() /'owning C'„ HiMplle* 904 Downing Cos. supplies gi Ja Downing Cos , supplies *s<) I\Wl 08 JAIL. Brunswick Light & Water Cos 9 75 W B Berrie ~.. Momi Daniel.. 4^5 Clinton Brown 971 W I! Berrie 227 20 Moms Daniel PO Keesler..,. W H Berrie 204 ftO C McQarvey......... j 75 J Hoffman j 85 Moiijs Daniel 1 20 Douglas Hardware Cos 2 UQ * 072 71 JKQUJCiT. Rolft. Dcviaon ... ’ | \OO W O Mitchell 199 J M Brock * 100 J W U N Thar in (j 0 G A H Jennings..,,,... jq Hurry Miller..., 1(H C Morris joo 1 M <,.l : r ( G A H Jennings j# qq Geo F JOnc* j w Hubert Levtson 4 .... !. 2 60 H £ Barrie $ ; op R B 8urney....... ; j*oo W W flrocklngton , . ]pp W II Berrie 1 oo‘ R J Odum. lfo Win. Fisher , } 93 J lluffmitii . 1 C la MOOIO ’ ft ©0 1 >av is Dubborley,, 8 00 J R Doorflingor.. 400 l>avis Dubborloy sc Thomas Heaney 4 op Jarreti Hines and llenry Brooks.. 400 H V J" 4 00 KV iHJii-lns.. ..T. gpo > #4IBO I.UNAO?Sii S Le v ison .. j, 5,.,’,. , . 100 J lj t4ftb X 00 a If red rift tie 1 pO Jumes T laAtnbrlKtHi ..... m B H Daniel i-ou B H Daniel— , 1 00 GLowennlcm 100! * :ee khBCTIOS. I, C Uodct ‘ . 3 2CO } 2 no NOIJSi AND INTSKEST. W U Townsend 32.600110 W It Townsend inny 32,5111 83 sriTßains, Kti Pyles, ord. court 3 200 A O Townsend 1 so Albert K. Wens, shell road 52 SO Henry Roberson, copying records 2CO A O Townsend.... ) 3 Jo E W Dart ord court j ee A O Townsend , 2.1* it 8 Pyles, ord. court ' 2 00 * rors raiXTIVO AND STATIONKHT, Brunswick Call ~ | ioo “ *' 200 ““ 8 w M'j * 800 SALAKIuj^^^EP' Alfred C hristie . . t L._ . Mosvly... l 0 Alfred Christie Jbio 00 ’ AO Townsend 1,0 J M Mostly wm---- A *o AL Franklin....*. 2500 1 JMMosely 25 00 Alfred Christie .. >. - too* TH t " BIIHXS AI K TIMES-CALI, OCTO IAIii IS, A O Townsend 1750 AL Fianklin 25 00 $ 807 30 COTRT HOUSE. It! unswick Light & Water Cos t r 1 72 Brunswick Light & Water Cos 0 25 Brunswick Ice MCg. Cos ... 5 85 Fleming & Waff i 50 Sonthem Bell Telephone Cos 10 00 Brunswick Book Cos 185 W S Green, receiver so Donglas Hardware Cos 2 HO Thomas Keany 2 f5 Fleming & Waff . . ...... 76 Brobston, Fendig A Co.,insurance. 16 00 J s Wi igbt. insurance 4 50 J S Wright, insurance 28 75 Brunswick I.:e Mf’g. Cos 4 25 CG Moore 500 Fleming A Waff so Mose Daniel 1095 I 102 52 It Happened in a (frog “One day last winter a lady came to my drug store and asked for a brand of cough medicine that I did nut have In stock,” saya Mr, O. K. Grsndin, the popular druggist of Out .rio, N. V, “She wan disappointed and wanted to-know what cough preparation I couio rccbpimcnd* l said to her'that l cuuli-freely recommend (Jhamlierlair.'s Cough Remedy and that she o jtihitacr a bottle of the remedy and after XfyM it n fair trlalrlf she did not find it worth back the bottle and 1 would !g)PRM (“dTiwotne lady cjmo back in oompauj with a | friend In 1 eed uf a rough medicine and advised her to buy a bottle'of Ctutiuberla'n's %ougfc Remedy. I consider that a vgjß jrool recom mendation for the remt dy.” Tim renledjwjsvoa, its great popularity and extensive sale in a large measure to the nor com! recommeudk-, lions of people Who have been cured by Sts use. ft Is for sale at Dr. Bishop’s drugstore. Our Qrcat*t Specialist Kor 80 years Dr. S Newton Hath away haa eo successfully *roated chronfc diseases that be ia atkne vledged today to stand at the head of his , rofcasiuu ia this line. His exclusive oethml of ; treatment for Varicocele ano Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery cures in 90 per cent, of all cases In the treatment of iosa of vita) forces nervous disorder*, kidney and urinary complainti, raiulysis, biood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh anil diseases pecul iar to women, he is equally succwwful- Dr. Ha'l.awav’s practice is more than doable tbht of any other, specialist. Cases prooottJincd hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treat mom, Write bun today fully about your cased Ibe makes no charge tor -casul advice, either at hbof ilceor hy mail. ’ ■■■■■.• J. NEWTON HA.THAW2VV, M. D. 25 Bryan Street. Savannah, Ga A Mintstcr', Gwd Work, $ “1 bad wycre attagk of pißipbV qlm,gota luittlc St ('hamVicriain'a Colic, Cholera, add Dlarrhuia Itc neity, took twbdosM and VfMeu tirely cured," saya Iter. A. A. Fewer, of Ftupo i-ia, Kan -My neighbor across the attest waa alok for men a week, had two or throe baitlea o UiiHli,. ugthe doctor, He uad them for three or four days without relief,thin calltd iu anothor doctor w b ' tre-acuttiim for so oe days and gave him no relief, &dlscftarjWd Win, I wnt over to see bjm th, next mofnlug, He said hm howeM wer tn a tnnnb’e ftx. that they hail been runuir.g off *0 Plug that It wtut shiuwt bloody flux. 1 asked him if be had tried Chain bot iaia'a 00110, Cholera Dtarrhuia Remedy, and be, said, -No.’ I went houie and brought him my buttle and itavo him one dose; told him to Lake another dose in tlfuo-n or twenty mtn ptna if hp in t uot Hud relief. Put he tuok no mure, aud entirely cured 1 think it tho iieat inedioine.l hare ever tried ." Fur sals by Df Dish' p’* drug store. tioUbClor G.O drrvsr Is nttt htlstltrg in the board of trail >1.1n4 so far lie 1 ai djaa very well. WOMEN CURED AT HOME. THE GREATEST OF SPECIALISTS OFFERS TO THE SUFFERING HIS SERVICES AND REMEDIES. For more than twenty-five years Dr. J. New. fcn Hathaway lias made a specialty of Female Disease*. During that time ho has had among this patients over ten thous and women, suffering from all those many different Com plaints peculiar to the sex, and has completely and perma nently cured more than so per gmL ot fhe cases he has lly hi* exclusive method, which he has perfected during the twjenty-five years et his most extensive practice, po Is enabled to cure aU of these different diseases. Including painful, profuse or suppressed 'menstruationJmrplapsus, all ovarian trouble, tVmors and ulcWboD—in fact, every form of those diseases which make a burden of life to the great majority of women. He has so perfected this intern of his that he can treat these cases by malt, without any per sonal examination (to which every sensitive Woman naturally -objects) and without any oper ation, with Its consequent pain and necessary danger. His system of treatment Is taken to the pri vacy of pie home; the cure is painless and ill* positive, ONE LOW FEE. Write him 8 letter stating briefly your eotidt tlon and he will send you a blank to tie fltk>d dot. He will glTe your ease his personal attention and rare and make his fee so moderate (Including att medicines necessary) that you will not feel tbs burden of the payment, and ho will guarantee you a positive cure. Address, J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. O. Dr. Hathaway * Cos. •A Bryan Street, ■— - Savannah, Oa. _ --mug taper whan viinm CATARRH • Catarrh has become such a common disease that a person entirety free from this disgusting complaint is seldom met with. It is customary to speak of Catarrh as nothing more serious than a bad cold, a simple inflammation of the nose and throat. It is, in fact, a complicated and very dangerous disease; if not at "first, it very soon becomes so. The blood is quickly contaminated by the foul secretions, and the poison through the general circulation is carried to all parts of the system. Salves, washes and sprays are unsatis factory and disappointing, because they do not reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. does. It cleanses the blood of the poison and eliminates from the system all catarrhal secretions, and thus cures thor oughly and permanently the worst cases. Mr. P. H. McAlUter,,of llarrod*“r.rg. Ky., wdtn: " Having been a terrible sufferer from CaUrrh, an<i now ftoutxl nnd well, the ques tlon oft*n put lo tr.e is, Wk ' Wbat cured y<m?’ In an- f M ewer I feel it my duty to i * state tht Swift's Specific is the medicine. I am BF^ such a true TeHevcr in the v efficacy of Swift’s Specific that I can honestly .and ESPHa conscientiously re'dbm mnd it to liny one snffer- L lE fiom Catarrh. Have recommended it to many, and am fcuFpy t *av that those whom I have indue- 511 11 "i tik'itrr ed tp uaf It can bear me out in the statement that it will cpre any case of Catarrh if taken accord lug to ditections/’ 45pS| ** the only purely veg* ctnluc blood purifier y**' the JW*. . ■ gnd tonics. If you have Catarrh don’t wait until it bccomea dcep-st-Sfed and chronic, bnt be gin St once the uso of S. S. 8., and send for our bixiV on blood snd skin diseases and write our physicians about your case. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. SA. MEXICAN MIXTURE • For Men. For Nervousness, Book-Ache. Dtspornlency lniromanla. Sexual Impotcncy, 4nd all diseases resulting from Karly Kircn and Later Kxcsssr- Over-Work and Wony. wtit hif m'glerted. com S pit telr imilermioe tlieeyftcin.ofuiu resultiag la INSANITY and DEATH, i! >i>.; hare . nr of the above symptom* MKXICAN MIXTURK WILL CILK VOL 1 ■ - rt.ats so rent. DeyeWpA Youtlrful Strength and Vigor to rvei pan ot tbe body. Avoid qnack doctors. Refuse ,u‘ stUutca. Get MEXICAN ifIXTURK. Im- Bi(: Hate ff etv. Feivnancnt rAtutta. Recent (Bfcovery. Fticr.ohieaat uco*. Huttdivds tvvtln.oiiixl>. giaki per box. 6 for Fom tlv guarantee with eVcrjrJSiOO order to refund the money 11 cure ia not effected It la not a stimulant, but a rebuUihft. jt eon vtuced. bend stump ’ ~ ||) nr tt Browu.-Drug Cos„ Bole Agts Brunswick, Georgia. Rainy Day Hats. The vary beat nf the k nN far<vr'd shtpei We •sbovn in idir a^ortment. t-iaerf i>: Unirimmtd "dt Sits Hjpi variety Vi tiwffftt, tty le* tnd colors. 'Vitiate b in&iit atkd made them up to sell to IT we <r ho dt'SUtol something Borvicoh!^.yet pretty; good, hot low priced. These are ri#M am! priced right. IISS KITE SLATES, 504 ii LOCI'KSTKR ST.. Wall Paper —at the— PAINT STORE. 502 Monk'St. W.H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. OEVARIS &:LEVADAS. Gocerics, Country Product <-'®—Vegstablis- itc. Also Confsctioninr. MONK STREET. BRUNSWICK. OA Prof. Gentry’s FAMOUS 006 AND PONY SHOW, which will | exhibit here MONDAY, OCTOBER 221 Iwf Performances Daif 2:30 and 8 p. m. Prices, Children 15, Adults 25. .WINE OF CARDUI Woman Knows Woman. Zuatca. Kah , Jan. 81. AHf IL'§W I naed Wine of Cardul for Ber- 4BF/ &-JsLePUi"' l3|f vonaneae and wsakneaa in the womb After taking one bottle I SQft ' l wae well again. lam a midwife I . \ and always recommend Wine of j ’ •4# AJF. •. 1 ’ 1 Cardul to my lady friend* during I , V h XI \ l pregnancy and after birth a* a tonic. A- \ I .a.i/t-.-v Tv Ak. livery inov who takve It flnda that >ibwf v It ditea evnn more than 11 claimed /'/ p MRS V M. BOISVKRT. | ' N. WWIShW Nobody knows woman like woman. Men go to medical colleges, study books and listen to lectures. They learn indirectly of the diseases of women, but they are men and can never fully understand the ailments, the sufferings, the agonies of mothers, wives and. sisters. A woman knows. Mrs. Boisvert knows. She has passed through the trials and tribulations of her sex. She has been near by when her sisters suf fered. She has seen them relieved and cured with Wine of Cardul Is it any wonder she recommends it? Is it any wonder that thousands of other women recommend it lAiits 1 aovisoay ttMATHtBT. They know. They have ac- ForadTtce in rexes requiring ureciAi fn*! experience to prompt them. : The r. u rcld n tidi l ßS ■xdicivb co. Chattanooga. Tann. mouth to mouth, telling how Wine of Cardui helps young girls, helps the weak of all ages, helps and cures ail womanly ills. Druggists Sell Large Bottles for SI.OO. WINE OF CARPUI RTPANS tabuies Doctors find A Good Prescription < lor mankind /' / •i . , If* Peygtra, Oman. Kiwi.. n s -?'*! Cvewmi Sen. aad herkm r* 1 ". *ry - t?* p * t ”' t “l-“ *Hag Ma *Pf Frt Ta Maple. u. m (*.■■ I tag. .