The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 18, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 WHY go away from home to have yourJjUr treated, and fitted with yob can have the same work just as accprately and good? Besides!*^!, Save Money Here afHmlffi and get just as strong guarantee. We refer you to any one who has had us tit them with prescription lenses. If your Eyes trouble you in any way at all. call on me and I will examine them FREE and tell you what you need. We have glasses from 25c up, and you don’t have to buy the expensive ones unless you want to. fxiili and canon Fi.-*— KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Outician; • 215 Newcnstls Street, j Intpeetor ol Witches for Southern Hallway. Time l.y Wire daily from Washington | _ _ ■ ' *. . . I Coney & [Parker DEiI.ERS IN Coal and Wood, Briek, k- •- ."T ♦ lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and laths. Phone 18 525 Bav SI. Skirts and Waists. ' >'*’ r r -M **■ * ' **?**(? t j ■■ / rv . 1 *%ME\ v* -f * SSL *¥* ¥%m The new shades in Flannel ■ *•- ' M-l * Waists are in. Lavender, Old Rose, Blue, Red and Black. $2.50 to $3.50. Skirts in all grades, either walking or regular lengtli^^> L EV Y’S THE BRUNSWICK THIES-CAI.L. OCi’OßKit 18 1905. NEXT TERM’S JURY DRAWN Those Who Will Serve in December. i fiii [These Are From the Revised I Jury List Recently Made; ut iu'j.ra .vho '■ t fbe PrCt-utber farm t't.r'be: $!• dior court's OBASD JtfßV. PjE. D. Walter, K. K-., Br:*utotf;' Thomas Full.r, A. J . h If, A. A- Knight, C. F. OuerilogMr, O. 'Rtfwa in JT, I\ M. Ulsoh, J. W.-Owens, J. R. Morion, H. 8 McCrary, E. J. Allen, ;; L. Fieblemsn, W. F. Dierflinger, K L. Atkinson, T. Newman, Moss Par ieia, J. 1.. Foster, M. Kaiser, Jf, M. Hoodeopyle, A. E. Wecx, K. L Me - Gsugban, Howard Waff, JR. 8.. La>; manoe, C. M.Gowan, Wm. JHafhtcn gale, A. C. Blair, J. if Elkin, 8 A. Burney. fmtit jtnnr. % • A. I'eterr, E. *A. Fennimao, W. F. Symons. W. J. Butfr, M. Kb*',. Lewi* Norton, Sr., Burnett, W. F, Forester, R, J. Offba.m, H. H. Hiy mon<L E Brobetop, J..H. Morgan, E. H. Mason, U, B. Brady, W. Q, An- F ** - —r •' ~~*pWß drreoo, J. E, Moore, J. J, JLtftf, I, A. Mootgomrx. W. H. Bovren, G. F. Jones, A. W®tßoop€|’, E. B T. Miintly, J. J. Vickers, A. KG Jones, A. 8. Dearer, C W. Fliyil, L. E. Roberts, E. B. Dudley, Jr., J. I> Pyles, G. Hoffman, 8. If, Ueniersoti, " C. M. FlaMUrs, J. H. StTwiaerlio. V ,’ ; A PRETTY PRESENT. Mr. L. C .Bodetoor efficient clerk of council, was the A beautiful present? in t|ftf shape of a pair of buff buitons, from [ Viaw club yesterday The artistic pen of */*•>** got up the memorial resulptioffeof fbe death of Capt. Ham uefi'Guni', and the li'tle token wss ten’ to him by ti e members to low their sppreclaiion of his excellent piece of work. Prickly Aah Billers cures disease of the kidneys, oleeneea and strengthens tbo livor, stotnsch am! bowel*. W J. Butte. "k,* Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W. Wat Kins. Second hand household fifrniture bought and sold, also pianos, organs, trunks, minors, carpets, etc. J. W, Watkins. The riant System wilt sell round trip liokete f>.r the annual fair, W#y cross Fair Association, at ooe fare from Tfiomasville, Albany, Sivann&b. Brunswick, .Jacksonville, Lake Cny, Monoicello and intermediate points, A splendid program of attractions hss been arranged and visitors will be well entertained. B. W. WIIINN, i'as.enger Trattlo Msniger, : Sivannsh, Ua. O A.& *j? CJLXA. Bun Mtos Bought CAR FARES IN GERMANY. The Method of Collection and In spection Prevents Free Rides. The chances of evading fares on the atreet cars of German cities are very slight. When a passenger steps on a car, the conductor Immediately asks where he Is going and then prepares hls ticket, which serves also as a re ceipt for the fare. The preparation of a ticket consists only In detaching It from a b{oek and punching it or mark ing it with a pencil This process involves much more work than tbe simple process of ring ing up tbe fares, us conductors do In America, but the task is lightened by the fact that only a certain number of persons are permitted to ride on a car at the same time. Tbe number of sit ting and standing places Is plainly marked on each car. If a car Is de signed to carry 3d persons, no more than 30 persons *UI be permitted cn that car at tbe same time. When any. thing In Germany is forbidden, it is settled once for ail. In order that every person who rides shall get the prescribed ticket inspect ors ore employed who spend their time in ascertaining whether the conductors are doing thelraluVy. These,lnsitectors step Into the cars and Ask the paggytj- Bers foir’their tickets. They note the number of the tickets and whether they rfjMjrcWKirtd witli Uie stn!>s retained by clerk who, give., out the hlocks oT 1 lickds ... 1 " duetors notes the number'of tbe .Bppcr [ most ticket and at tbe return pt each j block collects from the conductor who ’ returned it as many fare*! as there are | tickets detached. The rate of faros varies from 2% [cent* to 5, according to the distance. : MmAIL children are carried for one-half fare, and any one for the sum of $2.80 may secure aTicket which entitles him to ride as much as be wishes for one month. When a car Is full, the con doctor displays a placard bearing the Wpsd “Occupied.”—Chicago Record. • Pee For lllu. ' A>,- "No. wiki the practical [xdlttetitl Mtwe iloii’t gasi lilm figuring in tbe Camirtilgc.” '"*A ’ “But he l* exceedingly well Itfiforib ’**l dobbt it. Be has put Jn gB. his *tjnr studying tlie tariff and finance uinttbe United .States cpAntitutiou. He doesn’t know anything about politico.” —Washington Star. '®fv —tt-yh. A '.it Its VC ft c tv. ; “Algernon ia ve said “Whai does he rnik about her father. “Why,' he's ever so well posted In Shakespearean quotations-’.’ “Toung woman,’’ said the financier Slorijj*', “don’t you let him deceive you. Doy yon let ijim make sport of your tffU'Jtfctieo. There ain’t no such stock on thh'market-*'—London Htanfla rtf. A NF-W STOrai. Mr. Maurice Greenwood has rented the building formerly occupied by 15. L. Harrison, and wIM at sn early date open a first class five and ten cent strre Mr. Qr;tfnw,vod is a young man of great buslneas’abill'y and he*L sure fp make a success in his uew venture. , - ■ '' , ; t ' HEAVED bUNDAY BALL. Maean w Oot. 17. —Alderman Gray Gtodw ll * had his leg brukeodb a Buo- V; I,' day f Hi'bMl gani prsoboe. Tte Ma o ut tsitia is scon tq YiTay Jrfesvfinv.lle, and Aldsrmau Goodwin i a roemb?r ol .lie learn. .Sunday football is pro bibited in Maoor. BREAKFAST DISHES fleckers Flap Jack Flour. Hecker’s Buckwheat Flour. Hecker’s Wholewheat Flour New Georgia Syrup (in bo’tles.) New York Golden Drip. Maple Syrup (in quart bottles,) G. W. HARPER, THE HUSTLER. PHONE 15$. % Vb m GENi:ii§| OLD FASHIONED Molasses Candy, “.Is Ever taM" 10 Cent?. * W J BUTTS, The Druggist. *Oi* tile Corner,” ' RROV/N DRUG t,. ' ’ • ( I stock of Drugs and DruggistPUpl I complete anti we sell at fhe I poasihle for pure drugs. \ OUR DRUGGISTS' ; are eompeteut men and men of moraf and ] temperate habits. All we want to pyove j to you the above assertion is a fair trial? BROWN DRUG CoM j LEADING DRUGGISTS. j FRESH ] pr NUNIWrfctY’S CANDIES. 1 Summer ' I Bargains 1N A clearance sale to make room for new goods t Par!nr Knit, 5 piece*, worth $lO, l pa tK-fri* rator, won I) S2O, now sls. _ 1 Uk Beil Room Sui'e, 5 pieces, worm $25, now s!ti WpSi Bed Loucg-e, worth $lB, now sl2. ~ .Centre Tables 50 cents to st> -yaiowcafaclA U 1 Ice Cream Kreoaers worth $2.50 at SI.BB, ff| A large assortment of Sideboarde, Prices Below the Market. fagjjffr C. McfiARVEY. m ei'iaij iiaejjc_-.._i-.._-v-' —l; 1 it - —r — —— '■ ■— LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND YOT CAN’T BEAT CREAM OF ENTDCRY Whisky SI.OO PER QUART; $4.00 PER GALLON. I. Trager & Cos,, Independent Distillery Sold Exclusively inHßrauESwick by V F=?-ljV_ DOUGL-AS, 206iBav Street* .JL