The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 19, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 The Brunswick Times. KiUbliihed 1889. The Brunswick Call. Eatabiiahed 1892- The Brunswick Ties-Call, CONSOLIDATED WOO. I'nblinbed EVBBY MOItNfNO EXCEPT MONDAY. AXTHUB H. lEAVY Editor EOLANP A. MPLLINB, Bminen Manager nmi f ) in Oglethorpe Block, 811FStroot OrriCK | NO 81JS JO 8UBS0RIBBB8: Subscribers are requested to notify the office When they fall to get any teeue of the Tlmei- Calh Attention to this matter will bo appre ciated by the publisher*. The Timei'Cnll will be Delivered by earner or mail, per year. $6.00; per week 16 •tats. Correspondence on live snbjecta *o lieifced. Beal name of writer ahonld ac company lame. Snbioriptlone payable in advanoe. Failure to receive paper ehonld be reported to tbe bneineea office. Addreu all •ommnnicationa to THE TIMKB-CALL, Brunswick, Ua. NOTICE. Hereafter all legal advertise ments must be paid for after the first insertion. The management has been pat to a great deal of trouble and delay In collecting in the pas*, and la future must take advantsge of the Georgia law on thi' subject. Oet. 10, 1900, THEY MEAN BUSINESS. •> Tbe report of Col. C. P. Goodyear, Wr., to Secretary Oeg, published in an other column this njprning, la indeed gratifying Inasmuch as it shows that •those who signed the Board ot Trade l-Rist mean business. Mr, Goodyear wis appointed as a spec ini collector and that he has done his work In an excollent manner la shown "by the large amount of money he sent to Secretary Ogg. There is no doubting the fact that the business men of Brunswick have do* cidod to make a united effort to better the condition of our city and now we can reasonably expect some good re turns. Within a short time now the Board of Trade will be In excellent woiklhg order, and then watch Brunswick grow. MITCHELL’S GOOD S|NSE. President John Mitchell, of the Unit ed Mine Workers, Isa sensible man. For some time 1 he knew that the coal operators were grinding down the'r laborers in an unholy fashion, but he was powerless to assist these unforlu nates until the politicians got things warm,. A continuance of tbe strike meant the injuring of the republicans. Then Marcos Hanna, tbe man who is death to the laborer, took a hand in tbe affair but not with the rich mine owners. No, Mr. lianna bad posed as *‘tbe friend of the working man" and he brought the operators to excellent terms. Did anybody ever hear of Mark Han na being the friend of the poor? It was a case of must. He had to repre sent his own president, McKin ley, and that the coal strike was simply killing him politically and smashing his full dinner pail argument iuto splinters. Under less exigent circumstances, President Mitchell might have plead ed In vain for the aid tbe powerful republican magnates, but with an rice tips impending he knew that the llauns Crowd would help him In the neW* of helping themselves. ANOTHER 810 DIVIDEND, In hit epcech at Covington Monday night, Governor Roosevelt said: “Us ing the word in its technical sense there is no trust in the country. ” Before the echo of Roosevelt’s voice had died away. Standard Oil stock jumped to nearly six tlmee its par val ue in anticipation of another 12 per cent dividend. Already this year dividends amount ing to 38 per cent have been paid on tbe stock off 100,000,000, and the one now in sight will increase the 1900 re turns to stockholders to $59,000,000- just half of the concern’s capital. Such enormous profits kje_i most be yond belief, bat * fig' ures do not lie. D!d not% ’■>' Oil Company control thnHH lately, and was it ngSl other individual in the'tJm.-) State* to create dissatisfaction and unrest among the great common people, it could oome nowhere near a 50 per cent annual dividend. But if Mr. Roosevelt prefers not to call it a trust no one will care a great deal. It will smell as bad by any oth er name. THE MOSQUITO DANGEROUS. A report has been made by the Lon don physicians who passed the summer in the Roman Uampagns, the hotbed of malaria. The Investigators had - no other precaution against the dreaded fever than protection from moequltoe*. Breathing the same air and drinking the same water, the scientists were in perfect health, while the natives were (lyia< al l about them. This experiment is almost an abso lute demonstration that malaria is not an atmospheric contagion; that It Is communicable only by Inoculation; that it Is hot communicated by air or water, as formerly supposed, and that mosquitoes are the chief agents in transferring the disease. Marquia 110, the BUmarch of Japan, pronounces emphatically against tne dismemberment o’ China lie deciaros that no country could overcome their swarming millions, and the outcome 3 would he to plunge the whole Wo Id iu war. itj may b- ta kng ’dlpionutf cally, or ttutuluUir. lie may believe what ho says, or is Simply Irsipg tv make others believe li. . . The report of Blate Entumoog st the San -o-e Scale i- tiiaap pearing is *ra ifji g Indeed, a’id dispels the fort that H might prove difficult o£ eradication. The Timks-Call (Halves to bring up distasteful subjects, but in a very few word* we want to ask, have you paid that subscription bill ? Bryan’s reception in New York must cause the republicans a great deal of worry. Wonder how much the Settling ot tbe coal strike coat Hanna and bis gang? The Gcorgi t legislature rnee.s very soon now and our li. übl-.s hegio. Some folks sa'lslled until they are compelled to be. The litigation’ tMtoouraJlirg lawy. r It a menace lo -rottiy. jaejLL... * American e'Mdi rs uitl tncir share of looting in r 'vldu. . . ■ s— ■ • ■ i w The report of C'olloctor Ooouycar is \etjt food. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. OCTOBER 18,1900. Cleaning House gM • Once or twice a year the good houae wife has a thorough house cleaning. The house has been swept and dusted every day in the year, but the housewife knows that in spite of vigilance dust accumu lates in cracks ana corners, and is only to be removed by special effort. It’s the same way with-the body. You look after it every and%. You take all Jbe Art]Jiwknprecantiov.* of cleanliness aUPffiUjjMfet the body needs its - ** 11 of ! t accurau mt and [* juini.oua matter y^fcß|f*liPfßii s iwsessf. Doctor Pierce's Medical Discovery, taken respi • larly once or twioe a year, would save many a sickness It fAiries Die blood, strengthwns the ytO’iAch, arid cfettUßA the body of yoisullpis^accumnlaliorrs. •Last sp.log f had * awere attack of puco wonia, which left me' with a bad cough, and atao left my lung* in a very bad condition,* writes John M. Unwell, Raq.. of Brent, Cherokee Nat., loa. Tar. *1 had no appetite and wag so weak I could scarcely walk. My Urv&fti wifi all sore with running aorta. I got two botitef' Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, whscli j l believe saved my Ufa. 1 cannot express nijr. gratitude to you. I am able now to dtyvery good work.” Dr, Pierce’s Medical Adviser, in paper covers, aeiit free on receipt of at one* cent stamps to pay coat of ni*£Hng only. Addreaa Tfr. E. V. Pierce, Buffalo, tf, Y. SCIENTIFIC UORSESEOSmti. Mr. E. 8. Plumb,c* practical and scientific borsrsboer, bis rented Ur#- shop on Oglethorpe street betwee*? N. , ; ■ Mansfield and Howe, ai§l will begin business on November iat Mr. PlQinb is a workman of great ability. He has been in the employ* of firb. Csrnegfo at Dungeness for the psst two years, and brings.exoellent letters of rec ommeudation from this gaod tidy. Uorsd owners should await bis open ing. exquisite line of Hats ever shown in Brunswick will be seen at M ss Kate Tuesday and Wednesday, October 23 and 21. A Card. The manufacturers of Salve hsva'ia ■thariioii the muloiHl£n.'<vßo guarantee it for burns, cut*, sores, ulcers, letter. m> ani all skia diseases. You have your money back tlt doesn't do all it claims. W. J. butts. OA-STOntA. Bears the Afupys Bougtff you a seu*e of hi itoJpSSE* region ot pout stomach after mating? If ao you will be benefited using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tables. They also 'cure belchtag and sour They regulate tbe bowels too. Prte*2&e. S .li by Bishop's Drug Store. Grant! Mil Hoer; opemug nex r Tue* day htid Wednesday, October 23 and 24, at Mihs KUe Slater’s. Doa'Vladeetivedfjf humbugged byfpeopl "ho claim the discovery of some liitherk. an ktiovn herb or root iu swamps, or oft tome mountain or pr<drio for the cure of kiuucjr-and hi d&et* trouble?, Any doe tor or druggist will teli you that such claims or IrauduieuU Foley's Kidney Cure simply emtains remedies that are rocoguueU by the mot skilful physicians it best for these complaints, so don’t be nodulous or foolish. W. J. Butts. Full line foreign and domestic suitings at Winters. For Blp.dder Troubles use STUART'S GIN and BUCHU. CH..NGK OF SCHEDULE flatsT SYSTEM. , . Tram 87 leaves Brunswick at 8 a. m. Train 89 leaves Brunswick 5.46 p, m. Train 90 arrives Brunswick 10 a. m. Train S8 arrives Brunswiok 6 p. m. Pyey Feotoral A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS V iy valuable Remedy ia all li.u., lions of tliu lungs jwSKry IB', a<o. \ IH|CO M Limited, r ; of iv>ty r.Jfc’ v*iu~&mer. , SHORT BUTSPICY CITY NEWS NOTES A Days Doings as GatheM liy The Tiies-Call Reporters MATTERS PERSONAL AND GENERAL BRIEF STATEMENTS OF THE MANY. THINGS THAT MAKE UP THE BUSY.ROUND OF LIFE- This is fish season and the eports are happy. ■ • Zy'- ‘ Mk- Mr. L. S. Rioe, of Lumber CBy, was here yeet?rdsy. Hon. X.Harper, of Cardl, spent yes terday tn the city. glpjMjßMnq-. 10, 8 J. Liasner will leave for New York tan t Wednesdsy. Mr. John L. Bay, of Lnmbndty, w* in the city yesterday. Mr. Wb. K. Harraks, of Atlanta, is stopping at tbs Oglethorpe. Mr. T. C. McCall*, of Atlanta, is registered at tbe Oglethorpe. Ur. B. M. Wilson, of Dawson, Ge., was a visitor to the city yesterday. The Good Government olub will if set sooa to nominate a city ticket. fIBFSU' - Several new houses are being erect ed on I/ipuoeeter street, near Btone waTL " ’ Mr.' Oiougb, of was among yesterdsj’airrivals at the Oglethorpe. It Is rqinored that * new grocery store will shortly open in tbe building fdnn*rl> occupied by tbe fhe Hive. The Pemchi-Beifieni &rßjprny which plays bare ne*t week, is.||o;*e|lving flattering notices from the press. Ur. A. G. Kjbinson, solicitor of tbe Metropolitan Life Insurance Company i* attending field* day celebration in New York city, and before returning will make an extended trip through tte north,- Good morning l You line fruit for breakfast ? Lloyd has It. GJ m sfW* Pain Or tltsi&u’tti vho '.;rltV.ion or the is- MStinSa-Put p.mopt, thorough he*! titful creaaieicg, when .von take Wood'm Pffl* Sojd >y ell JK.coat* Complete lit THE LINE OF full id Win m which I now have on exhibition. CALL AND EXAMINE. Tli. F. Winter, THF TAILOR, 311 Newcastle St. — --- • CASTORIA The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been iu use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of -and lias been made under his per ( jrL -fT^T* , sonal supervision since its infamy, vwxizryyj t Ustcsu/is. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and'“ Jnst-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Naraotle substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness, It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colie. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and-frjjjaluienc-v. It ygsimilates the Food, regulates the Stagteh and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMB CENTAUR COOAftMV. TT MURRAY STfICCT, RfCW VMfi Cmf- .. .... - ... NEW GOODS * j Arriving: Daily! AND WE iNVITE YOUR INSPECTION. ' Our Mr. C. Miller, while in New York, selected an immense stock of Fancy Fur niture of every description, suitable for Holiday Presents. We will be glad to store your goods until the holidays, but by all means * Don’t Miss Seeing Our Display Now. Every steamer brings new goods, and % we have no old gags to offer. K. ID. MILLER £ SON. J. J. LISSNER, WHOLESALE Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. W H. BOWEN. J. N. BIIADT. BOWEN;& BRADT, l • A rsl 0| B L. CD EZlfl Of...Stone. Brick and Frame BuilM Manufacturers of Cement, Tile and;Artificial