The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 19, 1900, Page 6, Image 5

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6 PUBLIC SCHOOL GRADUATES. "ZSZT The whole number oi fcreduetee from the Brunswick public schools from the time of ils rejrictnizition twelve years ago, ia eighty-right, or au average ef be'weeu seven and eight pupils in the olsts each year. These have been nineteen young men and sixty-nine young ladies. The young men are as follows: F, Willi* Dirt, lawyer and judge of a oily court. D. W. Krause, lawyer. J. T. Colson, lawyer, solicitor city oonrt. Edwin D. L&robright, journalist. Burr Winton, bookkeeper. Walter Way, stenographer. Stephen Goodyear, merobant. Barry Franklin, stenographer. Joseph Burohardt, merchant. Hoyt Gale, cashier Brunswick| Bank & Trust Cos. Edwin Cohen, court stenographer. Louie Baker, bookkeeper National. Bank. Albert Smith, broker. Andrew Roes, olerk, Howard Waff, merohant. Bayard Butts, stenographer, Robert Kenuon. Leighton Shepard, student at State University. Arthur Russell, employee Bell Tel ephone Company. These young men are without ex ception making good reoords in their several .lines of occupation. Eaob ons of them it a good oitizen and a pro gressive, valuable man. Of the young ladies, sixty-nine in all, seventeen are married, sixteen are teaobers of muaio and school and sev eral others are are employed in lucra tive occupations. Several have remov ed from Brunswiok and four are dead. Of those still living in Brunswick nearly all who are not married are self-supporting and are justly consid ered good specimens of the results of a thorough training under the public school system. Mrs. J. S. Wright will return next woek from a trip to Hot Springs, Ar kansas. Mrs. H, Cl, Curtis is quite ill, to the regret of many friends. Mrs. John C. Smith aud children have returned from a visit to relatives in Rutledge, Mr, Henry Pulleni leaves today on the Mallory ateamsr for bis home in New York, after a visit to bis sitter Mrs. B. E. Brebenlck. Miss Jessie May Uanner, of Rut- HEW GOODS, AL FHESCO! _ Florida Oranges, 300 to 50e. Fancy New Dates, lOn pound. ■•MI. .y *■-*■* —^ tNew Layer Figs, loc pouud. Fancy Fat Bananas, 20c dozen. New Crop Cocoanuts, 50 Fancy Malaga Urapsa. Fancy Messina Lemons. 20c. Pure Crystal Rook Candy. Fresh Marshmallows. Fancy Eastern Apples. Pink and whito N. Y. Grapes, ew Ribbon Cane, 2 (or Sc. LLOYD’S, 'PHONE 255-2 W (Next door to Fleming & Waff) ledge, is the guest ofter sister, Mrs. J. C. Smith. Miss Ella Sj mens, who it visiting Mrs. W. F. Symons, returned shortly t her home In Savannah. Mrs. L, A. Miller is quite ill, to the rtgret other many friends. Indicatioi s poiut'to a large attend ance for the Old Maids' S cisl, given by the Brunswick Riflemen at their armory tonight. KEEP YOURVELF STRONG Aud you will ward iff culds, pneu monia, fevers, and other d.leases. You need to have blood and good digestion . Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the blood rich and pure as no Other mediciDe ean do. It tones the stomach, creztes as.. *PE^U e ‘ *od *>- vigoraus the wbi., pik® You wilt be wise to begin fiVowhen Wor it will keep you strong f *)(*■ ' Hood’s Pills are uon irritr, . Prioe 26 cent-, . * --—•'A Minister’s Good Work, /., - ■ - “I hml a -ever* attack oI bliioua colic, got a bottle ot Chamberlain’. Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemtily, took two doses and waa en tirely cured,” says Key, A. A. Power, ot Empo ria, Kan. “My neighbor across the street was sick tor over a week, had two or three bottles o medicine from the doctor. He uwd them tor three or four days without relief, thm called In another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief, so discharged him. 1 went over to see him the next morning, He said bis bowels were In a terrible fix, that they had been running off eo long that It was almost bloody flux, I asked him it he had tried Cham berlain's Colic, pholet* and Dtarrhoia Beniedy, and he skid, ‘No.* I went home and brought him my bottle and gave him one dose; told him to take anolher doee in fifteen or twenty ralu ntee if he did not find relief, bnt he took no more, and was entirely cured. 1 think It the best medicine I have ever tried.” For sale by Dr. Bishop’s drug store. Do not get soared if yonr heart trou ble you, Most likely you suffer from Indigestion. Kodol Dysp-psla Cure digests what yon eat, and gives the worn out stomach perfect rest. It is the only preparation known that com pletely digests all classes of foods; that is why it cures (be worst cases of Indigestion and stomach trouble after else has failed. It may b 'akeu in a'l conditions, and oannot help but do you good. W. J. Butte. It- Happened is a Drag tUore. “One day last winter a IsUy came to my drug store nnd asked for u brand of cough medicine that I did not have in stock,” nays Mr. C. E. tiraudls, tbo popular druggist of Ontario, N.Y. “She was disappointed and wanted to know what cough preparation I could recomineud, I said to her stfi*t l cottl i freely recommend Chamberlain** Cough Remedy and that *he could take a bottle of tin- remedy and after giving it a fair trial if she Bid not find it worth the money to bring back the bottle and I would refund the prtce paid, in the course of a day or two the lady came back in company with a friend in reed of a cough medicine and advised her to hny a bottle of Cbamberla’n’s Cough Remedy. I consider that a very good recom mendation for the remedy.** The remedy owes It* great popularity and extensive Bale in a large measure to the perßorial recommenda tions of people whv> have been cured hy it* use. It is tor gale at J>r. Uilhop's store. Dr. W. H. Lewis, Lswrencevil e, Va., writes: “1 am using Kodol Dys pepsia Cure in my practice among se vere oases of indigestion, and And it an admirable ■remedy,” Many hun dreds Of physicians depend upon the use of Kudol Dyspepsia Cure in stom ach digosts what you eat. and allo'vyjyfefco eat all the good food yon need, prnvrWing you do not over load your s.oumoh. Givee instant re lief and a permanent ou‘e. W. J. Butts. ■ Our Greatest Specialist For 20 years Dr. J. Newton Hath away has so successfully treated chronic diseases that he ie acknowledged today to stand at the head of lus profession in this line. His exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele ana Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery oures in 00 per cent, of ail cases. In the treatment of loss of vital forces nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecul iar to women, he is equally soo-jaaful- Dr. Hathaway’s practice is lucre than double that of any otbtr specialist. Cases prone unccd hope,cos by other physicians, ieadily yield to his treat ment. Write him, today fully about your case. He makes no charge for consultation or at his of fice or by mail. J. N M. I). 25 UlfßHHKiHannah, (la Kelings of the bousc ( jngh Cure, the only t|lp;|||||||.edy that pro duoeitnurlt is lofalli croup, siid Hfdes. It will pre- I J. Llutts. tiib Brunswick ttmes-call October i% hoo THE SMALLEST TRUNKS Ever Seen Will Be in This City Next Monday. Probably the -mallest practical trunks ever carried are ibe property of the drove of baby elpbant members of Prof. Gentry's famous dig and pony show, which will exhibit under can vas in this city Moodsy, October 22; Two duly performances, 2:30 an -. 8 p. m. The members in question are tie tiniest elephants in all the world, and ars fearedy as large as an ordiuary pony, They are considered to be ibe best trained elephants in all he land. Prof. Gentry impor'ei them from lo dia last winter at an enormous cos'. They are more valuable than ordiuary elephants on aooouut of their slz-. They all poises* superb dHposiiiors end are |jreetf£|||||gg the children. # ' i. tunityof h * v_ l ‘getting rhor minted daring the show's stay in ibis city. General admi.ieion : Children, 16 ovate; edults.26 oetji-. JBRJQHI’B'DISEASE CUttfuY. I uttered "fpWlLjtidney treub'e, wbioh Anally ’became eo gg7STMis>g that I was obliged to give up my posi tion, which was paying me #IOO per month, and I came to the city for treatment, but after several months I was instead of better. I was advised of Smith's Sure Kidney C.ure and bought a bottle, and 1 am now so well that I shall return to take a belter position. My cure I regard as almost miracu loui. My wife was also sofforing, and she hae been taking your medioine for a short time, andia eo much im proved that she already regard* a cure for her a* oertain. J, H. Wrigb, Clarksdaie, Miss. Price DOaeots. For •file by all drnggiate. * It la* well to know that HeWitt's Witch Hisel Stive will best a burn and atop tbe pain at once. It will cur* eczema and ekm diseases and ngly wounds and sores. It la a certain cure for piles. Counterfeits may be offered you, See that you get tbe or'iglnal DsWitt’s Witch Haael Salve. W.-J. Butts. PILES CURED fly ueing Smith’s Sure has made a radical cure forme. 1 suf fered severely feom bleeding piles for seventeen years, and although I tried every well reoommendrd remedy, fail ed to receive any relief other than tin. most temporary. Finally, 1 eonj meooud the use of your medicine, ami a very short oourse of treatment a Ith it bis cured me. S. Lehman, Memphis. Tenn. Trloe 5?) cent*. For sale by aH druggists. Mr. A. l’.rticbi, advance sgeot of the lVruobi-Beldeni Company, was in the city yesterday. CATARRH The Mother of Consumption. How this Dread Disease May be Prevented and Cured -The Greatest of Specialist* Write* on the Subject. Catarrh Is thft mother of coinnmiptlon. By this? T do not mean that every cnmM catarrh da* S_ relop#* into consumption, tort I do moan that onturrh when un checked, nod when given the proper opportunities for exten sion from itt* place of becinnlujft which 1* the na*al deeper ana deeper along the breathlrif: tract, Wivurigfily *J* in :-‘U*aiupt' >u of the Lungs*. Catnrrn seldom destroys any considerable part of the mucous surface of the upper air pass* ugos; It Inflames roc! eomretta P them, causing usually n super abundant and ggt#rtßiv# dm chant#: out when 1t reuches the Intensely delicate It n tug of the hiur-llhe lan* tabes and little lung cells* the lnflamatton and congestion which it causes, dos#* these small ntr imiwages and, allowing the putrlddischanred matter to accumulate, canes* a rot ting away of the membrane, resulting In what we cull Oouwuuption of the Lunge. THB TENDENCY OF CATARRH. The tendency of catarrh, when it has once obtained a foothold In any portion of the mucous which Hues every oavity o| ttteJ*o* 4 'V*rft> constantly extend In every direction. Catarrh in almost#?instance start* with what la commonly know, aa cold In the head. This cold ta added to by.• other, tecause of some extra ©xposer# or wacTuning of the system and become* chronic. **bal cuta rah la the result. Unless a radtcal cure of this condition l* effected, the disease passe* rapidly to the throat, to the bron chlal tubes, and then to the hinge. , NEW LUNO3. Oonsffhiption cannot be cured. New lungs cannot be made for a man any more than new Angara or a new nose; hut catarrh can be cured In all ita stage# except this Anal und always fatal one. .. A CERTAIN CURB. * In an experience of twenty years, daring which time 1 bare treated many thousands of oases of al forma of catarrh, I have neveryet failed to effect a radical and permanent cure. The method I employ is one exclusive!v nay own, and the remedies which I uso are prepared uuder my personal direction in mi own laboratories. Many people imagine they bare Oc.paarnptkmwhen in reality the disease has not qutfo reached that stage. lam treating and curing ©••*• of this sort every day. Ho long aa the process of decay has not begun in the lunge themselves, lean make the patient perfectly well and strong again. BEGIN AT ONCE. Let me once more urge all catarrhal sufferers to begin treatment at once, for a month of treatment now is tetter than the three months later on. I shall make for the next month a specially low f*e for tb. treatment of catarrh not complicated by other diseases, making no extra charge for all med icines, !., that may be required. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, Ml, D. Dr. lUtlinway & Co* M Bryan Street, Savannah, Chk MJC3TTON TUig TAPER WHEX WWTIIKI, CATARRH G Catarrh has become such a common disease that a person entirely free from this disgusting complaint is seldom met with. It iecustomary to speak, of Catarrh *3 nothing more serious than a bad cold, a simple inflammation of the nose and I throat. It is, in fact, a complicated and very dangerous disease ; if not at first, it very soon becomes so. The blood is quickly contaminated by the foul secretions, and the poison through the general circulation is carried to all parts of the system. Salves, washes and sprays are unsatis factory and disappointing, because they do not reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. does. It cleanses the blood of the poison and eliminates from the system ali catarrhal secretions, and thus cures thor oughly and permanently the worst cases, Mr. P. TT. SfcAtHster, of HarrodsEurg. Ky. % writes: “Having been a terrible sufferer from Catarrh, and l>eing now sound nnd welt, the quea tion often put to me ia, f ~ Hi * What cured yon?’ In an- W MMi *wer 1 feci it my duty to M f*k*m sUtelhat Swift's Specific ™ \a the medicine. I ant Pgr WffL such a true believer in the Efv fjj/ efficacy of Swift’s Specific that 1 can honestly and Jr conscientiously recom mend it to any one suffer- > L fng from Catarrh. Have ym# recommended it to many, G&SUjt. Safe. and a.n hippy t ea* that those whom I have indue- mmMr ed to use it can bear me out in the statement that it will cure any case of Catarrh if taken accord* leg to directions.'’ ijpljk the only purely veg* etable blood purifier known, an cl the greatest kJR kjps of all blood medicines nSv* l wait until it becomes and cnirrmc., Wt be giri at one* tUife Use of 8. S. 8., and send foronr book on ‘blood and skin diseases our fdrpaicians about your case. the W- . YOHR FACE l 1H YOtTB Lx -iMEfSi Threw way Cosnu tli'*. W* American Women throw T* IWW .ivpayeeventv-B'-e million dollars annualiv for fae " powlars, lotions, *te., mo w hich arc made of polataoaa saMtancev an •cirio th*akin. To lecmo a N.lurai Bos Health}' Complexion, get a VJKUIN KUrmEU MASK Ueathrea original contour, permanently re moves pimples, freckles, hlackheada, ana all oeinpiexioa.-.l imperfections. Absejntcly haimt*-g. iiemilu K n*raateed. Wrfib (or pai tlculave. price (X"0 bv mai Gloves • J.iO and if.3o VmoinU'BßKß CO- No West Hth 3t N. V BROWN DRUG COMPANY. BRUNBWICK, - - GEORGIA •V . —— Rainy Day fits. Tbe very best of tho m'wt favored shapes at* shown in our *-*ortnu-ni. Trimmed aid Uatriaad felt Hats tn variety of shapes, styles and color,. Wh havo bought and mad* tin m up jo Mil 16 tlio-1- who dwdre set prtot?; ao„), hot low orl' tsi. Tne-ti arc right and priced ri(rht. MISS SATE SL&TEB, sm wi.ocracstßß st.. Wall Paper —AT THE— PAINT STORE. 502 Monk St. W.H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR, OEVARIS &ILEVADAS. Gocerics, Country Produce —Vegetables- etc. Also Confectionery. MONK STREET. BRUNBWICK. OA LOW KATES. To Georgia Slate Fair at Valdoata, October to November Uh, via Plant Sjatem. One tare from point. In Georgia. Florida and Ala bama, pine fiO cm, additional for admluion. Military rate 1 cent per mile each direction, JO or more on one ticket. B. W. WBKSN, Passenger TraflicjManagcr THE COMMON ENEMY ... m Kidney disease is the enemy we have most to (ear as a result of the feverish restlessness of our modern civilization. ? It is a treacherous enemy, working out its deadly effect under cover of the most trifling ■§ aymptoms. \ The first indiation of changes In the urine, frequent head lf *ches, digestive troubles, * should be the signal for” prompt "remedial measures. _ PRICKLY, ASH BITTERS is kidney* remedy of great ■ men*, k H soothing, beating and strengtheningr quickly relieves the || aching or soreness Oaf alway* appears fn the advanced stage, checks the progress of the disease, and through its excellent cleansing and regulating effect in the liver and bowets. It brings back the strength and ruddy glow of vigorous health. I ld at Drug Store*. Prlote, 91.00 Per BOttlte, W- J. Butts, Special Agents. CJ XT' j>*i OH/XL Prof. Gentry’s FAMOUS 006 AND PONY SHOW, if* ’ which will * exhibit here MONDE OCTOBER 22d. Two Performances Daily 2:30 and 8 p. m. Prices, Children 15, Adults 25, BIPANS 'MULES doctors find A Good Prescription _ Jf*r . for mankind / •’ / ; ST..* *? ***?*• ** Pryitem, fintm. * rieei.' ‘ -L *Wf ** Tea pU. m 4 m.T£U* JS , gte£St£.aa!MN ' i