The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 20, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 ‘lhe Brunswick Times. Xitebiished 19. The Brunswick Call. KataWinhcd 1802. Tbe Brunswick Times-Call, CONSOLIDATED 11100, Published EVHItY MOUSING EXCEPT MONDAY. AITHTJE H. LEAVY Editor KOLAKD A. MPLLIKB, Bnine Manager on ice } aaaasaifeg;;i B*-* 8 *-* ~to subscribersT Bobeorit>era are requested to notify the office Vtu they latl to get any issue ot the Tlmet- CaU. Attention to this matter will be appre- MMed by the publiehera. “ Tie Times-Call will be 'Delivered by eerrier or mail, per year. Sff.OO; per week IS eente. Correspondence on live subjects solicited. Heal name of writer should ac company same. Subscriptions payable in advance. Failure to receive paper should be reported to the business office. Address all ttommttaieations to THE TIMES-CALL, Brunswick, oa. NOTICE. Hereafter all legal adtertUe ments must be paid for after the first insertion. The management has been pot to * great deal of trouble and delay It collecting in tbe past, and in future must take adrantsge of tbe Georgia law on this subject! Oot. 10, 1900, IN A NEW HOME. The Timss-Call is now comfortably quartered in Its new home, 208-208 -Gloucester street and we will matte the assertion that there is not a more con* vtcidnl newspaper office in the state. Jr The remoyal was caused by increased lupiCNS, In fact it reached such a point (bat our former headquarter* could not poesihly accommodate the new typa and machinery which had been recently pur chased and for some wetks hss been ly ing idle waiting to be unpacked and placed in position, arb gihd io say that wo now have • building which suits our business in •very respect. * On the firet floor the bwinees rtfl.-e is ocated as well as the best (quipped job priding establishment in South Geor gia. The press room, which by the way is a model one, is also on the Htouml floor. Followirg is a directory of the second st.ory: Room 2 editors' office; 1, city editor; 3, composing room; 4, foreman's office; 5, advertising depart ment; #, night and telegraph editor; 7 and 8 are need for diipiay type. With flrst-claM presses and a full line of stationery, this establlibnient can and Will do the job prW ing of the Bruns i wiok baainesa man. Our facilities sur pass any other plant in thia section and Improved machinery ra-.n* low prloes tor work. The TiMna-Cau, has great faith in the city'a future: and it enpecia to do everything in its power for the better ment of beautiful Brunswiok. MR. EMANUEL’B CANDIDACY. Tbe announcement of the candidacy of Hon .N. Emanuel for tbe office of mayor ol the city of Brunswick has been received with general favor by our citizens. Mr. Emanuel hat been a resident of this city for twelve years, and during that period has made a splendid record in the business world and has made a host ot friends. He Is broad-minded, public-spirited, and thoroughly arous ed to a sense of the needs of the city. It Is safe to predict that tbe gentle men who will be nominated by tbe Good Government Club for the offices of aldermen wltfe-’t o J&WtP a Z the ir st successful it '. ■ * o) business men. , f i . The government of S' merely a matter of btljg ffiEßßiatiatiye officers are obligated W apply the most thorough business moths ods in the oonduct of public affairs. The Timbs-Caw, has every confide ace in ihe good faith of those who have been guiding this reform movement and believe that Mr. Emanuel and those who will be elected with him in De cember will devote every effort In bringing our city cut of tbe present financial crisis and In establishing an pi a of commercial prosperity. No town or city can hope to grow and be prosperous unless the public have fa'th Ifl the integrity of those who govern. The mayor and alderman should lead in every movement, pri vate or public, for tho good of the town. Brunswick mutt either go for ward or backward. It behooves not only ihe public officials but all citi- zens to unite in entbaslaetio efforts for tbe building up of the city. The people during tbe peat, few years have taken so active interest in their political affairs. Tbe result is that a majority hare given their ap proval to the candidates of tbe Good Government Club. Having thus shown their wishes at the ballot box. the Timis Call would urge a unanimous support of Mr. E**puel and lie aider men nominated by the cluh^ / r .- TheD, when the electlOfr !* over, lei tVery dtiz n demanding gfiod govern ment rally to tbe 6import of every movemenl for the s fare of our city, Tbe occaalcu dtqviuaa ba moniuca, he roic action. no other way can we hope to keep p£ce wlih or eurpas- IM growing, thrivl u^ S ea ports lha are atrlviag for supremacy on the Atlantic 4* Governor Fingree, ot Michigan, sajs he will tpstjld his nose and vole the re- Dublicn A In our judgment ho could suit til*: American people better by holding Mi; mouth and voting any old ticket, ‘ * The Mt mphis Cofßimercial-Appeal In. that if moq''t.\>i transport ma laria they come under the ibead com mon carriers’' and should be regu’ated. In fonrstateiof the Union—Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Jjdaflo— the women will OMt their votadforTreeident this Brunswick the railroad to Bir mingham, and this m cub time Bruns wick Is going to get what she wants q Since Macon cannot annex the sub urbs, the Tclegctph suggests that the suburbs annex Macon. Ifr J, The end of the strike seems to be tfr the now-you-*ee-it. ao4-wj% you-don't c*aas, aaye Uf'e*Xugusta Herald. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, UCTOBER 20, 1900. Springtime la the sweetest season in human life, as it is in Nature generally. It is the time of promise. As the young girl draws near to that invsterious line "Where womanhood and girlhood meet, 1 ' her whole destiny is in a measure being de termined. How often the sweet Av.. -*. young girl, under the influence of jS the change, with- J K ers and droops like some blighted -Ef bud. Nature geu erally needs some MBS qV little help at this . critical period, and /L" * this help in its In K best iorm is con- rJ , . ,WT X tained in Doctor r~ Pierce’s Favorite } TVcaCT XA Prescription. It establishes segu larity, and gives Uiagoyfpei> ‘ \ ILy fo writs sad i#t i ?ife. r know wha Tour 1 Favorite Ptv fc, wfe; l ? , #ir r 4 & bottle, of 'Favorite Prescription- an .E O .V ) f 0 DUeovery,- sla rials of th Fellcts,- aBo que bottle of your ‘Compound Kstroct offliasn-Wued.*. As soon a* I had taken tbe first bottle I could see that tbe medldne Wa hetpiar me I bad disease of interna! or- Kns with bronchitis and catarrh, t also used I local treatment you suggested,” The sluggish liver can be cured by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pelleti Confederate veterans forward-with greet Stttereet, fa thSffSi guata * 1 “‘if ' ''"l.* The oyster canning industry when re opened, will wive employmeet to many hands. The Tig Call’s friends are invited lo drop 'a aid look at our now home. Stick to your home paper. It always treats you that way. Don’t be deceived or humbugged by|peopl who elalui the discovery of won hitherto on-, known herb or root in swamps, or on some mountain or prairie tor tbe cure of kidney and bladder troubles Any doctor; or druggist will •ell you that such claims or fraudulent. Xolqy’v Kidney Core simply ste recognised by Ue_ most skilful physic!*** a tory.yvae complaints, 8 o don’t la* credulous of foolish. W.J. HuMv. Full linaioreign and domestic suitings , at Winter’s. I AT THE OGLE l iIORI'E, , C. W, Poilllp’, AtiknU; Cha*. Al oorn, New Yo.yif} Ferguson, B i timcTr; Sx Sl,rn, tSiVannan; J, ‘N, [Ruse* 1, flKft’tg*” i W. w. o*TJaiihV Wajero*'; H. A ChanJ.’er, S' Louif; S. F. F,uj.iJv Wajcrott; R. D. S-ius aur, A> 1*1)1*: W. J. M B-pwii n Dalfiit ; Bie an. Cincinnati; H B Wni’uiar. O i- ; J C. Huniei’, A’i**i?a ;J. O p, nji i A J McV igti, C i*> ‘ I THE COMMON ENEMY ... I* Kidney Is the enemy m h mosi to few ss . result of the M feverish restlessness of cut modern ri villas don. ft Is . treacherous K enemy, working out Its deadly effect under covet of the most uhhng sf symptoms The first Indication of changes in the urine, frequent hewl- \ || schss, trout Vs, should be the atgrad for prompt remedstl meesures. PRICKLY A C H BITTERS lx t kidney remedy of greet M htesrt. It Is -nothing, healing snd strengthening, quickly relieves the ’ 2® addng vt aocenv:. Put always rppei-s hr the idvtnced sUge, checks the progroi.' ol the dlsense, and through Its exceHgnt cleansing and regulsUng M effect In the ttvvr snd bowels, it brings tack the strength and ruddy ■ glow of vigorous health. ■ Drug Btoree. Price, SI.OO Per Bottle. vV- ,} Bui '8, Special Aga ,ts. SIO BUSINESS. Much Activity in Ameriean Imports and Exports. Washington, Oct. 19.—The activity of American manufacturers is illus trated by tbe statistics of ths imports of manufacturers’ materials and ex ports of manufactured goods, which have just been made public by the Treasury Bureau of Statistics. In the eight month* ending with August, 1900, Imports of raw naif rial for use in manufacturing amounted in round cambers to 200 million dollars, against a little over 100 millions in the (jomsponding months of 1898, and the exports of manufactured goods were 304 m’lllon dollars, against 163 milv lions in the corresponding mouths of 1896. The total imports of the eight month lost etlQe f exceed by Ot - ' million doiJ lays the imports of the corresponding ■ months of 1898, while the single item pf niadufac trer’ materials i seif shows an inerts** o! 87 million*. For- Bladder Troubles use STUART'S GIN and BUCHU. ’Orsnd Millinery openiog nfxtTnes-. >tay and Wednesday, October 23 sad '24, at Mias Kate Slater’s. ■ Complete 1R THE LINE OF FI 11 Will Goods which I now hav*e on * exhibition. CALL AND EXAMINE. • / ft F. Winter, THE TftILOR, 311 Newcastle Bf. 9 oo Drops" Casio ri a Avfegelable Preparalionfor As - the Food andßeguta ting the Stomachs andßoweis of IM.IM IS/( Hll-DKI-N Promotes DigestionJCheerful ness and Rest. Con tains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. Not‘Narcotic. x*veofouj>-SAMM.mawi Seal- . etU Senna ♦ ] RmJetUUm- I AwM/ f A perfect Remedy for Consßpa- Tlon, Sour Stomach,Diattlioea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Fa c Sunite Signature of NEW YORK. Alb moiillis >]cl J> B'isi S-] jCI nis jEXACICcOPY OP WRAB6ER. NEW GOODS % Arriving: Daily! ANO WE iNYIIE TOliR INSPECTION. Our Mr, C. while. t Hew TWK, selected an immense stock of Fancv Fur niture of every description, suitable for Holiday Presents. We will be glad to store your goods until the holidays, but by all means Don’t Miss Seeing Our Display Now. Every steamer brings new goods, and%we have no old gags to offer. K. Nl. MILLER A SON, Jr J I^ISSNERj Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. W H, BOWEN. J. N. BBAOTg BOWEN*& BRADT,^ QLJIL_EZ>EII*S Of Stone. Brick and Fiame Building.. Manufacturers of Cement, Tile and.Artificial Stome. CUSTOM! For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature hjr Use vT For-Over * > Thirty Years CASTORIA Twr ccRTAun cow pant, new town errr. ,