The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 21, 1900, Image 3

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Syrup. Figs Ac£r/¥easan?ly cwdfiromptly; Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. /resents in the most acceptaiistarm the Jnratire principles of plants Known to act most beneficially. TO GET ITS GENUINE HANf D. BY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE . KY. NEW YORK, H.Y. for safe by druggists - price 50* per bottfa I AM ALWAYS WIDE AWAKE Looking after desirable goods for MY patrons and the general trade. Below yon will find a list of a few Specialties for today: Frankfurter and Wiener Wnrst Sausage in cans (imported); $ Russian Caiaiar. Paree fleFois Gras. Pineapple. Edam and Clnii House Ciieese. I assure you satisfaction in everything. THOS. KE ANY GROCERIES, Phone 11, 812 Newcastle Street. at KESSLERS Cor. Monk and fJrant Sts' L. J. Leavy 6c Cos Auctioneers, Commission Merchants al Collecting Agents Consignments Solicited and Prompt Keturnß Rendered. Special Attention Paid to Collection of Rents B CURE YOURSELF) l> higU t>>T unnatural diachargeg.lnflammationa, J Irritation* or ulceration* of rn u co u * mambrane*. Painless, and not astrln* gent or poisonou*. •old by Dragarlsta, or cent in plain wrapper by eipress, prepaid, foi •1.00, 0r.3 bottle*, $2.75. Circular sent uu re<juo*> Livery, boarding and sale stables. Finest turnouts In the city, lei. 07. Newcastle .Bt. THE PLAN.TO BE OPPOSED Ol'licialsAgainst Change in Convict System. WILL COT OFTTHEIR FEES Unless Some New Means of Providing Pay is Present ed They Will Fight * Any Change. Solicitors of the different cuits in Georgia would be affected by the new convict which will be tecomtnended by lb event it passes" tbe legislature 'll would also take away compensation from clerks and sheriffs of Superior courts. If the counties work the convio’,B and reoeivo no pay, the solicitors, clerks and sheriffs are also out.of pocket. Ills expected that vigorous opposi tion will bo made to the hill unless there will be some provision In it pro yiding for pay to the courts and offi cers. Several solicitors who are here at tending the supreme court were seen yesterday morning and everyone was opposed to the recommendation the goyernor intends to make uanlr they arc taken care of. v,,* The solicitors, clerks and sheriffs money from fees, and |if these fees are removed, so they, claim, the offices would not be worth holding.—Atlanta New?. The representative t)f the Ulobe Tailoring Cos, Will ex hibit a full line of their sam ples for suits, overcoats, tronsers and fancy vests at our store Monday and Tuesday, October ii2d and 23d. We should be pleased to have you call and examine the line. Levy’s. A Niffht of Terror. u Awful anxiety waa felt for the widow of Oie bravo.(ieu*Hnrnhain,of MacUUs.’Me., when the doctors auid.she could cot -ive till morning, writes Mr,a. 8. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. “All thought hho must soon dicj from Pneumonia, but aho begged for Dr. King’s New Discovery, saying it had more than once saved her lifo and had cured her of consumption. After three sraall doses she rested easily all night, and its further nse completely cured her.** Thia marvelous medicine is guar anteed to cure ail Throat, Chost and Lung Dis eases. Only .-iOc and 1100. Trial,bottles free at all drug stores. The beat method of {jcleansifig the liver is the use of the famous little pills known as DeWitt’s Little Esrrv liiaers. Easy to take. Never gripe. W. J. Butts. No other pills oau equal DeWitt’a 'Little Early Kisers for proniptnees, certainty and efficiency. W. J. Butts. Cold Steel or Death. “There Is bnt one small chance to save your tfc and that Is through an operation,’ 1 wan the awful prospect set before Mrs. I. .It. Hunt, ot Lime Ridge, Wls., by her doctor after vainly trying to cure her of a frightful case of atomach trouble and yellow jaundice. lie didn't count on the marvelous power of Electric Bittcjeto cure Stomach and Liver troubles, but she heard of It, took seven bottles, was wholly cured, avoided aurgeon's knife, now weighs more and feels letter than ever. It’s poHitive ly guaranteed to cure Stomach, Liver and Kip. ney troubles and never disappoints. Price 50c at ail drug stores. Ki-na Ki-na.—stutnlne in a tasteless form, without affecting Us medicinal value, combined with aactenilid and .iron. Just the thing for children. Pleasant to take. 't:,c a bottle. For sale by W. J. Butts, the druggist. Half the World is in Darkness as to the cause of tbelr ill health. If they would . start to treat thgir kidneys with Foley’s Kld- I ney Cure, the weariness of body and mind, back ache,; headache and rheumatic pains would disappear. W.J. Butts. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, OCTOBER 21, 1900.' NERVE FOOD If you have neuralgia, Scott’s emulsion of cod-liver oil will feed the nerve that is crying for food—it is hungry—and set your whole body going again, in a way to satisfy nerve and brain with your usual food. That is cure. If you are nervous and irri table, you may only need more fat to cushion your nerves— you are probably thin—and Scott’s emulsion of cod-liver oil will give you the fat, to begin with. Cure, so far as it goes. Full cure is getting the fat you need from usual food, and Sbstt’s emulsion will help you to that. ' We’ll send you a yfc. nv sarrr JUjgwNir.‘; M New York QUESTIONS.ANWEKED, Yob, August Flower still bae the largest sale|of any modlolae In the civ ilised world. Your motbera and grand mothers never thought of using any?’ thing else for indigestion or bilious ness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of apendicltis, nervous prostration, heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undi gested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the action of tnp ner vous and organic system, ard t'hatfe, ail they topk when feeliug dull and bad with tod.oWj’dh You. only dbslsVlifr.-Greeb's Au gust Flowerillf ljnufd form, to make you &9sifod there ja. nothing geggiu the matter .with s '|tvi Sample bottles at Butts drugstore or. Brown Drug C Should be in, every"household medc oino chest. It affords certain relfet vr ' Every lady should attend^ MUiiovry opening at Miss Ka'e hi*? left’s ii'ifcj Tuesday and Wedndsday; ostoht r and 24. * There is a fascination about big prniUfc to j* bußincßft man. Rut live mid' cau of Wjjtf per his In vo.>nuouf?i. TBi uo. buai ujotfs in an who would not eorisidox ft'a to in vest In an onterpriso In whwu loss was impossible and which oifeted ninety-eight chances iu a hundred of a rich profit. The ta llstics of euro* oiroctefl by Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Dftcovery sliow Unit. nfnnty-cight xer cent, of cases of “weak lungs’* can be absolutely cured. Almost if not hH forms of w'ettkness may l>c traced to starvation; Starva tion saps the strength. The body id'Just as much starved when the stomach eahtiot extract nutrition from the fowl it . receives as when there ino food. “Weak lungs,**. bronchial af feetioua. obstinate cdughS, call for nourishment “tfolden Medical Discovery" aupplieft that TiourfAJizttcnt In its most condorisod.and assinj- IWbWform. It makes “wjjßklutigH”, l.y BtrensfUieulng the Btomaenand orsatia of digea tion winch digest anil distribute the food and hf Increasing tha supply of pine hli*od. Every lady should attend the grand Millinery opening; at Miss Kate Sla ter’s next Tuesday and Wednesday, Ootober 23 and 24. Cams Near Dying. “For three-clays and nights I suffered agony untold from an attack of cholera morbus brought on by eating cucumbers,” says M. K. LOWtber, clerk of the rlistrict court, Center ville. Jowa. “I tliotight I should surely die and tried a dozen different medicines, but all to no purpose. I sent for a bbttfo of Chamber lin Colic, Cholera awl Diarrhoea Remedy and thre.3 doses relieved mo entirely. I wcht to sleep Tnd did not awake for eight hours. On awakenJLng a few hours ago I felt so gratified that the fl/vt work I do on going to the office is to write to L o manufacturers of this remedy and offer ih< m my grateful thanks and say ‘God bless you And the splendid medicine you make.'” Thisxemedy is for sale at Dr. Bish op’s drug store. The editor of the ForUville, Ky„ Miscellan eous, writes as a postscript to a business letter: “I was cured of kidney i rouble by taking Foley’s Kidney Cure,Take nothing else. W.J. Bmts OABTORIA. Bear, the y? The Kind You Have Always Bought STOVES HE PA IKED. Klee, the} stove dqfjtor, repairs kinds or cook Btovcs.anu ranges, bny and sells second hand stoves, 414 Bay street. When you cannot’, sleep for coughing. It Is hardly necessary that any one should foil you that you need a few doses of Chamberlain’ Cough remedy to allay the Irritation of tha throat and make sleep possible. It Is good Try it. For sale at Ur. Bishop’s drug store. INEBRIATE ASYLUM. Complaint of Abuses of State Insane Asylum. Superintendent Dowell of the State Insane asylum, in his annual report refers to oue misuse of the institution that is becoming worse every year. Of the 2,500 patients fully 10 per cent are simply Inebriates, and are not proper patients under the law. They are sent there to ke?p them from drinking and prevent annoyance to their families. It is stated that in the prisons of Georgia, there are now fully ISO lun atics, awaiting admUsion to tbe state asjlurf. Its badly crowded condition has for jSu pprinlj;.; j | TLaifiepme ir^por tant dnt legislature. 5 same sfnatter confronieftM. y state aTTBFlsst general assembly, but the ofily thing done was to instruct the sending home of hopeless and harmless incurables. CHEAP ADVERTISING. CASH IN ADVANCE Advertisements is this column will be insert ed at the uniform rate of Oue Cent a Word for each insertion. No advertisement, however mail,leas than ;,t) cents. Css^jttijyfihcc. WA NTEli—To buy A .'^M^'horse. Address Aj care thiu offirti.’ GALE. A fujl btood, regis tered Jersey bull, jfejfgerj low rate. J. 6. I’eerdon, 508 EktrSet. SALE.— Tamjcre tract of land at the four-mile oJhsaing, Apply to T E. Loftin, at R. V. Douglash Morphine, opium, laudanum,co'coainc habit; myself euted, will inform you oi harmless, permanoat homo cure, Mary 8. Baldwin, box 1212, Chicago. HUSBAND WANTED.—A refined young widow, having *35,000, desires kind kUilmnd, whom she might assist in business. Address E., box 83, St. Lhuis, Mo, DISSOLUTION.—The Arm of Deva r)6~4a-b,9iifl4m, composed of I*. Deva ris and &. Levadas7'TFTtl*olTt>d. by mutual consent. P. Devarls will con tinue th groeery buaineas at the old stand, "fifi" " - r W A man, sober and ■trustworthy to pftpare for traveling. 050 a month and all expenses to begin. Please enclose self-addressed envelope. President Maoßrady, 356 Dearborn, Ohioan, ... -X , WANTED,*-Christian man or wo man willing to qualify for permanent position of trust, here of in home county. |o(X)erearlyif' Enclose self addressed stamped envelope tary, care of Tiuks-Cau.. WANTED. —Kelfabie oolored man to prepare for traveling monthly and expensee. 'Promotion. Permanent references required. En oldse self-addressed envelope for re ply. Secretary Card.J.MS Dsarhorn, Chicago. ~HELI’ WANTED—MALE,-Old es tablished mercantile bouse, extending business in this section, wants to ar range with capable man, of correct habits, to manage branch, • Salary, SI6OO yearly. Extra commissions. Must furnish 0800 and satisfactory references, “Opportunity,” Drawer 74, New Haven, Conn. 11-18 A BONA FIDE BALARY-sl2 WEEKLY.—Men and women to ap point agents and represent us—some to travel, others for local work. 012 weekly salary and expenses. Old es tablished house, pleasant, permancat position; rapid advancement and in crease of wages, Write at onoe. Ad dress Butler & Aldger, Dept. E, New Haven, Conn. 11-13 FOK SALE,—Hillery Island, sit uated on Turtle river, containing 32)£ acres of high land, suitable for truck ing or poultry raising; about 15 acres cleared; good fishing and oyster beds around the Island. Also, Island View, oontaing 50 acres, more or less, situ ated on Gibson and Pervises creeks, six acres of which is under new wire fence; 75 to 100 pear trees, and Im provements on same. For further in formatjn, apply to F, Jos. Doerflio ger, Sit Union street. There is no end of Old Virginia Cheroots to waste, as there is no finished end to cot off and throw away. When you buy three Old Virginia Cheroots for five cents, you have more to smoke, and of better quality, than you have when you pay fifteen cents for three Five Cent cigars. Tfifce hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this . Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. 4 soiisiflciion mi mi.„ When the liquids come from our " \ stock. We carry such aAm line of jV'> Wines and Liquors—— M , •mV TApIV . 'y„\|that it is impossible to find a brand "Hr. ■ Y which is not pleasing in some point, \ J*' u.-jujly' HI These goodß are fully matured, c? have a Hue rich body and. mellow |\Jk ; y Wj ;*ff o flavor. </w7 'll i Excellent for family or any use- K- V- DOUGLAS. ' 206 Bay Street. Advertisers lways PPRECIATE i * i > Reaping j eturi ; ■* • '“i* AND T.l—lA.Jr IS THS ’ HfGUI-AR IpEtTURNS i - I fEPORTED By Advertisers Who Use These Columns. Quantity and Juailty of Circulation gives Jaantitj and jjiiiy to Advertisers i And We Give Both ALSO— •, *'■ ' _ w , . r ; GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN ~ JOB WORK. DON’TSENDJAWAY FOR ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC, 1 • When you can get them at home for the same price and besides you save the cost of freight and drayage. OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. , . don’t mind calling an talking the matter over with you and giving you-our estimates, j if we’fail to get your order that is our fault, noft yours. A%WE WANT 18 A TRIAL. Times=Call, I 209,1209 1-2 andi2ll F Street.