The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 21, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! BIG CUT RATE SALE. OUR STOCK MUST GO —EVERYTHING AT COST T f I H Shoes. Humanic Shoes at 13.00 Hen’s Ylci Kid Bals at 2.50 Men’s Tan Vici Bals at 2.25 Men’s Calf Bals at ; .v.. . .7. 2.25 Ladies Ultra Boots at... 2.15 Boots at 22? Ladies’ Patent Leatlier French Heel Ties at 2.75 A LARGE LINE OF MISSES’ AND || CHILDREN’S SHOES AT COST. PALMER SHOE COMPANY. 116 Newcastle Street. Tr THINGS theatrical. Monday night tbs Peruobi Beldeni Cos., will begin a week’s engagement; bill will be the popular melodrama, never before presented in this city, “A Woman’s Love.” This 'v'' p>" v . Dur ng the performance will be introduced by the five Pick erta, Chalio Pertinbi k-.u Bat y Blanche. Among th 1 |i 1 aj i t hai v. ill be shown here are Btpbo, A Wmterr Romance, A Fatal Card, The Offl o Boy, Princeis ;n Rags. ud j:oh. Matinees will he given i. Wvdntsds. BtJJp iiurd.y afternoons. J‘ ** r ted on M>ndiy night, with each thirty cent ti-.l:e ptircljiitei) lojlore *i p. U) C 1 Monday • Must exquisite line of 11 -t.' ever shown in Rrunswiei mil he seen at Mi Ka'e tjla’er'e ur xi Tu. sdty and Wednesday, October 2 ’■ nnd it. | company baa been playing to crowded J hou.ea in Jacksonville the pas! week, and tbe press speaks in the highest ! terms of tbeir presentation of popular | plays. | NOTES. Remember the curtain rises at 8:15 p. m., so don’t oome in late. Ladies are admitted free on Monday night if the ticket is parebased before 6 p. m. The Jacksonville papers speak in toe highest term3 of the I’eruchi-Bel d*-tn version of S*pho. There is noth ing n iheir rendition of this famous play to shock 'he ear'. Mstno es will bs given on V’ednes day jnd Saturday. A Oard j The manufacturers of Banner Salvo have au thorized tin: undersigned to guarantee it for burn*, cuts, sores, u) -era. tetter, eczema aril 1 all akin diseases. Yon have your money hack l it doesn't do all it claims, W. J. Butts. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. OCTOBER 21. UJO /BKT t : : ’ i SBja '-xffim X jmmm > \ w? ' .‘■v I 1 0 •'* uj ■ Mmm |3H jßj |f SHORT BUTSPICY CITYIiEWpOTES A Days Doings as Gathered hy The Times-Call Reporters HATTERS PERSONAL AND GENERAL M. brief statements of the many THINGS THAT MAKE UP THE BUSY ROUND OF LIFE. Mr. A. L. Atwood, of St. Simon "cent yesterday in the city, Mr. C W. Demins; leaves tonigbt on a short business trip to Atlanta. Capt. J. L. Foster was in the city yes torday on route to Baltimore, where hw in the future. Col. P. \V. Meldrim, of Savannah, spent a few hours in the city last nigh enroute to his home from Darien. Mr. Geo. W. Bailey, formerly of his city, has removed to Atlanta, where he has engaged in brokerage. Mr. II F. Wiggins returns on Mon day from a visit to Waukeeshaw, Michigan, and Chicago. Mr. J. A. Montgomery will return to Brunswick on Menday from a pleasant vaeation spent with bis mother and brothers In Chicago, . Mr. Edwio A, Cohen, formerly oF bis city but now official court stenog rapher of the Atlantic circuit, was in the city a short while last night en route to his home from Darien. YOUR BEST WORK Cannot be done unless you have good health. You cannot have good health without pure blood. You may have pure blood by taking Hood’s! Sarsaparilla now, You cannot realu ibe good it wilt do you un'il you try it. Bgiu taking it today, and see bow quickly it will give you an appetite, ' strength and vigor, and cure your rheumatism, catarrh or scrofula. All liver Ills are cured Hood’s Pills. 25 oents. NOTICE.—For the purpose of con centrating; my business so I san serve my patrons promptly and carefully, I bare this day discontinued and sold my store, corner Newcastle end Monk streets, to Mr. .(ossph.JU'.osr (linger. Ail parties bolding tickets will TmT served by my two wagons or at A street store. Hoping to serve my pa trons in future as in the past, Very respeotfully, J. M Hoodenpyle. Hustling young man oan make 860 per month and expenses, Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars, Clark & Cos., 4tb & Hocus Streets. Pbiladei- Obia, Pa. Ship Notice . Neither the master, owners or con signees Of the Norwegian bark Areola, will be responsible for any debts contract!d by the crew of is id bark, Ankhbskn, Master. £ BPEOIAL NOTICE. Neither the master, nor of the British bark Ecbil rfHii'u will be responsible fog any debts contracted by the crew of said steamer. Bkknton, M aster. Don’t be deceived or hainbuggcd by (people who claim the diucovery of seme hitherto un known herb or root in swamps, or on some mountain or prairie for the euro of kidney and bladder troubles, Any doctor; ordruggint w t'l tell you that aucb claims or frauduleui. Foley's Kidney Cure simply contains.remedies that are recognized by the most Fkilfnl physicians as best for these complaints, so don’t be credulous or foolish. W. J. Butts. Full line foreign and domestic suitings at Winter’s. WANTED. Artesisu wells to drive at $250 each Rise and capacity guaranteed will also guarantee to complete wells in 15 days. Call on or address A. H. Bakerf 205 Gloucester street. LOW RATES-VIA. THE PLANT SYSTEM To Savannah, Ga., for the F.Uu’ Grand Carnival and Street Fair, No vember sth to 17th. One fai- 10-tb' round trip. Tickets to be sold ft in ner Sib, 7th, nth laui, H'b . u<'.'l6th, with final limit A episodic! i prcgrrru of attractions bts been ar ranged. Plant System tick-1 agents will give full particulars. B. W. Whins, PusseDger Traffic Manager, Savannah, tia. , ♦ Gbpnt’s Furnishings. Silver Shirts at..... TQc and *I.OO Xlfs Slimmer Underwear at Cost. . jj’s Winter Underwear at Cost. Large'Line of Guyei_ flats... .-k $2.2? Men’s Stiff Hats, latest styles.. 1.7? Boys’ and Youth’s Shoes at... $1,20 A large line of half hose and E. & W , Collars at "cost. Our line of Neckwear is swell and complete. Men’s Work Shirts all sizes at Csc Come and See Us. - - io i its. • - • ><■* ——— . ~ * * '.fwaio* MISS KATE SLATER extends you a cordial invitation to attend her magnificent display of fall and winter MILLINERY J&p opening days, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 23d and 24th. Your Presence is Requested. 504 GLOUCESTER STREET. LOW KATES. To Georgia State Fair at Valdosta, October 2Sth to November lib, via Plant One fare from points in Cjeorgla. Florida Ala bama, plus SO cants additional for admission. Military rate ) con* per mile each direction. or more on one ticket. -B. W. WRKNJi, t’assenger Tr.irtic-Managcr __*£ Sanv-innab, Gs..;Blk*>’ Grand Garni, val and Street Fair, Nov, 5-17, 1800. i One rare for the riuurt trip, Dim 25 cents admission to the For military companies and bnas bands i*> uniform, $1.60 for the round trip per espit*, 20 or more no -mo ticker. | Tickets oo sale Nov. 5,7, 9. 12,14, 16, with final limit Nov. IS, inclusive. J. W. Watkins will luan you money on personal prop erty and real estate. Bright’-i Disease. High living, intemperance, exposure and many other things bring on Bright’s disease,. Foley’s Kidney Cure will prevent Bright’s dis ease sod all other kidney or bladder diaorders if taken in time. Take nothing olso. W. J Butts. Things you won’t find elsewhere, Dunlap and Stet son H its, Manhattan Shirts. Levy’s - . Every lady should attend the grand Millinery opening at M is Kate Sla ter’s next V ■ !aj and Wednesday, October 2d ami 24. No other pill* can equal DeWitt’B Little Early Risers for promptness, certaiuty and efficiency. W. J. Batts. 5