The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 21, 1900, Image 6

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VIEWS AS 10 THE BOBD Of IDE Now that is dem onstrated that Bri la to have a live and energedc Board of Trade it >a the duly of every member to think, and think hard and lon*, of every pots.ble thing that will'keep „lhe organization together and the good work up eo that the many things which are possible of accomplishment may ard the only question for the people of this town and county will be not whether there things can bo accom lished but how quickly can we do it. When a thing is done it should be considered as past, and new projects thought of, puQon foor, and promptly carried tj a successful end. The enrollment of members -goes steadily,on. At the annual meting on the second Friday in November 1900, Nov. Sib, it will be in order to elect a president, vice president, [second vice president, secretary, and a board of nine directors. All members elected to dll these positions must have the Interest of Brunswick and Glynn couoty at heart and have energy enough to see that these fiopcs are car ried to fulfillment, Every officer should have his whole heart and soul in the movement. The secretary must bo ablo and energetic and more Bhould be expected of him than any other officer for it should be so arranged] that he would devote a greater amount ot his time and thought to the position than the others can. Thoques'lon is— How ]ls this to be done?; It must be answered by the aasml)cjrt-of the Board of Trade. There are a great number of mattes needing the immediate attentiun of a Board of Trade. It Is asking too mutftj oj any one of our oitlzens to undertake the duties of secretary without a salary of from #25 to SSO per month, and even on that am unt of compensation he would bo ablo to devote only part of his tirno and thought to the work—a man to fill such a | catnud Jive. - Brunswick . possesses several men who would fill the blit as secretary to the queen’s taste—men with plenty of brain and energy, who love the town and county, and if they were put in po sition to do so would devote their whole thought and' tithe to their up building; yet not being financially able to do so, although having the In clination, things naturally drift. The time has come Wien they must not drift longer, j Of oourse wc all understand that the SPECIALS TODAY! Now Cream CUcwinc Candy. t Lemon and Hoarhound Drops, Pure Lemon Stick Candy. Fancy New Dates, 10c pound. New Layer Figs, 15c pouud. Catawba Grapes, 200 basket. California Tokay Grapes 150 pound. Fresh Celery and Tomatoes, i L L 0 Y’D ’ S’, ’PHONE 255-2 (Next door to Fleming & Waff) Board of Trade, mayor and conncil and county commissioceis should not be merged in one. But who denies that it Is the du’y of each to co-operate to the utmo t t > see the gr atest good pos slble accomplished? To the poin'i The Btard oi Trade la oot going to be able out of its SI,OOO mote or less, & jear to pay a competent man a competent salary to fill the po sition of s crelary properly. If we had no Board of Trade then it wculd seem to the undersigned member a wise th ng for the mayor and council to employ such a man. Why would it not he a good idea for the mayor aud council to chip in year, the county aud the Board of TradeJ^l^U*^;,, ploy and pay the salary tV such al&s tarj? It may be that legally that'll?: public corpora!ions could do Dg|l|p| thing, but nec. ssity knows oo iaspj|%)d it seems to the undersignod that “where there is a will there is a way.” This article is written for the pur pose of inviting discussion on the the line herein sugges'ed, and to see out of the mu) itude of counsel what may be devised. MsMirgß 195. Do not get soared if your heart treu-r. bis you. Most likely you sniffer frtuw Indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Curst digests what you eat, and gives th, worn out stomach perfect rest. It is the only preparation known that com pletely digests all classes of foedsf that is why it ourss the worst oases of indigestion and stomach trouble after everything else has failed. It may bs taken in all- conditions, and oannot help hut do you good. \V. J. Butts.’ Constipation is the rock that wrreka many ltves; it poisons the very life blood ..Regularity oan be established through tbs uso of l’rickly Ash Bit ters. It is mildly cathartic, and stre gthens the stomach, liver and kidneys. W. J. Butts. -* Things you won’t fif*d elsewhere, Dunlap and Stet son Hats, Manhattan Shirts. Levy’s! Forsprniim, swelling* audalikiiHnofc* there U nothing so ood as Chamberlain’s Pain Hahn. Try It. F6r sale*t Dr. Biafiop’a store. J. W, Watkins will Joair you money on personal prop erty and real estate. It Happened in a Drag Stsre. “Owe day last winter lady camo to my drug store and ashid for a brand of c*ufth mediplne that tdid ttus, have In stock,” £*yi Mr. O. U, lirandin, the popular druggist or Ontario, u Sle was dkappointed and 'wanted to know what cough preparation i oouUI rccoiumend. I said io her $ that I could ficoly recommend Chamberlain’s ( pqgh Remedy end that she couldtteke a bottin of Urn remedy and after giving it a falr|gML|r.|fthe illd not find it worth the money the hottlo ami I would refund tbc the course of a day or two tl:0 laJy ffime back in company with a friend in reed of a cough medicine and advised her to buy a bottle oi Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I consider that a very good recom mendation for the remedy,” The remedy owes Us great popularity and extensive sale in a large'measure to the personal recommenda tions of people \vho have been cured by its use. It is for sale aiDr JHihwv*; store. Our Grualeet Specialist . For 90 years Dr. J. Newton Hath away has so successfully treated chronic diseases that he ia ackacwledged today to Btand at the head of h profession in this line. His exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele anu Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery cures in 90 per cent, of all cases.' In the treatment of loss of vital forces norvoua disorders, kidney and urinary comadaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, rhflmatism. catarrh and diseases pecul iar to women, he iw'-tqually successful- Dr. Hathaway V practice is more than double that of any other specialist. Cases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, rowdily yield to his treat ment. Write film today fully about your case. He make* no charge for consultation or advice, either at his of fice or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 95 Ijjgyan Street, Savannah, Ga Feelings of safety pervade the house hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure, the only harmless remedy that pro duces immediats results. It is infalli ble for oougbs, colds, croup, and alt throat and lurg t roubles. It will pre rent consumption, W, J. Butts. I THE BRUNSWICK TTMES-CALL. OCTOBER 21,1900 Drugs. PERFUMES. A partial list of the most popular brands found in our stock. Roger & Gallet’s, Atkinson’s, Lubins’, Jbd’s, lid well-known colognes and TSilet waters. Brushes. We have a good •assort ment of Hair, Nail, CJdthr Tooth and Shoe brushes. Chewing Gum, p We carry the best Jibe to be found in the dW! . ——— - ~ Dr. Hathaway Treats All Diseases. - - - Ilia Method Invariably Cnfei ALL Catarrhal, Bronchial, LungyStoffi. arh, Liver, KUlnfy and Other Cow plaints, as Well as All Diseases and Weaknesses 6t Women, Or- IJotbiwav'. most i-vU'nsHe practice, cov fif v Ji erins a (unioj of raoro WL H ar^h-'vaUwn Sfißk M ‘i|>M.*o.w’.v .Ml ’* ‘J pudwr Af tfseiise* l / >♦*' *d "'wotii aurf a aUiMK hill Wkrto tine tit WjJr human aUi’T .stßi has * Tioeti imifcrmtV Jp-' W acs-lul. f jMlWft I>c ’ HnlHawav’s rat* y :-l ot treatment'*®® ’ ' ■ at the seat e! nWwk. UUlftes tho. h#ua (lh! *i is Of* > nd! t!ons. kit lii-nwr-i Yearly lie reßtffPw to yty’f# * health thousand* of sufferer* c pea-Ci... from Catarrh, nroncnit’H A> thmft, Hay FermW iincc romylaints. fiver and cots, RezwuaSijffiiU nianoutff atlecilons a# treat" with OiMimsof thp groateH,*ir.>. all- ihoso Women many weak!>?• sand itbeasei* by which so 'womt Ti areaftliotad. si*4 Uitnl I>r ‘ HaUjalfiiy’sotf.eesarefitted * it -- all-the I&te-t electrical aiM AhfctJ, nAffiseope. he ha's.wor* t ” f *c.:o rw All of ibo ri'ilfcinea ’i si'd oy ?'r HsLjjswaj nt© in b:s .ww i c hiiHjratc i ies, *.u J:- £ hfa r. r > :>•’ l.; <]lreet ! .or.; ,'wv.rtl remt ttesarA reared r.r each in dividual ,v .-C to Its ,?f' p.titv m'- ut %. ? •* n.niv>ay hm VW i. „*! f t. of sf'lLeiHii.l uU<>n : da.nks i: t*thedlflerent diseases scud' frt omi aptdU atU fi Xo. l, for Men; No. 2, ft r v/uroen.- N:> l*. far Skin Diseases; No. 4,for Catajylial T)i No. 5. tor Kidneys r* ix *■ l>r. Hathawaymakes no charge i oneult jtton j oP eoasulUtlou at either tiis Ft’6- ofrVe or bv mail. * J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Vr, llatliHfay J 6 (u llrynu Wiwl, Stvwir.ah, Ua. MENTION THIS PAPER WHI2 V jirriNO* Bloodworth & Jones New Liverv Stables New Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given alt orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. E St OEVARIS & LEVADAS. Gocerics, Country Product —yjotablos. otc. f AlsrConfoctionon, MONK STREET. BRUNSWICK. OA Smith s Pharmacy. Pmipii* Pfffli® on l om im\ special flileii. site Hit Tomorrow we expect to re ceive a shipment of new goods, amounting to nearly one thousand dofers, which will icueWde Drugs, Pafent JjfedicTnes, Perfumes, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Brushes and a gen eral line ot sundries. Our prices will be a great inducement. Give us a trial and you will then become our customer. Sjnilh’s Pharmacy. NERVITA PILLS Resfor* Vitality, Lost Vigor Bad Manbooi QsnlmmUmcy. Night Emissions, Loss of Mom ory, all wasting diseases, ©ffocts of seif-abuse or iudiscretion, W xßJSlwoSSupte. LLS S-SUisJ $2.50, with our bankable gsuMOtelto cur© or refund th© money rmid* Fcridto circular and copy of our bankable ii i[j iiii I. Nervilats^= Bwjywif gujirfwhwwf for Lop* of Power, yriCLSSQIe cferlevDlopfMl or Bhrmikou Organs, jntiwMpiisOcoiriottir Ataxia, Norrous Prostm. tion, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the Eesnlta ofjßxcosdve tJseof Tobaec<, Opium or Xiquor. By mail in plain package. SI.OO a |K)X, 6 for $5.00 with our bankable gniar imtee bond to cure In 30 days or refund money paid. Ackires* NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton Sl Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, IU. For sale by Browin Drug €o., Brunswick, Ga, a.'. -a ■ ‘A” I' .V IHLvIiTS ,£orAU URINARX lUdORUKRg. Or most Fatal Frevaient of alt dH eases are those o Jtbe ICIJgNEYS, LIVER and BLADDER.) The Kidneys are two Wttl© staves through which all of the blood *n the body must pats once in every thro** minutes In a HEALTHY condition they tllter all impurities into the BLADDKH, thence out of the body. If DISEAS ED tbev clog anil mwoll,depositing URIC ACID taiut other poisons into the uystem, cauaing dull pains in the back. Htllioasnefc*, Uhem&tism, tioat, Dropsy, Gravel, Painful and Frcqtn nt Urination, lx>si<of Albumen (the life essence), and finally BRIGHT’S DISEASE and DEATH! If you have any of the above symptoms ‘A’” TABLETS WILL CURE YOU- Try them and beconvinced. Uec©nt,dtßCOvery phenondnal soexspa. Hundreds of test iin on lei fannot l>e subattfntcd. By mail |l,oo. Send or pamphlet. Address PAN-AMERICAN DRUG COMP’NY BROWN DRUG COMPANY. BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA Wall Paper —AT.THE— PAINT STORE, 502 MonklSt. W:H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. 6EOR6IA DETECTIVE ABC’Y BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil and criminal cases attended to business strictly confidential. En quires conducted with eecrecv. L. vl. LEAVY Maneaer ■The King " ofthenttiJl” Is an epitomized summing up of ♦he universal praise of | , seurs in characterizing the relative merits of I <3ohgmian I J hc su P cnorit y °t Saint Louis A. B. C, Bohemian Beer is recognized j I by experts in its absolute purity, its rich, creamy foam, its pale, I | golden color, its life and sparkling brilliancy, Order from \ L BDUNSWICK WHOLESALE WINE A LIQUOR CO. J SEE Prof. Gentry’s FAMOUS DOG AND PONY SHOW, which will exhibit here & MONDAY, OCTOBER M. Two Performances Daily 2:30 and 8 p. n< s Prices, Children f5, Adults 25. Drugs.! SOAPS. Our Soap department ii supplied with the following well-known leading brands Colgate & Col Cuticura, LL Pears, 47 11 , 7 Roger & Galler, Milk Weed v Cream, Imported Castiles n d other mention. Cigars. You can always get the best 5 and 10q cigars at otf place! Drags.