The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 23, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 l $ '* -'*"** 'wH Lv > WjfcJ# t * :**&*.■;&£**■* i WHY I I go away from home tolhere your I \ treated and fitted with Glasses v, I you can have the same work done ®l|l| just as accurately and good? J Sate Money Here at Home, I r ? 5 and get just as strong guarantee- We\A } refer you to any One who has had us fit j them with prescription lenses. If your j Eyes trouble you in any way stall, call a i on me and I will examine them FREE and a, tell you what you need. We have glasses 51 1 from 25c up, and you don’t have to buy a the expensive ones unless you want to. a Motuu turn eoiii HE.-*— | KENNON MOTT, f Jeweler and Graduate Outiciant jj WfcaiS Newcuitle Street, | Inspector ol Watches for Southern Railway. Time by Wire daily from Washington * 1' *§m'‘JsftgjßßSE&MEto* At wt O oney & Parker ' jfc ? .■ *v ' DEALERS IN * 4 ' r K Coal and Wood, Brick, .-'■-jJ£& •♦-*.# L Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths_ Phone 18 . 525 Bay St. Ladiefe’ Wear. *S ' V* •*■- *> V* --w * V’ ■ , > ; * 23 - ’ r ■>. . -■ *"r?"" A full line in Waists, Skirts, Underskirts, Capes and Jackets. Our Flannel "Waist Models Are Town Talk. See Our Successful New Patent Underskirt. -X. Self-conforming to increasing or decreas ing Waist Lines. No drawing string, no uneven, lumpy exposure. Call and see them. LEV Y ’ S timks-call. ocroßEii 23, tax;. SOCIETY NEWS. Hr*, n. P. King and Mim May | Kiag will return on tbe 2Stb from j Aabeville. M', and lln, W. F. Parker and chi!-' dren will arrive tbia week from Brooklyn. Mr. Parker will remain for only a abort wbila, at be baa sev eral plaeee in the Svnth to visit befsra retarding to Brooklyn, bat Mra. i'af kar and the ehildrea will apend <h winter here, to the delight of many friend*. Mr*. P. D. Alien nnd children and Jdr*. B. B. Maxlay nnd ehiideen re m frem a tawmar (a Aehavisi* !k Jsttlwrt *1 tbn week. J HieeVpaflk ' JT%** reteraad fretn a trig te Atlanta. Mr*. H. f. Dnnwoody i* flailing la Atlanta. Mra. Tie ter la Jtffert will shortly re move into the Kale honae on Gloucsa ter atraat. Mr. Clove Baker, of Dongiat*, will apend a fow day* of tbla week with bis mother'* family her*. ■Mra. Flood, of New Tork, will *r rhr on the Mallory afesmer to Vialt her fitter, Mrs. H. L.&feg^ Anew titter be* been added to BIC iloaspb'a coavent, the number of pj| pile being too great fortbree teacher*. Mr*. JJailej,-- mother of Mr. J. 'iV Bailey, baa been quite ill, but it f tn^ " . • r 7 - proving. ■ *1 Mies !*▼** sbsrily fora vUltto Albany. A* Mr. W. S. Crawford, tbe °?wliufr' pointed trainmaster of tbe I’jiWMiy** tern.,left yeaterday for WayorpM, from to Bruntwioic. ‘ r Q.ajgft.'.;. 'h, 'j. * Tbe vertices at the Prsabytefian ohucpb on Sunday night wera-*rj internet ing. Rev. li. A. Drifts. of Wdforoas, oooupied tbA pulpit delivered an eloquent sermon, atjdltie vssKWßnl music, under tbe management Or 3fee orgsoisf, VU*■ lisys, wae txcaftfim ally good. Thoee who tinging were! tsiudilte Butt*, soprano; Mra. Palmer Stacy, alto; Mr, Cl'C. Fleming, tenor; Mr, W.M. Tup per, tenor; and M r . base. A wedding la rumored of a wall known young man, an employe of a wtitSiwslt bouse, and a young lady **> a neighboring cityt Tbe young mao is well-known hereandthe wedding will be a surprise to many. The bride is an of wealthy parents. Mrs. R. H. Ererett and Miss Marie Everett ire spending tome time n Atlanta. Miss Marie DeVoe was repor ed ‘o be muob worse yesterday. Mrs. L. H. Ilsym leaves on Thurs day for Columbus, where she will visit relatives. Miaa listen O’Connor bat been ap pointed chairman of tbe Brunswiok fanoy-work department at the Val dosta fair, with Mrs. G. W. Blanton and Mra. A. D. Gale a* aeaistacte, Mrs. Gale will attend the fair and have charge of tbe department there and it is hoped Brunswiok will make a good showing. Any ladies desiring to send fanoy work.oan notify any one of tbe committee, who will oail for it, and it will bessfely returned after tie .fair is over. —9 The social event of tbe week is the ,announcement of the engagement of Mr. N. Emanuel to Mies Daiay Mcln toab, both of tbia olty. Mitt Mcln to<b it a young lady of many graces and accomplishment*, and a universal favorite in aooiety. Mr. Emanuel it well known to business aod political circles throughout tbe state, aod baa many warm personal friend*, who con gratulate him on bit good fortune. Tbe date of tbe wedding will be an nenaeed later. Mr. Jehu J. Newton, an old Bruna wlek hoy, i* the gaetl of hie grand mother, Mr*. Ana Fraaklia. Mr. Newton ha* boon in Bavannoh re cently, where he had a pneitten an the Savannah Newt. He Inavee Wed nan day tn aaeept a peeitien in Denver. OABTOniA. SaWpAe tiwl Tsa Haw Mwayn BongM &j£*s ■ —,—-~ Bat* yna steam of rtHneaala the regie* ol yaoreUimaeh after eattagf If ao you wUi bo beatdtad by asiag ChanMrraiii’aßttaaaeh and Llver'Tablata. They; aio|rnre belching and soar etomacb. They regoUie She bowel* Soo. price H6e. Sold by Bishop’s Drag &*>re. ’+" tor Infant* and Children. IM Yon Hava Always Bought ;> f - : i Meftater Devil Tiak 'ftjtyattlta t*ui#,.tf t.vye ofjCoqiMuip , UMfarqyiyiftie mardegwwinwjjedy </%*! Md-ncrvo* Mmftw ll MtT. Atnifts„N**y IMt. eortala cure. ilut m theUsopldraj wagtSfib Rowt*. 'fjfrj/l&agk sii svoggbrih. rMT< —. —i — "Tpf i ■' l • *;’• - muE^. .. ..aßawrny. of sog^jjULE " Trtit -& i^ 1 ftljii* TrdTh B it let v*s Brtjeew Urglii arrives uruoaVrHUi 10 a. m. , T,a‘lo M arrives Brnewlole fi' < p. m. e a*; ~, !&-*■■ 5; Kl -'jj 'Pf ickiy Xsb Bitters diaease of khe kidneys, eieanae* and atidpgtbens tbe liver, etomach and ixitge’s. Vi. J. Butts, s ’ M r ' Tfee Plant System will sell round trip tickets for the annual fair, Way-* ernes irair Association, at one fgr* from Tuhnn-etlle, Albany, Savannah. Brunswick, ~lo<m vilit-, Ltke City. Mohoicellu and intermediate potato, A splendid program of at’raMionr has been arranged and visitors will be well yj|jrta'n“d, W B. W. Wiustr;- P'fll huger Traffio Mentor, Bavannah,Xfa. . : ' LOW RATI*. To Georgia State Fair ’at Vidoßt,,jUctober 20th to November *th, via Plsit>t*b|rateiiw Oile (are from points In Georgia, Florida and Ala bama, pine so cents additional tor admiaama. Military rale 1 seat per mile each direction,SO or more on one ticket. B. W. WRESIT, Passenger TralHc M anagrr BREAKFAST DISHES. Ilecker’s Flap Jack Flour. Hecker’s Buckwheat Flour. Hecker’s Wholewheat Flour New Georgia Syrup (in bottles.) New York Golden Drip. Maple Syrup (in quart bottles.) G. W. HARPER, THE HUSTLER. phoae m. J? genuine OLD FASHIONED w ’ ' v. ■ \ %■■■■* ■ : ’S Molasses Candy, “is Ever Unexcelled.” 10 Cents. W J BUTTS, The Druggist. *On the Corner.” Brown Drug Ccl LEADING DRUGGISTS. Are headquarters for ’everything in the drug line. Our stock of Toilet Articles is complete W e carry the finest stock of Soaps and Per fumery in the city. Prescriptions accurately compounded by compe tent men day or night. Opera Glasses for Rent. BROWN DRUG CO. Jk Druggists to the People. IWSSH LOTwC^=^ NDNNALLY’S CANDIES., Summer * A _& Bargains ** g/BBM Furn itu re A clearance sale to make room for new goods. f aft. r l Parlor Suit, 5 pieces, worth S4O, now $29. t'Oak Refrigerator, worth S2O. now sls. 1 Oak Bed Room Suite, 3 pieces, worth $25, now $lB Bed Lounges, worth sl6, now sl2, % Snk Centre Tables 50 oents to $6. ' Ice Cream Freeiers worth $2 .50 at $1 98. A large assortment of Sideboards, Cupboards ■£• B and Chairs. .gjk Prices Below the Market. Sip C. McGARVEY. pel ■■■■ !■ lymii ■ nis ■ ■ J "_f JL'—'i 1 ■ LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND BEAT CREAM OF KENTUCKY Whisky SI.OO PER QUART ; $4.00 PER GALLON. -a-. not MADE BY A\TRUST*__— I. Trager & Cos,, Independent Distillers. *old Exclusively) in Braiinswick by l=*-.V- OOUQUAS.. 206 Bav Street.