The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 24, 1900, Image 2

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NEWSLETTER FROM MANILA Charles Hottman Tells Abou . v ' War MUCH SICKNESS 111 States That the Fight is Not Over by Any Means, By ChM. Hoffman, U, B. V. Maiqulna, P. I„ Aug. 10,—It kta been tome tlma since I wrote you last but the d*.lay was limply becauM there wae nothing to write about. Mf em ploy Is still in Mat quma valley and it looks very much like will rem. In un til December. There is no lighting here as the ua llvts take the rsiny season 10 carry on wtrfare and it has been lighter than (or the past halt century, In (act it has not rained as much here as it does in Brunswick during the a immer. A party from this regiment went out some daye ago and returned with sev eral native soldiers including a lieu tenant oolinel, guns, art munition, ete. The cartridges were loaded with old pieces o’ lead, nail heads, etc. The lleutensnt colonel proved to be a man who was In tho employ of the Jolted States govcintncnl as lu Agulnaldo’s arrest at our Uead'Jfl JSBSHSSKm The flndii>g,''jPrlfwl^*p^pSWeu teuini.’brewer and a sergeant shows what terrible cowards the Filipinos are. These two men started for Ma nila some weeks ago, and no trace of them was found for several days, and ft searching party was sent out with the • • t boye result. The todies were (oasud in a dcube thicket and were Utfiflcily hacked to pieces. The pistol of Lieu tenant Brewer was not shot and it was found at his side loaded, but the ser geant must have put Op a goocLflght. Every cartridge In both of Ms pistols bad been fired and wo think he .got two or three of the hoatheus before he died. I understand that the American gov ernment says the war ,‘s over, but this is a mistake. The only way to ond this * trouble, In my judgement, is the com plete extermination of the rebel sol diers, the capture of Aguiualda, and this will take intro than thev have here at present. It is not safe for sn Amo* jhn any hisitli Hi! A sweet ot some kind is as nectssary to your system as your dally bread. Why not have tho purest, cleanest and best! 1 hare the most up-to date and clean candy plant you ever saw, and am making daily l’ure Stick Candy, • Marshmallows, Creams, StioncHoarhound Drops, Pure Foak Candy and a Hundred other kind*. LLOYD’S, 'PHONE 253-3 (Next doer to Fleming A Waff) where 1 ere s the woodr are filed with guerrillas who shcot Iron behind thi k shrubbery and escape. This is not a healthy country by any mean* and a third of cur command is alwa s ill. THIS IS WHAT THEYB AY. Those who lake Hcoa's Sarsaparilla for *croful\ rezerua, eruptions, ca tarrh, rheumatism or dyspepsia, say it cures prr-mp ly and permanently, even after alt o her preparations fail. Y i a msv take tbis medicine with 'he ut m at confidence that it will du y u geod . What it bas done for other’, you have every reason to believe ft wilt do for you. Constlpa’ion isMMktfbirJ|tf>d’* MANY PCPtVJ? - -. v The convent of Bt. X.ty let's Cat hi o/ church is sncoessful beyond all expec tation*. The number of children who attend school there is nearly sixty, and new soholara are being enrolled every week. HOW’S THIS* We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any oase of Catarrh that oan not be cured by Hsl.’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tbe Itst fifteen year* and believe him perfeotly honorable in all business transaction*, and finan cially able to oarry out any obligation* made by their firm. West & Truax, wholesale druggists, Toldo, O. Waldiog Rinnan & Marvio, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75a, per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are tbe best. Most exquisite line of Hats ever,Hrunswick will Xtmvepb at M as Kate Slater’s jsrea.-n , i VVedoeßdayfTtctbber 38 and 2. IS YOLK LIFE WORTH 50 CENTS? We defy the world to produce a medicine for the cure of all forms of Kidney and Bidder troubles, Piles, and all diseases peculiar to women, that will equal Bmtth’s Bure Kidney (*ure. Nighty-eight per cent, of the oases treated with Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure that have:,dome under our obser vation, have been ou-ed. Wneellour medicine on a positive guarantee, if directions sre followed, and money will be refunded if oure is not rffectrd. Prioe 50 cents. Foreule by ait drug gists. QUESTIONS ANWERED. Xes, Au*t Plowed still has the largest any medicine ftt the civ ilised worltj. # Your it others and graud- nevcr tlmught of using any thing else Indigestion or bilious ness. Doctors Waco scarce aud they seldom heard of avendloltis, nervous prostration, heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undl* geeted food, regulate the action of the tlver, stimulate the action of the ner vous and organic system, aud that Is all they took when feeling dull and bad 1 with headache and other aches, You only need a tew doses of Green’s Au gust Flower, In liquid form, to main, you satisfied there is. nothing serious the matter .wlih you Sample bottles at Butts drugstore or Brown Drug C Should be in; every household ntede cine chest. It affords certain relief Our Greatest Specialist i For 20 years Dr. J. Newton Hath away has so successfully treated chronic diseases that he is ackacwiedged today to stand at the head of U if ro Foss lon in this line. His exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele ana Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery cures in 90 per cent, of all cases. In the treatment of loss of vital forces nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecul iar to women, he is equally successful- Dr. Hathaway’s practice is morfthan double that of any other specialist. Cases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write him today fully about your case. He makes no charge for consultation or advice, either at his of fice or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. *6 Bryan Streol. Savannah, Ga -— .Mjjy.u,.- . Fcsliogs of safety pervade the house hold that uses One Minute Cough pure, the only harmless remedy that pro duces immediate rosulc*. It is Infalli ble for oonghe, oolds, croup, and al< throat and lung troubles. It will pre vent cootuuipiion. W, J. Butts. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL OCTOBER 24, 1900 FOUR IN ONE [j(e! Prickly Ash Bitters kt _ Cara til. KIDNEYS, til. LIVES, Hu STOMACH and tlie 60WU8. I W. J. Bu'ts, Special Aren’. WINE OF CARDUI WOMEN WHO WORK. Sr. Lotus, Mo , Aug. U. j : • Though only 19 years old, I suffered from pals* and female troublee twe years. Laa* ) / \vy spring I got to bad I had to oui* work. I had -rSg=- a ~ to support myself, and couldnot aflord a high- Priofd doctor. I got one bottle of Wine of . . ai Oardul and that mad a me feel bettor. Have now used several bottlee and am well. My —n Trr] “•♦her need the Wine for Change of Lift and B fj R was greatly relieved. || (Ml j ", MISS Mi SO ABET WALSH. H 1 Many girls and women find ft neesastry to earn their ows Mng hi various kinds of employment Their work is often so hard and confin ing that the health breaks down. Their debate constitutions art unfitted for tiresome tasks. Weakness nearly always makes its appearance la the peculiarly delicate womanly organs. Constant standing on the feet, and coming and goto# ettbe beck of ft superintendent or foreman,to duces failing of the womb, leucorrtwea, headache and backache. The pay of women workers Is often so notoriously small that when sickness comes tkey havt no money to engage Sfcififu! physicians. To them Wine fUMT MVAKTfttiT. * or * them of their Ills at a small c&ee* Mirfe* epettoi cost, and they can act as their own Physicians. No doctor can do as CttKttApo*,T,an. much for “female troubles” ae Druggists SeHXii-gii Bottles for SI.OO. WINE OF CARDUI PLANT SYSTEM "r m PABBENHBB DEPARTMENT, kSAu uut,n ~ ‘ ai-.ab vp •‘""YV--'-"”* no. n; wo vj Tima 'lab 1 © ■ ■; ; sffsetwoct 1 :::::: ****** •—r *Piv- Oeify. oaur.jnkiy, IS 1 ”’" T * Auß^ick"" 1 1.- -4<ippm....iaptfi*Tr.. ::::::::::: 10 Vo fJU‘'’ ,5 ??”"••*!. vrfWMr —* iv 'uww.-.’.i r 10 (0 141.. 10 l.i pm. i. ar ’ 4 ixn-.r-, ij: j&ji.u ■ ’ n *>[•”> mU.Ki t r T* 12 40 pm. 2ouam f!r fiBlP' 1 s oet 1" ! i *?•• lOOem.f at .... 12 # pm.,, s Mate/ • ftr BAveimpb It I . ..". Siwffi. u so™.. .M-iTfU. *r'. v* iv •: * .:Z: * 80-ftu... ar ClH.Kmeute iv ! 815^....... ,j C|md. nr Tempt Iv j , e,,ir. . . V A w<YcnoH* MONTOOMEKY. j 8 wtm.. ►•>... IV Ml ftWipiii IC.fthiirti . .. ”t* *r! P ni Mlifini.. hi M>wuuoniry It . .. r 46 pm 'lS#m.. afjs,' H rm'nglteni hi... teftfin . .... ........ s seam ... TP pui... er Kanvillo h .... sot am f.. ...... tofipu.... J or. am. ar Ctoaitweii , h .. it 00 pm - Sptlc: VIA SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. , *' * m -1,5 “ f ,n Lv .ftriiiutwick ' Air j Hoi pm jio'oo'a* ' " J '® ,m C-’Sam. Ar iiarlMten Lv |IIIS pm w ® ?,**"* I ** P m Ar Richmond J.v sos Ua * fDt em,. jll SO pm.. Ar W,u,hmgtoh I 4 2,0 am i ,52iJ* nl I * Ar Beni <rn) L. SSB am .. I BE I'VV KK, N liUl'N-Wt 1 U AND SAVANNAH \I v BA V ANNA# I Si??" .I *T BvSiwlek ai- j.O *v i-ni <.sv"pm'.“T .. SO5 no to MS. ar Jo-up lv sen pm., t. sspin -s ’•I * * UlO 1 at' Havitouah Iv j 3 p, ri 00 pm > Oiroot connection made et Werovoee wltn Pmllnuu Hlecptog (jaiv toi all points.' Between Port Tampa. Key West and Havana. (iOINO, | RKTnRVrVIi & Kei l FIT “SfcThura Sat. Kr Port T.mpa 2 BO am Than San. and Tues * wpe’’ "' pm ri©s. FYI, bun Ibv * West 10 Oilu m Wrrl nn.l Ills* Ar >' Ar a/y wiViM P orw>d d sst fc M,d Mmit " • Ar HavsAOOiiam Wsd.ftat Mon |Lv flevaaa lan pm Wed. sat. and Mon.!Y .! W.B. riKNttAM. EO. W, COATftS. n w wuwmn Loner at Supt Division Pnse. AgUt. ; rreffl* N \DT savannah, Ga Brunswick. “* ?a‘vann Y Ga NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Cnrotmpotency. Nlglit Emissions, Loss of Mem. \\ all wasting diseases, i— —, frWPwF*! *tTectdi*f self-abuse or and indiscretion, vl %JF W&tfr PA nerve tonic %nd pllie builder. Brings riLL ® L pink S low *o pale CCA ■LMtafcr 7 cheeks and restores the Ow finKSVSS? of youth. By mail CTS. K per box. 6 boxes for -T- with our bankable g-a u ran tee to cure or refund the money paid, bend for circular and copy of our bankable guarantee bond, NervitaTablets“S Itellow label) IramcaMic Results Pocfllvelr ffnaranteed enre for Low of Power, Varicocele, l ndeveloped or Shrunken Organs, I arcs is. Ideomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostra- J 8 * Paralysis and the Beeults of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Idquoft ByP lain package, SI.OO a for *8 00 With our bookable rur- Ad"” 30 *•*““* NERVITA MEDICAL CO/ CHnton AJackaon Sts, CHICAGO, ILL. For sale by Brown Drug Cos., Brunswick, Ga. Money taLend on Improved Real E>tale. Apply to W, Merchant, Secretary, or F. P\ v Twltty, Attorney, of the ATLANI 1C INfI&SSI WENT (O. * YOUR FACE IS YOUR FORTUNE. Throw away Cosmetic*. American Women throw :nv ay seventy-live million dollar. annually tor fac pow ters, lotions, etc., mo which are made ot polsnnm an etroy the akin. To sec me a Sitin'. Ki a H ealt.hy Complexion, get a VIBGIN RUBBER MASK. I ißeitorea original contonr, permanently re move* pimple., freckles, blackheads, and all oemplcxional imperfections. Absolutely harmless. Results miaranteed. Write for particulars. Price puuo by mat Glove. *IOO and **.so. VIRGIN RUBBER CO., No West 14th St N. Y BROWN DRUG COMPANY. BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA B. j 7 ULEWIxNE cy lea Selling, Renting, Repairing, Messenger Service We sell Cleveland, Monarch, Crawford, Eagle, Elk, Dixie. Best of Wheels for the Least Money- TO THE LADIES. MISS KATE SLATER extends yon a cordial invitation to attend her magnificent * display of fall and winter MILLINERY the opening days, Tuesdays Wednesd\ ; October 23D and 24TH. w|l Your Presence Is Requested. 504 Gloucester Street. -U' ' . . * - - tft „ - . !■* -A A- ■ ; •-•*., V ‘ *>• ’ Lf# Vgfc--‘X X ' * Fw-* • BRIANS ’Doctors find *A Good Prescription, lor mankind % f 1 .-,v . r ■ * * J" iww DraffHfft flntfL T gfiiw *"+***, Suwwa mmd fcrhm gM* Tm ample, ui w liiwwl MS J. J. LISSNER, v WHOLESALE Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. W H. BOWEN. J. N. BRADT, BOWEN & BRADT, .ArvICD BUIV-OE:Re Of Stones Brick and Frame Building Manufacturers of Cement, Tile and Artificial Stone.