The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 24, 1900, Image 3
Typhoid Feyer Eiperience Is not desired in your own per son. A Doctor's Observation Is Valuable to All. Read what one soys about Johnson’s Chill & Feyer Tonic “Last Fall we had a good deal of Tvpho-Malaria. or perhaps Ty phoid Fever. Some patients died: some recovered after six or eight weeks. After trying regular rem edies two weeks, i gave Johnson’s Chill and Fe ver Tonic. In no in stance bad it been given more than 34 hours, when fever cooled down and did not return. Patients regained good health rapidly** J. F. Kixchelojc, M. D., Gonway, Ark. Take JOHNSON'S TONIC at the first symptom, and KEEPWELL A. B. Girardeau, Savannah, Ga. 80l Manufacturer. OPERAHOUSE. Ooe Popular Week! Commencing MONDAY, OCTOBER M —*‘"'s * -MTttgre Wednesd ay-ancL Saturday. Peruchi-Beldena COMPANY, t (Incoporated.) Leaders in Modern Repertoire. Specialties will be introduced between the acts by 5 THE PICKETS 5 The greatest acr bat'c comedian on the Amcr.can stage Gheiso D, Peruchi ~t~AND— BABY BLANCHE, The Great Child Artist. Prices only 10,20, JQc. ELI ZISSIMATO, 8021 Newcastle St. .1111..., ; CIGARS AND TOBACCO Its 'Cm2 Fresh Im Bar, Kilk Sk&ke Soda Wats? Etc,, All Kinds of Candy . Pleasant to the taste. Effective, reliable. DR. J. H. McLEAN’S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM Eliminates uric acid. The best remedy for Rheumatism and diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. 11 a Bottle, at druggists. THE DR. J. Ifc MCLEAN MEDICINE 00., •T. IVJB, ISO. FOR SALE BY i W BUTTS, Tbe.,iru*trnt.* ~r. pool, Contractor and Builder, 119 South Stotu ’%)! °(r<et Brunswick, - Georgia iSAXXfflTO rOUR SHOES. Allen V*¥oot- Knee, h powder. It rum painful, smarting, nef von feet and ingrowing na ls,and instant’> tae M. ulngmir C3rus end bun loub. .i’d UiP / • t c i.mfvrt tu-covery of the age. Allan's foot-Ks&c rank* J’ijrht oi Dew shoes feel carp lit • ,>n#irefor ► weal ing. ca?i oh and hot. cited. act ing feet. Try it tod&’. hoM *.f all dr iggistn and t-hoe Stores. By malt for isc in t£ tnps. Trial package |r< e. Addi‘% Alien 8. Plata lead, Le Hot* N. ) .//2UM WILL SERVE NO* LONGER L j Gen. Evans Determined to Resign. [ cannot mmm Commander of Georgia Di vis'o i Confederate Veter ans Will Insist on Retiring. Atlaita, Ga., October 24.—(Jen-' eral Clement A, KvflJlg announc ed this moraiog that he would not ao crpt the ccmmander.hip of the Georgia 'Veterans if the position was tendered him. He baa already made the announce ment but he reiterated the statement,, tcday. The veterans will make a very strong eff irt to have the general retain his pretent place, but he says he is deeply conscious of the honor which has been conterred on him in the past but ss the aatcciation is now well or- ganized he thinks some of bis CDmradee should succeed him. He says he does not think tha veterans will offer him the place of commander when they un derstand his position, He has sent out lelttrs to every camp in the state notifying the mem bers that he would not be a candidate for re-election, and that he would to. if It waa again 1; d ered him. General Evans was very positive In his announcement today. He soys be loves the veterans, and will do any thing fo- them, but since the associa tion i, in such spiendid condition he thinks the office of commander sLould go to Bomebody else. It is exasperating to unc who knows Foley's Honey and Tar, and knows what it win do, to have a dealer recommend something else as “just the s ime,’’ or -just as good' 1 for colds, coughs, croup, la grippe, etc. TV. J. Butte.' For Backache use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU. 9 In our furnishing goods department you will find all that’s new and popular. Levy’s The Quakers Are Honest People. tThe Quaker Herb Ton ic is not only a blrod purifier, but a Blood maker for Pale, Weak and Debilitated people who have not strength nor blood. 11 acts a* a tonic, it regulates di gestion, cures dyspepsia and lends strength and tone to the nervous sys tem. It is a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, and can be taken by the most delicate. Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Blqod, Stomach and Verves soon succumb to its wonderful ■’ffact on the human system. Thous ands of people in Georgia recommend it Price SI.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the med icine that the Qusker Doctor made all of his quick cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Tootbachp. Backache, P.heumatiem, Sprains, Pain in Bowels; in fact, all pain can be relieved by it. Price 2/c onrt 60c QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOA P. aDi dicated soap for the skin, scalp nd complexion, Price 10c a cake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for the core of letter, ecceroa and eruptions of the kin. Prme 10,s a box. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati. Polhiirs Drue Store BRUNSWICK TIMES-* ALL, OCTOBER 24, I9to* SHIPPING REPORT. k. Corrected Daily by Oapt. Otto Johannostn Port of Bruns iek, Oct. 33,1900. t ARRIVED. BrigJjbn McDermott, Tonker, S. Johns, P. R. CLEARED. Schr. Martha 8. Bement, llulin, New York. SAILED. Scbr. R. Bowers, Young, Provi lenoe. Schr. Jennie S. Hall, Watte, Bos'on. SHIP NOTICE Neither the masjgf nor owners of the Norwegian- bark, Emilie Mare will be responsible for any debts o in fracted by the'orew of said bark. /. Tonnesen. Master. .... *|y . Ship IS itlcr. Neither the master nor o vners of the Norwegian birk Tri i will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of -aid bark. Thormek, Master. Ship Notice. Neither the master, owners or con signees of the Norwegian bark Areola, wltl be responsible for,: any debts oootrac'id by the orew of said bark, . • Sgg AndiieSen, BPKCIAL NOTICE. Neither the master, nor owqefe of the British bark Etbtl. Clar%*i will bs responsible for soy. debts oontraetrd by the crew of said steamer. Bkekton. Master. A Minister’! Good Work, “I hat a severs attack of btlioua colic-gota bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and iHxrrliuu Remedy, took two do*B and was en tirely cored,” says Iter. A. A. Power, of Empo ria, Kan. “My neighbor across the street was sick for over a week, had two or three bottles o medicine from the doctor. He 'used them for three or four dsyWwltbout relief, tbrn called in] another doctor who treated him for so .no days and gave him no relief, so discharged him. I went oter to aee him the next morning,, tie said his bowels were In a terrible fix, that they had been running off so long thatlt was almost bloody flux. I asked him If he had tried chain berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Dlari-huh Remedy, and he said, ‘No.’ I went home and brought him my bottle and gave hiinonedose; told him to take another dose in fifteen or twenty min utes if he did not find relief, but lie took no more, and was entirely cored I think It the best medicine f haveever tided." For sale by Dr. Bishop's drug store. Things you won’t find elsewhere, Dunlap and Stet son Hats, Manhattan 'Shirts. Levy’s'. This is trie season when mothers are alarmed on section! of OttWP. I' (> quickly cured by Oae OoUgb Cure, which children liketWtake. W. J. Butts. Pure Whiskey, Harper’s. Peifoc' Whi-k-y, Harper’s. Every bnttb guaranteed Harper’.. Sold b) T. New man, Brofiewick, Ga. It Heals th-' Longa. When suffering turn a rreking cough tuk*: dose of Foley’.- Honey and Tar. The soreness will be relieved and a warm, grateful feeling and healing of the parts affected will be expe rienced. Take nosuinstitute. W. J. Butts. Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. Jft. Watxins. Dr. W. H. Lewis, Lawrencevil’c, Va., writes: “I am using Kodol Dys pepsia Cure in my practice among se vere ctses of indigestion, and find it an admirable remedy.' 1 Many nun dredt of physicians depend upon the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure >n stom ach troubles. It dtgosts what you eat. tod allows you to eat a'l the good food you need, providing you do not oyer load your stomach. Gives instant re lief and a permanent cu e. W. J. Butts. ~BUY THE GENUINE > SYRUP OF FI6S ... MANUFACTURED BY ... CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. _ rrkorr. fur name- Tor Diabetes use STUART’S GIN and BUCIIU*. Dr. Hathaway Treats All Diseases. His Method Invariably Cures All Catarrhal, Bronchial, Lung, Stom aeh? l.iv r. Kidney and Other Com plaints, ;;s Well as All Diseases and Weaknesses of Women. in Dr. Hathaway’s most extensive practice, cot B* ertiig a period of more c L‘:..n2o. ars.b^Uasbeen mgb “ ciilleU upon r* wreiu *ll JK M fl manner of diseases of J nieu and women and wV :• tno whole- line of V human ailments bo has been umtoniily sue cessful. • '.At-'- l'r- Hathaway's mo limit of treatment m-ts —2— directly at tin, seat ot Purifies til! ' troul)lc - purities the blooq ,• . r-inod up tlie whole .system- afid *" " uetitriliics' the poisons wldoh conditions. :i n;c'2cat . Y< ‘ arl >' be restores to perfee',. j beiiltli thousands of sufferer: trcrtica. from Catarrh. Bronchitis, A ’ ;iaa, 11 ay Fever, l.ung Complaints, StomiMfctep tvr>r ana Kidney Diseases, riles. Tumor?. (Wm t*rs. Eczema and a!! rusmi'n of skin diseases of " omen T •,:>r weltiuifese^uitl. iiveases by whioi: are afflicted LntrTiwLyN otfices are lit ted , ' ’ v 11 1 ad' the latest elec-trioal and vpj>...rces. app; ;.:.ces, In the use ct •hk !i. ;iii well tlie mienwcope, ne has world 'MjTiciieas an expert. All of tho medicines ■■'•ed oy Dr. Hathaway arc Compounded in his iWDiabtrafories, under his personal direct I on. trm special TejheiUes ni o' prebanvl for each in ilvidttai fcttso aocording to Its reduirements. Enmlnattnn I>r - DjUimwuy lias prepared a k* J* series of self-eMaminalian blanks u .an Hi. apidytngto the different diseases "hicß he *euds free on apidication-. No. i, for Men; No. 2, for Wpmen; No. ?. for Skin Diseases; No. i. tui Gatarrhai Disease--; No. s.* for Kidneys Dr. Hathaway makes nocharire iMcncuitatioiv for (**msultatitm at either his Free. office hr bymftU. . 4 AaSWTGiV HATHAWAY, M. D. v Dr. Ilathuw ay & Cos., CrTnu yNroet, Savannah, Uu this pafkr whkv cnrciya SERVICE BV PUBt.ICATIO.N pf. Gt*orgia—County of Glynn., • AfrikKlliUMarkham Libel for-divorce: in the Superior court ofGlVnn vs. county. May term, 1000, Order to perfect service Martin B. Maikhum granted at said term. To the Martin B. Markham. You arc ben bjf required, in person or by at torney, to be ami appear, nt the December •Term, IffOO, of Glynn Superior court, to bo hold eo in and for said county, at the courtdiouue,in Brunswick. Giynn count', Georgia, on the first Monday in December t 1900, and you will lie there by ten (10) o'clock, Of the forenoon df said day, then and there to answer the complaint of the plaintiff Mrs. Ella Markham, in the above stated oast, in her libel for divorce. Witness tho Honorable Joseph W. Bennot, Judge of Urn Superior court of Glynn county, this the 24th day of August, 1000. A. O.TOWNSKND, Clerk of the Superior Court, Glynn 'iiifcCmuUy, Georgia. ■Rest da rt, Attorney for Plaintiff. (I •‘ v >KBVICK BY PUBLICATION. ~~ Mrs. Clyde Fj*eeman, j Libel for Divorce. Tte turnahle to December vs. Term, 1900, of Superior _ Court of Glynn coun (). J. Fncman. j tv, Georgia. To the eaid defendant, O. *J. Freeman: Y“ou are hereby required* personally or-by attorney,to he and appear at the next term of tho Bupe|dor Court 01 said county, convening on the film Monday m December, 1900, then and there to aiiHwer the plaintiff, Clyde Freeman, upon the merltß of her petition for divorce filed Htrafnat ymi ; aw in default or such ai>tiearance tbe CourFwlll proceed aw to justice whall apper tain. Witness the Hon 4o* e Ph W. Bennet. Judge of said Superior Court, thw 22d dav of August, 11)00. A. O, TOWNSKN!, Deputy Clerk Suiierior Court. Glynn Go., Ga. f>. W. KB AUSS, PlttPs. Atty. .SERVICE BY PUBLRATION. State of Georgia—t ounty of Glynn. Mrs. Lzzie Long JLihel for divorce: In the Superior court of Glynn vs. county, Mav term, 1 INK). Order 10 perfect service, Tbomaw A. gianted ai said term. To tlie Defendant. Thomaw A Long. You are horeby required, in person or by at torney. to be an<l attpear. at the December term, 1900.0f the Glynn Superior couri.toue -bolden in and for said county, at the court hr use in Brunawick, Glynu countv. Georgia, on tbe first Monday in December, 1900, and you will be there by ten no) ©.'clock of the forenoon of said day, then and there to answer the com fd*inf of tbe plaintiff, Mrs. Lizzie Ixonir in the above “fated case, in her libel for divorce. Withers the Honorable Joseph W Bennet, Jndg' l of thq court of Glynn county, this the 24th day ol Augimt. LWO. A. O. TOWNSEND. Deputy Clork of the . Superior Court, Glynn bounty Georgia. KR.NESr DART, Attorney for IMaiotiff: PUBLIC ri 11 K fct'Ue of Georgia—County of Glynn. Under and by virtue of the pawer of sale contained in the deed to secure debt from Amanda A. Duvj- to the BrunhWick Title Guarantee and Loan Company, marie executed and delivered on tie 24th oav o' February,Nti, and which said deed *o i, octire debt Ik duly re corded on pages 441. 142 at,a 44 5 of Vol U (it the genera! records of, Georgia, rel erenco thereto bcing liad, Die Title unarantee an 4 Lou a company will expose and offer for sale to tlie highest and best bidder for cash, before the court bouse door of Glynn county, Georgia, within the legal Lour* of sale, on the flist Tins ily,' ia Novemlier. 190(i, all of that certain tract, lot or parcel of land, wuh the building* and improvements thereon futuate. lying and b€i"g In the Old Town of the City of Brunt* • wic k. *lynn county, Ge orgia, known and de scribed as 'he n triheuntera 80x90 feet of Old Town lot number twelve (12), bounded on the coith by the eastern one-half of lot riumiier eleven (ti) 90 feet; east oy Oglethorpe street SO feet; south by tbe remaining eastern portion of said lot nunjt er 12 90 feet, and west ly the noi tn western portion of said Old Town lot number 12 8) feet, aid Old Town lot num ber 12 being identified upon the map of said city made by George R. Baldwin A. D. 1W to whic h reference is hereby bad for tbe purpose liquidating the indebedneni due aafd com pany oy the said grantor, namely, $600.00 prin cipal debt, besides interest unto the firtfc I nes tin' in November, 1900. amounting to $417.82, and tbe further suui of $9 60 a* coats of adver this saie. BRUNSWICK TITLE GUARANTEE & LOAN COMPANY. ByC. Y. GOODYEAR, President. Attests W.K. Kay, Sec A Treas. Tbe Plant System will tell round trip tickets fr.r’tbe annual fsir, Way cross Fair A>ooiation, at one fare* from Toomasville, A bany, Sivannal)., JaoiMii It Lake City, Moonteello andintenueiiiste points, A spl nditl ritojfram of afraotlons baa been arran(i<nhs*t!(J visit, Of* will be wt ll enterla nfi. B. W. W*kh, Passeoffer Traffio Manager, Sivanntb.Ga. SHERIFF SALES. GEOKGIA, Glynn County. Will be sold before the courthouse door in •aid county, on the first Tuesday In November, ISOO. the name being the tb day thereof, w ithin the legal hours ot sale to the highest bidder for cart, the following property to-wit: One rodei top desk, six (U) oak mantel,, threo (3) large tombstones, five (5) small tombstones, one Moi ler iron sare. Levied on as tho property of the defendant. Keed E. I.aMance, to satisfy an exe cution issued from the City court of Bruns wick, county of Glynn, at the March term. IMS), in favor of Swlnglci & Falconer for three hun dred and eighty-one dollars and four cents t 5381.04) principal, with interest thereon from December 14, 1890, at 8 por cent, per annum until paid and all costa. levy made and re turned to me by E. F. Tayior, depute sheriff. Also at the same time and place, the following described propertvto-wit: That cer tain lot, tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the city of Brunswick, county of Glynn, state of Georgia, and known and de scribed on Baldwin's map of said city made in the year is:;7 as tbesouthwest one-sixth (1-8) of Old 1 own lot number 84. Levied on as *!, property of the e-’ate of J. y B 3ur nafter and of nn execution issued by 11. ,1. Head, tax collector, for state and county taxes due for the year 185*9. Amount of tax $35,00 with inter est and all costs. 1-evy made and returned to me by it. 8. Flies, deputy eherifl'. Also at the same time and place the following described property towit: Those siSlS&ffMpte, tracts or parcels of land situate "c in the city of Brunswick, coun ■tau- of Georgia, and known and |U||P!oßa|nons’ map ot said city, made p.n tho ycal. as Ilabcrsbam park lots nnm- I'ers tii, J7.VP and 02, between and Gordon Streets. Levied on as the property of Mrs. F E. Habersham under snd by virtue of an exe cution Issued by 11. ,T. ltoad, tax collector, t r state and county taxes due for the year 1898. Amount of taxes SSO with interest ami all coat. Levy made and returned to me by R. s. Pyles deputy sheriff. “ Also at the same time and place, tb# following described property towit: Thai cer tain lot or tract of land situate, lying ami be ing in the 27th district G. M.. countv of Glynn, state of Georgia, and known as a part of Colo nel g island, containing two hundred (2CO) acres more or Icsb. Bounded on the north by lands of the South Brunswick Railway Cos., on tho west by Fancy Bluff creek, on the south and oast by lands of the Brunswick Dock Cos. Lev ied on as the property of said Brunswick Dock Cos. under ana by virtue of an execution issued by 11. J. Read,tax collector,for state and county taxes duo for tho year 1899. Amount of tax ono hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125.) with Interest and all costs. Levy made and return ed to me by K. S. ryles, deputy sheriff. W.H. BERRIE, Sheriff Glynn County,Ga. REGISTRATION NOTICE. Oflloe City Clerk, Brunswick* Ga., Oct. 1,1900. In accordance with Section X of the amended the City of Brunswick, approved November 18,1889, 1 will on the first Monday in October, li)ou, at 10 a. m., open the books for the registration of the qualified (to he qualified to register all State, County and City Taxes must ho paid) voters of the city of Brunswick, Ga , arfd keep the Barne open until tbe first Monday in November, 1900. L. O. BO OFT, Clerk, CITATION. GEORGIA—GIynn Countv. To whom it may concern: A, C. Shannon having in proper form applied to me for per manent, letters of'administration upon the es lute of I>. F. Sleeper, of said county, deceased, this is to cite the creditors and next of kin or said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time required by law and show cause, if any, why permanent letters should not be granted to the applicant as prayed for. Witne-s my official tignathre this 11th of Octo ber, 1900, BoRACBrDART, ordinary. I : CITATION. G KORGfA—GLYNN COUNTY. Lorena Turner, wife of Alfred Tinner, has app led for exemption of personality un lsctt ing apart and valuation of homestead out of h'* Piopertyand I nil! piss upon the same at lo o elOck a. in., on the 22nd day of October,l9oo, at my office. Thia September 29th, 1900 HORACE DART, Ordinary Glynn County, Ga. btdiVICE BY PUBLICATION. State of Georgia—County of Glynn. Mrs. Edna Wylie Libel for divorce; in the Superior court of Gljun * vg. - county, May term, 1900, order to perfect Beryict, James Wylie. grained at .raid term. To the Defendant, James Wylie. Yon ana hereby required, in person or by at torney. to be and appear at the December term, 19,i0<of Glynu Superior court,to be Hold en in and for said county, at the court house, ip Brun.-wick, Glynn county. Georgia, on tlie first Monday In December, 1900. and you will be there by ten (10) o'clock of the forenoon of ?ata day, then and th*be to anewer the com plaint of the plaintiff. Mrs. r dna Wylie, in the above stated case, in her libel for divorce. witness the Hono able Joseph W. Rennet, Judge of the Superior cohi tof Glynn county, this the.24'h day of August. 1900. A. O. TOWNSEND. Deputy cicrk of the Superior Court, uivnr ) County. Georgia. FRNk.sT DAKT, . . Attorney for Plaintiff. AHMUNM l BATOR sTsllk” GEORG! A—Glynn Cour,tv. By virtue of an order f the Court of Ordi nary of said county, 1 will sill at public ouicry on the first Tuosiiay iu November, I9QB, at tbe court house in •-aid county, witbm the legal tooim of sale, the following described.ittudg, tho property of the es ate ofßildgct Mirbihan, de- d, si*uate ih the Cliy ot Brauns wick, in rsl'l rtatc and county, to wit: T.ois nunbere twelve hundred and thn ty-geven <!287;, twelve iiun red and thirty oighi (1298),iwclff hundred -no thirty-nine twelve hundred and forty U’-GO/, six hundred and forty-two <<>42 . and six hundred and forty-three 043), r*gie.- livcdy. ear hof eaid lots ueing in that portion of said city commonly called “New Town, ’ and designated upon the rnaji of the plan <*f Bai l cPy i.r made by Geo. H.Baldwin, serveyor, A. l>. 1897. and of the addition the num bers aljovt described, knu to which mao and to the order of said court of ordinary aforesaid, reference is made for ail purposes of deectip tion. Also, fbe unexplred leasehold interest lr and to the following lots o parcel* ol 1-jr.d ait cate in the city of Brungwick, and in thrt part thereof commonly called “Town ConnioDM.*’ to wit: That portion of lot u irober u* venty-flve 75) fronting forty t. 50) feet n Amherst street and ninety (90) feet on J street, tbe lea .ohuld therein expiring u on March 21,1907; bff num ber one hundred ..i i thirty-five (185), bounded eufetby Albany street, south by L street, wegt by Wolfe street and north by lot number one hand’ed and tblrtv four, and having a front upon Ait*any and Wolfe etreeia rajjjectJvrly of nm 3} (80) feet and a depth betwetwaid atieets of boudr* and and ei ht* (iW) feet. albo. that portion of lot nutuber one hundred and -thirty-four (184) Umnded eatt by Albany street, south by lot number one hundred and thiny-flv' (19o), west by M r olfe street, ana north bv Jot numlrer one* hundred and thirty tnree (138;; and tho remaining portion of sa:d lot number om hundred and thirty three (184, the same fronting twenty-nine (29) feet upon Albany Btreet and ninety (00) feo upon Wolfe 'fitfcSftbe leasehold intcreiil therein cxplri.i? AitQrrV, 19fi7, and the description of each of sud Town Commons lot* and paits f lots ueing made with reference to the map of what a com monly called the * Hughes Huryey* 1 c f the Town Common* ( f.Mro Oty of file in the office of tin mayor and council tnoreof. Termsoi sa/e cash. Tme October 8, im KG' UNDO T< RR 8, Adin to tat ra tor le bouUnon etc. Bridget M.n< - ban, deceased. NOTICE TO TAXFVYKRc. t of tho purport* the SL t< and County Tax for .1 will be at the follow ng <t. rlet preoncts on dan;* named, to- vit: % Oiet* Oct. 27, Nov. 19 and Dec. it 27 Hist. Oct 20, Nov 2< 5 and Dec. 4. 1856 l>i4t. Ocl. 25, N0v.21 and Dec fl. 14.9 List. Oct. 5?4, Nov, 22 and l‘e: 7 20, Dial, (refe 29, JO, HI, Nov. 2”, 24, '!>< anti Dec. 8, JO. 11. I. J. Ukau. ii T.C. GiynuCo, Service Ey Publication. STATE OF GEORGIA--Connty of Glynn. John Rogers, ) In Glynn Superior Court, May _ . If- | Term, 1000. J u ', c I I.tBEL for divorce. To tlie Defendant. Susie Rogers: 2.**® Sereliy commanded to be and appear at tlie December Term, next, of Glynn Superior Court, to beholden at the court house in Itvunswiek, Glynn County, Georgia, on the ~iv 8 . t „ i J on ! las '. ‘I 1 Dumber, lfioo. and by Ten (10) O’clock of the forenoon of said date, then ami there to answer the complaint of the plain tiff in the abore stated case in his Liuel for Divorce. Witness, the Honorable Joseph \V. Bennett, Judge of the Snp-.rior Court of Glynn County this the 10th day of July, ltioo. H. F. duBIGNft" Clerk Bupeflor Court, Glynn GEOllu:. ; V| | m iJary C. I Levy, The National Hank of Brii'KS* rnfrfcnd the May or and Council of Brunswick.—Petition for par tion of realty in Glynn Superior court, De cember Term thereof, 1900. To the Defendrnt, Jefferson Levy: You are hereby notified that the petitioner in the above stateti case will apply for a parti tion of that certain real property in the state of Georgia, county ot Glynn and city of Bruns wick, described as follows: T o Northeastern portion of wbat is known as and called the “Thirty Acre Tract” or “The Wells Tract*” having the following courses and distances, to wit: Commencing at the centre of the South ern line of Union street and running thence Southwardly 1,610 feet; thence running Easfe wardlyßlofeet; thence running Northwardly 1610 feet; thence running Wcstwnrdly .555 feet, except threo certain email tracts heretofore sold by the owners; such application for par tition of said land will bo made at the next term of said couifc to be held on the first Mon dao in December next. This notice given in pursuance of an order granted September 28,1900, by Hon. Paul K. Sea brook, judge of said court presiding, the Honorable Joseph W, Bennet being disqualified in said case. . Witness tho Honorable Paul E. Seabrook. of said court pre siding, this October 1, 1900. . u H. F. DU BIGNON, ui> 2.Mrior Court, Glynn County, Ga. SPARK.S & T W ITTY, Petitioner’s Attorneys. John M-Steele Application for re vs. . . Janie Htidier, formerly moval of Janie Steele. ' disabilities. Notice is hereby given that on the oth day of October, POO, the undersigned filed in the office of the clerk of the Superior court of Glynn county lug application for removal of tho disa bilities resting upon him under tha verdict and judgment.rendered in said court May 21, 1900—* iu tho| suit of his former wife, Janie Steele, wgaiust hiinfor divorce, and that Bald applica tion will be heard at the term of said court be the ilrnt Monday in December next. This October 8, 1900. JOHN M. STEELE CITATION. GEORG! '—Glynu County, To whom it may concern: H. J. Read having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of George McArthur, Into of said county, this is to cite all and singular, tho creditors and next of km of George McArthur to tie aud appear at my office within tho time allowed by law and show ca line, if any they can, why lermauont administration should not be granted toH.J. Read on George McArthur’s estate. Witness my hand official signature this 12th day "of Oc tober, 1910. HORACE DART, Ordinary. CITATION. Georgia—Glynn County. Mrs. Fannie A. Smith has applied for exemp tion of porsonalitfand the petting apart anil valuation nf homestead out of tbe estate of H C, Smith, deceased, late of said connty and t-tate. and I will pass upon the game at ten o’clock a. m ,on the 22nd day of October, 1900, at tny office in the court house of said county and state. J HORACE DART, Ordinary Glynn;County, Ga. CITATION. GEORGIA-—Glynn Count}’. Whereas, Ella J. Jennings, administratrix of George W. Calvin estate, represents to tho court in her petition, duly filed and entered on record, that she has ftiHy administered George W. Calvin’s estate. This is, therefore, to cito all persons concerned, kindred aud creditors, to show cause, if any tliev can, wliv said ad ministratrix should riot be discharged from awinlatration. and receive loiters of dismis sion ou the first Monday in December, 1900. HORACE DART, Ordinary. CITATION. Georgia—Glynn County. Mtb. Mary Mahoney having made nppllca tion for twelve month*’ suppoit.out of the estate of Timothy Mahoney, and appraisers duly appointed to Bet apart the aame having ft;' I their return, all persona concerned are herebJLftß'qired to show estiec before the court ■>f oronpry oi said county on the 11 rat Monday in November, why said application should not le granted. Thin Hhdov of HO It ICE DAHT, Ordinary. CITATION. GkonGLV-Glynn County y i banjufi part, of Glynn county, in said Stale lias applied to the Ordinary of said county of Glynn for exemption Of personally and sol ting apart and valuation of homestead, and I w ill pas-; upon the s one t 10 o’clock u. m. upon the mb dy of October, I*JOO, a the court house 1u said county of Clvnn. This September 22, IPOO. JEFFERSON f). sI’AKKd. Judge City Court of Brunswick and pro hac vice ordinary Glynn County, Georgia. Administrators Notice. A'] persons Tuivi claims against estate of JG. Campbell will epent them to the. under signed, a. all owir, ;ud estate Nvill Heaae pay the. aoc- vnts to J. J. SI’KARS, Aim r. Fstate J. G. Campbell. ■LL'.H ■ ■! NOTICE OF LOCAL LEGISLATION. The put llc is hereby notified that a bill will be offer© l at the next session of ibe legist iture emending the charter of the city of Brunswick R. R. HOPKINS Brunswick, Ga., Sept, 27, 1900. State of Georgia—County of Glynn. The co-partnership heretofore existing, under the firm uanie and stylo of Taylor,Cook oc Com pany engaged in the saw mill but-lness, in the manufacture oi cypress lumber, and otherwise, at Brunswick, G , having served it# purposes, itls matually agreed by all of the undersigned members of said Arm tbai the said partnership be and (he aimeisheieby dissolved by mutual consent. The business neretofore carried on ny tb** said company will hereafter To conducted bv the corporation duly created by the Superior court of Glynn comity. Georgia, with its principal office in Brunswick, Ga , kuow as and oallo.l the Tayh -i ook Cy .reBS Company. All debt ors, redit.ia and other part' s dealing with | said co-partm ,/ i the past aud all persons other*i-oH' l i and will take notice. ThisOc foLer i\ hsx>. .ispecll uiiy, „ . O, N Taylor*. '1 H. Cook. Will 8 Taylor. .1. II Cook. Mr*. Hattie *l. A. W.Cook. Mr*. Rebec*'a A. Cuolc. .) W.Cook, Mrs. I . M.t alvln. I KOTH;i: Of-LOCAL LEGISLATION. T!< ‘ is t/i i.i ify ;> i persons concern t hat t ,ti id he lot rod*. a t e next osiou of the v ii'rat a-i-embly of Georgia. a bid to be ensiled. An Act to Prohibit All Persons "from ;-fW’D • fc.iu bound Burning Wood* Witht US LI r ,lt* of Glynn County m Bi and State: to Ire * scribe a Penalty Therefor, and lor other Pur . pose*, This October I', 1900, mU* W. A. CLARK.