Newspaper Page Text
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
Shoes, / - Gent’s Furnishings
Hsuitsmle JShoes at . f rts a *
Man's Calf Hah at . .. -.25 ! - I.' •• Guyei JI t < . : v v . . -V-'S
L&die'sT:Urs Kyots at ■■£......... 2.75 __ „ }(j *'Lo s Stiff i I at*, latest styles. Vv-.1 ; 7?
U eKQOki at .y: ->.25~ ' Xji'- HojV Youth’s Shoes at 120'
La,.' I 'at/: y 225 A Iar * line of half hose and K. &W, Collars at'cost.
Ladies’ Patent Leather French Heel Ties at 2.75 -> our linc of Neckwear is swell and complete .
A LARGE LINE OF MISSES’ AND £. ML iU " sW “* bhl,tsallß,z£Slt
children’s shoes at cost. dK Come and See Us,
t. ',;y-
- 116 Newcastle Street.
Collector Goodyear, of the B iard of
Trade, ia to make hit last round today,
and those who can possibly do so
Should pay their dues so as to get in
*ilb those who signed (be list some
leeks, ago.
This is an important matter and
be attended to.
A Georgia syrup ard buoitw'm .
at\ E. Hobart.’, comer Egmoot aud
Alotmarle streets.
Matinee today 2:30.
N’ote approved.
Puns, Oct. 23. —At. a recoo4 rageuag
of tee foreign ojiniatera in OLlff , tte
Fiercb r,o * wan approved.
The :-kin is the seaf of an almost end
!■ >i diseases. Thevareknown
by \ ar.M .s names, but are all due to the
a tine cause, act 1 and other poisons m
the Koo-i that irritate and interfere with
the prone; action of the skin.
To h : . a smooth. soft tldn, free from
all er:.t it nr the blood must be kept pure
and k. achy. The many preparations of
arsenic and and the large number
of face jHiwdi 3 and lotions generally
used in this class of diseases cover Up
for a sV. rt : : but cannot remove jier
manentiv t: <* u;-!y blotches and the red.
disfiguring pimpies.
Eternal vigilance is t!ioprice
of a beautiful complexion
when sui h remedies are relied on.
Mr. H. T. S’! be. Lucas AvemMlpel Louts,
y,‘ says; '' 1C daughter was anjicteU for years
with a di-.figuring eruption oa her face, which
resisted ail treatment. She was taken to two
ceieoratod hr; ti spring* but received no bene
fit. Many mofilinrs were prescTi'oed, but with
out result, uut'tW r decided to try 8. S. E..
the time the fiistbottle was finished the enWltion
began to dtse ;*;>• '• A dozen bottle* cured her
completely and left her skin perfectly smooth.
6he is now seventeen years old, and nut a sign of
the embarrassing disease ha* ever returned.' 1
S. S. S. is a positive, unfailing cure for
the worst forms of skin troubles. It is
the greatest of ail blood purifiers, and the
only one guaranteed purely vegetable,
Ba ’ blood m ikes bad complexions.
Sfjjs r Jy purities and invigo
& s (‘\ E rates the old and
makes new, rich blood
k_jH tb a t nonrisbes the
w-wi v bodv and k< ps the
skin active and healthy and in proper
condition to perform its part towards
carry.”g off the impurities from the body.
If you have Ecacna, Tetter, Acne. Salt
Kbet'ir r.soriasis. or vour skin is rough
ano pimply, fiend for >ur bo ok or B'.ood
and Skin Dis ;es and writ/our physi
cians about your cap" Iso charge wht-i*
ever for this ser ice.
Dee TAN ARUS?,, Oct. 21. The
grand chapter of the Order of Eastern
Star conrened here today for a two
days’feenou. Fully 1,200 persona are
in attendance
It Happened in a Drug
•‘One day list winter a lady came-to my drug
*tore and asked for a brand of cough medicine
that I did not have In stock/* saye Mr. C. K.
Uranrfiu, the popular druggist ot Ontario, S r i,
“She was disappointed and wanted to know
what cough preparation I could recommend/ P
said to her that I e<>uM freely recomjßfiihJ'
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and that she
could take a bottle' ot the remedy and -after
giving it a fair trial if she did not find it
the money to bring buck the bottle and I would
refund the price paid. In the course of a day
or two it e lady came back in company with n
i' i- no in of a cough medicine and advised
hoi to buy a Louie of Chamucr.'a'n's Cough
Remedy I consider that a very good recoin
meudatkm for the remedy/* The remedy mvo§
great popularity and extensive pale in a
Ligpi measure to the - jiersoniil lecoiumcuda
tums of people who have been cured by lt,e> use.
lfis for sale at Dr, Btshnu’* store.
Do not g--t scared if yourbeart trou
ble you. Most likely you suffer from
Indigestion. KoUol Dyspepsia Cure
diges s whsf you eat, and gives th#
worn ;ut s'-uEscb perfect rest. It us
the only preparation kno rs that com
pletely digests all classes of factls;
hat is why it cures the -worst esses of
r.diges v ion and stomach trouble after
everything -US has failed. It may bs
•aken ia a t condition*, and cannot
help tu do yon good. W. J. Butte.
Con*, ipstiou is the rook that wreck*
n*ny live*; it poieone the very life
blood , R-kU'arity can be established
Ibroarhthe use of Prickly Asb Bit*
1 s*. 1 is mildly cathartic, and
ro gfhens t.he stomach, liver ahd
Kicueys. W.J. Butts.
Our Greatest Specialist
for 20 years Dr. J. Newton Hath
away lias so successfully treated chronic
diseases ha* he Is acknowledged today
- stand it the head of h iprofession in
il •> line. His exclusive method of
>"esurient foi Varicocele an& Stricture
wit' om the aid of knife or cautery
< urea in 90 per cent, of all cases In
•i-"taient of loss of vital forces
rvou d ; ordera, kidney and urinary
io'aintf, paralysis blood poisoning,
itmißi.Ui.iD, catarrh and diseases pecul
o w-mien, he is equally successful
i>. Hathaway’s practice is more’ban
Inn Me that of anj other specialist.
Oaves pronounced hopeless by other
*> lymoiatir., readily yield to his treat
eul. ' rite him today fully about
."mi -as;. He makes no charge foi
const - ation or advice, gather at his of
fice .<r by mail.
20 liryan Street, it'avaunah, Ga
We One JHundredi Dußsra Re
ward for •nf’-We of Catarrh that oao*
not be cured bV ITsti’s Catarrh Cure.
Jf. J. CHEXEY & 0O„ Tul.d„, 0..
We, the umiersigned. have,kn!>wii
F, J. Cheney for the last fifteen j ekre
ard believe him perfecily honorable
in all bueloess trartesoiiustAand finan
cially able to carry out any. oWigatione
made by their Arm.
West & TTMax, wh'ele-ele druggiete,
Toldo, O,
Welding Kjno&n-A; Marvin, wbole.ale
druggists, Toledo,"©.
Half's: Catarrh Cure is taketMhter
ally, a'erjng Uir.ctly upon blood
and mucous surfaoes of fhe *yn em.
Testiru'XMgl* s*nt free. Trice Tsc, per
bottle.; Sfeld by all druggists. Hail’s
Family Tilp ate the best.
Matinee today ffof
“ We''have three children. Before ihe
birth of the last one my wi/e used four bot
tics of MOTHERS Faii/WD. If you had the
pictnres of our children, you could see at
a glance that the last one
is healthiest, prettiest and
finesMooklngnftbemall. \-VJ
My wife thinks Mother’s L
Friend Is the greatest 0
and grandest
remedy in ttc (
world for expefflf
ant mothers."— tggjyXJffiaf t.
Written by a Ken
tackyAttorney-at N
CDiriin Prevents nine-tenths of the
• L ft II suffering incident to chlld-
J *' birth. The coming mother’s
disposition and temper remain unruffled
throughout the ordeal, because this relax
ing, penetrating liniment relieves the
usual distress. A good-natured mother
Is pretty sure to have a good-natured chill
The patient is kept in a strong, healthy
condition, which the child also inherits.
Mother’s Friend takes a wife through the
crisis quickly and almost painlessly. 11
assists in her rapid recovery, and wards
off the dangers that so often follow de
Sold by druggist* for $ I otottle.
Bend for our free illustrated book writt
exyrew/ly for expectant mothers.
Lime nmi letflt.
Dr. Charles a;
child’s teeth, remarked tolfqispSjqr;
“You should move Imme(Jlfltoi/Ho a
ltnie country If you wont ydtir children.;
to have good teeth. The water here;
will ruin them.” ,j
In testimony whereof he produced a
statement that the residents of-the
state of Oregon have the Worst teeth of
any people In the United States, all b* j
cause there Is no lime water In that
country.—New York Trend.
RAILROAD charter. ,
•*— t
State of Georgia, fc'To.&e Honorable, the See-
County of \ ’twy of State of the state
*\ Glynn. # OWjJifW gto
I/ Tbepetiiion of u. Oownlr.g, F. I) Aiken. M
Kaisr K. H. Mii*n",*f, Kinatuiel, Y. Nnvman,
i J. J. JL^U, L. K. Aiken, K. Brobfcton ami W, G.
LBrattU*y. respectfully show-:
(\MfcjJa,knd ftii of fifcUl pe'ilionem, < x
|apPt. It. \ ifcen'. reside in < ity of Bum*.*
Perak, County of Giydhi anlßato of Georgia,
[an t' that petitioner *L. It Aiken t <?-h<jy* at,
>1 ctint Pfea an*, of Wayne an l %;{% of
Georgia. '
II- That petitioners tie*-ire to obtMW to r
thvmaetvej, t£e?.(S Jucce**ors and a.-,-ign-, ft
charter for raw‘ad oonjpmy to he known h*
the Brur -wlek a irmiidgpant Hailroud
p.inv, and they *o* k to under
such name a- ri corporau**l|. ay, for the f>urpO a e
of btfilding and operating a mint* ay ihte uttCltT
fit. Tnat tt e leng.h of the railroad
it> o*9 txii it hv aaM eompany Will be at> ait four
i huddred uml'fifty -T.o; n-tUr#, as near aw can be
estimated at thiaVroe, and that tho general ‘li
re Orion Of erne; will In: to ttoftliW‘.
IV. That a:,i l proposed rai boat! ’.©ginning
In rue City of Brunswick, Georgia, wi I pr<> -
al iy run through the counties of <lynn, Wayiv,
loro, p|>,, Colf'ee, Irwin, Wno/H," ly,
Sdnate , \Vv bsiei-Jr.nd M w an, in the State of
Ge.rgr*„t< a point on the homdary line be
tween 6*oiv i anti Alabama withia the county
of Stew art, in the Mate of Georg.a. and from
said point to tin* cities of Montgomery am! Hir
mingb in in the State of Alab;<iir\ and tne
I rincip *1 place# fr in which and to winch it is
pro 0.-ed to ron-truct .-aid railroad are Bruns
wick. Georgia, and M on! gome: y and Blruiii g
lam, A iabama.
V That it i* proposed to inane capital stock
in said railroad coinpanu to the amount of flf
t< en thot sand (Ulfi.OuC) for each mile of =aid
proposed railroad, makinga total capitalization
of six million seven hundred and fifty thousand
doll win $',760,, o),Mid all of the capita 1 stock
in to t,e common stuck and none of it preferred
VI. That petitioners desire that the charter
tz r said ra Iro and company, obtained under this
petition, -hall continue in force for the full
period fl <ed by law, towit; One hundsed and
one (loi) years.
VII. That it is proposed to locate the princi
pal < fflce of railroad company in the City
of Brunswick. Georgia, and petitioners show
thatthey do intend in good faith, immediately
upon the gi anting of the charterlhsrein prayed
r ir,to go forward without delay to secure sub
tcr ptlons to the capital stock, construct, c*auip
maintain and operate -aid railroad: Where
fore petitioners pray that they, their aueccm rs
and aligns, may In ineoi porat*d as such rail
road company, under the raid corporate name
of the Brunswick & Birmingham Railroad
Cornpan v , under the laws of the State of Geor
gia, with nil Upright#, powers and privilege*
incident and pe>rtn*nt to Htnilar railroad <or
porations aud as an'fixed and defined by the
lews of H*kl Btatc, and petluonetd will ever
¥. I*. Aiken,
M Kaiser,
JB. 11. Maaon,
N. lCmanue),
T. NetrrriJin.^.
.1. J. Lot t,
L. R Aik. |V
.W. a Brtiiil.,,
" Rainy Bay Hats.
The very b#t of the most favored shape* are
Bhowa pur asiortiment.
Trimmed and Uatrped Felt Hats
In variety of Bhapog, styles and •cior^, A ..
Whr have bought And madp tlum 1 lip* toj Swi
tq who desire something servftieti ■'-]£ yet
ttVetty; good, but low ja’ic-e.^
These arej'ight and priced rlght^
.ut.fict KsTKK ax.,
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids.
Nature in strengtheoing and recom
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tunic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency It in
stantly relieves and permanently cure?
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, HearrbdS-n,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach. Uittt', -a.
Sick Headache,(iastralgia,Cram; -nd
all other results of 1 mperlectdigetlon.
Preoorefl by E. C. DeWltt *Co, Ciblcajo.
KIDNEY Oiliy|’
are*/fhe most fatal ol all dis
rni rv if money cure is
Ulm and Guaranteed Remei)
o- money relui Contains
ren.edies rccoi.nizied by emi
nent physiciai'.S AS the best for
Kidney and Bhloer troubles.
PRICE SOc. and SI.OO. '
W. J. Butt', the Drugint.
v*- ' ' -- *' ; .
Prescriptions Filled Here
'A'ill not vary a fraction of a grain
from the quantity tailed for Ac-'
cursoy-ln the esintpoundlng of
ts'orvV'of opr strong point?. Added
to this, is ttic absolute purity and
undoubted freshness of cveiv (drug
used. Wc replenish ot r stock fre
quently and use or *sell nothing
which has become inrflieient
4* age.
ufiliiltiu) s J iUMi'iii’CU-'U-
Wall Paper
—at the—
so* stoiikist.
mm detective Wn
Civil and crtnmusl cares attended to
Oiitlness strictly confidential. En
quire* conducted with secrecy
IVI a rt t* a
i eaLsawi ) f
Never Sails to it ■■. t irr i * r*y 1
to its \o<.infu' Color. |
Po/sy’B J£i (bey, Cure
a * ptij e.uudlclne and i/ontail- Mo concentrated
torm remedies recofrbized by the miwl skillful
of the uedteal profenalok an th must affective
agent* for the cure of kidney nd bladder
troubles. W.J. Mutts.