The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 25, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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The Brunswick Times.
Established 18(9-
The Brunswick Call.
Established lwri.
The Brunswick Times-Call,
j Jtauu'.x'
Y jf /■. Y * Yif, i
1# MgBBSKm-mnkob l < a i
*OLAHD a. MULLINS, Business Manager
, I In Oglethorpe Block, 211F Street
O .yiC* } ) KUtPIIUNII HO lU‘i
Subscribers are requested to notify the office
when they fell to got any issue of the Times.
Call. Attention to this matter will be appre
ciated by the publisher*.
.. -afe.-:.-^=A
The Times -thill will be Delivered by
terrier or mail, per year. 96.00; per week 1.5
eeata. Correspondence on live subject*
tolleited. Seal name of writer should ac
company same- Subscriptions payable in
advance. failure to receive paper should be
reported to the buaineos office. Address all
•ommttnioations to
Brunswick, Ga.
He esftor a'l legal advertke
ments must be paid for after the
first insett'oa. The management
has been put to a great deal of
trouble and delay In collecting in
the pan*-, and in future must take
advantsge of the Georgia law on
thit subjee . . Got. 10, 1900,
nemocratic Met.
For President,
William Jennings Bryan.
For Yica President.
Adlai E. Stevenson.
Ver Electors of the President and Vice
President of the United States:
For Electors Slate at Large,
Augustas DuPont
Pulton Colville,
For jEltctor First Congressional Pint,
Wj W. Sheppard. •*-
For Elector Second Cooßreieifuai Diet
G, W. Fui^ootk
For Elector Third CsogrecMonal Diet.
W .Tsi "NoiUnglium.
For Elector Four creet- ion a i l >ist
B. P. fchll ’
For Elector Fkjjjji Cong tee oWIU dJ ftt.
Edgar Lathi®
For Elector Sixth
J. M. Stockland. yp*
For Elector Seventh CongriSfcionat’Dtet
J. P. Jackiway.
For Elector Eighth Cot gresronal Dist
A. U. McCurry.
For. Elector Ninth Congrestional DUt.
J. J. liiravy.
For Elector Ten'h Corgrtesional Disks
T. E. Mmsengnle.
ForJjElector 11th Congre-s'onul Dis*,
A. E, Cochran.
Fir Representative In Fifty-Seventh
Congress, U. 8., From Eli vrnth
Congressional District,
Wil’latu G. Brantley.
A New York audience got Tvildy
hacked a few days ago, and be came
near eating the whole crowd. You
know he Is a uai man; why he Shota
Spaniard in the back.
- -
The Timks-Call has a represents
tlve in Atlanta, sent there for the solo
purpose of reporting the proccodii gs ot
the legislature and cur readers can test
assured tLat they will get all the news
and as promptly as the readers o' any
other paper. This alt cost* uioa >t, 'ui
we hope the people will apprec ate U
and show that they do by an tticr. ased
E'sewhera in this Issue will be found
a Bjrnojia of Governor Candler’s mea
i.g**, and a perusal of Ihe same wil
show that it is a very able one. All of
the great questions which are agitating
the people are handled In a masterly
The finances of the state are in a
most excellent condition and the re~
duction of ihe tax rate is a source ot.
gratification to all.
All of the state institutions ara flour
ishing; tax reform is a subject that the
governor devotes considerable space in
bis message, he sub
ject should receive thejySftfih ot ihe
lawmakers. The sehocr question is
another- intricate probltm that on
frenta our reprtsontatives.
. The state military is the recipient of
a lovely bequet in the message. The
priaou system as a whole is said to be
good by the governor, but be urges a
law to meet the demand of the situa
tion aa to the misdemeanor convicts and
county chain gangs.
Ballot reform la another matter that
will have to receive the attention of the
legislature and the govei nor urges an
amendment to the constitution be*nb
milled to the people jljirvHiiug for a
A: 'WM® -
qualified suffrage I used on tiducational
or property qualifications or. both, .
Every citizen should read the n.esa
age, it covers every 'qjMikjj*.s| of any
importance and Is a atroi g Stvument.'*
The Rome Tribune sa>:
Georgia exchanges are arklog if Roost*
velt's visit to Jokyl island next Feb
refary Will be as vice prcilßentjdeot, or
simply a- Polut ■ t HmiteUV”
We hope lie wiil ene without the
vice presidential tide.
Jfi* jft-
M*bis. Njtltoll and WTBUMhs, own
ers of a largo ojstkwaaciog plaut cow
located'at Ches s.-, Fla., are (Nitrous of
remavieg to Brunswick, &and show
that they mean buslhSls a (F*af toswh#
laud on which the r iw u> Le lo
cated has already been and the;
only other questiru to 1.0 cousidered 1#
whether or not the city co(iy|Oll will
exempt the plant from taxation for A
pjttod of years.
Generally the lUmics Call is o. posed
la tax escmpllor, but in this case we
tfiittk It beat to loWhc geutlemen estaO-
Lsh here and relieve Hi m from
for about aVo years.
They saf 'dhat tLp corof an, wHI
work uottVs* T&au two humi' < ! hands
du-tug the f y*ter reason, and wo think
U test to give them aetear track. The
mattesjsrlll be brought up h.fort tho
city fathers tonight and their decision
in Hie matter will be watched with tn
tei eat.
—— -
In a recent speech Bena or Candler
"The sitirtHon this year stems to me
to resemble In sofne rcsoecs that of
1876. Then, with hardly a cloud In the
sky and with almost no apwrotenslon
of defea*, we lost ludinffc, tY e!v saved
Ohio with an Ohio candidate run ug for
president, ami list New Yot it.
“Now , also, lu HWO (he and jpoon tto
hofib and plan is 10 carry indu na and
N w York, and they wilt do t un em
there l* the utmost actlvip iu the*-.’
Newpnr, N -ws. Oc. 21— R.J. N
Craig oi Atlanta, dropp.d dead toisy
white uddi.ssil.g the Ties yterian rj
nodif Virg' u tension here. |
Going to bed to tumble and toa* and
dream; to pursue in vain the phantom
sleep through long weary hours and rise
to anew day unrested and nnrefreshed.
That i* the way with many a woman, who
is tormented by the aches and pains re
sulting from re male weakness, and other
diseases of the delicate organs of woman.
I v . Pierce's Favorite Prescription was
made to cure just such cases and it does
what it *4i made for. It heals ulcera
tion and ib*hun*uon, dries debilitating
drains, cores female weakness, strength
ens the body, soothes the nerves apd
enriches the blood. It gives lasting
the day and sound sleep
for tue nigru.
•For three ywml saSbrcd OmtimttUv.' writes
Mr* L. J Drottls of HU Ravi CMlcge si ; laik
■ sonvUis, Ills. "Sioh.’U retie/ among the mefiieeU
prof-uston and found none, until induced to try
Dr. (scree's Psvaritr PrcGcriptiot,. When \
commenced taking this medicine l weighed
ainely-flv* pounds, (t built me up uuiil 1
weigh Otis hundred sod fifty-nil pounds tame
then X ever weighed helot*. I was so hsd T
would tie from day to d*y and tong for dtth to
tone and relieve toy suffering. I nsd intern,il
iafUramstiou, * disagreeshle drafii, besrinß
down pains nod such distress every-mouth. But
now I never have * pain-do all my own werk
and am a strong; end healthy woman. Thanks
to your medicine:"
Biliousness is banished by the use of
Dr. Fierce’# Pleasant Pellets.
To Step • Cold.
4 her exposure or when you tool a cold shm -
Inx-sa-Uke a dote of Foley's tjfitm.. * Tar:
Irgerer-fails to atop a cold if MfSStaaW*. W
It Happened"iS Drug Hor*^
•’QBaday l*t winter a iatiy cams tfSBS, (iru,
sturwsnd :wk*4Jhr a brta&ji t contchruffioffna
that I did lOsMiMS Es-ttSaek,” says jft?C. R.
ttrsndbfc the popliur druggist of Onarto,>.tY
“She was disappointed .athl wanted u> know
whit coOgh propuratioaVssild I
said to her .that I ebtffS freniy .yscquupeitd
GbanitisrlaiuVs Cough .EeinMft sqff thsit ahe
could lakn.4i.hottJo of the remsfij* and after
giving it a fair trial if ahe did t*v*£blit wq|W,
the money to bring hack the bortHMSM i-w-.iyld
refund the price paid. In the con-se, * day
or two the lady came bask in pompany with 4;
friend in reed of a cough Wi*d.
her to hay a bottle of ChM&eFra'n'ft Cotf£h
Remedy. I consider that a very good necutni*
mendatlon for the remedy.” The reiuedy,ptfea
its gtpat popularity and extensive Mdu. in a
large measure to the personal
tioaa of people who hnsfi been Msm by tts ink.
Jatsfor sole at Hr. Raslio..'* u-..^store. >;■
j ' ■" ? r ~'%% t*i'
Everybody knows we cal|n
the finest HnS of shoes in the
city. This seison we hav&
excelled our past iM
■z- — s£?'' y * *i
Huatliog young maYfl make 960
per month amt expenfer. FermancnfJ
"position. g|iitteEce
Write quiok forparciculart, Clin
00., 4th A Loeue StfMta. PhitaMfk
phta, Pa.
'OorfVbe deceit ed or hifHßagsd hylpeop#
whocl|M the discovery of ijtiMa hitherto uo
kusu4ph.rbTir riit jtoc sdirtfiyaa or on some,
insFgtMr, or | ratlic TO the cure efktrtney and !
MUjtfVv troubles. Any dtotfSTjurilfuggist with j
leil yon Uiutun- h clalma or fraudulent. Foley's 1
Kidney Curia simply contain* remedies that are I
recugnired hy ilie ino*t skilful physician* ns j
ites! for .these complaints, so don’t be credulous
or foollab. J. Butt*.
Bright’s Disease.
High living, iuten*v*•ranee. and
many other things biing on Bright’# dkeaocw.
Foley's Kidney Cure vrin prevent Bright’* dis
ease and all other kidney or bladder disorders
if taken in lime. Take nothing else. W .)
Bull*. .
A Frightful Blander
Will often catide a horrible Burn, Scald, Cut
or Bniise. Bucklin'# Arnica Salve, the best in
the world, will kill the pain and pioroptly he*l
It. C'aieaOlu Fever Sorea, L’lccre, Boil*
Felouts Coma, all Skin Eruptions. Beat File
cure on earth. Only 2S rts. a box. Care guar
aateed, Sold by all druggist.
For Bladder Troubles
use STUART'S GIN and
Aresiau well* to drive at $260 etch
R*n* sod capacity guarantied will
i'ao guarantee to complete wells in 16
its, i. C.'l .n or address A. H. Baker)
tlOfi O' luo-ste- -'reel. .
N. jH'.'t pit's flan equal DeWitt’s
li*itl- Es'ly U a-rs U r t rouiptne-s,
oerlimi) *o i < tH.-ienoj. Yf J. Butts.
Tho luausfaokw.ract Banner Salvo havo ,u
tuoritfil ttw nnueintitl to guarantee it for
burns, o*M, sorea, bleeta. tetter, aczonia ani
all skin lilaesaes. Vosj have yonr money back
It doesn't do all li claim*. W. J. Butts.
■ Tonight the Peruchi-BetdpDi com
pany will present the much talked < f
production Sapho liega: ding the play
and production as given by. this com
pany, the following clipping will ex
plain all:
"Sapho has visited Jacksonville, atd
if the performance ihat was given here
last night waß the same that shocked
the tnoials of New Yorkera, then the
residents of the great metropolis n ust
be extremery sensitive. The Park op-,
■era house was crowded from pit to
dome, and standing room was at a
premium. The work of the members
of the Peruchi-Beldena company in
presenting th'a extreme ly difficult pro
duction was excellent, and man who
were present last evening have yaid $2
for a seat to witness a much inferior
Miss Beldeni, as Fanny LeG.aud
(Sapho), was the star, and
was of A high order. Walter
hope, aa'Jtan Gaussin, did the lead,
i-..w 'i.-'-j. ~i
and the wstk. of this young actor was
never seen to bettor advantage. The
oilier roles were excellent; in fact, the
o mpany,- taken, as a whole, is one of
the moat satisfactory that has favored
this city with a visit fof several ycara
and there U every every evidence that
they wil) p’=*y to crowd-d huosesduring
the remainder-Of their engagement.
'll” 1 ; I family, high
c:a*axnpcfittwS, ar.- -till favorites -.d
i> a wonder. ”
Wm-eX" *
ii Vffi M
v . ■
now have on *
exHiSltton. *k\
Tli. F. Winter.
311 Newcastle St.
Wall Paper
502 MonklSt.
Civil and criminal cases atteLCied to
oueinets strictly ctn3decUa:. En
quires conducted with secrecr
ana iNHL'.titlw th > t:dr.
! '** wpn rrnmoti * luxur ant growuj.
Never Foils to R**tc rv Gmf
- v/Ll 2-I.’ to Its Yo ithful CVK r. ,
Picffot* I>r)ln>fT lbs. •
< 4y tA. ■ at l>rujyia.Ai
900 Drops
Preparationfor As
similating Ite Food andßegula
ling the Stmnactis andßowels of
Promotes Digestion.Cheerful
nessandltest.Contains neither
OjAtim.Morplune norMiueraL
Tn OT rN AR C 6 TIC.
, • S'.
/avyr afOU fr.SAMIfZ PITC/tAM
fdmt/JiM Seal- ,
JbcSwvea * V
RmheUeSulU- J
Amur deed e
Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa
lion, Sour Stotnach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Far Sunile Signature of
.41 t moi.lli-. old
Jj HllkiS - J jCI MS
ExeJr copy or wrapper.
Arriving: Daily!
Our Mr. C. Miller, while in New York,
selected an immense stock of Fancy Fur
niture of every description, suitable for
Holiday Presents. We will be glad to
store your goods until the holidays, but
by all means
Don't Miss Seeing
Our Display No it.
Every steamer brings new
gcods, and we have no old
gags to offer.
CHUE Proprietor
You“can get the best the market affords by eating here
213 ST.
Country Product
—Vegetables etc.
Also Confectionorv,
Second tynd household
furniture bought and sold;
also pianos, organs, trunks, j
mirrors, carpets, etc*. J.i
W. Watkins' )
j rorYnfentsandJShildren.
| The Kind You Have
! Always Bought
j Bears the / *
j Signature Sf&w
\y For Over
Thirty Years
Blocdworth & Jones
New Liverv Stables
New Buggies
Fine Horses
Prompt Attention given al
orders. lirayage a spec
Phone 24-3. E St