The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 25, 1900, Image 7

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    Typhoid Fewer Experience
Is not desired in your own per
son. A Doctor's Observation
Is Valuable to All.
Read what one any. about
Johnson Chill & Fe?er Tonic
“Last Fall we had a good deal of
Tvpho-Malaria, or perhaps Ty
phoid Fever. Borne patients died:
some recovered after six or eight
weeks. After trying regular rem
edies two weeks, i gave Johnson's
Chill and Fever Tonic. In no In
stance hnd It been given more
than 24 hours, when lever cooled
dpwn and did not return. Patients
regained good health rapidly”
J.F. Kincuki.ok. M. IX,
Conway, Ark.
I the first symptom, and
> A. B. Girardeau, Savannah, (la.
Bole Manufacturer.
One Popular Week!
Matinee Wednesday and
(Incopo rated.)
Leaders in Modern Repertoire.
Specialties will be introduced
between the acts by
The greatest acrobatic comedian on
the American stage
Chelso D. Peruchi
The Great Child Artist.
Prices only 10,20, )oc.
3021 Newcastle St.
'mi i1....
.... latl is
let .'Creas Fresh Ewrr hi Milk Shake
Soda WateL Etc..
All Kinds of,Candy.
Pleasant to the taste.
Effective, reliable.
Eliminates uric acid. The best
remedy for Rheumatism and
diseases of the Stomach, Liver
and Kidneys.
SI • Bottle, et druogiMJ.
T. LOU*, I*o.
W >, BUTTS, TheiDroK(rißt.'
Contractor and Builder,
119 South Stonewall Street.
Brunswick, - Georgia-
-a powder It f i r-s painful,
smarting. nervous fe: t n 1
inntantlv t*ice the Ati >ui- f corn- and i.on
ion*. t’s the greatest comfvrt dbcovery of tbe
age- All'nV oot-Kare noikes light or new
shoes feel easp. it is a certain cure for sweat
ing, callous and h't. tDvH. aching feet. Iry it
toa&y. Bold by aB druggi-d* and shoe store*.
By mail for 26c in stamps, Trial package Fr-e.
■A<idr<-* Allen .*■>• Olingtc-.0, Lc Roy, N.
£ 1
0 irrected Daily by o*pt. Otto Johsnneso n
Port of Bramwiok, Out. 24, 1900.
Schooners Henry Clausen,* Jr , Mc-
Ltughlin, Bath; John C, Smith, Kno
lund, Klizabe hport.
Norwegian bark Pioneer, Sarboe,
Warburg; schooner Fannie L. Child,
Fuller, Bath.
Ship Notice.
Neither the master, owners or con
signees of the Norwegian bark
Areola, will be responsible for
any debts contract* and by the crew ol
ssid bark,
Andrbskn, Master.
Neither the -.master, nor owners
of the British bark Ethtl Clarke
will bs responsible for any debts
•"ontraeted by the crew of said
steamer. Bkknton, Master.
A Minister’s Good Work
“l had a severe attack of bilious colic, got a
bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, took two doses and was en
tirely cured,” says Rev. A. A. UowdT, of Empo
ria, Kan. “My neighbor across the stieet was
sick for over a week, bad two or three bottles o
medicine from the doctor. He useeji them for
three or four days without relief, the n called in
another doctor who treated him for sone days
and gave him no relief, so discharged him. I
.went over to see him the next morning, He
said his bowels were in a terrible fix, that they
had been running off so long that it was almost
bloody flux. I asked him If he had tried Cham
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,
and he said. *No.’ I went home-and brought
him my bottle and gave him one dose; told him
to take another dose in fifteen or twenty min
utes if he did not find relief, but he took no
more, and was entirely cured I think it the
best medicine I have ever tried.” For sale by
Dr. Bishop's drug store.
Don’t miss seeing Sapho
toni ShLrn**
It is exasperating to ©ne who knows Foley's
Honey and Tar, and knows wbat it will do, to
I have a dealer recommend something else as
“just the same,” or “just as good” tor colds,
coughs, croup, la grippe, etc. W. J. Butts.
“Tfce Old Reliable,” Mr. B. F.
Leben, bes connecied bim.elf with
Mr. F. Joseph Doetfllng’er, who has
purohatv and the bakery and oonleclion
ery of Mr. J. M. Hoodenpyle, corner
Monk and Newcastle streets, and is
row prepered to furnish hi* old friends,
and the public generally, with every
thin*; fresh in bis line,
F. Joearn Doitßf LINGKK
For sprains, swellings and lameneM, lucre it
nothing so ood as Chamberlain’ I'a ~ tsniin.
Try It. For sal. at Dr. Bishop's ding store.
For Backache use
In our furnishing goods
department you will find all
(that’snew and popular.
; Levy’s
The Quakers Are
Honest People.
tThe Quaker Herb Ton
ic is not only a blcod
purifier, but a Ulooti
maker for Pale, Weak
and Debilitated people
who have not strength
nor blood. It acta as a
tonic, it regulates di
gestion, cures dyspepsia
and lends strength and
tone to the nervous sys
tem. It is a medicine for weak women.
It is a purely vegetable medicine, and
can be taken by tbe most delicate.
Kidney disease, Rheumatism and all
Hseaees of tbe Blood, Stomach and
Verves soon eaccumb to its wonderful
•ffeot on tbe human system. Thou*-
inds of people in Georgia recommend
t Price 11. CO.
icine that the Quaker Doctor made ail
if his quick cures with. It’s anew and
wonderful medicine for Neuralgia,
Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism,
Sprains, Pain in Bowels; in fact, all
pain can be relieved by it. Price Z>c
snd 00c.
•t medicated soap for tiic skin, si a!'p
ind complexion. Price 10c a cake.
regulable ointment for tin cure ot
tetter, eczema and eitiptioDS of the
*kin. Price 100 a box.
F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor,
PolhilTs Drugstore
fc'fwoiui for His Marvelous Success—
His New, Free Book.
I Pr. JTathaway's method
°t treatment Is no experi-
K, tuent. It Is the result of
yi.., _ B twenty years of experl
tp§S% m: R cnee lu the most exten-
J sive practice of any
WjSfcjA J specialist In his line tn
the world. He was grad-
JKwJjW tutted from one of the
best medical colleges In
tiie country and perfect
ed Ills medical SDd surgl-
SV eal education by exren
, Tfw 1 | slvo hospital practice.
Early In his professional career ho made discov
eries which placed him at the head of Ills profes
sion as a specialist in treating what are generally
known as private diseases of men and women.
Tills system of treatment he lias more and more
perfected each year until today his cures are so
invariable as to be the marvel of tlio medical
Enjoying the largost practice of any specialist
In the world he still maintains a system of nomi
nal fees which makes it possible for all to obtain
his services.
Hr. Hntlmwaydreats and cures laws of Vitality,
Varicocele, Stricture, Wood Poisoning lu Its dif
ferent stages. Rheumatism. Weak Hack, Norv
ousuess, all manner of Urinary Complaints,
Ulcers, Sores and Skin Diseases. Brtghts Disease
and all forms of Kidney Troubles. 11 Is treatment
lor undertoned men restores lost vitality and
makes the patient a strong, well, vigorous man.
Dr. Hathaway’s success In the treatment of
Varicocele at* stricture without the aid of knife
or cautery Is phenomenal. The patient Is treated
by this method at his own home \vithmit pain or
loss of time from business. Thisis positively tlio
only troatment which cures wlthontau operation.
Dr; Hathaway calls the particular attention of
sufferers from Varicocele and stricture to pages
27, 38,28, 30 and 31 of his new book, entitled,
“Manliness, Vigor, Health,” a copy of which will
be sent free on application.
Write today for free book and symptom blank,
mentioning your comidaint.
„ Dr. Hathaway & Cos.,
WBryanStreet, Savannah, Ga*
To Hifsnnali, (Is., fir tbe K Its’
Grand CaTnif.l "nd Stri-t Fair. No
vember s‘b f l 7b. Otl- fare for the
round trip Tirk-fa in be so <1 Novem
ber 5 b. ; r. ath. li}’h, lib and u; b,
with ll al limit m JStb. A splendid
program, of attractions hrs been ar
rar g, and. Plan’ S< afptn ticket agifintf
will s vt til ] par'f'ruUr-’, >i
U. Vjg|Wu*SN, V
Passenger Traffic Majjiffiv'x
Savangiftip . *
New Georgia
at L. E. Ribirts’j c truer Egtnont and
Albemarle ttreefs.
Beam tbs /) Ttis Kind* You Hate AlMajrs Banfils
J. W. Watkins will loan
you money.on personal prop
erty and real estate.
Things you wen’j find
elsewhere, Dunlap and Stet
son Hats, Manhattan Shirts.
, This is the scaaon when mothers are
afarjpei nr tcocunf of croup. I h
qtDcklf cured by Ooe Minute C,ngt.
Lure, which child reri like tu take, W,
.1. Butts,
Pure Whiskey, HgrpetV, P rfect
Will k-y, JfsrperV Every hoif.le
gdcranieed Uarper’e. Sold by T. Ne -
mar, Brunswick, G,
It He&is the Lurg>,
When Miff*ring 'iik t. tM-lnng coiifsli luke
done of g. ley's Honey und Jar. The f-orr e*
will lie relieved and a warm, mteful feeling
nd healing the eane aCTeeted villi he ixpe
lieneed. Take no m: -tiinte. W.. 1. Butts.
Money loaned on personal
property real estate. Ap
ply to J. W. Wat Kins.
Dr. W. H. Lewis, Lawrencev-I c,
Va,, writes: “1 am using Kcdcl D>s
pepsia Cure in my practice among v -
vere esses of indigeslion, si and find i
an admirable remedy." Many huu
dreds of physic an. depend upon >h
use of Kodol Dysi ppua Cure in Mi ro
ach troubles. It digosfs wha f you i a .
and allows vou to eat a 1 the good foi and
you need, providing vi.u do not over
load your stomach. Gives instant re
lief and a permanent cu e. W. ,f.
For Diabetes use
State of Gun ,ui, ) To the Honorable, the Sec-
County of J retary of State of the State
Glynn. ) of Georgia.
Thepetition of C Downing, F. D Aiken,M
Raise'-, E. 11, Mason, N, Emanuel, T. Newman,
J. J. Id >tt, L. R. Aiken, K. Brobston and W, G.
Brantl 'y, respectfully shows:
I. That Cm !, and all of said petitioners, ex
cept L. R, Aiken, reside tn the City of Bluus
wick, Conui> oi Glynn and state of Georgia,
mid that ie; k ,ner 1. It. Aiken lesidesat
Mount rieauan?, Comity oi Wayne and State of
11. That petitioners desire to obtain for
themselves, iheir successors and assigns, a
charter for a railroad company to be known as
the Brunswick v Birmingham Railroad Com
pany, andnhin -eel* 10 be incorporated under
-such name a- a corporate b Stlv. for the purpose
of building and operating a railway line under
111, Thai the length of the* railroad proposed
to b© built by said company will be about four
hundred and fifty *.450) miles, as near as can be
estimated at this nine, amt,that the general di-.
rcction oi same will be southeast to northwest
IN. That said proposed railroad beginning
in the City of Brim •\w k, Geoigia, vfl jjvoh
ably run through tii- 'umiesof, Wayne,
Pierce, Appling, i oiUe, Irwin, \Yitcox;, Dooly,
Sum to , NVt'b'iet’i', ! st.” 'utj, in the state of
Georgia, to a pond on t hoHlldarV TTae be
tween Georgia and Alabam.vivftliia the county
>f Stewart, in Um State <*f Georgia, nnd from
said point to the eitves of Montgomery and JUt*
mitigh’-m in tliy state of Slabnm •, and the
principal places fr. m ■ wbicli it is
pro osed to const met said rndrPkid are Bruns
wick. Georgia, and Mont con ciy and liirani k
hau), Alabama.
V That It is proposed to issue capital stock
in said railroad c mpflnp to the amount of flf
toon thoi sand tsl-ijliON, f.r each mile of said
proposed rail road, maKtug a total capitali/ation
of six million seven bundled and fifty thousand
doiiafi C|D#*sh,f)oo), ami all of the capital stock
is to be common, ,->n ek and none of it i>refcn*cd
N I.‘ That petitioners desire that'thc charter
t - r said railia'md oditipany, obtained under this
petition, shail-e<*utlnue in force for the full
pQriod lived by tuw, to wit: One hu wised and
one (id) years.
Nil. That i,t ifj profiosed to locate the princi
pal < dice of -aid railroad company In the Gity
of Brunswick, Georgia, and petitioners show
that they doihtetuMn good laiUi, immediately
upon the granting; of oh a iter I here in prayed
for, to goTorwapd without delay b secure sub
tcrijitloits to the capittU stock, construct, equip
inaiAtafp And oiXHste gsitt railroad: NVhevu
fore petffionors pray that they, their successors
and.ttsidKiis may be Incorporated us such rail*
road company, under- the >aid corporate namfc
of the Brunswick & JHriniogham Railroad
Company, under the lo ws of the Btate of Geor
gia, all the rights, power- and
me tide ill and neWjußurta cor
wyafiorts and as lire fixed and (Wfthed by the
frtvrsof sfiid .State, and petitioner* will ever
C. Dow nipir,
F. D. Aiken,
M. Kaiser,
Er-11. Mason,
N. Emanuel,
k*.T. J. Loti,
L. R- Aiki n, robs ton,
W. G. Brantley,
Stato of Georgia—County of Glynn.
Libel lor divorce: in the
CL' - Superio!' court of Glynn
YB. euuidy. JVlay term, fllOO,
Order to perfect servieo
iMaikham grunted at said term.
To the nefcnAMt,Martin B. Markham.
\ oa are hereby required, in person or by at
torney, to be and appear, at tko December
Term. 1900. of Glynn Superior court, to bo hold
en in andTor said county, at the court houaejn
Hiunswick, Glynn count , Georgia, on the llrat
Monday tn Decemlxu , moo, and you will he
thore by ten -10) o'clock, of the forenoon of said
day. then and there to answer the complaint of
the plaintiff JMrs. KPa Markliarn. m tne above
stated case, in her libel fof divorce.
vntnoib* the Honorable Joseph W. Bennet,
Judge of the Superior court of Glynn county,
tins the 24th day of A ugust, IVOo.
Deputy Clerk of tlio Superior Cotfrt, GDnn
i <-unty, Georgia.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
’ State of Georgia— County of Glynn.
Mre, Lz*:e Long 1 lor divorce; in the
Superior court of Glynn
vs. county, Mav term, 1900
1 order to perfect service,
Thomar A. l.oiig. I granted at naid term.
To the Defendant. Tto*ma,i A Long.
You ar-- hereby required, in person or by at* I.© and appear, at the December
term, 1900.0f the .Glynn Superior court, to be
holden in a-i 1 for said county, kt the court
h msein Brunswick, Glynn county.Gwrala,ott
the flruf MondJiy iu December. 19U), ann you
w ill bn the. <• by*ten (JO) o’clock of the forenoon
"nf fcald .lay.r ( bqji aud there t‘ answer theconi
pl 'nt of the plli’.ntTf. Mrs. Liz/ie Lon/ iq the
above stated onvo, fn her libel foeHivoice.
Wifncfcs rbi* HonoraliJc Joncpn NV Bennet.
jMi'gr <f iho.f y+afi'ior conit of Glynn county.
1 this the 21 tn day of August, lik'd.
Deputy Clerk of ti e Superior Court, Glynn
Countv. Georgia.
Attorney lo.* Id.Lniilf.
*tote of Georgia— ( Gimiy of Glynn.
Under and by Virtue of th< power of -ole
contained ,u the deed tu secure rb-i t from
A Marais A. Davis to the Brunswick Title
Uuarnntec and Loan Company, made executed
and delivered on tbe 24th nay o February, IM)2,
and which said 1 osectir' debt Is <fuf> re
corded on e 4 • 142 ana 44 '■ r - \ r, of the
general record ot Glynn ..,1 , Georgia, ref
erence thereto being had, the Brunswick Title
Guarantee an t Load • oinpaoy ••dll expose and
offer fur sale to the h g w#t end best bidder for
cash, before the c* r ti him* ">r of Givnr
county,Georgia, wi'it.n tho legal t ours of sale,
on the Hi Et Tuead :y’ in November.
UtOti, all of that certain tract, lot
or parcel of land, with the flltl •np -
and Improvements thereon situate. Jyu g aim
being in the Old Town of the t ity < f HmiK
wick. • lynu county, Georgia, known and and
‘•cubed as the n irihenaicrn 3Cx9Q feet of 010
Town lot r un b T twcl e (12>. hounded on the
no; th by the eastern one-balf of lot
number elevea (ll: it. feet; eaM ny Oglethorpe
Htreet 30 feet; ‘■outh by the r> mnlnlng e.;4e >
portion of hald lot utno' er 12 ( Xi feet, au.l wont
by the nortnwestorn portion of -aid Old Town
lot number J 2 8* feet, aid Old Town lot nuni
her 12 I‘eing L'eotlfled • pon the map of sab'
ciiy rnade oy George B. B Id win A. D. 1887. t
winch reference ia hereby had for tbeparpom
oJ liquidating the indebted due said com
pany b/ the -ai<l grantor, namely, $600.00 prin
cipal debt, besides interest nnU. the ilrst I'ues*
da . in November. (hi ounting to $417 81!
and *he further tun; of SO6O as costa of ndvcr
tbilmr thi- saie.
ByO. J\ (JOOOYKAH. President,
I A Wet to W. h. H y. Sec A Trea*
The Pl*l ' tflfl *i4.. ■ 11 e-1 rnuri'
j trip tic: • hOr to h ui fvir, W >
rro*- Fir As-ocihlioii, h 1 on* fti>
from Tboma.viile, Aibstij, Uiv nr.l
Brunswick, .it'Jktotivilli, Lis OHj,
Alotioicello r.tid iute* ruedist* points,
A spl nd and vognm oi hi r( loo*
hss been ,'ii ud andvieHorf w?if
be well enteriu nsi)
B. W, WarsiN,
Pshnenger Traffic Munaynr,
SaviE nah, Gt.
GEORGIA, Glynn County.
Will he sold before the courthouse door in
said county, on the first Tuesday iu November,
1900, the same being the 6th day thereof, within
the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for
cash, the following property to-wit: One rodei
top desk, six (6) oak mantels, three (3) larsje
tombstones, live (5) small tombstones, one Hos
ier iron safe. Levied on as the property of the
defendant, Reed E. LaMance, to satisfy an exe
cution issued from the City court of Bruns
wick, county of Glynn, at the March term, In9U,
in favor of Swlngler & Falconer for threo hun
dred and eiglity-onc dollars and four cents
(s:isi.o4) principal, with interest thereon from
December 14, 1896, at 6 per cent, per annum
until paid and all costs. made and re
turned to me by K. F. Tayior, deputy sheriff.
Also at the same time and place, the
following described property to-wit: Thatcer
tain lot, tract or parcel of Tand, situate, lying
and being iu the city of Brunswick, county of
Glynn, state of Georgia, and known and‘de
scribed on Baldwin's map of said city made in
the year 1837 as the southwest one-sixth (1-6) of
Old Town lot number 64. Levied on as the
property of the estate of J. J. Door under and
by virtue of an execution' issued by H. J, Read,
tax collector, for stiue ac county taxes due for
the year 1899. inter
ne l> n< rued to
the fOl U, U L* ..i..,'
certain lots, trarf- •. 1L ( ',f p t L)HlltS L
lying and being in tliecH? B^iirunsw t
ty of Glynn, slate of Georgia, t and knjwn anA
desenhed on Simmons’ man of sitW ciTy, made
in the year lsyi. as Habersham park lots num
bers 76,77, 91 and 92, between Leo and Gordon
streets. Levied on as the property of Mrs. F.
E. Hancrsham under and by virtue of an exe
cution issued by If. J. Read, tax collefctor, f<r
state and county taxes due for the year IS9P.
Amount of taxes SSO with interest and all cost.
Levy made and returned to me by R. S. Pyles
deputy sheriff.
Also at the same time and pface, th
following described property towit: Thatcor
taiu lot or tract of land situate, lying and be
ing in the 27tli district G. M„ county of Glynn,
state of Georgia, and known as a part or Colo
nel’s island, containing two hundred (260) acres
more or less. Bounded on the north by lands
of the Boutb Brunswick Railway Cos., on the
west by Fancy Binfl creek, on the south and
east by lands of tbeliru ns wick Dock Cos, Lev
ied on ns the property of raid Brunswick Dock
Cos. under and by virtue of an execution issued
by 11. J. collector.for state and county
taxes due for the year 1890. Amount of tax one
hundred and twenty-llvo dollars ($125.) with
interest and all costs. l evy made and return
ed to tne by U. 8. Pyles, deputy sheriff.
Sheriff Glynn County,Ga.
Office City Clerk, Brunswick, Ga., Oct. 1,1000.
In accordance with Section X of the amended
cbar’erol the City of Brunswick, apnroved
November IH, 1880.1 will on the llrst Monday in
October, 1990,at 10 a. m., open the books for*the
registration of the qualified (lo be qualified to
register all State,County and City Taxes must
he paid) voters of the city of Brunswick, Ga ,
and keep the same open until the first Monday
in November, 1000. L. 0. BOl)ET, Clerk.
G KORGI A—G ly n n County.
To whom it may concern: A. C. Shannon
having m proper form applied to me for per
manent letters of administration upon the es
tate of 1). F. Sleeper, of said county, deceased,
this is to cite the creditors and next of kin of
said deceased to h© aiid appear at my office
withiutiMJ time required hi* law’ and show
cause, iftoy, why permanent letters should not
1.0 graiuCn to the applicant as nrayed for.
Witnei-s my official Ggnatnre thlß 11th of Octo
ber, 1900. HORACE DART, Ordinary.
Lorena Turner, Nvifc of Alfred Turner, has
pp led for ex< motion of personality and sett
ing apart And valuation of homestead out of
h’- pi.iperiy ino 1 will p *ss upon the same at
lq "'clock a. m . on the 22nd day of October,l9oo.
at k y '.nice. This September 29th, 1900
Ordinary Glynn County, Ga.
State of Georgia—County of Glynn.
Mrs. Edna NVylie Libel for divorce; in the
superior court of Glynn
*vs. county, May torm, 1900,
order to perfect service,
James NVylie. granted at said term.
To the Defendant, James Wylie.
Y u are hereby required, in person or by at
torney to be and appear at the December
term, 19. 0, of Gl> en Superior court, to be hold
en 1 t nun for said county, at the court house,
ia Brunswick* Glynn county, Georgia, on the
first Monday In December, 1000. and you will
lu- there hr len (10) o’clock of the forenoon of
said day. then arid there lo answer the com ilie plaintiff. Mrs. Edna NVylie, In the
Hoove ftinit .1 case, in her libel for divorce.
>\ iintjt’.s ihe Honombie Joseph NV. Bennet,
-ludgo of the Superior cohrt of Glyun coumv.
thi, ibe 24’h day of August* 1000.
Deputy CJCrk of the Superior Court, Glyur
Bounty. Georgia.
Attornev for Piainßff, %
it KORGf A— (Givnn Court/.
By virtue of in order ti c. Court of Orcli
iiui ?of HiruJ fioftnty, I v.'L ♦-vlr at public ou.pry
on 'lih flight Tuesdax iu Norewber, 1900. at tbe
'mrt h*me in a;d . ounty, within the legal
hours of sijle., the fallowing described lands, the
propci ty of the es; ate of Bridget Mincdian. and
- *'hf and sitrmte In the City oj Braunewiek. in
~!d- i. u and county, tn wP ; Lots numbers
t -vel> o or.udred and tblity-seven (i2H7i. twelve
bun rad and thirty eight tISWO, twelve hundred
<na ih.rty-n no < 12:tf), twelve hundred Hrtd
forty (1240; six hundred ami forty-two (042),
m.i six hundred and lorty-tbroe :b4ij), respeo
ivelv. eiu liof said lots be inf In th it portion of
said el tv comnioniy called •♦Now Towu.’’ and
d upon the map of the plan of said
city as made by Geo, B. Baldwin, serveyor, A.
i . !87. no lof ihe addition th re.t>.bvtlieunm
t-ers described, anu to which man and to
the oi dc of Hid court of ordinary aforesaid,
reference is rnadof m all purposes of descilp
ADo, fhe unexplred interest in
and to t li<-. following l>>ts or parcuU ofland sit
oat.- >n idw* my oi B unswick. ad in that part
•hen .f i mimonly abed “Town '‘om uns,>’to
vll: 'J -- ** p rtio.i of Aot 1101000* s verity-five
7/) iio iiiiig ertv i4“) feel on Anlicrot street
• n<i in- tv ('jo> ieet• u >J i-tr*:et,ie iSJtsebohi
thtrcn -*x I* Ii gu on March 2l, c TOPI J lot mini*
’■••roi.r f Mid th rty-flve 135), bounded
u.liij v. y sir. t, south by L street, west
'> V\ of 1 a ,and Morth by lof number one
<1 I;., mi I'lhtv f'O'.ir, aud laving a front.
11 on A i.v and w Jfe ireeu ‘eapectivoly of
.iu. h (9j;b ei v. .1 depth between .■•aid streett
if hi. ir dvn e| <J80) feet.
/)o tbai j rijnejHyf 1t number 014? hundred
juiu ib rt/- nr nStyrjoun'ied ca t l r AJJ>aiiy
tre< -uhi . otuumtur ou* hu ireri find
' • 1 i' C • • . Hi a..d
orih b 1 - thirty-I
'' r- :k. h.. thf j ortifluoftnl
lot ■ hmi’ku n hiM'H i.d Thirty thre* /
Hu efi at.i f* tiy** e (29) feet u- .u
Al.jany ai* i u^Mtf*ty O-.f) fee upon V
-luret, K h-d in -t thefcin cxniriM
Alarm 2 I* q ii.d Ujm . escrii.ilou of ca -h .f rtlefl
Town ( ' nirons lot . and omts f lots
v vv..h c‘i, r|w r*iF< * what H e,ot/i
.. ivctfit <i ucHHiisrh •> ey of h*fTown
- 0n. 1.1 CSifttdjhty of f;L in fno of iln
•01 o'i.ud<U' '<w- I ke.cof rcrniJ ut aa-e i*a*ii,
I * r ffriljvtf* BIP
\ in nil* 1 ’u/jc no its non I'tc.jjridgct Mine,
ban, deeenxon. *§■-
r’or thepuyp ki* of ( w, p> Ui.y Jm Nlnteaild '
Coif ,y 1 ajt f o. ‘M I w .1* •e at tbe. foil MVing
bjj • f oici .ncf- on flav-* named, to-wtt;
2 l>i t. 27, Nov- i and Dec. 3.
27 Diril. Ont 2i> N *v 2/1 and Dec. 4.
j;tr>ft DDt., Gt... 25, N0v.21 a? and Dec C.
14 u I>4- . Oct. 24. Nov. 22 mid 1 ec. 7.
2d I Hat.. Oct, 2V, 80, 81. Nov. *:i, 2t, *241, and Deo.
8,10, 11. H.J.Kkap,
T. C. Glynn Cos, 1
Service By Publication.
STATE OF GEORG IA - - County of Glynn.
John Rogers, 1 In Glynn Superior Court, May
vs. S Term, 1900.
Susie Rogers. ) LIBEL FOR DIVORCE.
To the Defendant, Simie Rogers:
You are hereby emumanded to be and appear
at the Deceml>er Term,uext, of Glynn Superior
Court, to be holdcn at the court house in
Brunswick, Glynn County, Georgia, on the
First Monday in December, 1900, and by Ten
(10) O’clock of the forenoon of said date, then
and there to answer the complaint of the plain
tiff in the above stated case in his Lioel for
Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Bennett,
Judge of the Sup rior Court of Glynn County,
tbisthe 10th day of July, 1900.
' H. F. duBFGNON,
. ■ *>• -Cfhg” ' ounty.Ga,
GEORGIA—GIynn County.
Mra. IMary C. Renptird vs. Jefferson Levy,
The National Baukor Brunswick and the May
or and Council of Brunsw ick.-Petitiou for par
lion of realty in Glynn Superior court, De
ceinlier Term thoroof,l9oo.
To the i>efendrnt, Jefferson Levy:
You are hereby notified that the petitioner in
the above stated ease will apply for a parti
tion of that certain real property in the state
of Geoigia,county ot Glynn and city of Bruns
wick, described as follows: T e Northeastern
portion of what is known as and called the
, “Thirty Acr© Tract” or “The Wells Tract”’
hivviag the following courses and distances, to
fvltjr Commencing at the centre of the Souths
jpßTlineof ITnion street aud running thence
7s<snthw ardly 1,610 feet; tlieuee running Easi-
Avardly SIO feet; thence running Northwardly
lolOfeet; thence running NVcatwaiilly 855 feet,
except three certain small tracts heretofore
ebld by the owners; such application for par
titi in of said land will be made at the next
term of said corn tto be held on the first Mon
dao In December next.
This notice given in pursuance of an order
granted September 28, HKM), by Hon. Paul K.
seabrook, judge of said court presiding, the
rionurable Joseph W, Bennet being disqualified
in said case.
. Witness the Honorable. Paul E. Seabrook,
itlOO 56 ° f CoMrt Pawing, this October 1,
’ , , e H. F, I>U BIGNON.
Clerk Superior Pourt, Glynn County, Ga.
Petitioner’s Attorneys.
John M Steele | Application for re
vs. , ,
Janie Hudler, formerly I nioval of
Junto Steele. I disabilities.
Notice t" neioby givon tliaton the util Jav ol
October, li'oo, the undersigned Hied in tlio oiUcc
ot the clerk of the Superior court of Glynn
county his application for removal of the disa
bilil 108 resting upon him under tha veraict and
judgment rendered in said court May 21, 1900
in Uiej suit of his former wife, Jamo Steele!
ogamst himfor divorce, and that said applica
tion will he heard at the term of said court be
ffinning on the first Monday in December next.
I’hlA October 8,1900.
GEORG] N —Glynn County.
To w hom it may concern: 11. J. Read having
n pioper form applied to me for permanent
letters of administration on the estate of
George McArthur, late of said countv, this is to
cite all and singular, the creditors and next of
kin of George Me Arthur to hound appeur at
iny office within the time allowed by law and
show; cause, if any they can, why ermanent
administration should not be granted to 11. J.
Rendon George McArthur's eatut*. Witness
my hand official signature this 12th day ’'of Oc
tober, 19C0. HORACE DART,
Georgia—Glynn County.
Mrs. !• an me A. Smith lias applied for i xernp
tlon or personality and the settii g i-p.ut aud
' aluation |r homeskad oui of .H e estate of H
C, Smith. decea c ed, Into of s.-dd county and
state, and l w ill pass upon Hie aanie at ten
o’clock a m.,on the 22nd day of (vc-obe:, 1900,
at my office in the court house of said countv
and state.
Ordinary Ga.
GEORGIA—GIynn C'oi’nty.
AV iiereas. Kiln J, Jennings, mlinliLetr.ii 1 ix of
George \V. Calvin estate, j-rprearcu, to the
conn in h-r pctitkß'i. duly filed Hint entered on
record, that she has fully admlni toi ed George
>V. (;alvin’a rstaie. This is, therefore, to cite
all persons concerned, kindred mul creditors,
to show* cause, if any they can, why said ad
ministratrix should not be rtreharg. <! from
administration, and receive loiters of dismis
sion on the lirst Monday in December, 1900.
HOKaCK DAItT, Ordinary.
Georgia—Glynn County.
Mrs. Mary Mahoney having made applica
tion for twelve months’ support,out of tbe
estate of Timothy Mahoney, uiid appraisers
duly appointed to set apart the same having
filed their return, all persons concerned aro
hereby required to show cause before the court
of ordinary of said county On the first Monday
111 Novembeiyibou, why said application should
not be granted. This 4th dav of November f I9W.
ftlb- ( HOR ACE Dart, Ordinary.
GKORGI V—Glynn County
t i banns Dart, of Glynn countv, in said Slate
has applied to the Ordinary of said county of
Glynn for exemption of personalty and seltiug
apart and valuation of homestead, and I w ill
pass upon the b ime at 10 o'clock u. rn. upon the
'• day of October, llKki, at the court house in
sa-U county of Glynn. This September 2*2, IKK).
Judge CD v Court of Brunswick and pro Uac
vice mljnary Olynn County, Georgia.
Administrators Notice,
Ad persona having claims against 4,Btal ® ot
-1 G. Campbell will present them to if®, u ' Jor -
Bigned, and all owing said estate xJI oi eas °
I ay tlielr accounts to J. j. 8A ka ,
Adm'r. Fstate J. G Campbell.
state of Georgia—County of Glvr 11 * ..
J he co-partnership Heretofore t'aisting, under
the Ann name and style of Tayl or Coi‘k & Cora
pauy engaged in the saw mill business, in the
manufacture of cypress lui*** ,er * ant * otherwise,
at Brunswick, Ga , leaving served its
purposes, it is mutual *f , agreed by all
of the undersigned u.ombera of said firm
that the said pJnership be and the
same is hereby dissolve* 1 by mutual consent.
The business heretofo'® carried on by the said
company will h®*ej^ ter be conducted by the
corporation duly by the Superior court
of Ghrim county". G * ,r ? la Wlt h its principal
Ofii-e tu Bron-w'icU* C3a k ow as and callel
the Tavlor-Cook (syntussCompany. All debt
ors, credit'irs ai)' ,J other parties dealing with
paid co*pirtne> - h '!> in the pant and all persons
I otherwise -nuerested will take notice. ThisOc-
I tuber and. B"/‘ Respectfully,
AM, N. Taylor. 'J'. U. Cook,
i 8 Tayb.r. J. II Cook.
I Mrs if attic J, ft..**, A. W. Cook.
' Mrs. Rebecca A. C >ok. J. W. Cook.
• Mrs. 1 M. Calvin.
Mrs. Clyde Freeman, Libel for Divorce. Re
turnable to December
vs. Term. 1900,0f Superior
Court of Ulynn couu-
O. J. Freeman, ty, Georgia.
• To the f 'id <U}fi‘ndant, O. J. Fr< eiuan:
. Vow are b tlfby n.q lireu* pei-Monally or by
attorney, to tie ami appear at the next term of
,th Superior Court ot said county, conva *ing
H the flr t Monday m Dcestnbor, 1900,then ana
there to answer te plaintiff, Clyde Vreeman,
■ipo< the merits of her petition for divorce bled
ajjuire*l. >' u: as in defaul' of *i> h i.ppearance
the court will proceed a- to justice shall apper
tain. wltnost the Don Joseph W. Beunet,
Judue of said Superior Cos trt, th s 22d day of
August,liW, A.O.T DVNSKfvD,
Deputy Clerk Superior Court, Giynn Cos., On.
' D. VV. KRAUB3,lltir. Atty.