The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 25, 1900, Image 8
WHY" jfc go away treated and l&fed Tvith Glasses when you can have {he same work done here just as accurately and good? Besides, Sate Money Here at Home, and get just as strong guarantee. We refer you to any one who has had us fit them with prescription lenses. If your Eyes trouble you in any way at all, call on me and I will examine them FREE and tell you what you need. We have glasses from 25c up, and you don’t have to buy the expensive ones unless you want to. Mill Ml Mil flltt.-*— KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Outioian. , sis Neen*ne Street, y Inspector of Welches for Southern Railway. Time by deity from Waahtogtou , C oney & Parker I)EALEKSIN f * * Goal and Wood, Bricky Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles>nd Laths., Phone 18 525 &av St. ii- .'zi* k ' * *■* ' Ji m ■ Ladies’ Wear. , 'Ms* *■s*•£** . iw *' - > •. ,• ■*# A full line in Waists, Skirts, Underskirts, Capes andJackets Our Flannel " Waist Models ' Are Town Talk. f See Our Successful * New Patent Undersftlrt. Self-conforming to increasing or decreas ing Waist Lines. No drawing string, no uneven, lumpy exposure. Call and se^them. LEV Y’S THE BKUN&WICK TiSiES-U’ALL, OCXOBEiI 25, 190,, Mrs. H. H. Raymond is visiting her sis ter in Passaic, New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Coult Can* and little daughter are in Brunswick from Satiila. Mr. M. Isaac leaves this week for New York. He will return next week with Mrs. Isaac, who has been visiting relatives in there. Mrs. A C. Douglaea is quite ill, to the regret of friends. Mr. James Hopkins, of Darien, is visi • jn* his uncle, Mr. R. R. Hopkins. Mrs. 1,. A, Miller and children left laet nightjar Atlanta. Miee houise Hopkins, of Darien, is visit ing Mrs. R. R. Hopkins. ■- Mr Kufut Hughes, of Waverley, form erly of Bruoswlok, will spend the winter here to attend the high school. —-* Mr. Willis Wilder returned Sunday night to Bavanoah, after a visit of a few days to his mother’s faaeijjr. Mrs, JuliueMay returned on the Mallory line Monday from New York. *. V• Mrs. (J-irdpn, of Massachusetts, will Tisit her daughter, Mu. B. U. Curtie, this fall. Mr. 0. W. Coates U spending several days in Albany. An inMgresting fast regarding the grad ing of ttiasftShDc sohools fnWfioewiii* U til at It is identical ,telpi the grading of many otlikr sohools, not only in Georgia! y-' bat in other iUtg. The following statis tics gleaned from, the themselves and thefr severa| parkMt'bear testimony tofhis fact, and will toe Hppreisted no" doubt by the many paeons of tjlie ephoots here. Since the begfatmog of term ohildren have oome. to ftfuWewMffl from Amerious. from ' Chattanooga, arid from Asheville. In the cases of the first’ two tb|ghave entered the eAetly corrasponding to onaHfScmcti the/ would have entered Irtifto they remained in thS'afereeAld oftjgjy. ’fjfif'jinpU IfomAeUe* vihe entered the grade just below the eor rssportdfclg one tfttre have also recently removed, from BfiJbftoick severed' ohildren who 'were formerlftpupiU of Uta SAhool p|. these, Ajinre spon to Naw Ya#K*city''iiri^|line in Savannah, to would have taken and are comidered good and competent pupßa. These facts prove thait the eohoole nit only are graded slmiHgly -VO other achxtl?, but that the pupils re car?** thorough their studies, enabling keep "pace with wupiis of Other aui farger sohooi*. ! Vrf '.. —W' v hast evening at eight o’clock, at the First Baptist church in Valdojta, Mr. Horace Reave* and Miss Caroline vrattin were united in matrimony Mr. Reaves wat formerly a resident of Brunswick and has many friends here. Miss Emily " art is attending college in Richmond, Va Mies Mamie Waft is visiting friends in Virginia. Hie Brunswick Library Association has decided to have its bazaar at an early date and much enthusiasm Is beiug evinced by the ladies who will take part. Mrs. I, C. Bodet has been elected ohairmau of the be z aar. liruuiiwiok-mailo Candies. You’ll tlad all kinds at Lloyd's, Phone 255-2 Sapho tonight. Have yon a lens* of fullnesain the region of your stomach after MiiogjUf to yon will 1* lamented by lining CbidWßuinV Stomach and Liver TableM. They, alaolcuie belching and aour itomacb. They regulate the bowela too. price2sc. Sold by bishop's Drug Store. Second hand household furniture bought and sold, also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W, Watkins. WHAT IS OVARITIS? . A dull, throbbing pain, accompanied by a sense of tenderness and heat low down in the side, with an occasional shooting pain, indicates inflammation. On examination it will be found that the region of pain shows some swell ing' This is the first stage of ovaritis, inflammation of the ovary. If the roof of your bouse leaks, my sister, you have it fixed at once ; why not pay the same respect to your own body You need not, you ought not to let yourself go,' when one of your own sex holds out the helping hand to you, and will advise you without money, and without price. Write to Mrs. Idnkham, Lynn, Mass., and tell her all your symp- Mm. Ahmtk Anetr. toms. Her experience in treat fe male ills is greater than uy other diving person. Folk)wing ll a letter from a woman who i a thankful for avoiding a terrible operation. ■ “ 1 was suffering to such an extent fro* ovarian trouble that my phywi eian thought an operation would be neceAs&ry. •T.ydiaEX Pinklwwn’s Vegetable Com pound having been recommended to me, I decided to try it. After using several bottles I found that I waa cured. My entire system wm toned up, and I suffered no more with my ovaries. "—Mrs. Aas a Autos, Troy, Mo. IjY is to know that DsWitt’s Wl’cb Salve will bf*l a burn And stop t&e psin at once. It will cure eczema and skin iliseasea and ugly wounds and eorpr. It is a eerfain eore piles. be offered irou, See that you get the original FsWin 5 * nWto ?*atv. w. j,. frail cloteing wHfm or- Uer. ‘’ffljje&iii wants and ; *&ve‘ yon money. Call and Lew’s. Pastor i a For iZt. and ChilMb. ‘ The Kind Vw HaniAlways Bought Boars the /^r r Signature of C&tX/yf £s£4/44 ' CHANGE OF SCHEDULE! W.XM' SV.-TI V. Trkih sj leaves Bruu-Wick at 8 *. Tfxiti BKM**y■jn. fit u f , 4 wio. ?Up o . i r-itfßoO arti v o > 11-ti Tfwirt 10 <>. ru. • Trjiio ks .1, ■ Dm caw tft tu. I’reVly SiM-fa oure* dnikov of the kidney., clean..* apd ettsi gttoens the liv '., a ooiEch Ksdboweig \V J. Butte. KATRS. Tu Cksiegft Sdaie kajaftt Vai*i>t*. “.nil t" Nuvmlx;i' 4tb,.via riant 9ye(em. Ouo faro from point* In'Ueors-iu, tlnriUa ami- Ala bama. plus S# oante a<tdiik'B*l for iiduiijeton, .Military rate l cent per mile pa.ih mrcctioo.M or more, ou oae ticket. B. W; .IVKKK.N , D.ii&.'tigor Traftic Vfauagor TRY* ONE Large Fat Mackerel 12 l-2c Medium Fat Mackerel 10c And for Anything good we have it. 6. W. Harper, THE HUSTLER. PHONE 158. y s * V OLD FASHIONED Molasses Candy. “As Ever Unexcelled.” 10 Cents. W J BUTTS, The Druggist. M On the Corner.” Brown Drug Cos. LEADING DRUGGISTS. Are headquarters for everything in the drug line Our stock of Toilet Articles is complete W e carry the finest stock of Soaps and Per . . fumerjun the city. Prescriptions accurately compounded by compe tent men day or night. Opera Glasses for Rent. BROWN DRUG CO. 4PV % Druggists to the People FRESH LOT^^=^ * NUTOSLLY’S CANDIES. Summer - * H bargains fu rn i t u re A clearance sa’e to make room for new goods. 1 P trior Miir, 5 pieces, worth s4o,fciws29. 1 uak Refrigerator, worth #2O, now sls. r i Uk Kd Room Suite, 8 piece, worth $25, now fIS ijS Fed Lourgee, worth $lB, now sl2 Centra Tablet 59 dents to SH. : Iw Cream worth $2 .50 at $1 98. *IF/ ill i ** 3r traeut of Sideboards, Oupbsards jl|l Prices Below the Market, ipgif ■ C, McfiARVEY. P®| LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND YOT CAN’T BEAT CREAM OF IENTDCKY Whisky SI.OO PER QUART; $4.00 PER GALLON. NOT MADE BY A.TRUST __==. I. Trager & Cos,, Independent Distillers. Sold Exclusively! in'. by FR m , m CDCDLJ <3i I A©, 200 Bav Street.