The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 26, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. NUMBER 61. 11 U 11 Hi SSI Treasurer’s Excellent Re port taint BELL CANNING COMPANY Council Exempts the Plant From Taxes for Five Years—Pro ceedings in Full. regular meeting. (Official.) Brunswick, Ga., Oot. 25, 1900. Present; Hon. Dean D. Atkinson, mayor, and Aldermen Mason, Krause, Dart, Bloodwortb, Thomas, Bneee nick aad Abrams. Absent: Alderman Tupper. The minutee of the previous regular and called meetings were read and confirmed. - PETITIONS aND COMMUNICA TIONS. From Mrs. Bertha Nathan, asking that ehs be refunded the taxes she ha* paid on the alleged lmprovemebts lo cated on the northwestern 1-6 of town commons lot nomber 37, between Wolf And Albany streets. Referred to oom mittee on taxes and revenues. From the Bell rtiver Packing Cos , (Iking that its plant b exempted from taxation for a period of teu years. Granted as per resolution. From W. E. Kay, resigning as a member of the board of eduoatioo of Glynn county. Accepted as per reso lution. REPORTS. From C. S, Wylly, olty surveyor, stating, that upon investigation he found the allegations of Mrs. Mamie C. Minehan to be correct, in regard to the alleged improvements placed upon lot number 165 by the city assessors. Referred to oommittee ou taxes and revenues. From 1,. C. Bodet, acting city treas urer, the following report, wtiob upon being read was ordered published in full; Brunswick, Ga„ Oct. 1, 1900. To the lion. Mayor and Council of Brunswick, Ga.: Gentlemen—Below please find a state ment of the receipts and disbursements of the Treasurei'a office from the 21st day of August to the Both day of Sep* tember, 1900. RECEIPTS. H H Harvey, city treasurer,. cash on hand $lO 280 30 Maggie Stevens, admx, taxes. 9 75 Annie Higginbotham, taxes. . 455 A R Berrie, taxes 0 72 Miss M R Davenport, taxea.. 3119 D J Dillon, taxes 149 81 Lang Bryant, taxeß 1 96 Robert Randall, license.. . 250 Mrs M E Shannon, taxes.... 1115 Prince Pyles, taxes 3 83 Mrs Leonora Skipper, taxeiy 18 73 Irwin Hill, taxes 16 80 Allen Lee, taxes C 13 P W Meldrin 3 78 Mrs Jane H Bailey, lease.... 12 00 Mrs Jane H Bailey;lease— 7 50 L D Mcßae, license. 5 03 S L Swinder, license 100 Ellen Williams, lease 25 Ellen Williams, taxes 4 11 D P Jonts, cemetery lot 1 00 Glynn County, rental 125 00 To al i 110,702 56 DISBURSEMENTS. Board of Education, taxes & leases onT C..... $1.164 10 J F Norils,T Aj charity t’k’ts 1100 C W Hardy, fine refunded... 10 00 B W Gale, typewriter sup’ls. 3 00 The Brunswick Bank A Trust Cos., renewal note 331 1,025 00 J M Bloodworth, charity ord 2 00 Glynn County, Iron safe 125 00 L C Bodet, A TANARUS, incidentals. 5 61 H H Harvey, treas, coupons.. 125 00 Balance 8,200 85 Total $ 10,702 56 DISTRIBUTION OF DISBURBE •" MENTS. Executive Department— Stationery and printing,..s3 35 Furniture and fixtures.... 125 00 $l2B 35 Public Works Department— Avenues, streets and lanes, 4 00 Sanitation Department— Incidentals 51 Removing dead animals.. 75 1 26 :* Charity and Ho pital Department— '*• Incidentals 2 00 ll*®" 13 80 Operating expenses.-. „ . 146 01 Bills payable 1,056 00 Board of education 1,164 10 Coupons '. 125 00 Profit and loss 10 00 Cash balance 8,200 85 Total $10,70*56 Brunswick, Oct. 1. 1900. To tha Hon. Mayor and Council of Brunswick. Ga.; Gentlemen; Below please find a state ment of tbe receip’s and disbursements of the treasurer’s office during the month of September, 1900. Cush on hand $ 8,200 85 Dart, license. 25 00 Giles l’age, taxes i 46 National Bank of Br’k, note.... 3,000 00 Board of education, note 500 00 Ed Moore, license 100 D M Baird, license . • {>oo II B Randolph, Imp’g ieea^., 52 00 IT B Randolph, record’g B 4 80 Robert I.evison, CP, fines. .. 533 65 A F Arnheitcr, taxes '3 82 Mrs Martha Hrady, lease 2 63 Jimmie Pines: t, license....... 1.00 J L EUdings, taxes 70 E H Mason, cemetery lot 1 00 Rosa Hill, taxes 193 Hugh Christopher, license .... 6 00 N Markowitz, license 25 00 Robert Williams, taxes 5 20 Brown & Cos, license 50 00 Mrs C E Stubbs, taxes 5 95 Est E S Jaflrey, taxes'. 9 17 Mrs L 8 B Randall, taxes 8 75 Mrs Carrie W Wallace.... ... 148 Mrs Elsa Breisenick, taxes 13 76 W F Monroe, taxea 1414 Mrs M D Dunning, taxes 15 40 Mrs A F Wayne, taxes 9 66 L D Oldham, sale M T sacks 52 Geo Abbott and wife, taxes. ... 410 Harriet Washington, taxes 70 J E Sheppard, cemetery 10t.... 1 00 Mrs Annie J Slater, cem’y lot. 1 00 W E Clark, cemetery lot 1 00 GeoC Drummond, taxPß 64 05 Willie Connor: license, 2 60 Jim Orissell, license 2 50 (Continued on FageJj.j BRUNSWICK. GA. FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 26, 1900. BRYAN IN PENNSYLVANIA ROOSEVELT IN NEW YORK Y Rough Rider Gets an Egg in His Own State. BRYAN. Philapilphia, OP. 35,—Mr. Bryan arrived ibis morning from WHiHing ton, Del., where be spent the night after a trip through Maryland and Delaware yesterday. When he ar rived at the Broad street station of the Pennsylvania railroad he was greeted by a mass of people that jammed the train shed to overflowing so that the party could hardly make their way to the hotel. The streets surrounding the Btatiou were also orowdgd with thou sands of people, curious -.Tr-v democratic candidate, Mr. Bryan vyas y: tasen to the hotel, but ae soon as he reached the quarters assigned to him the hotel flilld with people. This nn £rompta possibility rerti Mr. Bryan W escorted from the hotel at 18130 to baloony of the Times building, Thou sands of jpeopl* crowded the streets 1 ~ '"i -dii.'Jfe and obeered. MsJvßryan was MSlte dused Kgs, Col. Ar KfcllloClure, WW said in part: ■*| ' The party is conduct ing the oatnpaign on a platform that conoeals every issue. Tt does .not re veal Us principles because*: people would repudiate them. Just remember when that party met bere in the early days of our forefathers, the Declara tion of Independence was its plat form. But when it met bere this year the Declaration of Independence wae ignored altogether. “Tho republican party has no remedy for any evil that confronts the farmer, ' Instead It congratulates the farmers on good rains and the laboring man cn the full dinner pail. I want you to know that the full dinner pa;! argu ment dues need a response from those who carry the dinner pail. They want tometbing more. “They want relief fretn taxes and from by Injunction; they want represntation In tbe president s cabinet, I recommend that you read tbe articles by - that distinguished Pennylvama democrat, ex-Governor Patterson, who has just returned from Porto Rico, and you will find that the Porto Ricanß can write a complaint that will rival the cbmplaint our peo - pie had against England before the revolution. “I am not here to speak to you, but to acknowledge your welcome. lam always glad to meet Pennsylvania democrats. (Laughter ) Why, you have been democrats under tbe most creditable circumstances and in tbe face tf overwhelming odds. If our party gains control of the Federal govern ment it will be easier to be a democrat in Pennsylvania. ROOSEVELT. Utiea, Oot. 25.—Governor Roosevelt, on a special railway train, pulled out of tiers this morning. Tbe Itinerary was a circuitous one; tbe jumps were long, taking tbe party from Utica away o?ir to -Watertown, tbence back tbrougb Weedsport to Auburn, and then down to Syracuse. Tbe time da- Voted to epeeofc-making was an boor eaci at Wateffown, Oswego and Au burn, Governor Roosevelt’s voice is in *od nqjfcffltbnY and !■? iog" fB epleldid spirits. Ilifcliaujjfied over the last night, and Wd: - ■& * “I was not on tbe balgony at the time, bnt as oßjjr'ttoe t£g was thrown, I am work of gqtne misobievous boy. lam -..ljjhMj not for me, as It \ enough for anybody to know I Was ntAm tbe baloony.” ws _ BACON WIIA SPEAK. Senator Invited to Address tbe Legis lature on'November 2. jp . ..... **•*—,’ ■■£, Atlanta, Oot. 25.—The bouse and senate of tte..!egislat(ire met today and fent Into joint session. Tbe entire morning spent In consolidating the jd£ot|ioQ teUirne. The governor’* mefragi was received, ft will be read tomorrow. Awilblution was adopted asking Senator A. O. Bacon toaddreas the chouse and senate +o joint session oil November i. This was done with tbe understanding that Senator Baoon is to stump of Illinois for isryan, a letter from him aajinjc be thought it hie duty to do, having been read. OVER AT LAST. The Miner's Strike Declared Off Yesterday. Hazleton, Pa., Oat. 35.—The mine workers strike was declared tiff against all companies which complied with the strikers’ demand. The strike will be continued against those companies which have not granted the Scranton conventions de mands. Strikers will return to work at plaoes where tie-up ended. UGI.lj UANOEDr l’ine Bluff, Ark., Dot. 25.-Jordan Bell, Jr., the negro wife murderer, who was sentenced to death at the re cent session of the DeshaCircuitoourt at Dumas, was banged in that place today. His application for anew trial was reoted bjfJuiAge Graoe. ■ ~3fy£- SHERMAN’S FUNERAL. Columbus, 0ct."3.5. —The republican campaign in Ohio wag at a BtandstilU'to day as a tribute of respect to the mem ory ol Hon. John Sherman, whose fun eral occurred at Mansfield this after noon. AT THE GRAND. A Splendid Presentation of “Sapho” By the Peruohi-Beldina Cos. Last nightH orowded house witness ed a splendid and accurately depioted presentation of DaUdet’a famous novel, “Sapho;” a dramatisation devoid of all soenes and passages which might sug guest anything of the of tbe origioal, which’ ' oreated such furore iu the U was tbe otuse of an active crusade ing formed agalnßt it. \ The atage setting and ’scenery weTs -and arranged with artistic skill and taste. The oostumes, as a whole, were ele gant. The toilettes of Ella Beldina being particularly worthy of mention, on aooount of their nohness and per fect fit—that of that of the second aot being marvelous oreations of the mod iste. Ella Beldina, in the title role, was very good - effectively moving her au dience in the most dramatic soenes, by her pathetic appeals and entreaties. Walter J. Stanhope did well as “Jean GauseiD.” James G. Morton, as “Un ole Cassare,” served to injeot a light oomedy vein through the play. The performance, as a whole, was very good, and a request has already be|*),aiade to Manager Iferuohi to have same repeated Saturday night. The befflftlrtfi' 'furniture used last night, which so materially assisted in giving the proper frame to the pro duotlon, was kindly loaned by Messrs, H. M, Miller A,Son. IN SAVANNAH. Dr. Burroughs Invites City Officials to tbe Fair, 1 Tue Savannah Press of yesterday said: if Dr, W. B, Burroughs, a prominent citizen Of Brunswick and superintend ent of the educational dopanment of tho Gaorgia state fair has been in the city since Monday and will return home this afternoon. ’The state fair will open at Valdosta on Monday aud until Nov. 3. Yesterday Dr. Burroughs cal led on Mayor Meyers and Invited tbe head of tbe municipal government, together with the board of aldcrni.n, to be pre-t sent cn the opening day of Hie fair. Inyltations were also extended to the members of tho cotton exchange and board of trade. Dr. Burroughs says that Valdosta has tnkde extensive pre parations for tho fair and that indica tions are that It will bo tha biggest event of the 'kind ever held In the * state. While at this tune a rosident of Glynn county Dr. Burroughs formerly resided in tjujs city and has many friends among the older residents. He says that It Is to think of the many champs that have taken place in this city since bis school days and that it does his heart good to see the enterprise and ptfigmslvencss of the residents of Savannah. AFTER THE ASSAILANT, Harmony Grove, Ga.,00t.25. —Dora Hood, 16 years old, waa asraulted by a negro yesterday. A mob is after tbe negro, who will be lynobed. PRICE FIVE CENTS. fflUffll nufii Detects Say They Hays \ Hii Sjoitel. __ i- CMW OF ESCAPE Rumored That the Bank People Are Communicating With Him About Settlement. New York. Oot. 25.-Corneiiu, L. Alvord, the defaulting teller of the First National bank, has not yet been arrested and the police are apparently making no efforts at apprehension. The Evening World today aaye; “Developments indicate that the wherabouts of Cornelius L. Alvord is known both to hie attorneys and the bank oflToTals. .That! no warrant for his arrest has been asked for is due to the efforts of hh friends to induce him to make restitution . Negotiations are on with tbe bank officers in their b*- half that will lead, it j ( said, t 0 „ rBJ _ toration within . few day. 0 f almost half of tha amount stubs*,. yUyord’* arrest would havs been an imfnedikM bar to the restitution on his part. Meanwhile the man is said by hia in timate friends to be in hit house at Mount Vernon, and by others to be in the vioinity under oloae surveillance bv detectives. His escape is an im possibility. * ‘ Alvord is said to have had au enor uioue sum of ready caah when be took his final departure tsom the banki. Thia, with real estate holdings, sev eral blocks of securities, his wife’s diamonds, bis horses and livery, and his interest in several New York busi ness oonoerijs, are under consideration in between Alvord’s friends and- those from whom he stole.’’ AGAINST THE SOUTHERN. Suits Amount to Oyer Sixty Thousand Now. McDonough, GaOct. 25 -Miss Mary Merritt of Boston, has entered suit against the Southern Railway for 120,600 for Injuries received in the Camp O'roek disaster. ■This makes S6O 000 damages In suits filed on account of thla wreck, which happened on a Sunday morning about five months ago. Most of the men kill ed were employes of the road. Thirty six lives were lost. —i ABANDONED AT SEA. London, Oot. 25.—The British steamer Romsdalen, Captain Long, from Charleston, Oct. 7, for Bremen, passed Prawle point today and slgn naled that iho Norwegian bark Crown Prince, Capt. Sorensen, frem Darien, Sept. 21, for Liy-.rpoo), hadbeen aban doned at sea. All the crew had been sayed, of whom eight were on board tLa Romsdalen,