The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 26, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Hurry! Hurry! BIG CUT RATE SALE. OUR STOCK MUST GO —EVERYTHING AT COST I T : : —— : 1 Shoes. Ar Gent’s Furnishings. ' Humanic Shoes at...'. $3.00 ' Gold and Silver Shirts at 70c and #I.OO Men’s Yici Kid Bals at 2.50 Men’s Summer Underwear at Cost. Men\Tau Vici Bals at 2.25 . If Men’s Winter Underwear at CosL Men’s" Calf Bals at ; 2.25 || 1* • Large Line of Guyei Hals... 4^/.... $2.2 ? Ladies Tltra Boots at 2.75 'iij Men’s Stiff Hats. latest styles.. 1.7? ““•Ladies' Kid Lrco Boots at*. 2.25 - ! Boys and Youth’s Shoes at $1,20 Button Boots at.... 22? A large line of half hose and E. & W , Collars accost. Ladies’ Patent Leather French Hed Ties at 2.75 Eg|| Lur line of Neckwear is swell and complete. JSE& JPII Men’s Work Shirts all sizes at ck p A LARGE LINE OF MISSES’AND M children’s shoes at cost. > Come and See Us, PALMER SHOE COMPANY. 116 Newcastle Street. COUNCIL MEETS IN BUSY SESSION (Continued from First Page. Rest Hill, taxes 1 93 Ella Ravenel, taxey 3 15 Nrtiooal Bank of B’w’k, note. 2,5 0 00 B f wk L'ghe & Water Cos, note. 2 000 00 L V Carroll, licence 40 00 J W Clark, license 5 00 Mrs Mary Steinkart, taxes 47 SO L T Nixon, taxes 5 G 4 II A Walter, license .... 200 00 L W Beach, license. 50 00 Maria Page, taxes 3 92 J S Newkirk, license 5 00 D I) Atkinson, for A Johnson, A Miller arid II Johnson, street tax 3 50 L Goldsmith, license 100 00 T tal ~17 540 40 REG API 1 Ur.ATION, Taxe * 223 44 2 30 Street tar 33 50 fcfcsccJlancotis 60 62 payable 8,000 00 Volice court tine : .... 533 65 rec ipts t 9,330 01 Cash on hand (-eptember lit. 8,200 85 Teal *17,540 46 DISBURSEMENTS. V D Atkinson, salary . . t 75 00 Fldiltty and Casualty Cos., of New York, premium bolltr insurance 27 00 Owens Johnson, salary 58 33 Brunswick Bank ic Trust Cos interest and discount 10 33 National Bank of Brunswick interest and discount 42 00 National Bank of Brunswick 3,000 00 Board of ' ucatlon .. 700 00 H BKaDdolp, naardlD^pris oners • 215 00 National Bank cf Brunswick. Estate note 3,000 00 L C Bodet, asst, tr. pay rolls . 1,377 05 Jackie White, salary 4 17 Jackie White, salary 4 17 A II Leavy, salary 25 00 L O Bodet. salary 120 00 D D Atkinson, appro. Galves ton eullere-s 150 00 Na loual Bank cf Brunswick, note 3.000 00 Na iona.l Bank of Brunswick, intcres and discount . 5106 Brunswick Umes-Call,print ing J M Burnett, hay and grain _ 108 S7 Brunswick Ligh & Water Cos note 2,400 OO Brunswick Bank it Trust Cos. Interest and discount : 2-t 00 ooa-d of education, taxes and 9 !,.as\s on T C.. .... ... 353 0- All Baker, severage Condi tion 21 00 W A A McCrary, horseshoe ing, e c 22'So I. W Beach, overcharge execu tions 946 59 Ellis-Young Cos. overcharge as-Bstmert 63 00 L O Bode;, acet tr ticke's for paupers, etc 25 11 I ITEMS COMPOSING BALANCE. Balanc - 1,577 63, Depos ts in Brunswick Bank & 'l’rust Company 622 95 Deposits in National Bank of Brunswick, Georgia 147 31 Cash 3 47 CASH ITEMS. Pay rolls (weekly) paid as cash until all rolls are in proper voucher made for sme 754 00 License of L Goldsmith, uum her 451 upon which of 50 00 Total *17,540 46 DISTRIBUTION OF DISBURSE MENT,B. EXECUTIVE. Salaries not otherwise uistrib uted ... | 225 00 Stationery and printing 62 50 Legsl expenses - 6013 Gratuities and donation*. 150 00 THE BRUNSWICK OCTOBER 26, UjQ Incidentals -r,... 14 atej Tots' .. ' iTglj PUBLIC MTCKIfs. Salaries not other* i c e. dl*trib uted a. ... 29 35 I Avenues, street* anji lakes . 2$ 00 Laber not uistub- ’ • A I uted 7 . . r. ; # .2a.TO lHayand gr*|#;_ 40 IS. Parks V;-4^ Public buildings.... Orol Total Ss 13" 23 j sANir.\Tr<i.v. *skH •T •Salaries not oftkprwi>e di.- trihuted ~ ,8 T 21 05 j .Stationery and printing.. .2 25 ! i- • u-’v' ' * ‘j 1 Cr-.uiHiory expense*..;.;.'.. . 1100 Removing garbage’ and t-okf- . Brger work 9^,508 Sewerase expenses 16159 ! Horse shoeing, etc 2 00 j flay and grain 63 69 ! Wagons and carte. 10 85 | Total ' . * 38193 POLICE Siiariea not otherwjft distrib uted * 180 00 Policemen (loot) 345 00 Policemen fSptcdal and cow impounder) 61 00 Porter. ... ... 15 00 j Keys, guaru house 2< 50 Boarding prisoner- 193 50 I I Total $ 819 00 CHARITY AND HOSPITAL. Cost of patientß, medical aud surgical expenses 41 06 Transportation of deilit'.’te pera ms 17 31 Matrons and nurses 32 00 Cook ; . . 800 Cemetery lextons ... 8 34 Toial $ 107 31 FIRE. Salaries not distrib uted . 75 00 Firemen ... 250 00 Total * 328 00 j Operating expense* ... 2,222 80 fßnartl of education of G ynn —vttOlßty ..* ft 353 05 Sewerage account 24 00 Prait and •%•/. 63 00 Interest and 253 99 - A.* 4S* V Execution; .account 916 59 BBia payable ...-. ...... 12 100 00 j SfkWc 1,577 03 Total ; j?„ /' *17.540 48 • Reepec fully submitted, ■ L. C. Bodsi, | V A 6' " Act ng Treasurer. , RE.BOI.U I IONS.*' Tbs follow ing ware offered and V. (t.i adoptel: ''■ft,'. * A'lcruiii Mainf— Resolved,.by the .rmy r and oouncfl of the (frty of ijrun-uick, in council slyrmbtsJ. thM the Be!) R vrr Canning Cos., be exunt *• ted from th's paym-nt of municipal taJi-s of live ytsri upon their oyster canning factory. REBOLU riON. r By Aldermen Bb i , and 1 i- hereby re:olv@d, by tbo nry r and aid -mien of the oil., of Brotiswlck in r.ouu ! assembled, that in acc the resignation of Hon. W. E Kay a-, a m mberof the Board of Education of Clyuc county v.e do so with regret and recognize his falihful atd ab.e service rendered the city and c U'ny as such msmb r. ORDINANCES. On second reading, an ordinance to c nsolidate the office of clerk and hat of treasurer, etc. On first reading, an ordinance relat log to handling of fertilizers, etc. ACCOUNTS. All accounts properly aoproved and audit.-d Were read aid plae and in con rev <f settlement w ,/§yEC I ION Of hiJßßrof 11 aid o) Eduua ii>_ was de< !ar7o in ordei, end rebulleda follows: A. V. V'ood, 8 voles Mr. A. V. Wood having received the total vote e - si, was oec'rrrd elected. Adjourned, L. C. Book i, i Clerk of Counoil. Wf FOUR IN ONE (B P r iokly ash Bitters W J, Butts, Sji'ccial Accm. An Expensive “ Tip” i is the one which you cut off and throw away every time that you smoke a Five Cent cigar. There is nearly as much labor in making this end as all the rest of the cigar, and yet every man who buys a cigar cuts it off and throws it away. You get all you pay for when you smoke Old Virginia Cheroots Tkrce hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this year. Ask your own dealer. Price, 3 for 5 cents. t CHINESE RESTAURANT, ESTBLISHED 1889. CHUE HALL, Proprietor >u can get the best the market affords by eating here 215 ORANT ST. tkVARIS &, LEVADAS. Gocerics, ladSTm Produce* , i?— etc,. Also Coiit2ctioner, M NK’>.RKKv MRPNSWICK. oa Second hand househulu furniture bought and sold: also piano?, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J. W. Watkins'. Bloodworth &Jones New Liverv Stables New Buggies Fine Horses ] Prompt attention given at' orders. Dray age a spec ialty. Phonej24-3. E St 5