The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 26, 1900, Image 6

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IS A VERY GOOD REPORT Eighty • Dine '.Members Pay Their Dues, BOAif ill SHOWING Collector Goodyear Has Done Some Excellent Work. Following ii the report of Goodyear, jr., wbo we* named as col lecting agent of the board of trade and It makes ao excellent showing : Mr. C. D. Ogg, Secretary Board of Trade, Brunswick, Oa.: Ildar Sir—The following thirty-nine gentlemeu haying paid their annual dues of live dollars (in addition to the fifty names given you on October 18, 1900, with check for $250), are entitled under the action of the meeting re cently held to be enrolled by you ae members of tbe board of trade of Brunswick: W. F. Symons, 0. A, Russell, G. L. Pitcher, L. Ludwig, S. C. Atkinson, Hugh Potter, M. J. Colson, G. Lawen stein, P. A, Segui, B. J. Olewine, Claude Dart, B. Hirsob, U. Glogauer, J. B. Wright, S. A. Siler. E. Brob st m, R, V, Djoglas, W. J. Butts, R. E LaManoe, J. E. Dubberly, Benj. J. Borohardt, P. W, Fleming, J. Shepard, B. U. Daniels, A. Christie, Th. F, Winer, W. C. Anderson, A. Fendig, D, W. Krause, Kobort Farmer, J, M. Hoodenpyle, R. E. Owens, C. A. Taylor, Julius May, R. P. Meador," L, A. Miller, 11. W. Gale, E. C. Butts, C. P. Goodyear, sr. Please acknowledge rooeipt of obeck herewith on National Bsnk of Bruns- wick for *195, covering the amount of oolleotion* advised-above. On Friday, November I’d, f will make a further report, making reml tance of the addi tional amount then ooilected and cer tifying for enrollment the names of members rewlttirg due* to ihat time. Yours very truly, C. P. OoonVBAH Jit,, Collecting AgeiP. Buunswu-k, GA., Oct. 2f>, 10Q0. 1 hereby acknowledge receipi [of above letter containing olieok for $ 108 and will inuhedintely enroll the names given therein sa membera of the board of trade of Bruns wick, Gk C. I). Ouo, Sec. Board of Trade of Brunswick. enictlt , Hi! A sweet of some ktud is as net tisary to your system as your dally bread. Why not have the purest, oleanest and best? I have the most up-to date and clean candy plant you ever saw, and am mtkiug daily l’nre Stick Candy, Marshmallows, Creams, Strong Hoarbound Drops, l'uro Bock Candy and Hundred other kinds. LLOYD’S, •PHONE 255-2 (Nest door to Fleming & Waff) THINGS THEATRICAL. “GEORGIA CRACKER” TONIGHT. Tonight at thp G’snd, the I'eruobi- Bjidtna company will pr-sent tl e roaring fare, “A Georgia Cracker.” This farce was written especially for Mr. Peruclii,'RO<l shows him at Id* best. Those who enjoyed his funny antics as the * Judge” in th- '■ Western Romance,” will enjoy him more so in the “Georgia Cracker,” NOTES. Tbe next attraction at the opera house will ba tbe election returns on Tuesday, November 7tb. An interest ing bill will btTgiven In eeioeo'ioß. Tbe returns will be received over a special wire in tbe open house. EVERY MOVEMENT HURTS When you have rheumatism. Mus cles feel stiff and sore and joints are painful. It does not psjr to suffer long from this disease when It may be cured ao promptly and perfectly by Hood’a Sarsaparilla. This medicine goes rigbt to the spot, neutralizes tbe acidity of the blood, which oauae* rheumatism, and puta an end to the pain and stiff ness. Biliousness is cured by Hood's Pills. 25 cents. CURES BLOOD AND SKIN TROUBLES, Trial Treatment Free, Is your blood pure? Are you sure of it? Do cuts or scratobos heal slow ly? Dons your skin Hob or burn? Have you Pimples? Eruptions? Ach ing bones or back? Eczema? Old Sorea? Boils? Scrofula? Rheuma tism? Fool Breath? Catarrh? Are you pale? Then B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Ralm) will purify your blood, heal every sore, and gtve a clear, smooth, healthy skin. Deep-seated cases, like ulcers, cancer, eating sores, Painful Swellings, Blood Poison, arc quickly cured by Botanic Blood Balm. Cures when ail t lie fails. Thoroughly tested for thirty years. Drug afore?, |1 per large bottle. Trial treatment free by writing BLOOD BALM CO,, Atlanta, Oa. DeacHbe trouble-free medical advioe given. Over 3,000 vol untary testimonial* of cures by B. B i 11. There ie a fascination about big profile to a bugincs* man. But tlu> conservative and cau tious trader prefer* V? have the letter per cent, of interest and tUe larger percent, of safety in hi.H inveDtinents. There lino busimv*# man who would not consider it a aouud pronoslUon to in veet in an eutorpmo in which abMOiuLc lo**s was iinpossible and whlcJi offered nincty-eiuht chances In a hundred of a rich profit. The *ta tlatlca of curoN effected by Dr. UotUen Medical Di scovery show that Hiti' ty-wight per cent, of ca*e* of “weak lu figs**'dan he absolutely cured. Almost if not all forms of physical weakness may be traced to starvation. Starva tion saps the strength. The body Is just as mnob tsuryed when the stomach cannot extract nutrition from the food if receives fts when there is no food. ‘ NVoak lunjfjs” bronchial nf~ tfoet loiiß, obstuitttc coughs call for nourishment M tk>!don MedioiU Discovery” supplies that nourishment Irr its most condensed and nssi n wable form, ■ ft makes lungs” strong, Ivy strengthening, the htoinach anduirgan of 4lgfc*s tioii whieirdlgef and distribute flnv food and by increasing the supply of pure blood. TU na KJ na.—wuinine in a Up. televa form, without affecting ita medicinal value; co w bin ed with anctaniUd and iron. Just the thing for children* Plea ant to lake. 25c a bottle. For sale by. W. J. BoU£, the druggist. LTO CURE A COLD IK OKE DAY “ Take Laxative ILomo Quinine Tablets. AH druggists refund the money If it falls to euro, D. \Y. *Jrove‘s signature is on each box, 25c, A Mong'er DfiYil Fish Doatioytng its vlptlni, l, a lypc ot Conaump ttou. Tho powot of this murderous malady ia toll ton organ, and nerves and muscles and brain. Tlievels no health Mil It's overcome But Dr. King's New Lite Bills are a sate and certain cure. Dost In the world tor Stomncti Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. Only 25 emits at all druggists. New Georgia *yrup and buckwheat, it L. E. H ibart,’, corner Kgmoot and Albemarle streets. ' — Bears the H KVIS -TiWHW avs Bought STOVES REPAIRED.*- ltice, the) stovo dcotor, repairs kinds or cook etoves and range|A>oy and eolle second hand atoYcs, 4lf Bay street. When you cannot; sleep tor coughing, It Is hardly necessary that any one should tell yon that you need a few doses ot GhambcrUin’ t omd remedy to allay the Irritation of tha Uuoat and make sleep poealhiu. It t, good For a*l et Dr, lliahop's drug store. THL BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL OCTOBER 26, 1900 IST HELP FOR YOU For honest treatment and a speedy cure write or go to Dr. J. Newton Hathaway whose great reputation is a sufficient guarantee of satisfactory results. Consultation r, a t° ffi ”n Free. Blood Poison Kidney and Urinary SS!S terrible stages, producing copper-colored cuit, 100 Frequent, Bloody or Milky Urine; spots on face or body, little ulcers on the all functional diseases of the Heart, Lungs, tongue, in the mouth or throat, falling out of Um and Stomach; Also Catarrh, Rupture, tho hair or eyebrows, decay of the flesh or Rheumatism, Piles, Fistula and all Blood bones, completely and forever eradicated fcfld Skin Diseases and all Female Diseases without the use of injurious drugs, leaving treated fording *> the latest and best the system in a pure, strong and health- methods known to medical scieace. VeviaA#filik °* enlarged veins, which j Home Treatment donee always suo varicoceie lead to a complete km of ceskfui. Write for free book Just published and sexual power; also nydrocele, Gonorrhoea, Symptom blank It you cannot call. Gleet, Stricture and all Private and Venereal J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Diseases and Weakuesaee ot men quickly Ur- Hatliaway *Co, _. tw , Bryan Slreet, Kuvannall, ©a. * UIOa • KBKTIOK TIU9 FAPBH WHEW WBITIHO. NOTICE. “The Old Reliable,” M-. B. F. Laban, has c nnro ed turn-elf wnb Mr. F. Joseph D e'fl'ng-r, who has bakery and ouufec orn ery ol M'. J,, M. Hnodenpv Ir, corner Monk and Nswoa-t.|“ street,. nd is do prep 'red to turn ah hi* old friends, and 'he public gen-rally, with every thing fresh in l" line, F. Joseph Dokbfunosr, Prescriptions'Filled Here Will not vary a fraction of a grain troni the quantity called for Ac curacy lu the compounding of Medicines * is <>ue of our strong point'. AjMed to this is the absolate purity “ami undoubted freshne-a of eveiy 'tifwß" used. We replenish our stocEfre quently and use or sell nothing which has • become iueflicie(il through age. ( IBulsurljlJlffiii ' r & KIDNEY DISEASES are c ‘ (he most fatal of all dis eases. cm CV’C KIDNEY CUHE In iULI I O Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE. 60c. and SI.OO. *) W. J. Butts. the Drugist. Wall Paper AT.THB PAINT STORE, 50ii MonklSt. W. H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR, 6EGH6IA DETECTIVE ABH BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. Civil and criminal cast-B attended to budlneee strictly confidential. En quire* conducted with eeoroov. L. J. leavy IVTartPYQ •- PARKE R 7^ vA-a HAIR BALSAM Jra Cie*tp" b>A.iliflr tho lult. qS 1 ’romM o**lu xu r i ant jrmw th Kail! to U-Mtort' Gray llWr to YO'.thtu Cos. r. lEtuirat> et>l hr Ulhuf. iB. J. U LE^ T E" -Die yles Selling, Renting, Repairing, Messenger Service We sell Cleveland, Monarch, Crawlord. Eagle, Elk, Dixie. Best of Wheels for the wrT Least Money. Bainy Day Hats, Tbe very beat *jt th mmt favored glia pen aye shown in our assortment. %'J. Untrimmsd Felt Hats In tat iery of sharps, styles and colors. VVh have bought and ms<l# them op to ©|l to tho e who desire something serviceable* yet pretty; good, bat low priced. These arc right and priced right. MISS KATE SLATER KH GLOUCESTER ST„ ‘iV” Tabeicts For AH URINARY OfSORDKRS. Or ipp mwt.Fstal and Frevalent of U dia **%3qF* those o )’>e KIDNEYS. and BLADDER ! are vwo little sieves through wHicffall uf the Mood ’n tho body must'pass ojcn inev. ry Utrce rninutort. In a lIKAI.THV bondttton they fitter all impurities into th© r.T.lkJipKß,th€ve the Cody. If 1- A) tUev clog and awelUdcposiiiting ITBfC Ai. ll> [ and other pniNons fjjbq the system, causing dull pains lix.the U-:i-ck,lJiUJf>u,*TUD-B, ULeinstiNin, Goat, Diopsy, UrarreL Painful and Frequent Lri nation, Lossof Albumen (the Ufv eas.-m eY. and fl naU v lili I G fTTLS MpEfASK ind DE ATH! If you have any of lUsHfeoT e sjwp Loma ‘A ” TABLETS WILL DURE YOU Try tfifttit Mk- l*e eon vlfed llecentdiscovery ohitoutjnal Mwcoi-ea. Hundreds of tesumoniel fan not h. By malt SI.OO Send or pamphlet- AgdrWia "AN-JMEBiCW DRUG CQMP’nY DROWN DRUG COMPANY. BRtafStV'lOK, - - GEORGIA NERVITA PILLS Restore VHatlty, tost Vtgnf and Manhood Cure ImiKJt'mey. K&Ut.&oDL**,oT Mem. cry,o ! ! fSut di-ea^es.,-— —-i ■MBk&K attiifectLef srlf-aWe nr AO jSaCi'La JMdiws. a r.<l' lli.i'screti.m. vj %r V3S*4rpA uorve tonic wad pLLi BK* iJlbtoAd builder. Eringv • CU£T®7 l ' lo P'hk ok'W to puli, (Krt cheeks and rosiores thi *ua V.- of y mth. By mail CTS. S’.Tze ”s°c rx-fV-x. O boxes tu t l~ —■ - 62.50, with our bankable gsuraateetocur* or refund the money piM. Hood for circular uu<l coj.y of our banka bia joihraawe boud, MeahTjpSSS Jnsttircljr ipiarnntaod enm for Lf>s of Power, yaricocolrt, Undavuloped or Shrunken Organa, Parosi*, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostra* etion. Hysteria, Pita, Insanity. Pnmtysia nnd the tsulU of.Kxceswlvef t T <? <>f Tobacco, Opium or cjuor. By mail in plain package. SI.OO a x, O for $5.00 witn our bankable gnar bond to cure in 00 days ox rotund ttoney paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. For sale by Brown Drug Cos., Brunswick, Gs^ Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests you eat. jltartiflclallv digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the lat est discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence. Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gaatnilgla,Cramps,ana all other results of imperfeetdigestion. Preoared by E. C OeWltt a Cos, Ctjiqaoo. W. J. BUTTS. Money to Lend on Improved Real Estate. Apply to W. Merchant, Secretary, or F. E. TwlUy, Attorney, of the ATLANTIC INVESTMENT CO. PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. No.S7 Tim© Table ,, ~ . Kffective Oct 1,1905. ! !!"'."•••• Paa-eoger Mixed .Pasoenger Mixed _ Daily. Daily.! Daily. Dairy, '.'.V.Y.ViV.I s o °f. ttlE ! lv Brunswick ir •> 00pm.... 1000 ti... . l 'n m — 800 pm... jar Waycrosa lv 1 ißm . r 30aui iiiS 1 ?"’ lT Woycrore ar 1f pa ... j(I * " it 2, a;n '"' ? r Tilton It 1 30pai 215au,,.. lj IJpm.- •* ar Savannah It s 20ain . IS sCam... 10 38pm... ar Jack.—-i tr ! 2 00pm..!!, 5 reYn ' jilASim... ar rbnn,aavi,is It ,115 km i.. , lOWpm... ar Tampa lv | "j 8 0^?.", jT! Ij j! ViA WAYCROSB A MONTGOMERY. \ - 800 pm... ar Wayoroar lv llitu... J 30a nk.. Y, 0 20pm. 810 am... ar Montgomery . lv 74opm IS 25am... u 50am... a> Birmingham lv 4 OS pm StOam... 710 pm... or Nashville lv OOOatn... ...... .. — ■ 4 05pm... 705 am... ar Cincinnati It tl OO pm — • 7 16p m ... 720 am... ar Bt.Lcnia lv 8 55pm!.'! VIA SAVANNAH AN D CHARLESTON. IS 10am.. 12 10 am.. Ar Savannah Lv SSO am *2nam 7 26pm Ar Richmond Lv 0 05am , £2i atu ’ II SO pm Ar Washington !' 4 80am BETWEEN BRUNSWTotd AND SAVAXXAH VIA JESUP ~ 10 M) a u 0 o‘, pm jlv Br nawick ar -6 25 pm 835 pm. - ........ 8 05am 1030 pm 1 ar Jesup lv 500 pm 656 pm. Direct connection made at Wavcroo, wjth Pullman Sleeping Car* foi all points. Between Port Tampa, Key West and Havana. GOING. | RETURNING Lv Port 1 ampa 11 00 pm Mon. Thura. Sat. | Ar Port Tampa 2 30 am Thnr. sun. and Tuee. Ar Key West 30) pm Tues. FrLSun |Lv Kty West 10 OOp. m. Wed. Sat. and Mon Lv Key West 9 oo pm Tues. Kri. Sunday 1 Ar Kty West 0 00 pm Wed. Sat. and Mon Ar Havana 5 00 am Wed. Sal Mon . | Lv Havana 2 80 pm Wed. Sat. and Mon W.B. DENHAM, GEO. W. COATES. B. W. WRENN General Supt Division I’as. Agent. Pass. Traffic Mgr Savannah, Ga Brunswick, Ga. Savannah. Ga RTPAN'S iamies 'Doctors find' • 1 . i ■ ift., A Good Prescription for mankind f Ti* Mr Ira Mata, a' Graeeia, Restaorwaa fclerea, Tory Wai.h ph>, indue* ilrep, tad awing Hh, wa* g4w aWI N, *at • whaft ih* euta*. aa ml 4a M feed. Tea ,u Bm* -fl !— i Oy well ta ar .vvh-a. ae wd*q*W Cl nMial Ca, asOprare M., Mev Tainp J, J. LISSNER, l wuoi.ksatjk : m Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and! Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRANCA SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. W H. BOWEN. J. N. BRADT, BOWEN & BRADT, ArviCD BUILpERS Of Stone* Brick and Frame Building Manufacturers of Cement, Tile andlArtificlal Stone.