The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 26, 1900, Image 7
Typhoid Foyer Eiperienco Is not desired in your own per son. A Doctor’s Observation Is Valuable to All. Read what one says about Johnson’s Chill & Fever Tonic “Last Fall we had a good deal of Typho-Malaria, or perhaps Ty phoid Fever. Borne patients died: some recovered after six or eight weeks. After trying regular rem edies two weeks, i gave Johnson's Chili and Fever Tonic. In no in stance had it been- given more than 24 hours, when fever cooled down and did not return. Patients regained good health rapidly” JJb lvl NCIIEI.OE, M. D.J Conway, Ark. Take JOHNSON'S TONIC at the first symptom, and KEEP WELL. A. B. Girardeau, Savannah, Ua. Soi. Manufacturer. OPERA HOUSE.. Ooe Popular Week! Commencing JINNY, OMR -M MatinM®'Wednesday and Saturday. Peruchi-Beldena COMPANY. (Incoporated.) Leaders in A\odern Repertoire. Specialties will be introduced between the acts by 5 THE PICKETS 5 The greatest acr..bat ! c comedian on the American stage .Chelso D. Peruchi * —AND — BABY BLANCHE, The Great Child Artist. Prices only 10,20, 30c. ELI ZISSIMATO, 3021 Newcastle Sf. fi11!.... .... HI is CIGARS AND TOBACCO Its Sku Fresh Iw Sav, Kilk Shaks Scdi Wain' Etc,, Ali Kinds of Candy . Pleasant to the taste. Effective, reliable. DR. J. H. MEAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM Eliminates uric acid. The best remedy for Rheumatism and diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. f 1 • Bottle. i drugfiiaU. THC Dft. J. tt> MCLEAN MEIXCiNC CO., •T. LOU>§, mo. s VWWW FOR SALE BY AA/VNA/* W >. BUTTS, The'Druggist. l t 7 pool, Contractor and Builder, 119 South Stonewall Street. Brunswick, - Georgia. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES. Alien**!Foot-Eas*. a powder. It turn palnfiu, smarting. nervous fe-t and ingrowing nail*.and instantly taKee tbt fating out of corns mid turn* tone. it> the rreait*%t cornfrrt dJKOWi jof the age. Allen’s root-Ease makes tlgin or new shoe* feel eeep. Jt is a certain cu-e for sweat ing, calloui and h t. tired, aching feet. Try :t today. Sold by all aniggit an<T shoe stotts. By mail for 36c in auu pe, Trial package Free. Address Al'*o B.OlmaleaU, Le Kov, N. Y.^MO ARRESTED AGAIN. Laura Gonzales, who was arrested some time ago on a misdemeanor obarge and who, after securing bond, left the city, has been arrested again, and is now in the county jail. Two Brunswick business men stood securi ty for her but when she left the city they came off the bond and were ready to pay ihe amount of same and would have been compelled to do so had not the woman returned. Since ber ar rest again Cess gentlemen are re lieved. Ship Notice. Neither tbs roaster, owners or con signees of the Norwegian bark Areola, will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of said bark, Asduessn, Master. SPECIAL NOTICE. Neither the master, nor owners of the British bark Ethel Clarke will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew of said steamer. Brenton, Master. Dr. W. H. Lewis, Lawrenceville, Va., writes: “I am using Kcdol Dys pepsia Cure in my practice among se vere oises of indigestion, and find ft an admirable remedy." Many hun (ired* of physician* depend upon the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in stom ach troubles. It digosts what you tar, and allows you to eat all the good food you need, providing you do not over load your stomaob. Gives instant re lief and a peimai:*nt cu*e. W. J. Butts. A Minister’s Good Work, “1 had a severe attack of bilious colic, got a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea* Remedy, took two doses and was en tirely cared,” nays Rev. A. A. Power, of Empo ria, Kan. “My neighbor across the street was sick for over a week, had two or three bottles o medicine from the doctor. Ho used them for three or four days without relief, thin called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief, so discharged him. 1 went over l be next morning, Me said his bowels were iu a terrible fix, thnt they had been running off so long that it was almost bloody flux. T asked him if he had tried Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and he said, 'No.’ I wont home and brought him my bottle and gave hinrone close; told hltn to take. another dose in fifteen or twenty mtu utpsif he did not find relief, but he took no and was entirely cured I think it the best medicine I have ever tried.” For sale by Dr. Bishop's drug store. It is exasperating to one who knows Foley’s Honey and Tar, and knows what it will do, to have a dealer recommend something else as “jnsi the same,” or “’just as good 1 ’ for colds, coughs, croup, la grippe, etc. W. J. Butts. . Fr sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing *o ood a* Ghana beriain’* Pain Palm. Try it. For sale at Itr. Bishop's drug store. For Backache use STUART’S GIN and BtJCHU: BUY THE GENUINE^ SYRUP OF FIGS ... MAUrFACTXJBED BY ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. (TOTC THE KAMB. ___ The Quakers lire Honest People. tThe Quaker Herb Ton ic is not only a blood purifier, but a Blood' maker for Pale, Weak and Debilitated people who have not strength nor blood. It acts a. a tonic, it regulates di gestion,cures dyspepsia and lends strength and tone to the nervous sys tem. It is a medicine for weak women, It is a purely vegetable medicine, am. can be taken by the most delicate Kidney disease, Rheumatism arid ail lueases of the Blood, Stomach and Verves soon succumb to its wondeiftil -lfect on the human system. Thous ands of people in Georgia recommend it. Price |I. 00. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the med icine that the Quaker Doctor made all of his quick cures with It’s anew ntid wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism, Sprains, Pain in Bowels; in faot, all pain can be relieved by it. Price 25c ind r>oc. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP. ■ medicated soap for the skin, scalp and complexion. Price 10c a cake QUAKER HEALING SALVE, t vegetable ointment for the cure 01 tetter, eczema and eruptions of the skin. Price 10c a box. • FOP. SALE BY AI.T, DRUGGISTS. F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati. Polhiil’s Drue; Stoi’o iHifi BRUNSWICK TIMES-CAJLL, OCTOBER 26, .4SOOJ bankruptcy cases. M'*cod, Oct. 25.-D ptry U >'* States Court Clerk L M Erwin thir morning received telegram from Judge Speer, telling him to publish that he would be in Macon on Novem ber sth, to hear applications far dis charge in bankruptcy, FEM ALE \Y EAKNE-.fcj CURET) I was troubled with eevere feimil,. weakness forever six months. 1 was treated by foSF'vpry-prom t ent ( by.i oians without any marked benefit. My last doctor was a sktLed specialist, and he told -me the only hope lay in an op eration. 1 heard of Smiih’s Sure K.v ney Cute, and after using it f.,r ore mouth 1 find myself cured, ai U even the dootor who last treated me now pronounces me well, Mrs. J. R. F*ver, Atlanta, fla. Price R 0 cents. For sale’ by all druggiats. ALWAYS KEEP o ; HAND , Thera is no ktr.rl i>f pain or ache. Intern;,! or extor nal. that Pain. Kilter will not relievo. LOOK OUT FOR IMI'AT 'AUD SUB STITUTES. THE UELUIaH bO T T LE BEARS THE NAME, 1 PERRY DAVIS <fc SON. ! Clip ADVERTISING. CASH IN ADVANCE Advertisements in this column will he Insert ed at the unifonu rate of Ou Lent n Word for each Insertion. I'Jo advertisement, however mull, less cents! Lush in advance. lOR RENT.—Furnished rooms at 105 G streot, oenter of the city. Excellent wint-r rooms. FOR RENT.—B yen-room house, at 407 G 6treet. Goad location, modern improvements. Apply on prgiui^ea.Tf FOR RENT,—House oorffi'V Union and Monk, 225, now occupied by Ml’r V. Jeffers. Apoly to Mrs. K,.M>irs, 210 GlouosHer street. yi- Morphine, opium, laudanum,cocoalne habit; myself cuted. wi I inform you ol harmless, oermnDent bomo cure. Mary S. Baldwin, box 1212, ©biesgo. DISBOLU HON, —Tbp firm of peva - ris A Levadas, composed of P. Devs ris and S. Levadas, is dtsolod by mutual consent. I>. D.-vans, :will dim tinue the grocery business at the old stand. LOST.—Near the in'araeotion Newcastle and Glcuoftater streets, one gold brooche with aro-thyst setting. The finder will ber-warded on return ing the same to i.ftice of the Times- Call. WAN lED.—Cnns’ian man or wo man willing to qualify for pprrnat'en' position of trust, here or in home county. |9oo yearly. Eiolose self addreased s amp-d envelope to Secre tary, care of Timks-Cali.. WANTED. Ofd, rc’iiaf 1- iiuos wants business manager at Brunswi ok Salary y 1,200 a year; #6OO cash t-rtl satirfsoairy reference* required. Po sition perma eot, Opportunity to .t - ort-a'p income. Addresa “World," 1020 Par,- sire, r, Philadelphia, Pa H ELI* W aSTKD-M YT.E,—Old es tablished tueronLUle tiouse, extending business in this soiion, wsnts to ar rh,l ge with rapp.ble man, of correv nbita, to branch. Siler i, #l5OO yearly. fjtx< ra commtssiyue. Must furnish $BOO and sansfsctory references, “Opportunity.” Draw, i 74, New Haven, 0 mo. 11-18 A BONA FIDE BALARY-SI2 WEEKLY.—Men and women to ap point seems and represent us—Botip. ro travel, otbers for local work. si2 weekly salary and expenses Old es tablished boost, pleasant, permanent position; rapid advancement and in crease of wages, Write at once. Ad dress Butler & Aidger, D-p'. E, N. w Haven, Conn, • H is FOR SALK,—Hiller* is, and, ■■> uated on Turtle r>a m’klti'rK 32)$ sores of high Uud, - u. ,r hie for true* toy; or poultry iai(ng; sbtn t 15 sere cleered; good fishing and uy t r W aronndtht Island. Also, Is), n i View, contamg 50 sorer, more or less, si l u ated on Gibson and Pr-rvists creeks, six acres of at oh is under new wi.e fence; 76 to 100 p ar trass, and im provements on same. For further in formation, apply to F, Jys.Dunfl o ger, 316 Union street. NO fI( E OF APPLICATION FOR RA 1 T "OaD ARTER. State of Ociny i To ttic Honorable, the See- Count} oi rotary of State of tho State Glynn. ) of Georgia. Thepetitionof c Downing, F. D Aiken* M Kaiser, K. It. Maao*', N. Emanuel, T. Newman, J. J. Lott, L. Ji Aiken, E Hrobston and W, G. Brontljy, rcAprotfully shows: I. Thnt Paul, and all of said petitioners, ex cept L. It. AiVor, reside in the City of Biuns- WiCk, County oi Glynn and State of Georgia, and that petitioner I. R. Aiken lesidesat Mount Pleasant, c.nintv of Wayne and State of Georgia. 11. That petitioners desire to obtain for tliemerfelve-, their successors and assigns, a charter for a railroad company to be known as the Brunswick Birmingham Railroad Com pany, and they seek to be incorporated under such name a- a corporate bxly. for the purpose of building and operating a railway line under said charier. 111. That ti e length of the.railroad proposed to be built by said company will be about four hundred ami tklt\ 4. r >o) milop, us near as can bo estimated at this time, and tnat the goneral di rection of same will I>3 southeast to northwest IV. That said proposed rai I road beginning in the City of Brunswick, Georgia, wl I prob ably mil through l he counties of Glynn, Wayne, Pi ree, npling, Coflee, Irwin, Wilcox, Dooly, Sumto , \VebsterJftnd st. wart, in tho State ol Georgia, to a point on the boundary line bo tween Georgia and Alabama, withi* the ooijnty of Stew art, in the state <*f Georgia, aud from said^point to the cities of Montgomery Bir niinghun in the MHQ of '• Iftbnuiat and the principal places fr in which and toAVliieli it is pro osed to construct. suM railroad are ByuiW wick. Georgia, ami v Birtrirg ham. Alabama. ?r V That it is imp 9( f: issue capital stock in sulvl railroad *• mi-uip ! > the umounFfffc tjf tce thoi kand ($Ri On ) f r < aoh milo of said proposed railroad, aukiu; a total capitalization of si* million seven hand n! and fifty thousand dollars (sir,7so,ocu), and all T Ihtv capital stock L to he common >•.■ <•!; and nonei*! it preferred stock. VI. That petitioners desire that the charter fc r said railroad company, obtained under this p e nllon, shall continue in force for the full period ft.\cd by law, towit: One hundred and one (id) years. Vlf. That it is proposed to locate the princi pal < flice of said railroad company In the City, ol Brunswick, Georgia, and petitioner* that they do intend ifi good faith, immedtateiy upon the grantiugof the chartcrlherein pra.vUd'; for, to go foHvnru without delay to secure tcriplions to t he capital stock, construct, eflWfjK maintain and opm .te arid railroad: Whert)-’ 4 fore petitioners pray ttiat they, tlieir successors and ttssitfu/, may bo incorporated aa such rail road coiupAnjr, under the taid corporate name of the Brnns\viok & jßlrmiogham Railroad Conijnuy. under the labitt of tho State of Geor gia, whhajk tho rigirts, powers and piivil'ege* iuccclentn*fl pert Inept to kind lav railroad cor noratloitM am! an arc fixed amid fined by the laws of said State, and petitioners wiU Qtor pray. • • j - CiTVownirg,/ t", F. f\ Aiken, M Kaiser, .v " E. U, M ason, N. Kmannel, T. Newman, •1. J. Lotr. L. R.wvik' n, K, Brubs toil, W. G. Brantley, 3KBV I’CK B i PUUi i \ ]’KN. State of Georgia—( motj f lynn. Jilr*, Klla’Markhfim LH el furt-rtVorce: in the Superior court oi Glynn ve. county. May term, 1900, ' . A Order to perfect service Martin 11. Markham grunted at Raid term. ■ Ki ll, f pefeiulan*, Martin B. Markham. Jou are hereby required, in Divrflon or by nt •4dCbe and,., appear, lit the December Term, iftflo, oT(tlyrrp Superior court, to bo hold fen in and lor said county, at the court house,in Brunswick, Glynn count ,£eorfciit, on the llrst Monday in December, UKio, and you will be there by lon GO) o clock, of the forenoon of said day, then and there to aimwer fhe complaint of the plaintlfi‘ Mrs Elli. Markham, In tiie above staled case, fu her Jiliel for divorce. WiUiesß the Honor.dde Joseph W. Bonnet, Judge of the Superior court of Glynn county, this the day of August, 1900. A. O. TOWNSEND, Deputy of the Superior Court, Glum County, Georgia,' KKNR.ST DART, Attorney for Plaintiff. SBKVICK lIY I*IJIit.ICATtON. State of Georgia—County of Gl) nn. Mrs. Lizzie Lon# Libel lor (ltvoroe; In the ftifp prior court of Glynn vs. county. , Wav term, 1900. Order to perfect service, Thomax A. Long. granted ai iaid term. To the Defendant, Thomae A Long. V<m are hereby required, in person or by at torney. t-* be and at.pear, at the I>ecembor term, J!KK). of the Glynn Superior court, to be Uoldcn in and for said county, at the court inuae in Brunswick, Glynn county. Georgia, on the drat Monday in December, 1900, and you wbll be there by top GO) o’clock of the forenoon of said day, and there to answer the com pl tnf of the plaintiff. Mrp. Lizzie Long in the above stated case, in her libel for divorce. WitheisH the Honorable Joseph \y. Bonnet, aliidui of ti e superior court of Glynn county, tbia the 44th (lay of August, 1!mO. , A. O. T >tV>JBKNT>. Deputy-Clerk of the Superior Court, Glynn Countv Georgia, Kit NEST DART, Attorney for Plaintiff. Pt/Bj 1G s \LE. 81 Hoof Georgia—Conn'y of Glynn. ( uderand by virtue of the power of sab contained in the deed to secure dot t from Ainund • A. Dvl- to the Brunswick Title GnarMfstec and Loan Company, made executed ami (I'divc*.red or, the 24th cay of February, I*>92, and which Hal* deed to secure debt is duly re corded on pages 4 1. 442 am 44 : i f Vol r> of the general record- of Glynnyoutit , Georgia, ref erence theft to being had, the Brunswick Title Guarantee an 1-Load o/npauy w ill expose and offer for feele to tie* bgi st ami best bidder for cash* before the co in bouse door of Glynn county, Georgia, wdhin the legal home of sale, on the Hist Toed v in November. 1900, all of that certain tract, lot •u ihi cel of land, with the buildings and improvement* thereon xituate. lying and bci* gin the Old Town of Ike City td Bruns \vte .. lynn county. Georgia, known and do ■ e i' ed a.p be niriheawlorn .'lox9o feet of Old f l< wn '()• nmlmr t vol e 02), l> unded on the noith by the ee.Htorn one half of lot number lcven (11/ 9 toot; east oy Oglethorpe Hi reel. 8o 'ce; out >bv the remaining eastern p-mionof aid t . urn -er 12 90 feet, and went by i o f v\ eaten portion of said Old Town lot iii ’’ '2 5. 1 *t. aid Old Town lot num ber 2beii Identified . pon the roup of said c y ie. u Goor,e K. B Idwin A. D, 1837, to which rote enct in hereby bad for the purpose ot liqudtitlng the indebted mat* due said coin pai > h i et. .id grantor, namely. $OOO.OO prin ( ra do' * h aid *;i interest unto the first Tuee dj i ov uilmr, 1900. amounting to $417.98. and I u fheraum of s96oaa coats of adver tl-din* i Üb* sai*. BRUNSWICK TITLE GUARANTEE & LOAN COMB *Y, uy c. i*. GOODYEAR, President. 4 A t,t/ gts *>V, K. Kay, .Sec t Treat DOW KiTEH-VXA. THE PLANT SYSTEM T- H /or the E *V Gmi(J , iiWi,V '<9Hppvput, Nn i'.m >b.r s'h to i??W On frn for , b> round trip. Ticket. In bo .old Hovpm ficr sill, 7 I, Dtlt, 12 h, 14'li and lO fi, wi ll flnhl limit to 38th. A splendid progrem of #liraollomi ob be?n l n.iged. Plant Sjr.tem ticket egiio'# will give full p rticular.. B. W. Whknn, , P.eaenger Tfafi’io Men.ger, Havaouel), Üb. SHERIFF SALES. GEORGIA, Glynn County. Will be sold before tho courthouse door in said county, on the first Tuesday in November, 1900. the ame being the 6th day thereof, within the legal hours ol sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following property to-wit: Oue rodei top desk, six (6) oak mantels, three (8) large tombstones, five (5) small tombstones, one Mos ler iron safe. Levied on as the property of the defendant, Reed E. LaMance, to satisfy an exe cution issued from tho City court of Bruns wick, county of Glynn, at tho March term. 1599, in favor of Stringier & Falconer for three hun dred and eighty-one dollars and four cents ($381.04) principal, with interest thereon from December 14, 1896, at 6 per cent, per annum until paid and all costs. Levy made and re turned to me by K. F. Tayior, depute sheriff. Also at the same time and place, the following described property to-wifc: Tkatcer tain lot, tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in tho oity of Brunswick, county of Glynn, .state of Georgia, and known and de scribed on man of said city made in the year 1837 as the southwest one-sixth (1-6) of Old Town lot number 64. Levied on as the property of the estate of J. J. Door under and by virtue Of an execution issued by 11. J. Bead, tax collector, for state and county taxes duo for the year 1899. Amount of tax .Vio.OO with inter est and all costs. Levy mado ami returned to me by It. S, Pyles, deputy she rill. Also Ihe same time and place, the described property towit: Those certain lots, tracts or parcels of land situate, lying and beingiu the city of Brunswick, eoun tv of Glynn, elate of Georgia, and lmowm and described on Simmons* map of said city, made in the year 1891. as Habersham park loWfcum bers <t>, 77.91 and 5)2, between Loo and Gordon streets. Levied on as the property of Mrs. F. E. Habersham under aud by virtue of an exe cution issued by H. J. Read, tax collector, for state ami county taxes due. for the year 1899 Amount of taxes SSO with interest and all cost Levy made and returned to mo by K. S. Pyles deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and place, > th* following described property towit: That cer tain lot or tract of land situate, lying and be ing in tho 27th district G. M.. county of Glynn, state of Georgia, and know n as a part of Colo hoPb island, containing two hundred (210) acres moroorlesß. Bounded on the north by lands of tho Bonth BrunKwicU Railway Cos., on the west by Fancy Bluff ereok, on the south and east by lands of the Brunswick Dock Cos, Lev ied on as the property of *nid Brunswick Dock Cos. under and by virtue of an execution issued by 11, J. Read,tax collector,for state and countv taxes due for the year 1599. Amount of tax one hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125.) with interest and all costs. Levy made ami return ed to me by R, 3. Pyles, deputy sheriff. W. JI. BERRJE, . Sheriff Glynn Countv.Ga. REGIStBATION NOTICeT Ollicc City Clerk, Brunswick, Ga., Oct. 1,1900. In accordance with Section X of the amended charter of the (Jitv of Brunswick, approved November 13,1889, 1 will ou tin) first Monday in Octobor, 1960, at 10 a. in., open the hooks for the registration of the qualified (to be qualified to register all .State, County and city Tuxes must be paid) voters or the city of Brunsw'ick. Ga , and keep the same open until the first Monday iu Novomber, 1900. L. C. BODET, Clerk. CITATION. GEORGIA—GIynn County. To whom it may concent: A. C. Shanuon having in proper form applied to me for per manent letters of administration upon the es tate of D. F. Sleeper, of said county, deceased, this is to cite the creditors and next of kin of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time required by )aw r and show' cause, if any, why permanent letters should not be granted to the applicant as orayed for. Witne-s my ollielal t-ignature this 11th of Octo ber, 190 U. IIORACE DART, Ordinary. CITATION. GEORGIA—GIynn County. Tvovaia Turnor, wife of Alfred Turner, haw app.ied for exemptiou of por.-Kjnality and sett ing apart aud valuation of homestead out, of h so: operty nml I will puss npon the same at 19 o’clock a in., on ihe 22nd day of O'MoberJW'r), at lay office. This September 29th, 1900. HORACE DART, Ordinary Glynn County, Ga. bKRVICE BY PUBIJCATION. State of Georgia—County or Glynn. .MVs, Edna Wylie Libel for divorce; in the Superior court of Glynn vs. county. May term, 1900. order to perfect service, James Wylie. granted at said term. To the Defendant, James Wylie. You are hereby required, in person or by at torncy. to he aud appear at the December term, 19C0, of Glynn Superior court, to be hold en in and for said county, at the court hou-e, ip Brunswick, Glynn obtinly, Georgia, on the first Monday in Docemher, 1900, and you will be there by ten (10) o’clock of the forenoon of said day, then and there to answer the com plaint of the plaintiff, Mrs. Edna. Wylie, in the above stated ease, in lier libel for divorce. Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Bennet, Judge of the Superior Cobrt of Glynn county, this the 24th di.y of August, 1900. A. O. TOWNSEND, Deputy Clerk ol the Superior Court, GlyDi County. Georgia. KRNEisT DART, Aitornev for Plaintiff, ADMI NIS I BATOR SALE. GEORG! A— Glyfin Coupty. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordi nary of sanl county, I will sell at public outcry on the Apt Tuesday in November, 190). at tne' <-ourt hf.nse in -aid county, within the legal hours of sale, the following described lauds, the property of the e- ’iite of Bridget Minehan, d*- ceastd, situate. In the City of Brauuswick. in said-T.tate and county, to wit: Lots number* twelve hundred and thirty seven (12:ff;, twelve hun red and thirty night (1258;, twelve hundred slid tblrty-nme •12H9j, twelve hundred and forty (IMOy, six hundred and forty-two (642 . and six hundred and forty-three tO4J). respeo ively. each of said lots being in that portio■■ of said city commonly called u New Town." and designated upou the map of the plan < f said city as made by Geo. R.Baldwin, surveyor, A. l. 1887. and of the addition thereto,by thenurn* above described, anu to which mai> and to (he order of said court of ordinary aforesaid, i eferem-e is made fa all purpose* of and esc tip tiun. Also, the unexplred leasehold inUrest in and u the following lots or parcels of land sit uate in the city of Brunswick, and in that part thereof eommouly called •‘Town Com Hods,’’ to wit: Thai portion of lot uumbor seventy-five (75) fronting forty ,40) feet on Amher.-t street and ninety (90) feet on J street, the leasehold therein expiring uj on March 21,1967; lot num ber one hundred and thirty-five (W 5), bounded east by Albany street, south, by L sir(*et, west by Wolfe street and norlh by lot number one hundred and thirty four, and having a front upon Albany and Wolfe street* respectively of ninny (90) feet and a depth between said street* of hundrt tl and ei, nty (180) leet. and thirty-four (134) bounded east by Albany .street. Houth by lot number one hundred nd thirty-five (136). west street, and north bv lot number ongMked and thirty i rr> 'i::-,; and the A®. - mb portion of said lot miinlici-oiik hundred A^Jn,i r ty-three (184, the same fronting Albany street ami ninety (90) feet’ upon Wolfe ’ treet, the leasehold Interest therein expiring ..larch 2,1%7, and the description of each of Maid Town Common* lot* and parts of lots being made w ith reference to the mapof whatft* com mo ly called the/4Kugheß Survey” of the Town ( ominous of said eTty of file in the office of the mu' or .nd council thereof. Terms of sate oash. Tut* October 8, JilOO. ROSENDO TOUBAK, Administrator de bonis non etc. Bridget Mino- Imn, deceased. ’ NufICK~TO TAJrAYEUH. For the purpose of collecting the state i: ud County Tax for 190 u, l will l.e at the follov did not precincts on dates na ted, to-wlt: 1*25 Disf, Oct. 27, Nov. 19 and Dec. 9. Tt PGI. Oct 26 Nov. and Dec. 4. }tm Dint. Oct. 25, Nov. 2! aud Dec . 149 Diet. Oct. 24. Nov. 22 aud Dec. 7. 2U Diet. Oct, 2V, 30, 31, Nov. 1 ,24, k and Dec. 8,10,11. H. J. Id ai>. T.C. Co, Service By Publication. ST ATE OF GEORG IA —Loan ty of Glynn. John Rogers, 1 In Glynn Superior Court, May .. . J Term, 1900. Su.le Rogers. ) LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. To the Defendant, Susie Rogers: You are hereby commanded to be and appear at the December Term, next, of Glynn Superior Court, to beholden at the court house in Brunswick, Glynn County. Georgia, on the i? D^ cember * 1900 ' and by Ten (10) O’clock of tho feronoon of said date, then and there to answer the complaint of the plain tiff in the above stated case in his Libel for Divorce. Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Bennett, Judge of the Sup rior Court of Glynn County, this the 10th day of July, 1900. 7 , Q . „ H.F. duBIGNON. Clerk Superior Court, Glynn t ouul#', Ga. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. "* GEORGIA—GIynn County. Mrs. Mary C. Reppard ve. Jefferson Lew, The National Bank 01 Brunswidk and the May or and Council of Brunswick.—Petition for par tion of realty in Glynn Superior court, De cember Term thereof, 1900. ToHbfce Defend 1 at, Jefferson Levy: You are hereby notified that the petitioner in the above stated case will apply for a parti tion of that certain real property iu the state of Georgia, county ot Glynn and city of Bruns wick, described as follows: Northeastern portion of what is known as and called the “Thirty Acre Tract” or “The Wells Tract!” having the follow ing courses and distances, to wit; Commencing at the centre of the South ern line of Union street and running thence -waadtyßlofeet; tjMj&pe running Northwardly 16Jo feet; thence rfitfßlng Westwardly 855 feet, except three certain small tracts heretofore sold by the owners; such application for par df said land will he made at the next tend of said couit to be held ou the first Mon dao in December next. This notice given in pursuance of an order granted September 28,1900, by Hon. Paul E. Beabrook,judge of said court presiding, the Honorable Joseph W, Bennet being disqualified m said case. Honorablo Putil F.. Seabrook, IWX) B Ba <1 court . Presiding, tui October I, ... . . . , H. F. DU HIGVOX, Sl*aV ..r*TwiTTY,' ,rt ’ Gtym ‘ Coumy ’ ,ia - Petitioner’. Attorncvs. Jolm M. Slcole j A plication for re- Janie Hntiler, formerly j moral of ■ JaaieStecle. ] disabilities. Xotiee is hereby given that on the tltli day of oi O JhSpVrM?h U,,C ‘ a C, '* lg ? ed “ led in thc °" iue of the Superior court of Glynn touiuy his application for removal of the disa untlcr tha veroict and judgment rendered in said court May 21. 1900 Imlib’f 8 ! 1 °/ f h i s - ,ovmer Janie Steele! against himfor divorce, and that said applica tion will be heard at the term of said court be- Monday in Docember “*• JOTIX M. STEELE CITATION. GEORGI t—Glynn Colin ty. To whom it may concern: H. J. Read having 111 proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of George McArthur, late or said county, this is to cite all and singular, the creditors and next of kin of George McArthur to tie and appear at tny oltlc&withiu tho time allowed by law and show" cause, if any they can, why 1 ormauent administration should not l>e granted to H. J. Head on George McArthur’s estate. Witness my hand official signature this 12th day'of Oc tober, 19C0. HORACE DART, Ordinary. CITATION. Georgia—Glynn County. Mrs. Fannie A. Smith has applied foi exomp tton of personality and tho setting }l t> ut and \ atuauon pf homestead out of ti v estate of I! G, Smith, decea ed, late of said eonuty and at ate. au<l l will pass upon the same :i t ten o clock am, otf the 22nd day'of ocober, 1900, at mv office in the court house of said countv nd state. HORACE DART, Ordinary GlynnjCouury, Ga. CITATION. GEORG iA —GI ynn Cop nt3 r . Whereas. Ella J. Jennings, administratrix of George '\. Calvin estate, n t> tho couri in h r petition, duly filed and entered ou record, that she ha fully administered George .( a Ivin’s cstutic. This is, ; bereforc, to oite all persons couffei,in*''l, kindred and crelitors to show cause, if any they CHU,<\yhy eaid ad ministratrix should not be dir-charged from administration, and receive letters of dismis sion on the first Monday in December, 1900. HORACE DART,Ordinary. CITATION. Georgia—Glynn County. . Mrs. Mary Mahoney having made applica tion for twelve months’ suppoit,out of the estate of Timothy Mahoney, uud appraisers duly appointeu to set apart the same having Died their return, all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the court of ordinary of said county on the flint Monday Hi November, 1900, why said application should not be granted. This 4ih day of NoyemherJWOO. HOK \CE DART, Urdinaiy. k - *f Cii’ATr/jN. V—'Glyun County crWRiMi Dart, of Glynn county, in said State has applied to the Ordinary of oiiid county ot Glynn lor exemption of personalty and setting •part and valuation of homestead, and I win pass upon the s tme at Id o'clock n. in. u] on the 1 -th day oi October, 1900, at the court house iu paid county of Glynn. This September 22. 1900. JEFFERSON I). M’ARKS. Judge Lity Conn of Brunswick and pro hac v ifd ordinary Glynn County, Georgia. Administrators Notice, AU persons having claims against estate of J G. Campbell will present them to the under signed, and all owing said estate will . la*e i ay their accounts to J. j. 8 PEA Its, Adm'r. Estate J. G. Campbell. State of Georgia—County of Glynn. The co -pa 11 n e rsh i p he ret of ore exiling, u ndr the firm name and style of Taylor, Cook dc Com pany engaged in the saw mill business, in tho manufacture of cypress lumber, and otherwise, at Brin - .vick, Ga., having served its purposes, itis mutually agreed by all ( t the undersigned member* of said firm that the said partnership be and tho ime is hereby dissolved by mutual conaent. '1 he business heretofore carried on bv the said company will hereafter be conducted by the corporation duly creuied I v the Buporior court of Glynn county. Ge-rgia, with its principal office m Brunswick, Ga., kuow as and called the I'aylor-Cook Cypress Couinanv. All debt ors, creditors and other parties dealing with said co-partnership in the past and all person* otherwise interested wiij take notice. This Oc tober 18, 1900. Respect] uJly, O, N. Taylor. T. 11. Cook. Will 8. Taylor. J. If Cook. Mrs Hattie J. Boss. A. W. Cook. Mis. Rebecca A Cuok. J. W.Cook. Mrs.!. M. Cal via. BBERVICE BY PUBLICATION. Mrs. Clyde Freeman, Libel for Divorce. Re turnable to December vb. Term 1900, of Superior Court of Glynn coun -1 O. J. Freeman, ty, Georgia. To the said defeudnnt, O. J. Freeman: T< u are hereby reqrire vrsoaally of by attorney, to lie and appear at ihe next term of I the 8 1 ’ rior Court of said c<<uuty, converting . ou the fir tMonday in December, 1900, the aaa there to answer the plaintiff, Clyde Freeman, upon thc merits of bar petition for divorce filed against you; as in default of such appearance the Court w ill proceed as to justice shall appor- WiLwcsF th* Ho Joseph W. Bonnot. Jiul£#'<wHuid Superior *4it, th*- 22d day of , August, 1900. A. O, TOW NSKND, I D' pufy Clerk Bup*' or Court. Glynn 00., Ga. 1 D. W. KTtAUKSft,l'tlO’. Ally.