The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 26, 1900, Image 8
i WHY | Ik go away from' home to have your EYES m 2 treated and fitted with Glasses when §| you can have* the same work done here just as accurately and good? Besides, S Save Money Here at Home, § and get just as strong guarantee. We 91 refer you to any one wno has had us fit them with prescription lenses. If your g Eyes trouble you in any way at all, call g on me and I will examine them FREE and g tell you what you need. We have glasses g S from 25c up, and you don’t have to buy g § the expensive ones unless you want to. g | iii m cniiM I | KENNON MOTT, | g Jeweler and Graduate Optician, g g Inupsctor 01 Witches for Southern Hallway. Time by Wire daily from Washington : *g Coney & Parker DEALERS IN n vSt '*.*■ .. ' ' 'jr.ti % 4, Ss . N Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Laths. Phone 18 525 Bav St. Ladies’ Wear. * -• ' •* v * *%- '*• — ; ; u- ■ - '• •.'* vjSr'l ‘W ; A full line in Waists, Skirts, Underskirts, Capes and Jackets Our Flannel Waist Models Are Town Talk. See Our Successful New Patent UndeiQirt. Self*conforming to increasing or decreas . f * rffc ing Waist Lines. No drawing string, no uneven, lumpy exposure. Call and see them. LEVY’S TEE Socieiej. Mrs. A J.Crov&tt has returned from a trip to the North and Erst. Mss Gertrude Alien arrived in ‘hi city Wednesday morning from t sum mer in Rome, Ga. Mr. Julius Levy and family have re turned from Toocoa, Ga., where they spent the summer. After spending several months at Toocoa, Ga.. Mr*. E. Haas tics return ed home. M:s, Josephine du Bignon willep-nd several months of the Winter in the North, with relatives and friends. The Exdifrsior Literary society of the G yno High schools bolds its drat regular meeting today. Avery inter eating program has been arranged. Miss Mary Porter is conducting a private school on F street, aud has quite a cumber of interesting pupils. Three weddings from tun M ■ bud-., t ohuron aid one liom the Epi cupal oburoti. Is the latest Dews from Dsuie Rumor. Misses Luis and Addle Usiutt enter tain! >1 their friends wito a danc, on Wednesday evening at tiieir re*i.tones pn Dartmouih anl kfijs streets., i= T '" Mrs. R. tnd iittls dsiigh^ ter, Mamie, wltlf return on Tuesday from a visit to AtiaHta. *o - Mrs. P. S Farmer leaves in the MM lory today for New Vurk, whin It will - ■*. he hqy future home, 1/fky f*K : . ~ “'■■'*o ’ b _ se^Jb; Mr. H. V. Hine ba§ 'frWunwl fftmT • pleasant summer Rh relatives in .the North. ** I-" ■i. Briipewick-inado Candles. YAo*Yl I find all kinds at jl, v <. 2 ■*■■■■■ •— — —t-m . Jlsve you a sense trf fuUjtmttn lb* region of your stomach after rsilns|. If so you will b benefited by aeing ChaaberWnn s StoQAea W Uver Tablets. They* nlso’Vore. be : '& aud' sour stomieh, Tifiy regulate the b6ifipk<-ty,. Price 15c. Sold by ttlshop’i Drug Stow. 73 * Seconil hand houseliold and sold, also pianos/organs, truMj& mirrors, carpets, etc. JyW, Wa kins. . * .iHilfirwT TRY IT troubles xPjldoctott cannot sicians are so ' ments and the delicate organism of woman. What the sufferer ought to do is to give a fair trial to BRADFIELD’S Female Regulator which is the true cure provided by Nature for all female troubles. It is the formula of a physician of the highest standing, who devoted his whole life to the study of the dis tinct ailments peculiar to our moth ers, wives and daßgs*Ws. It is made of soothing, herbs and vegefs%JT which have been provided by aTElndly Nature to cure irregularity in the menses, Leu corrhoea, Falling of the Womb, Nerv ousness, Headache and Backache. In fairness to herself and to Brad. Held's Female Regulator, every yjffering woman ought to give it a trial. A large $i bottle will do a wonderful amount of good. Sold by druggists. , m and Send far . piety free book ee the .object The Bradfleld Regulator Cos., Atlanta, Ga. WHAT IS OVARITIS? ’ A dull, Throbbing pain, accompanied by a sense of tenderue&s and. heat low down in the side, with an occasional shooting pain, indicates inflammation. On examination it will be found that the region of pain shows some swell ing. This is the first stage of ovaritis, inflammation of the ovary. If the roof of your house leaks, my sister, you have it fixed at once ; why not pay the same respect to your own body ? You need not, you ought not to let yourself go, when one of your own sex holds out the helping hand to you, and will advise you without money, and without price. Write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. , and tell her all your symp- Mbs. Axxi* a*tox. toms. Her experience is treating fa male Ills is greater than any other living person. Following is a letter from a woman who is thankful for avoiding a terrible operation. “ I was suffering to Buch an extent from ovarian trouble that my physi cian thought an operation would be necessary. “Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound having been recommended to me, X decided to try it. After using several bottles I found that I was cured. My entire system was toned up, snd I suffered no more with my ovaries." —Mbs.. Asha Astox, Troy, Mo. :it is well to know that DeWitt’s WMcfc JEfoftl ,S*lve.will heel a born pgig t It will cur* _sfc#rnr 'MOTHra diseases and ugly 'VraHtpdi L, ivfcertain core iCouO?jjlSn* rosy be offered P. ‘ jw gel (he original H*sl rtalT&-W. J jg. Half tk* World is io I)rko** “ • ‘U health. If ttojwmid *trt to tnwfefholr kldneye with Pole,’* Kid ney Care, (he wrarlnese of body snd mind, back ache, headache anf yhyunatM pains would diaspiear. W. CASTOR IA 'Wot and Cliildren. J(* Riil Twdku Always Bought eleuame of fiT 'CHANGE or SCHEDULE Pf.ASiT B>STKM, ~ V ' ,n ' ,w,c * s Titm2iP iewre* ptwa*wji>. s ts p.wu, 1 a ’lTatb •& arrives Brunswick 1<?8. m. 1 jk iTr*|-t 88 *rr ...■** B'uodwlcv ft p, m. ' *" ‘ .--'ifc 1 ': —‘•7~‘T -*r* Pr'ekly Ah liiUt-ra of the kidney*, rlt*nnpi> nod strengthens the liver, stoibtoh nf toivete W., J. Baits, low rates. . • To Georgl a Mate Fni r* at Valdosta* ociofcfer 29tb to NoTomber 4th, via Plant System., Oao fare in OsorprtA, JTotifta and Ala bama, plu* so rants additional for admission. ‘ Military vats 1 cent j*r mils each dfrecUou, or mote on one ticket. • It. W. WBKXN, Fa- Arjtg* r T-a fti o Ma it a*;rr TRY ONE Large Fat Mackerel 12 l-2c Medium Fat Macke/el 10c And for Anything good we have it. GWHarper, THE HUSTLER. PHOHB 13S. * m > OLD FASHIOKED Molasses Candy. “is Ever Unexcelled.” 10 Cents. W J BUTTS, The Druggist. “On tli© Corner.” Brown Drug Cos. LEADING DRUGGISTS. Are headquarters for everything in the drug line Our stock of Toilet Articles is complete. We carry the finest stock of Soaps and Per fumery in the city. Prescriptions accurately compounded by compe tent men day or night. Opera Glasses for Rent. BROWN DRUG CO. Druggists to the People. FRESH SUNN ALLY’S CANDIES. Summer - A. A Bargains gyliwtesil Furniture A clearance sale to room for new goods. 1 Pa '.nr Suit, 5 pieoea, worth S4O, now $29. 1 Oaa Refrigerator, worth S2O. now sl6. t Obit Hed Room Suite, 3 piece*, worth $25, now $lB Jffe' WfiTilk “ieSn : 'ed Lounges, worth $K>, now sl2, Dent ■ a Tables 50 cents to $6. jBWjQI-'i"'lifiWff? I ;e Cream Freezers worth $2 .50 at $1.98. A large assortment of Sideboards, ,Cupboards Br Prices Below the Market. Ullfr C., McGARVEY. Pk, LOOK THE WORLD OVER AND VOX CAN'T HEAT CREAM OF KENTUCKY Whisky SI.OO PER QUART ; $4.00 PER GALLON. NOT MADE BY AYTRUST* I. Trager & Cos., Independent Distillers. Sold Exclusively inJ|Braunswick by *’■ .*] FR- s N/. DOUGL.AS, 206 Bav Street,