The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 27, 1900, Image 4

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The Brunswick Times. Established 1888. The Brunswick Call. Established 1 tm. The Brunswick Times-Call, CONSOLIDATED lUOO, Published EVKRY MOKNING EXCEPT MONDAY. AETHUK H. LEAVY ..... Editor AO LAND A. MULLINS, Business Manager DICE \ KS’M irSt "* t .TO SUBSOBIBEBS; Subscriber* are requested to notify the offlct when they fall to got any leeue'bf the Tlme*- CalL Attention to this matter will be appre elated by the publishers. lie Times-Call will be Delivered by carrier or mail, per year. #8.00; per week IS ante. Correspondence on Uvo subjects •elicited. Meal name of writer ehonld ac company same. Subscriptions payable In advance. Yailure to receive paper ehonld be reported to the.bneiness office. Address all •ommunioations to TIIK TIMKB-CALI, Brunswick, (is. NOTICE. He'esfte" a’l legal advertlte ments musi be paid for after the first insertion. The. management liae been pat to a great deal of trouble and delay In collecting In the pas*, and in future must trke advantage of tho Georgia law on this subjeeb Oct. JO, 1900, Democratic Ticket For President. ■William Jennings Bryan. For Vice President. Adlai E. Stevenson. For Electors of the President and Vice President of the United States: For Electors State at Large, Augustus DuPont Fulton Colville, For Elector First Congressional Dist, W. W. Sheppard. For Elector Second Congressional Diet G. W. Fulwood. For Elector Third Congrcißional Ditt W. C. Nottingham. For Elcctoj Fourth Congressional List B. F. McLaughlin, For Elector Fifth Congre-siopal Disc Elgar Latham. For Elector Sixth Congressional Diet. J M. Strickland. For Elector Seventh Congressional Diet J. P. Jackoway. For Elector Eighth Congressional Dist A. G. McCurry. For.EUclor Nlnjh Congressional Diet. J. J. Kimey. For Elector Tenth Cocgresgioßal Pist. T. E. Masaengale. A. E. Cochran. For Representative In Fifty-Seventh Congress, U. 8., From Eleventh Congressional DUtrict, Willlm 0. Brantley. ANNOUNCEMENT. To insure • good position,, advertisers arc requested before 12 o'clock ns it possible to get advertising up in prop- retches this cilice after m uoh as'Tie' afvOle^^lWMß .y or ble odltcrlsl page to this sweet sub ject. COME OUT TONIGHT. The democrats of Brunswick and Glynn coustv are 'going to hold a big rally at the city hall tonight, and ev ery voter who can posßlbly get off should be present and participate in tie meeting. It is a fact that the democratic party is in the majority here but on election day let us make that maj jrity so large that a man will be ashamed in future to say he is a Gljnn republi can. There will be soma excellent speeches and tbe time you are there, cor, be spent la a better way. e==s==asfe^^ CHINA SAVED FROM PARTITION. ” The newly announced Anglo Ger man agreement is - tbe first clear sound which has eomo from the jangling counsels of the Powers, It uniiee the greatest military and the greatest naval power on earth In favor of a policy which all tbe Powers have been advocating froea ; the beginning, hut whose successful appli cation to the situation was apparently endangered by the truculent attitude of Germany, snd the silence of Grei*| Britain, What all the others profess ed to desire, Germany and Eng;and have united to secure, and there be no further difficulty la, ActawnpUs!** ing a complete consensus, at leipLao* far as the integrity of CMfia IslkiffCerS^ THINK IT OVER. Some days ago the ladies of a certain charitable orgaajaation gaTC an enter tainment for the purpose pf raising fund,. A party of the good women came to the Timxs-Oall office and asked fora “nice long notice.’’ . The city editor proceeded to write nearly a column about the affair and unde aa urgent appeal for tho public’s patronage io be half of the entertainment A few min* utes later another delegation came around and handed the city ed-tora bill and asked him to say somjthjng about the subject of the bill which chanced to be about the same enter tainment. Another printing estiblish meut’s Imprtpt could be seen at the bottom ol the dodger. , : Now Is thla fair. Sho<#d they come to thc 4 newspaper when they want a : favor and go the other prluting offices > when they are to spend a dollar or! ■■ • i two. The Times-Call will do any kind, of printing as cheap as anybody else and It should get the work when it Is called upon for lor space which It re ceives not a penny Will you kindly put yourte f in our position and think for a minute how you would feel in such an Instance? The sudden death of Charles Dad ley Warner removed from a sphere of use fulness a mau to.whom literature owes much. Be was a writer, a thinker, out spoken in his views, withal. of a kindly nature that made himacharm ing companion, Hla taking off leaves ranks, hut live In the hearts of ht count! ymen, JLo.-evelt became leal argry tvhtn Aw' ki Is askod him a few per - . It bi.ou and Pavu sßtehlc .'I Mr. Ur ja ' public. But he dida't. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. OCTOBER 27, 1900. |2p| saDy’s Future. —mi - rvißßla Tbe fond mother dreams great dreams -of baby’s future as she holds the sleeping little one in her arms. But the dreams will never come true unless she has given him a strong body and a healthy mind. Children die in hosts, or live to struggle throimh life feeble of body and dull the mother was unfit for moth erhood. Women TQHMue Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription endow their chil dren with strong bodies and bright minds. It is every mother’s duty to give her child the advantages of a healthy body and mind. A weak or sickly woman cannot do this. " Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong and sick women well. Sirs. Orriu Stile*, of Dowutag, Dunn Co.,Wts., writ**: I hfcve intending to write to ytiu ■m horn in regard towhnt gtion ’ ha* don e for mo. I for I have not been nm aowtm. In July I nut Ihd lounda, and I waeoohr nick c* I got up have not had not hnd guy womb trouble not only mirprised royo*f are Purpriaed to Dr. Pierce's Pelletß cum hiHntiinrwi Two first else# canning factories will Add greatly to the weekly pay tolls of Brunswick. B.tfCHTton," *jSi A t horse” has bjtl • * 4rwd for fecrllAi-y o' the ornate. Bill ran against the wrong i*h. That’s Senator Bacan la to etump the et&-Aj of Illinois for Bryan and titevejfren:- GaS sen at op Is one or the brigjrtAst lights In American politics. It Happened in *sfug Sttoe. “One day last winter a lady came to my drag •tore ami anted for a brand of cowfW wwliciee that I did ttoe-hajle In stock,” **y*-JJr. C. Grandtn, the popular druggist 6# Ontario,JOß "She was <H;ii(>poiutod amt wanted (yJjflH what rough-pi operation I ootid rccouhsSSt said to her that 1 could freely recommend Chambortaln’s Cough Remedy end "that she could take s botWe of tbe remedy end after ffivttg It a fair trial if -be did niid'lt woyth the money to ! hrtny hch,thc bottle and 1 waeW refi.nd tbe ]>riee paid, luthefonr-e of a.-vks. or two tbe lady came beck in ise*B|Na.iy with a friend m ’ red of f l medicine and advised hei foktiy a t-otile'nf Cbamt-erla'n'a Congb Remedy. I consider that a very gi-od recom mendation for toerenuiJy.” The remedy owes Us great popnlsifty and extensive sale Jn a ; largo measure .W the x#rsoul vecommi-nds- j tionsof pcopt" wb<- MVt been cured by It* uae. It Isfqr mte at tie. Dfin’m-v-t—gstore. Constipatiou is the rock that wreck | many liver; it polrons the very *• i blond . Regularity can be established i through the use qA I’nrkiy Ash B>t , ters. It is ..mildly cathartic, and alru'gthena the stomach, liver and j kidneys. W. J. Butts. To St. p a Quid. \ fter eapoiurs or when yon feel a cbld com ing on take a do- eof Kotov’* Honey and Tar. It never (alia to stop a cold It taken ru time. W J. Butts. WANTED. Ariesiku wrlla to drive at $250 each Rise and capacity ; guarantied will also guarantee to complete wells iti 15 days. Call on or address A. tl. Bukerj 205 Gloucester street. No other pills can equal DeWill’r Little Early U sers (or promptness, oertainty amt tffluency. W. J. Buttr. A Card Tbe njanntactnrors of Banner Salve have an UiorUcd the undersigned to guarantee it for burns, cut*, tores, ulcers, tetter, eetema and all skin diseases. You have yonr money back 1 I do hß't do all It claims, W. J. Butts. • Fresh maccaroons. ladv Ungers, cream puffs and fancy cakes at Qity Bakery. J. W W atkrtvl yOti Joan you money on personal prop evty and real estate. Feslirgsot eatery pervade thebouvf hold fnat u e-On-’ Minute O ugh Cure, tfae nn.y firmlces rrmedy that pro duce* tnucedUU re-iil... It is infal’t bla for cuughs, cu)ds, croup, and all throat and lurg troubles. It wiHj>re vent consumption. W, J. Butte. SHORT BUTSPICY CITY NEWS NOTES A Days Doings as Gathered Dy The Times-Call Reporters MATTERS PERSONAL AND.GENERAL • % BRIEF STATEMENTS OF THE MANY THINGS THAT MAKE UP T HE BUSY ROUND OF LIFE- Judge F. W. Dirt, of Douglas,4f !d the city. Mr. John Currie spent vest errJm 1l the city. Mr. i. W. Tatum is spending some time in the city. The Mallory line etf-amer carries large cargo from Brunswick this week. Henry Kubineon, an tffieient of the cierk of the superior court'! of fic, is still seriously Cl. '• ! fc The next time tbe opera house op ens wjll be on the night of the Section when tbe returns will be re calved. Mr. Maurice GreenwooJ has oidtrcd a large etjjjteot goods and will preb gbfy be rSoy for buein|S wjthin the Ait sCpeflnteuurr.l depmrtpeiit of the Dr, W. B Burroughs, Of this c< >i|j| soma K Congresemaa ieout In bts diuMfel-maklog' He wbe returned to congress with a mauioth majority. •jMessrs. O. W, Terming and L. J. Jr., will returtf from Atlauta togiorrow after having tpcat a week j|p*.nt!y TmgnsiCAl.L.job office Is now In full bl.a|f again and Itiose who desire t ) savJnKney should let it bid cu tbeir work. Best Workmen and bsi , tqfcjjjped. Second hand household furniture fought and soid'T also piaos, organs, trunks, ayttars, *&jrpetp , etc. J. Jjf-Walk ins. 1 Xew Georgia yrup and buckwhea', at L. E. Rebarts’, corner Egmoot and Aib’msrle streets. Complete is THE LINE OF 101 l i wit Ms which I now have on exhibition. CALL AND EXAMINE. Th, F. Winter, THE TAILOR, 311 Newcastle St. f 9 oo Drops) ■vgflSfii pyMjh m jh W f I AM’getable Preparalton for As- | similatinglheFoodandfieguia- f ling the Stoinactis andßowels of [ 1 NT AN IS/( HILBKLN Promotes DigeslioitCheerful ness and Itest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine norMiueraL Not Harc otic . Ptcyx of OLHk-SMIIL PITCHED AaiyJuM Seal- . Mx.Se.ln* * l RMMUSMt- i Aw Sent f I ■ tjßZpZLsnln* j Aperieel Remedy forConsbpa- Tlon. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of C&yj&tesCi*'. , MEW YORK. Alb moiilhs old J3 UIISIS - j jC I MS COPY OF WRAPPER. NEW GOODS Arriving: Daily! AND WE LMIIE TOW INSPECTION. Our Mr. C. Miller, while in New York, selected an immense stock of Fancy Fur niture of every description, suitable for Holiday Presents. \Ye will be glad to store your goods until the holidays, but by all means Don’t Miss Seeing Our Display Now. j i Every steamer brings new goods, and we have no old gags to offer. % K. M. MILLER £ SON.! WINE OF CARDUI THE LINK THAT BINDS. Jscasoa, Tews., Nov. *B. t was subject to miscarriage for three years, and coffered constantly with backache. I wrote to yon for advice, and after using tbree bottle# of Wine of Cardnl, according to yonr direction#, I am etrong and well, and the mother of a fine girl baby. ri s K . JOWKM. WbeTord" 1 There is no us* talking—a baby in the house is the li:.k that bind* husband and wife together. Nothing is sadder than fruitless wedlock. The prattling and cooing of tbe little ones offset a thousand times the occasional worries and trials of life. When a wife is barren, there is a derangement somewhere in th* genital organs, caused by one or more of those common disorders known as * female troubles". Wine of Cardul is the remedy. It puts the organs of generation in a strong and uealthy condition, fitting the wife for the sacred duty of reproducing her kind. During the period of gestation the entire system of the expectant mother is built up to withstand the ordeal of labor, and when the little one makes its advent It is lusty and strong, well-fitted to grow to mi- turity in perfect health. Inc i Tor tatlrlcalnnq nnr.jg mother, too* passes through the fi&IKSoiS trial with little pain and no area A ianu, c aui>oom, Tmn. Wine of Cardui is truly a wonder- ful medicine for women. I arge Rottles for SI.OO at Druggists. WINE -OF CARDtJT CUSTOM# For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bfiars t)w ry Jfv In ru J* Use Lf For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA ■Wit TME CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY.