The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 27, 1900, Image 6

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TOBESWORN IMOOTOAY Candler's Second Term as Governor, mm inldio/stiend Other State House Officers Will be Sworn in Monday by the Governor. A joint oomraitt-.e from tie house and senate otiled on Governor Can dler at noon today to ascertain when he deeired to be inaugurated Aa waa stated in the New several days ago, the governor decided on Saturday, the 27th. The hoar has been fixed for 12 o’clock. The justice* of the supreme court and other slate house offluUle will he tendered an in vitation to attend. • Chief Jnstioe Simmons will admin ter the oath of office, The governor will take the oath in the hall of the bouse of representatives. After the inauguration, the governor will make a abort address. On Moaday probably the statehouse officers who were reeleoted this year, will be sworn in by the governo Those who will take the oath are Commissioner of Agr.culture Stevens, Treasurer R. E. Park, Commissioner of Education G. R. Glenn, Prison CommissionersC. A. Evans and Titos. Esson, Secretary of State Philip Cook,, Comptroller General Wright and Judges Little and Lewie, of the su preme oourt. A Monster Devil fish Jiestroylng its victim, Is a typo ol Consump tion. The power of this murderous malady is felt Con organs and nerves and muscles and lirain. Thero]s no health till it's overcome But Dr. Kings Now Llfo fills nre a safe and certain cure. Host In tbe world for Stomach Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. Only II coals at all druggists. Tljo Plant System will sell round trip tiokets for tbe aiwiual fair, Way cross Fair Asiooiation, at one fare from Tbomasville, Albany, Savannah, Brunswick, Jacksonville, Lake City, Uonoioello atul intermediate points, A splendid program of attractions has been arranged and visitors will be well enterta'ned. B. W. Wrkkn, Passenger Trsftio Manager, . Savannah, Ua. WUnn you caunot -Uep for coughing:, it Is hardly nocossltry that any one hould toll you that you need a tew doses of ChtTmbujlftiu’ Cough remedy to nllay tho Irritation of the throat and make sleep possible. It Is good Try it. For sale at Dr. Bishop’s drug store. intt-li Ml! A ewcet of some kind la as necessary to your system as your dally bread. Why not Five the purest, cleanest and best? I have the most up-to date and clean candy plant you ever saw, and am making daily Pure Stick Candy, Marshmallows, Creams, Strong Hoar bound Drops, Pure liock Candy and a Hundred other kinds. LLOYDS, (Next door to Fleming & Wall) SAY THEY WILL COML. Bed Cirii ing Company Wifi Scon B 4 Bjre, S > They Sty. Home days ego Messrs. Nioboli and Williams, representing the Bril Cai - nifig Company, ol Chester, Fls,, told a ri-prretnlstive of lie Times Cali. that the only (bing in tha way of the company’s rim vsl tothle cif y was tie tax exemption, and tddirg “ f-yoor city council gran’s our re<j e.'r, h' factory will he up and opera:leg w’lb jo fifty days,” and as the city fathers have been very liberal with this in du-try in granting their petittor Jk V now up to the factory p j 1 There seems to be little douW i u" that they will come bere. . —TV— There Isa fascination about Mg pro flu to a business man, hat the conservative and oau tioos trader prefers to hare the lesser per cent, of intoiOßt and the larger per cent, ot safety in his Investments. There Is no Imefness man who would not eoneidor It a sound proposition to in vest in an enterprise In which absolute loss was impossible and which offered ninety-eight chances lu a hundred of a rich profit. The sta tistics of cures effected by Dr. J'lorce’s Golden Medical Discovery show that ninety-eight per cent, of eases of •‘weak lungs” can be absolutely cured. Almost if not ail forms of physical weakness maybe traced to starvation. Starva tion saps the strength. The body is just gs much starved when the stomach cannot extract nutrition from the food it receives as when there Is no food. ‘ Weak lungs,” bronchial af fections . obstinate coughs, caU for nourishment •■Golden Medical Discovery” supplies that nourishment in its most condensed and Assim ilable form. It makes “weak lungs" strong, by strengthening the stomach and organs of dtgegi tlon which digest and distribute the food and by Increasing the supply of pure blood. ' Pure rendered chicken—iat. Th inas Keany. LIGHT BIORU PREDICTED. The weather bureau at Washington sent out the following prediction at 2:30 o’clock yesterday afternoon: "A moderate storm near the east end of Cuba, may oause high northeast wii ds along tba Atlantio coast. liRIGHT’S IHBBABE. Ungbt’e disease is no resprotor of persona. It attacks men and women, the strong and robust, the riob and poor, the active body and brain work ers, the fathers of families, the bread winners in every sphere of life, seem ing io obooee for its viotims those only who oan least be spared. Smith’s Sore Kidney Cure is the only guaranteed remedy for Bright’s disease. Your money baok if it fails to oure. Price 50 oents. For sale by all druggists. FINED TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS 'At a special session of the city oourt held yesterday afternoon Laura Gonzales entered a plea of guilty to a misdemeanor and was fleed S3OO oourt cost included. Attorney A. L. Frank lin represented the defendant and So licitor Colsou Pe state, Cramps, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhea), and, Indeed, all bowel com plaints, quickly relieved by Perry Da vis’ Pain-Killer, a safe, sure and speedy cure, forail the troubles named. Every reputable druggist keeps a sup ply. Each botile bas full directions. Avoid substitues. There is but -one Pain-K Her, Perry Davis’. 28 oents and 50 cent*. K! 11 lii us.—quinine m & tasteless form, without affecting Us modiolus! value, combined with asctanlHd anil iron. Just the thing for children. Pleasant to take. J.ic a bottle For sale by W. .1. Butts, the druggist. , Get your apples, oranges, etc., at G. W. Harper’s. Stops the Cough an 1 works off the Cold. I.axalive BromoQulnlne Tablets eure a cell a in one day. No Cura, No Pay. Price US cents Pure rendered chicken—fat. Thomas Keany. New Georgia syrup and buckwheat, at L. E. Hobartu’. shunter Eguiont and Albemarle streets. Yf O ASTO Bears the /> Kind YSHaw Always Bought, Signature SV V/VyV -3 Of V® STOVES REPAIRED. v Rice, the' stove dcctor, repairs kinds or cook stoves ard ranges, bny and soils second hand stoves, 414 Bav street. Fresh oskes just in : Orange fing ers, obooolalv marsh niello w, and many others, at Harper’*. THh BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL OCTOBER 27, 1900 New England Women Have an Abiding Faith in Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. After veers of struggle to attain and merit public confidence, with a firm and steadfast belief that some day others would recognize in us the truth, Food faith, nan honesty of purpose Which we know we possess, what a genu ine satisfaction it is to suoceea, and to realize the uplifting influence of the merited confidence of a vast army of our follow beings. Thus stands the. Pink ham name in New England, and all over America, , and jSnwhere is the faith iu Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vqgjßnble Compound greater than iu Now England, Its home. Merit, and merit alone, can gain this. ORGANIC INFLAMMATION, **Tak Mna. :Ws wai troubled very badly with lnfiamtnM' tion of the bladder, was siekdAu be* with it. I had ttyi doctors, hut they did me no good. A friend tf&ve me Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Com pound, and it helped me, ■ I have now taken three bottles of it, and I am entirely cured. It is a God-*end to any woman, and I would recommend it to any one suffering as I was. I think, if moat of the women would take more of your medicine instead of going to the doctors, they would be better oil. The Compound has also cured my husband of kidMy trouble.” Mrs. Mabel Gookin, Box 180. Mechanic Falls, Maine. NERVOUS PROSTRATION. “ For two years I suffered from riervous prostration, the result of female weakness. I had leueorrhoea very badly, and at time of menstrua tion would be obliged to go to bed. Also suffered with headaches, pain across back, and In lower part of abdomen. I was so discouraged. I had read of Lydia E. Piukham's Com- Fjund, and concluded to give it a trial. wrote to Mrs. Pinkham, and received a very nice letter in return. I began at once the use of her Vegetable Com pound and Blood Purifier, and am now reeling splendid. I have no more pain at monthly periods, can do my own work, and have gained ten pounds. I would not be without your Vegetable Compound. It is a splendid medicine. I am very thankful for what ithas done for me."—Mm. J. W, J., 76 Carolina Are., Jamaica Plain, Mass. Tf Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Compound will euro these women— why not you you cannot tell until you try It' 4( you are til. and Veal.v rant to get well, commence its use at once, and do not let any drug eWk persuade you that he has something of his own which is better, for that is absurd. Ask him to produce the evidence we do. KIDNEY DISEASES are 4 the most fatal of all dis eases. cm CV’4 KIDNEY CURE Is a FULL I 0 Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. . PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. *'• W. J. Butts. tbeDrugirl. Wall Paper AT THE PAINT STORE, 502 Monk’St. W:H.LY l E#tE pir PROPRIETOR. Money to Lend on Improved Real Estate. Apply to W. Merchant, Secretary, or F. E. Twitty, Attorney, of the ATLANTIC INVESTMENT rOO. PAINFUL PERIODS. I “I canfeot help but feel that it ia my duty to do something in regard to recommending yonr wonderful medi cine. 1 must say it I is the grandest \ medicine on earth, kHf —i, V J mnd bare “advised lu great many suf- I * At ' mb'ring with female f*r<rubles to take it. ‘•M / fS. *w J IL-l tell’peopU- 1 wish cojnd go on the platform and lec <raOTV^^3-f' tur *'t>n it. S RmU®* " trouble waa painful meustrua ation. The suffering I Endured pen cannot describe. Ltfhs treated by one of our roost prominent physicians for five months, aftdlouad myself getting worse instead of better. At the end of the fifth month he toW me he had done all ire could for me, and that I had betteF*b to the Irosnltai. ” My water advised me to try-your Vegetaj(fe Compound, as it mired her of backache... J. did; so, and took it faithfully, and am now enred of my trouble, and in perfect health, many thanks to your medicine. I cannot praise it enough, and. would recom mend it to all who suffer from any female weakness.’’—riMlta. 11. S. Ball, 461 Orchard St., NeW Haven, Conn. SSOOO reward. vwwvv City Rt'k of i y: whUA wiH ho jvU<l to imj’Mr wlo can ftiul flint the at >\\. Jcst:uMiil tetter* are to* genu in*, or •<•!>■ Itefotfe obtaiiuii# the writer’* fOfmUi UfOu tarw.t ; •; Cc.. Rainy Day Hats. The very bast of the in mt favored shapes are shown in our Ahaortment. Trimmsd aid Untnased Pelt Eats lu variety of shapes, stylo, sod colors. Wh have bought and made them up to sell to those who desire something serviceable, yet pretty; good, but low prlcwl. These are right and priced right. MISS SATE SLATES, sot GUH7CKSTEB ST., B. J OLE WIN Ef T3 . I. j mi o les Selling, Renting, Repairing, . Messenger Service We sell Cleveland, Monarch, Crawford. Eagle, Elk, Dixie, Best of Wheels for the I rSyLeast Money. I PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. L >* s READ Dp ~7T7T Pmsenger Mixed Passenger Mixed .211'.'”.... Dailv- Daily. Daily. Daily, i T Brunswick ar i 5 80pm. —(ieon*m.... ‘.llsT*.I‘T‘.l, MtO aw... 10 1. pm... Iv Waycmee ar •4 is pa... ; *...•, '. II ar pm... J 45am... ar Tilton Iv ; 1 i0pm..... •> is,ia it 10pm... 200aa.. ar Savannah Iv .... piu. 1 T 2 oOptn £ Oriam'" * IS SO am... II 45 pm. jar Va doftl lv :”4 ImSSe! li::" ••• 10 00pm... ar Tampa It * OOpn . v • ) . I j •■'“"1 ViA WAYCBOS3 A MONTGOMERY. 0 4am... 8 00pm... ar urayerow Ivl uiw. . 7 Main OZOpm. 810 am... ar Montgomery Iv i45 pm 0 50am... 710 pm... ar Nasnville lv .' 9 00am " —■ 1 lpm ... TlOam- ar Bt.lcuis lv, ..! IMpm!" Y.’S.Z'M VIA SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. SOO am. 645 pm.. Lv Brunswick Ar 600 pm .0 00 am I 77. W 10am.. 12 10am Ar Savannah Lv 520 am I M M am.. ssoam . Ar Philadelphia Lv 12 20 am .4. ", ... 1 15pm 7 00am.. Ar New York Lv .. 8 25pm j BETWEEN BBUNBWICH AND SAVANNAH VIA JESUP. 0 401 Boj pm lv Br mawiek ar *6 28 pm. 5 :14 phi ; . ~ 805 am 10 30 pm . ar Jesnp lv 500 pm 656 pm Drreet connection marie at WaTcroea ,with Pullman Sleeping Cars tor all points. Between Port Tampa, Key West and Havana. GOING. | RETURNING Lv Port Tampa 11 00 pm Mon. Thura. Sat. Ar Port Tampa 2 30 am Thur. Sup. and Tues. ArXoyWMtO 01 pm Tues. Frl. Sun LvKty Weat lOOOp. m. Wed. Bat. and Mon Lv Key WeatS 00 pm Tues. Pri. Sunday Ar Key Wcat B 00 pm Wckl.Shl Mid Mon-.... Ar Havana 500 am Wed. Sat Mon Lv Havana 230 pm Wed. Sat. and Sion W.B. IIENHA M. GKO. W. COATKB. B. W. WRCNN General Supt Division Pass. Agent- Pass. Traffic Mgr Savana th.Ga B>unawick,Ua. Sxvauuah.Ga •> . L-v?' , „v~ „-C . 'WI®S mma find - V, .*vv •A Good PrescripHon C for mankind * >•■ - - , y ♦ 1 •< ?? *" •" ■*.* DraeiGw Oram, KatwnM^ Mir—V Jtawa-Swada. Genevd Stra tad IvtM •maTWw haawk pula, iodrw. ake*. mU pnMa< OH. swl r* —’ssusia J. J. LISSNER, C WHOLKftAIaE ! Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN it SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. W H. BOWEN. J. N. BRADT, BOWEN & BRADT, ArvJCD E3l 111 ERS Of Stone, Brick and Frame Building Manufacturers of Cement, TUe and.Artificlal Stone.