The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 30, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 THE FASHION. While .implicit}- I, v cry fashionable in tailor gowns this fall, Ibere bte rarely been aeen auch an elaborate s yle of dress as i* made up in silk, light wool or satin gown*. A beautiful gown of a heavy cream white c'oth has the skirt in wide box pleats and each pleat ornamented with an elaborate design of praidlng in white round braid outlined with gilt. The waist is In narrow pleata and is made of white satin and fcas a pointed front ornament of the same design ol embroidery. The sleeves rare in tucks with deep cuffs to match the other trimming*. Ills needleea to say that tuch ae gown is never inexpensive. As an ex ample of the beamiiul fabric and ex pensive material that are fashionable this year Is an empire gown made over a tight-sited lining of colored satin. The overdress It entirely of fine tulle, embroidered with golden brads and trimmed with a superb band of embroid ery that Is a mass of jet and gold beads There is a band of this embroidery on the lower part of the gown as well as across the bust. Above the band on the waist is a full tound lowscut guimp of the net without any lining, and the sleeves half covering the hand are also of the net, unlined, The many friends of- Miss Marie De- Voe will regret to learn that her con dition is still very serious and her re latives are very much alarmed. Miss DeYoe has been very 111 in Atlanta for some weeks. Difficult Digestion That is dyspepsia. It makes life miserable. Its sufferers eat not because they want to—but simply because they MUST. They complain of a bad taste in the mouth, a tenderness at the pit of the stomach, a feeling of puffy fulness, headache, heartburn and what not. Hoo<!> Rarwaparilla cured Joseph F. Lain*. Flanaeaa, Ky.. who writes: “I was troubled with dyspepsia for a number of years and took medicine that did me no rood. I was advised by friends to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla which I did and it pat my bowels in perfect condition, gave me strength and energy and made me feel like anew person.” Hood's Saraafi ' Promises afiit keM-s%e prom ise. Beware of substitutes. Buy Hood’s and only Hood’s.f Mrs. Marx Verdery is quite ill at her residence on Wright square. • o Mrs. J. W. Watkins and children have returned a visit to North Georgia. Mrs, A. C. Blain and Master Arthur Blain have returned from a visit to re latives In Macon. —a — Mrs, J. B. Wright aud Miss MSy Wright left on Monday for Bt. S’mon, after several days here with relatives. Miss Mamie Burroughs, of Bruns wick, and Mfts Morel, of Louisville, are visiting in Indiana. Mr, aud Mrs. W, F. Parker and children arrlyed Suoday from Brook lyn and are living In Mr. S. C. At kinson’s house on El lit street. Mrs. O. P. Smith aud little daughter THE RACKET STORE. ... ' ‘* • . , / ** t ; Another shipment of the latest novelties in the Millinery Line comprising some of the handsomest * Pattern Hats, as well as ready-to-wear headgears ever shown in Brunswick just re ceived on yesterday’s Mallory steamer. Your Inspection Solicited. M. ELKAN. (jjmmi H Racket Store, THE BRUNSWICK TTMES-CALL, OCTOBER 30, 1900. JMi s 3'ra T,-\ojs eri 1 -;-aSKmsi ay ov er the Mallory Dr. aud Mrs. J. A. Butts. Mrs. Charles S, Morriss aud Mr. Newton Morriss have returned from a visit to RuUedge and Atl-nta, snd will immediately remove to their future home, (|Mrs. John Doerfl ngtr, of Fancy Bluff, spent Sunday in the city. Mrs. J. B. Wright assist'd In the music at the Catholic church on Sun day. Mrs. J. A. Butts Is back from X w York, where she went to have her book published. There will be a meeting ot the Li brary directors on Friday afternoon. COItES BLOOD AND SKIN , TROUBLES. Trial Treatment Free, I. your blood pur*? Are you suie of it? Do outs or aoratehes heat slow ly? Dm * your skin icb or bum? Have you Pimples? Eruption*? Acb- I ing boues or back? Kzema? Old Bor-r? Boils? ScroJtpla? Rheuma tism? Foul Brratb? Otiarrb? Are you Ifete? Then B. B. B. (BoMpic Blood Balm) will purify your blood, every sore, iyid give a (fleer, smooth, healthy skin. Deep-seated caser, like ulcers, cancer, eating sores. Painful Swellings, Blood Poison, are quickly cured by Botanic Blood B*lm. Cures vftaßn all else'fails. Thoroughly tested for tfiirty yegg*. Drug stores, 1 par Urge bottle, fl-tal treatment free by writing BLOOD o®,. Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble— file medical advice given. Oter 8,000 vol*, untary testimonials of cqre* b^.jpp FREE SILVERWARE !, When making cash purchases • he following places ask for Silverware Stafhp A. G. Jeffers, Groceries. M. Elkan, Dry Goods and Millinery. j I. N. Bishop, Druggist. fjjß| Miller & Son, Furniture. Kennon Mott, Jeweler and Optician. Fleming & W aff, Stationery, etc. Mrs. M. Isaßc, Dry Goods. J. K. Cornelius, Groceries. 18 A GORGEOUSLY BOUND * Work of art has just been its uni at an outlay of orer 1100,000, for which tbe publishers desire a Manager in thia county, alao a good solicitor; good pay to tbe rig*itpart j. Nearly 100 full-page engraving*, sumptu u. pa per, il'utnlnated covers and tumiing*; over 200 golden lilies in tbe Morocco binding*; nearly 50 golden roses in tbe cloth bindings, S-lls at sight; presses ruooing dsy and night, • great is the tale. Cbristian men and women making fortunes taking orders. Rapid promotions. One Christian wo man made clear SSOOI in four weeks, taking ordera among her church ac quaintances and friend-. Write us. It tnay lead to a permanent position to manage oog husfnets and look after our Urge cffrresp' ndence, which you •walk attend to right at your boms. Ad dreaa.J, A. Knight. Secretary, Corco ran building, opposite United Stateß Treasury, Washington, D. C. Rubber Btamps, Seals, Stenoil*, Badges. Check Proteotors, Numbering Machines, Steel and Brass Dies, Steel Log S'amps, etc. Will B. Fain, Agent. 312 Newcastle street. “I hare always used Foley’s Honey and Tar oough mediciae and think tt the best in the world,” sffys Chas Bender,* newsdealer of Krie f. Take no substitute. WJT Butts. Xorttirtng skin eruptions, burns and sores, are ssotbed at once and prompt ly healed by applying DeWitt’a Witob Hazel Salve, tbe best known cure for piles. Beware of worthless counter feits, W. J. Butt*. It is well to know that Dewitt’s witch Hare Sslve will heal a burn, and stop the i ala at once. It will erne ezeem* and akin disease* aud ugly wounds and sores. It is a certain eurc for plica Counterfeits may be offered you See that you get the original DeWttt’s Witch Hazel galve. W.J. Butts. The editor ol the Fordvllle, Ky., Miscellan eoue. writes A* a postscript to a business letter: “I wascured of kidney trouble by taking Foley's lvidney Cure, * W.J. Butts JfOQDPoSITIONS^ k^s^o^ECURED By active vide teak ! j| (oiirse * | BUSINESS < 'r£tvamuzrfirj£r;/ !i COLLEGE i W ArOtUym' INSTRUCTIONS i WMW/.TtotfMVa/i VJL e. s. pjuum, Practfe|| and Scientific Horseshoer. w * L u BK „ GIN business im. lst . her 6 Bhop i. on Oglethorpe Streep between Mansfield and Howe A trial wi’l convince you that he know* bis business. CABTOIHa. ®®*‘k® Bougfct