The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 30, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 IISI ( HIHD ill City of Brunswick for Year 000. A Aiket, F I> ÜbUI.DB Amo. W C Adams- Augustna Alllw.n, HI. Abfn*i J 11 AVkinao VU MiguMinc,* Achby. Alf It Arnold, C K . Atboi'olifo Allen,GC It •FSInir.M.G Brady. C M * * Bowm, B Brown, J A Bull. Si Ho Buggr, A C Bran ton. Atwell Butford, It A Ila luy.Jack Brantley, W O ju-ju a, WW fhnboe. P G Jim! , W J Burney, A A Bui ni y, S A Brockthlon, 8 A Bu U, nicj, R K Bourne, V C Bnckintt n, W W Burford, R K L Jleueh, L W Burroughs, W B jr BrOleti n. Edwin Baker, M A nr Burgs, UM Blake, Shadr&tsh Brady, U i, Burnett, J M Hi Igg., C Buiroogfce, W B r O Cain,,bell,John Council. Ben Cohb, Ransom Clark, X G S'r Cawtidy, Ed Chasten. .1 W Collin*, J VV Cor. W K Cate, G V Conyers, C B Coleman, D V Coakley, J B Glower, M I) Corker, J 1, Colson,M J Corker, A W Cline, GW Coker. J M Cline,lV A Connolly, .1 M ; Carroll, Bruee D Daniels, William Doeillinger, W F Bait, JE Davla, David Dnhherly, .J E Doerflioger, C J Poei tit tiger, F .Job Davis,l, B Daniel, Moses Davis, John Bcnston dußlguon, II F Dart, .John B Daniels, B H Demins, C W Dempster, W B Dmnison, Allrert Downs, Preston Davis, Joseph B Dvmwoody, HF Dent, James Hart, Claude Dealer, T W (lußignon, J E Davidson, C K Do Vie, W H E Emanuel, N Ellison, Cliai lea KUenwood, W G Evans,Tim* Everett,B II Elkan.M bidding*, J D V Elovnd, h Flanders, X W Fatim. B A Fogler, J D ewA'artner, Robert Frederick, Hector Fader, G it Floyd. Virgil Franklin, A L Floyd, CW Flanders A B Kahili, Grover Fain, W B Fouche, W F Flanders, C M G tints. A Goins, J 8 Good la end, J no W Gov n. u M <. rah am, Grant Gregory, E D Good bread, c G Goodbread, s T Goodhrvnd, C W Goodyear, C F J r Gill, Lewis Goldsmith, L Gardner, Jack Goodbread, C C Green, J C Goodyear. 0 P Sr Gorton, S .1 Jr Gorton, H B GUI, Boberi Gay, G F Gentling, Peter Guy, K E Goodbread, MT George, W It Golden, John P Greenfield, W Graham, W I il Holmes. W 11 Harrell, M W Ileadrlt, Thoa II Hodges, -M A Hendrix. Bonder H iton, GF Holmes, Den ptey Heijlt, J C IlathaVay, 8 J Harris, J W Hopkins, Ti It Harvey, H J Harris, W S Hermann, F Harper, Ge,o IV lit, in an, E X Han Ison, J H Hardy, c W Survey, HU Hatcher.'VC Hunison, VV L Higgins, Wm Harold, J XjT Hardy, Cham Horan. Par ’ Uarrll. Adams Hardaway, T J Hottdflck-, B W Hagnitv,F M 1 lease, Max Isaac,Mutes .1' ? Jennings,.! A H J..flues.All Johnson, <>lt Jqe*.teF Johnson, Geo Jiques. J L Joerger, F Johnson, ti n Jeffers, A C Jotu-s, V J Johannesten, Gito Jones, G M to ■ , III! The lurgest, finest, fattest fruit ever brought to Bruns wick. Perfectly mature and delicious, direct from the ba bana fields by steamer. Better order some quick, be fore they go, LLOYD’S, ’PUONk. 555-k (Nest door to Fleming & Weffi ■ k Keller, D L Knots. D W Knudsen. Peter Keit, Butler Buy, W a: Keen.J i> King, J X L Loßutk, Will Lott.JJ Larsen, \ Lang. W L Larsen, O A Ik mm. Lao LeTy, A H LrmisT I. Leavy.LJJi I-eviwin, Sig Levison, Robert Lowe, J -t Lamb.JL Lipney, B P Lambright, I T Ludwig, I. M Munly, E HI Mason, EH Maddux, C O Ms***-I R Manor, J Jiß Melts, E L Merchant, Willi* Matthews, W n Morrifleld. G H Matthews, Jo* Mock, M W Martin, Frank Martin, J R, .1 A Mullins, K A May, Julius Moore, C C Moore, J C , '*f o Miller, II M Miller, ,r\h / Morgan. W E . .idrjpr*^ gorton.J lijr : -',V<fWvti<3’it WMF Sfiiu t'J Jl McKenzie, W M M. Cask!ill l> J-.. Mclntyre, Solomon McCauley- Osear -I McGmvey.C J H McCenry, ft 8 McCullough, u Ft if Nixon, L X Nattkirk. J 8 O Orr,U J O'Conner, Thomas OJiiain , L D Ogg, C D Owens, GW Owens, JW Owens, A L Odum, J VV P Pee!.ilium, E A PltcJhev,GeO L Pyles, D 11 Putnam. A V Potter, VV X Purcell, R A l'rayor, Jos I’oi .cr, WK Pfeiffer, Fred Peek, X J Peters, Alex Parnell, J T PeAltoi), J B Fierce. J M Ponder, D U Peters, W J Parker, C L Peters, R W Parker, C I), Pome-, J J! Fiores, J C There is a faMiht at, Joe about- big profit* to a business man. But. the conservative and cau tious trader prefers to have the lesser per cent, of interest and the larger percent, of safety in his Investments. There Is no business man who would not consider, U a sound proposition to In - veHt in an enterprise in which absolute loss was impossible and which offered ninety-eight chances lu a hundred of a rich profit. The sta tistics of cures effected by Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery show that ninety-eight pi r cent, of cases of “weak lungs” nan be absolutely cured. Almost if not all forms of physical tyMikuess may be traced to starvation. Starva tion saps the strength. The body is Just ns much starved When the stomach cannot extract nutrition from the food it receives as when there la no (noil. “Weak Rings,” bronchial af fections. obstinate cough*, call for nourishment, “Golden Medical Discovery” supplies that nourishment in its most condensed and aaaiu liable form. It males "weal; lungs” strong, hy strengthening the stomach and organs of diges tion which digest and distribute the food and by increasing the snpply Qf pure blood. Pure rendered chicken —(at. '1 hotnaa Keany. The Plant System will sell round trip tickets for the annual fair, V?J orosa Fair Association, at mio fare from Ttiomaaville, Albany, Savannah, Brunswick, .Jacksonville, Lake City, Monoicello and inteiiuodiat" poii f*. A splendid program of m rae o’i* has been arranged and visitors will be well enlerta nrd. B. W. Wrkvs. Passenger Traffic Manager, Savannah, Ga. Rt.nfc Ki*u.—-iutnine m a ia-i sorm, Without affo*U>* H medicinal value, ecmWe<t with aseuniUJ and iron Just the thing tor children. Pleasant to take. Mo ft bottle. For sale by VP. ,T, Btut(, the dJttgtHi. Get sour apple*, orarifes, etc., al G. NV. Harper’s.? Stops the Cough and works off the Cold. Laxative Brumo Quinine Tablets cure ft cold in one day. No t. tire. No Pay. Price cents Pure rendered cbioketi—fst, Thomas Keany, Nt\v Georgia sjtup aid buckwheat, at L. E. Kubsrta’, corner Ego out and Albemarle streets. O A, ® “7? O 33t X jOh.. Bears th* hjtf klvu* Bo'.ftl STOVES REPAIRED. - Bice, the stove 'dcctor, repairs kinds or cook stoves and ranges, bey and sells second hand gloves, J. 14 Bay jtreet , Fresh cakes ju*t to-fIEa,,K -eis, cluoola c 1 others, *' llarpe ’y * Second hand” household furniture bought and so|d, also pianos, organs, trunks, mirrors, carpets, etc. J-_W, Waikins. Whn yon cgunoi sleep for coughing, it is baldly necessary that any one should tell you that you need a lew de-ea a* chemUoriMu’ Cough remedy to allay the tnitation of th* throat and make sleep poaalhlo. It >•- M__ Try it. For aala at or,'s drug store. “ J Xflfc, BRUNSWICK TiMES-CALL OCTOBER 30, 1900 a Read, E J J s Rusself, C A Randolph, ft B Richardson, G W Rohart-, L K Robinson, K T Russell, S D Rudolph, J A R bee, A Ralston,G Aar Raymond,H H Rondos, Jno D Robinson, L A Robinson, A G ' S Strickland, A C Steiner, t,‘ A SymonH, W F BhoeppeJ, IS A Strickland, J J Sawyer, R M Sowell, Peter Scgui. P A Short,Chris Simmon , Leu in Stevenson, Heniy Sonthari 1 , J M Shackleford, W J Strickland, B F Spark.-., J D Smith, f ourad Pythons, II R Symoas, J S M Smith, A M Snodgrass, S 51 Banders, Dock Symmra, CoutXHud Steiner.CL Sapp.H D Sylvia, Frank S'‘Kui, J J' Scarlett, FM Skiver, U II n‘ T /, J W Taylor, C H Tayte, W J Traylor, A G Thonuis, W J 5 To; lor, W G Telfair, Asbevry Turner,F A ifntnall. Hgrrv Tosteusen, Sam Tre.-td ■*-..] I, If t: h-r. C A Xlionipson, Thus U Trpvlor, A J Tmkr.VVS Ti ton, P M Tnit.CS t: PleehPJl V ' Vlekcrv, ,1 .1 VV Wallace, I VV Wallace, w VV Wright, 1-C Wyily, C 8 Wilder.‘VV'fr Watktne, J W ’ Wade, Ml) Wen*, A K Wilffhar, June Wimbcily, CH Wright, Ji incan Welker, l< E A j J poj'pfty'y^Mj'cS^'a| > Ye U MAIt Whiskey lus been the standard of purity I ctaM ini ver two hoapiula. Thelajng ■ chemists qf two continents iiavesnitysed U r.uny times with the. same result— ■ •‘Abaotutely pure," It is the only pure tnaft w hiskey raade in the n world. No home should be without it. it b th- only whiskey recognized b> ■ tha government as a medicine. Be sure you get the genuina. Bewite of tml- ■ Uttons and cheap subsHtutts, All druggists and giocers, or direct, express ■ ffi® mseas are #/ the most fatal of all dis eases. tni EV*O KIDNEY CUhE I* s rUIXI O Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. ‘ PRICE 50c. aad 51.00. VV. ,1. Hntte. the i!-u* *' . Wall Paper AT THE : PAINT STORE, 502 monk St. *W. H. LYTLE gl- PKOPBIETOR. Mooney to Lend on Inipfoved Red F, fate. i Apply ’c W. Merchant. 30.-M§ar, r K. F. E. Twltty, A'-o-ney. nf ' y“ ATLANTIC? INVEii'MSJtr. O WigKinr, Sanmcl Whitfield,B Weis-, L Wood, J VV Wood, A V Wtbrr.GW Wright, J 8 Wright. J A Winton, Burr Wilder, A F Way. W J Winter, Th F Walker. II J Way, A M Wrench, F A Wiggins, U F Y Young, GJ Young, J A . Our Greatest Sp?clalist tJ For 30 years Ur. i Xes iob o&th jin bas so snccpssfullv treated chronic dmeanes that ue ia acka. sledged today to stand at the head cf h ; profession in -his line. Hi? exclusive uetbd of Ueaiiuerit for Varicocele ana Stricture without t* e aid of t rtife or cautery cures in 90 per cent, of ail cases. In t..c treatment of loss of vita! forces; nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, tiicumaiisai, catarrh and diseases pecul iar to women, he is equally successful - Dr. Hauiawav' practice is more than double that of arc s‘ u :x iperiaUst. Cases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treat ment- Write him 1 inlay fully about i our case He makes no charge for eansulurtioa or advice, cither at his of* fnor bvwail. _ , „ j. Si-WTOH HATHAWAY. M. D. 25 Bryan S'reet. Savannah, Ga t’ein I>avts FA.o-Ktller.— Its vath able properties *a a speedy enre for pain camirii fail nb- ren i rel'T apr* - - elated, sd o family rbonid be wlth ,ut it in case of Bcciuen', nr sudden '*tiac’< of dysentery, diarrhiet nr trs tnnrbiiv. S lid everywhere. Avrid substitutes. Ynore js out ooe ftlii- Uii er, Ferry btfii’. PiiCo 25 cen's and 50 ceef*. Rainy Day Hats. The very beet of the m >at favor 1 J abate* ar® shown in our asiortrueat- Triansd &:i i’strianed Fell M in variety f bapep, ‘tylta and eolor*. Wii have bought and made them up to sell i to iboae who deal re something a®? viceabln, yet | pretty? got*i. hut U*® prices). These are right aid priced right. MISS KATE SLATER. 604 ttLOUGMTEK ST* OLEWIN) X~> .JL~& ioylee 1 Soiling, Booting. Repairing, HcNMscijfftr Senrlt iWe sell Cleveland, < Crm .v> | Sngic, Elk, Dixie Best of Wheels for the Least Money- PL AN T SY \ . K PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, —r."“ _ SbAh HO VV N " ’ "7" BEAD so. 7 no. vs, TilHB lafofo ko.&> Effective Oct 1,1910. ;;;;;; Passenger Mixed Fassenger Mixed .. Dally. Daily, Daily. Daily. I . 'KH oii"am ... 5 Gum... tv Brunswick xr Ir. 00pm.... i 0i„... *4Snm.... 800 pm... ar Waycross Iv 4 15Pm... ; J soars HH lu (Oa-n... 10 lipm... Iv Waycroae ar lp.. * ISam— IS 2-1 pm •• 145am...| ar Tiftoo lv 1 t0p.n.... Itaa... 11 Ft ms... 2 00 am.., Iv TUiasn “r •• 2 mam ~.. 2 05,.in... 4(Maoi... ar Albany ; it Plans , , s ia km . I‘ikOam... ar Savaninh iv Saiiaui.... ..HH 4 iUS: : ar CMrtermn lv -• .MM I I* 4i>am... 10 30pm... ar Jwb -1 lv 2 09pm.... * i VH 12 roam. .1) 4V pm. ar VsdoitO lv liUim.,HH I ;;; * tjpm... Sn. ar fbomam-aa lv | W 1000 pin ar Tampa Iv s mpa ViA WAYCROSS A MONTGOMERY. -a 545- 01 ~ lv Braoew ick ar f,[Apn... iotin,. oSJm.:: %*%*... *• • i- mb I5SS5::::? t \ J|JS > iSm.:; it '£l I ;-fi ——;;.H— •’:.IH VIA SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON," __ .. iTSiani 5 4r, pm./ Lv liriltniw.vx" Ai ti• 12 10am. 12 10am. Ar Savanm h Lv .... 410 pm.. 28 am.. Ar Charletoi Lv ■ii ... S mam T 25 pm At- Richmond Lv 0, am ’ ‘ 820 am.. 1 (mam.. Ar BuUiarore Lv . **•“ 10 Him.. SSO am.. Ar Philadelphia Lv l2 20ara i 15pm . f 00am.. Ar Sew York. Lv 25pm | TiF.l VVF.KN BRUNsWIt.H AND SAVANNAH VIA .IK- IP ii tu a.. )lj pm Iv jjranswtck ar -ijjSprn.. *®*Ris HOS am . :io 80 pm.. ar Jeeup !▼ SOJpm.. 1015 am 12 10 am . ar Savaanah lv 325 pm .ou pm ;--l Direct connection made at Wavcroaa : w)th Pullman Sleeping CPU foi all poitils. Between Port Tampa, Key West and Havana. GOIS’O I RETURNING Lv Port Tampa 11 OO pm Mon. Tliurs. Sat. I Ar Vnmpa 2 m amjThur. sun. and Tuea. Ar Key Wrath 01 pm tuea. Fri. Bnn Lv hry WestloOOn. kU* Lv Kqt West 000 pm Tuea. Frl. Sunday fAr Roy Vt eat #OO *!• ?, a N *S and ‘1 ; Ar Havana 0 OoaiuWed.Sat Mon 1 Lv Ha-sna 2 30 pm Wed B,u. and J10n,...... —— ‘ 1 ■', . ■' W.B. DENHAM, GBO. W. COATES tieaeral ivision I'aha. Agent. lass. Traffic W * ■ r ' : ’ V *■' 7 xxmsts TABmn tDoctors find A Good Prescription for mankind % Tin Mr t-n me. s' Drogginx, 6mm, kcitanmneg tCims. Ncns-StutU. General Storm Hel Barbae ILfa Tin boni.K pain, tnd ce lleep. aad arvioag Bit Onn giro eeßnfl No natter whai’i the onto, m wit (M food. Ten wnpien and one Amwnd an nvaJan w hent W any addieea tm mrcin vFKka Wnßanm Cli !■"< l Cos, -tSnrma •., Manr.TnißWßr J. J. LISSNER, | -WHOLESALE Z Groceries, Tobacco, IFlour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. W H. BOWEN. J. N. BKADT, BOWEN & BRADT, a. t CONTRACTORS >CvrvJIZD EUIL-OEUS Of Stone. wßrick rnd I rnme BuUdiirs fttr.ur facto rent oi ft ment. 1 lie, H<i'.Artiliti&l ritvue.