The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 30, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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MWi&ySiMK. Wmßm<M-%' \ '^wsS BgiOif,.:;.-/ii U *%s£&&, H9K3|, 4_ '~ IS Vlf '■ V>' . 1 •.; & | ■ VJ .. •*£!§? )* - >■ - .. Pg as* tf - - r^^m ’ - f|L H| _ •••■•*> V*-■*v-? ' :t :• '^3HKC^^b-W' Syrup Tigs v4h£r ffessaut/y andfromptly. "* l ~CTe?m\a^ s the r® Gently ana Effectually * "'hen bilious or costive. /resents itt the most acceptable form the lasratn-e principles ofplants ' JtnoH’tt to act most berteficlal/y. TO GET rs jJUY THE GENUINE MANFO. BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO. * . SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE ,KY. NEW YORK, N.Y tor late ty druggist* - prtet 501 per toft/e. f*n liiii: Shrewsbery _*Asparagus Points, |Mv lßc per can. Imlioi lion. marie from Hie red meat of ripe tomatoes. Contains cuutlier skin, *oed or cor*;. 10c can A valuable addition to any soup, sanct, 1 or bouillon. Thos. Keany, Groceries. Flmuell. v_i s*wcbil .Strict. at KESSLERS Cor. Monk and Arrant S4f> L. J. Leavy Cos Auctioneers, Commission Merchants and Gener al Collecting Agents Consignments Solicited and Prompt Returns Rendered. Special Attention Paid to Collection of Rents 8 CURE VCL’RSELT 1 l' 1 9!f W' *r -nrituraf irrit viio’.H i iatn,( a * f ni i c •'ti "tnl-J ano#, pMia u't Mtilu it, t retoMwu*. jt 5-S '>J or nut lr; plaJu rap;vt. (irrntir r.r* r^ore-** MlTCjlklii. X THOMAS Livery, board'.nr t.cJ sule stabler. Finest turnouts Id tfco city. Tel. 87. Narmstls St TO RACE AT VALDOSTA. Mr. Stetson Fleming's Fast Horse is io That City. Bay View, Mr. SteUan Fleming’s fast tunning horse is in Valdosta, and will enter the rac?B this week during th ■ stat>- fare, r-tfrtsoa left last n ght f r Y.ldoa'a and will ride the horse kirns.lf. Bay View has a good record and will no doubt s .-re of ti,i< pi izes. HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred lULir* Re ward fir any ease <H Ci arr- tu*' e-. - not be cured by Hsli’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.,.Toledo, O. W- in, n io-rsigred, have known F, J. Cheney tor the last fifteen year, ar.d believe him perfectly honorable in all husines” transactions, and finan oially '■J oarry out any obligations by their firm. West & Truax, wholesale di-uggiit. Toldo, 0. WaldiD jt Kinnan & Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Hsll’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials stnt free. Brice 75c, per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best . Pure rendered chicken - fat, Thomas Kitny. STONE IN THE BLADDER. My son has suffered with stone in the bladder eight years. I have taken him to several watering t laces, al-o to Cincinnati, New York. Chicago and Nashville, where he was pur, under eminent physicians, with no improve ment; on the contrary, it was grad ually getting larger, uotil T lost all hope of getting him cured, when 1 was told of Smith’d Sure Kidney Cure. 1 had him , to my surprise, be began at ouce, and be was oured with two bottles. ui gen eral health has improved wonderfully. J bn E. Dedman, Memphis, Term. Price 50 cents. For sale by ell drug gists. Money loaned on personal Property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W. Wat Kins. Armour’s sliced ham, in can#, t Hsrp’rV A Frightful Blunder tVill often’cause a horrible Hum, .Scald, tut or-Bruise. BuesJaug Aru'cs -alve the i>e! ir, World, will kill ll,e pain ami promptly lie*] it. Cares Ola Sore*, i'ever Sores, Clcei- Hoi’- Kelom, Corn#, all skin iropiiots Be#'. p,|., dire on leant,. Only S3 cts. n box. Cure a„a, anieeil, Sold by all dm^i#t. CHANGE OF SCHEIULL A BLAST eVSTEM. w frain 87 leaves Brunswick at 8 a. m, , Train 89 leave# Brun#wioV 545 n ; 1 , cram JO-arrive# Brunswick 10 fr; Train 88 ari-ivo# Brunswick U p. it SCROFULA faE CA t’SE. kczema catarrh, hip diiea.r. white swell it g. and even conumption, hare ] their origin in acrcfulouecCnditiun* With ! the e-ighieet taint of swdfula in the blood, t. ere is no safety. The rem*dy for *hi ( disease in aii ft# is Hood’s ftarsaparti' which goes to the root of tie trouble expels ail impurities and disease gem j from the blood. Tbe beet family cathartic is Hood’s Pil’e For Bladder .Troubles use STUART’S GIN am BUCHU. QUESTIONS AN WICKED. Yes, Auguat;,Flower stili has tbe largest eai>|of any medicine in ibe .iv ilized world. Your mothers andpr-iud motbers never thought of using any - ihlng eiae ,for lcdigasrion or b.iioue cess. Doctors;we re ecarce tad tley seidom beard of apendlcitl*. oervou# prostration, heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to cle* . out th; system and stop fermectation of undi gested food, reguiate tbe action of the liver, stimulate the.action of the ner roue and organic system, and that Is ail they took when dull r.n<’ V with headache und „thor atfcrs. You tmyneedafew doses of Green * ai. gust Flower, in liquid form, f.o you satisfied there ;s nothing eerio rite matter you tismpln bolt' h. Suite i# ukotcru o.' Brr va 2 -u-. Should be 1l eyury household n.adc oino chest . It efiotda certain reitst TI|E BRUNSWICK XTMEVCALL, OCTOBER 0 % 1900. RheKMism Rheumatic pains are the cries of protest and distress from tortured muscles, aching joints and excited nerves. The. blood has ticca poisoned by the accumulation of wo-to evatter in the system, and can no longer supply the pare and health sustain ing food they requite. The whole system ft els the effect of this acid poison; and nt until h'.oo . hr, '.or ;to i.led and bo 1 • ! ;U (~ 1 h e ,.. dit.ouwill the ..A s “'1 •ni..jcc . jar: . , !.c f 7 ' r i""t AtraM, . It., r, C., write. . . "A I‘csv ■l ontUa a,. ' T had an .V. .ck. of Sciatic Rticuiua t: in iu its worst .orm. The pin wiu intcTi?!- that I 1 b.-came comp!eic;> pros- JT\. trate t. Tb.c attack as an u /.usual! v severe c: •, mi i \ I S’>' conditiou was ;ard- :■ %>3 el as being very v tger* oas. I won attended ly v. \.LA one of the most able doc- jv ti rs iu Washington, who jus 9 >o a member <-f the fac- - -v-y \i ••• of n tor'.! 1? medWl .•SCI - t* -* v. i,.\ . Wi_.i. After hnvluj L filled t .clve limes without receiving: the slightest b uefit, I declined to cont'UUe his ♦-r-;*c -ul hV linger. Mr '•■’tr iol ' G/t- : pecific) r comment - ' v;il utn . itti 1 decided, almost %r despatf 1 • V f u, gi. * the in id it ihe a trial, Bna after I had taken a few bottles I was able to hobble around ca crutches, and very Soon there* after hadno use for them at all, S. &. S. having cured me sofcnd auvl well. All the distressing .*.<■ 1o 1 . ,be agLi i restored to perfect he ib > n the irffcat vegetable V'k'N feN /K'*• purifier and tonic, is NSgK 'v\ m the ideal remedy in all IjJSa V fe kji rheumatic troubles. “ ■'e ®r The-e r-.rc no opiates or minerals ... it U> dis.u. i the digestiou and lead to ruinous I'ibits. We have prepared a book on Rheumatism which every sufferer from this painful disease should read. It is the most complete and interesting book of the kind in existence. It will Be sent free to any one desiring it. Write our physi cians fully and freely nbout your case, W make no charge for medical advice. TUI SWIFT BPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA. Gordi yellow yams, b-t on earth, at Ilarpei's. A Night oc 1 error. “Awful anxiety was fell fertile widow of the Ip ave Hon Uni nham.frpjfaelilre. Mo,, whoirthn doctors siiiu .ho couhl rot live till, iuornlng, write# Mr?. S H, Liacnhi, who atNii'led her , that fmrful night. k, Au thought she must I B®bn <V ■ from I’ueomon-a, l.uttlio beggi and for !>r. King's Now Dlßouv.-oy, saying It hart more Hi. . 11 once saved her life and cured hur ot coiuuntption. After throe small dunes sho rested csally oil Oiskf. amt 110 further use cured bet This tnarvel-ni# uiOfJtcino is anleed t-i cure ail Thioat, CiieSt tuid I.uug Pm eases. Only .‘.Bc and Ti Oil. Trial b itttca freoat alt drug stores. Van Gump's, ArmourI#, 1 #, Ritters’ and II ueiz’s oahod I) an!, nt Harper’#. , The dost iuo hod ul u olFaiising the j liver is tin nge of the Dm )u little pills known as !)Wltt'S Little Early Kisers. Eisy to lake. 'Never gnpy.- W. J. Hu V 1 ' If it.’# go t, • Ij.vp >t. l^irper’s. Old Sic- 1 arD-i’i, “Thf'r© Is but <wie smali to your ife aud tiiftt is tluough an ation,’’ waa the iuyf'U prospe-t M>t befon- r-n i, B ; ilirnt. of Liliie 1 Hi \\ it>., by her slbdtbL alter .va-udy ! on re her f b lnsrht?iU.( i i trov.Mo an'4 yellow'jHL G ee. : 'He dljJa’v count miMfei? .ii.nWn-i of i‘jMt ie cam y SHwiUch auci Liver trouWev. put bhe heard i t It, toveu bottkX was cure !. aveid/Mi knffe. ‘ weighs nuy**- fittii ijeelri be; ter nuiif even,’w ‘pWitiyof ly i.'vfi'kubcel t rcnsc h fjvr r u<i&Ki;u u f troubles iißf) never diiropikiitviH. Biin* :ajc -i < - , - e . IT v° ’t; * r uf ) ? L!i r ;cti ii t'-mitn J vet, at liar* v*t\- ' WHY HE CURES. Th© Grnaf©t of tW> Time Gives Kverf Case III* Pernoiial Attention. Dnrlni* Mont Joets>r* bnv o cerfaln nnmber u , c '/ bt 'it v.uicli Ui-y iim.i . Hathaway 5 a |i . ca '“' c wLi.cL all r mllor. Mr.thrift 3e l, * s iH r, °t Lr. Rtttfittway's ru< thod. mcin J “* Iwr rycMMo with buulHUHtft caritfullv ■- - dlugi.osGfl and um exact p('‘-itiou dl the di*" HBedcf-n alt ion detennira-d. Thun S "Very cam?'Htr'-uf'jfl Bcpiir- B itely and njidlciii<*aro ad jlSWa 3 natnlutered . hicij ar VtZffi'-b 9tt. specially prejmred under U, a .7 Lr. Ilathaway’ri ifrr’nai Etta .A. .s 7 > Busier vi 1 - ion for cue hcaMu , Notwopwrplomtiaffected byaparUculardlMweeiuttiH ■L * ftame mnunor, coneeaueut* ly no two people elihuld >h treated In the nun way dven for aatue coiuplaint. Dr. IJatLritsuv Na ii*t In the Tjeefif the %vord -ho treat* dla r.,—.. ~, .j, khoh irtaep<;c,al manner. ot ot his own -a eyntera ntudiod out yearri acowliiieln r ham Pate Coih-ge and fri’Bpital practice and 1m- K-vory proved and enlarged uirorjeoriHtantly Specially during the twenty years nince— •mr._4_,4 twenty year* of the rnoet ertenhlvo • rcatoa. practice enjoyed Ly any ejeiclHHM ln thlecountry. Dr. Hathaway'H great and u< onhuc ceae la due to khle Individual eyMem of trcioant. # rnluftlve * n *P!te of liundNd 'of cQ.ieattf Jearly from doctors in all parwol the reaimeni world, anking tor the in Ivilege of uelngDr.lfathaway’etnethod of treatment,he heUeroH Hwleer to allow hone betide himself tlui knowledgo of bis rernedlee, a* he is too well aware f fiends* chief which may t?e done by ihemukill and u**o of any Blood and Ski. DlftAawAft. blood dleeaMHi in whatever xtapo cures all forma of ulivn orm, Motchee, rlmnlee, etc., and not only r< ' rc IhoFkln •ndsculp U their natural condition, Lot ao r.iulflca ffiehloi/dtha?the disease le permar • ?y an . coin pletely driven froto the and an this without odcaluisterlnic poisonous or dangerous Jrir**i. w a *| nft r.|p n> i His treatmrit of Varicocele vanooceic ana amlE.tncturwisa men. , )„. ( Structure. lvely Ins ow*Eud In U> |.<*r rz-rit w of Mil case*! r'-'i Is la, •j't-ct andpe*r, #.•~' e, nt cure. No operatin'■ 1 r uf -,ja id no <*r Inconvenience ere ted >*. the; The expense of this tr.irttni'” ,iH UM es thnnUmtof any operatl'in, or ho*pital or in tut<* treatmen*., and Is t<oth safe and pu--. re-‘orlng ttie ergansbjucoodffion of pei f **ct, no; m l heff f h Dr.JJuthavayh;i 4 tmt r.repareda t. w Kidney teHtiincr ton blank for (h>M who Love reason to •uapt'Ct Kidney tioiMenrid diseases. tb!eblank Lew I gl.idiy*e.,d f ( ,io to everyone who sernH him hl nan.e ami ddresH. r__ u . 'i h dr-liafal for Dr. HaihHwi vV new NOW ISOOK Lnok “M’lnlliHw'v Vigor, lie.”t rnrp. already exb insu*d !.• f *n.i # • f oI L W ~,vl on' w % ^, r l,i 1111 • w ‘•"•ry ef tiffs tyok wl,! laj eo fr- • a.,yoi w e n<f hl OrimniUnii n.. n ‘ no an ! ad'lrcE to Lr. fliuiGWHy. Ovnvuiianon Dr. Hathawny makes no eo-.u'e FREE. forcon* iltat'oiis le Ivic' i'f“w • tilP fflee < rLy mad. f and. NEWTON HAT#JAWAV M. O. Mr. lUttirr & Oo„ SC Bryan f lr.-i *, Havau.,V, O*. luurxioa Tins t#mi wiiem * e.rnxtu advertised i.ktter list. The following is a list of letters re msining in tbe postoitioe at Bruns-i wiok, Ga., unclaimed, for the week' ending Oot. 37, 1900. A—Ml s Ida Andereoc. B-Willie B-o-k', March Bradford, Willi: Barei. G—. harlie CMlm-, VV. i arlin. D— -Tomm'c Di Io r,ou. F—J. H. Forster, Alls- Lnla Flouniiy G-W. T. Gre- u. ; H—II. O Hortm, M.a Minnie Holmov. -Tonnie Hill. J —Lilz'.e Jobnson, L' Jackson, Mi s Pal ti a Johns n. lv— Ml,# Anua Kintie--. L—Miss Lula Lee, M—Florence Morgan, Made L. Montgomery, M. Mcars, Mrs. Maggie Mauidy. P—Mi .# Nora G> t erf on, ba#tli But ter. K—Gass Rutherford. S- Mrs. Pol.lie Stephens, J, P. Swals, P. S. Swain, P. S. Simson, Mrs. M. L. Seymore, Mrs. Avis SOealos, Mmie San dots, Frank St. George: Y—Miss Emma Young (3), Mltchcl Young W—Miss Lu'e Wade. Flrm-qSbulhern potion Seed Oil Company. Notice Tbe last mail out of the olty for the day U clcsetl and locked out at ft;,‘(Op. m.,' after time it can not possibly be dispatohod, as ihis 1* a closed mart, and there is no clerk on the train to whom we can send the ietters, tior to take \heni If you take theta there youryiell. It is nectssary therefore for your mall to be deposited, not later 820 to guarantee dis patch on the 9 o’clock night train. F. McO. Brown, Postmaster. IS A'OUR LIFE WORTH 50 CENTS? We defy the world to produoe a me dicine for tbe core of all forms of Kidney and Bladder troubles, Piles, and ail diseases peculiar to women, that w:ll equal Smith’s Sure Kidney Car*. Ninety-iglit per cent, of the oases treated with Smith’s Sure Kid ney Cure that have come under our observation have been oured. AVesell our medicine on a positive guarantee, if direcUona are follwed, and money •till be refucdid if cure n not effected. -Price 50 rente. For sale by all drug | (pita | Vli kinds of fresit assorted cakes to* jd..j at’ the City Bakery, corner Monk ; and Newcastle street. j ft. va ,rah,- CM., E.’ks’ Grand Garni, viil end street Fair, Nov. 5-17, 1900. Line tare for the round trip, plus 25 > •> admission to the Carnival. Fur - Htary compaiiiea and tries bands in uniform, ifl.GO for the round trip uei capita, 20 or more On one ticket. Ticket* on sale Nov 5,7,9,12,11,10, with final limit Nov. J.B, inclusive. New Georgia syrup and buck what, it L. E. Ribarts’, corner Egmont and Albemarle streets. J<to Gaiter lead# in meclotbeaclean | tog liutlne##. He dues good work. | Large, lat rnacatrei, 10 and 12;..ct5,, ut G W. Harp’r’#. I> > not get scared if your heart trou ble you. Most likely you suffer from i .(digestion, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure jilges’s what you eat, and givea the \ orn out stomach perfect rest. It is the only preparation known that corn | nletely digests all classes of foods; hit is wfcy it cures the worst cases of I*t digestion and stomach trouble after verythir.g else has failed. It may be aken in ail conditions, and canool help but do you good. WVJ. Butts. New Georg a syrup sod buckwh', L E R ibartiit corner Egmont arm \i' c nsrle i'rests Uoo’l tic deceive! or liomb ll #gci) by l poop e • ,’ioclidni tbe discovery of -ome tiltlierto on .own herb or roit in stamps, or on 6ome inOiiiilaf or ■ rsi io ", the euro of kiUneyaml *>' idUer trouble., Any doctor orrtrufuptU with ell you that such claims or frnudtiloni ifoleyb Kiln ty I'ure sir;, >ly c .otaiua mint*dies that ar. ■r vnir, 'd l>y the iuot skilful pir, a. '•-( lor l,vn ooii-plaints, s don’t be credvloos r foolish VV. J tin its. —-<*,■, ■, - . . F. orb y-ier ersekere, walnut in rviim-lliws, vatcila jelly, orange :nr#, just in, a Harper's. I Did You Evef Know | any one who smoked the same kind > of Five Cont cigar any length of j time? Five Cent cigar smokers are ! always dissatisfied—always trying j something new—or something differ i ent, as there always seems to be some j thing wrong about the cigars they have j been smoking. Ask your dealer for Cheroots jP* They are always good. | TLrtfJ Londfed million smoked this year. Price, 3 for 5 cents. *101)1 mi in. ttock. We carry sudTa fil'-O-jo of that It is impossible to find a brand which is ncT. ntaaßlm; in some point t goods ,re fully matu-ed, have a 3ae rich boly and mallow Excellent for family or any usa. ' R- V- DOUGLAS. CHINESE RESTAURANT, ESTBLISHED 1889. CHIJE HALL, Proprietor Vou’can get the best the market affords by eating here DVBRTISERS- ~ LWAYS PPRECIATE REAPIJMG , iCH ETURNS and THAT ISa THE Regular ETURNS eported By Advertisers Who Use These Columns. Jaa’.itj isd {wily if tiKuliii™ jitu Siatiij ul Jmiilj' to Advertisers And W e Give Both Wi; ALSO—. GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. DON’T SEN O'AW A Y FOR ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS, ETC., i W hen you can got them at home for the V 6ari ], e and besides you save the cost freight and drayage. OUIIISHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. vN e don t mind calling an talking the matter over with you and giving you our estimates, and if we fail to get y<fo r order that is ou r fault, not yours. . ALL WE WANT IS A TRIAL. Times=Call, AlPb and 208 Gloucester Street. 5