The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 31, 1900, Image 4

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The Rrnnswick Times. Zitoblithed 1689. -* mi - ■- ■. ■ 1 " - 1 :=== The Brunswick Call. Established 1891 The Brunswick Times-Call, OONSOIJOATEU I'JOO. “ Pobliebed ETKKV MCSNINO EXCEPT MONDAY. ABTHDB H. LEAVE Editor KOLAS It A. MULLINS, BMiner* Manager l in Oglct horpe Bloc 21 IF Street vrrniw j tsLEFHONa MO 31. * .TO SUBSCRIBERS: Sub#Cr;t>e, *<n 1 -3nested to notify tbs office When they fall to get <ny laaue of the Times- CalL Attention to this .natter will be nppre e late a by the publishers. The Times-Call will be Delivered by carrier or mail, per year. E 8.00; pel week IS eenta. Correspondence on live subjects eoileited. Beal name of WTiter ahonld ac company tame. Subscriptions payable in' advance. Failure to receive paper should be reported to office. Address all •ommunlcation* to TUB TIMES-CALL, , Brunswick,Ua. NOTICE. Hereafter all legal advertlte meuls must be paid for after the first insertion. The management hue been put to a great deal of trouble and delay In collecting in the pas f , and in future muat lake advantage of the Georgia law on thii snbjec*. Oot, 10, 1900, toomlic Ticket. For President. William Jennings Bryan: For Vice President. Adlai E. Stevenson. Far Electors of the President and Vice President of the United States:, For Electors State at Largo, Auguitus DuPont -.. . mm ' . For Elector First Congressional DART W. W. Sheppard. Kor Elector Second Congressional Diet G. W. Fulwood. For Elector Third Congressional Dlst. \V. C. Nottingham. For Elector Fourth Congressional iTist B. F. McLaughlin, For Elector Fifth Congressional Disc Edgar Latham. For Elector Sixth Congreastopal Diet. J, M. Strickland. For Elector Seventh Congressional Diet J. P. Jackoway. For Elector Eighth Congressional Diet A. G. McCurry. ForJEleotor Ninth Cong regional Dlst. J. J. K. Utiey. For Elector Tenth Congretsiouai rdst. T. E Ma-tsengale lTili Congressional Hist, A. E. Cochran. For Representative In Fifty-Seventh Congress, U. S., From Eleventh Congressional District, William G. Brantley. Go to the polls on Tuesday and work fer Brantley. Kill republicanism in this district for good and for all. Thera can be but one result of tha big Bryan demonstration In New York, The great state is going democratic. Notwi'hstanding the fact that the gu bernatorial campaign Is two yeay oit, candidates are being groomed in all parts of the state, Alt tho* f.-iends of our brilliant ■young congressman should feel it a privilege to work iu his behalf on Tucaday, lh Pth of Novombei and nee that every democratic voter in the 1 county helps t‘B swell Host, \V.G, Bra .! Ilcy's mojorUy. Few cms*,re*Um! districts In the country are represented By *uch an AM c aud eloquent a nun.— BotUbcasi fivoigtan. t WATCHING THEM .NOW, la a New York exchange the Times- Call taw yesterday that many of the banking Institutions of the metropolis had employed detectives to wstch their employees, and all who are Inclined to bo sporty would be discharg ed. It Is n tedlees to say that this Is an excellent Idea, and is in line with our editorial of yesterday. We- all know that the handling of money means constant temptations, es pecially when a man who has gaming in his makeup does the handling, and those who are so Inclined should never seek posi.ions in financial in. Itutions. EUGENE V. DEBS. ' The average of Debs and bis the United State*, but j , :;:f li doing Bryan a great ■’ \ fV’ llp** In, of A • | A Debs claimfnpPbi. v . is injuring a man who represents the mid die and working class of American. Would not Mr. Debs have proven himself a good citizen by throwing hi influence with the democrats and mak ing Indiana safe? If there was the least chance for his election, there would be some excuse but as it is ho has no showing whatever and Is aware of that fact. HE IS SAFE. Tee Times-Call is aware of the fact thai the murderer of Conductor Lati mer la safe in the Glynn county Jaft. * s The people of this county are a level headed set and as long as they think the law will do justice to the dead they sre not going to raise their voice against this man, and they ahonld not. It Is true that his crime is one which goes oiferecord as probably the worst in the history of lhis county, but ho is now In the hands of the Jaw, and will re main there until his Innocence or guilt . jjggSSMd upon by a jury. C ~— - If Allan tt is not the metropolis of the south, ip the language of the day, “she comes very near it.” Just think, a fair, a Rnd Ibo Georgia legisla ture, all at One time. THE ELECTION TUESDAY. Within a very few and. ye. now the great e..ntest will ho fiught and aril upon this election depends th§, policy ft)luce gov’etniscni; Thg people of this great country aie either going tli > • stamp of ap- Ptj&fti on tjj#*t, .-ent administrattcia or they will . *U Which wiil tup df-i Keportu of the lit feefSfeys have hicn very > ncturaglr.g .p the <?emo* brats tad if do uiiforeecn circumstance occurs, it looks vary much like they ■ will win In Now York it la indeed grati'ying and many of the other doubt*, ful states are showing up w. Ik' Mon who fought Bryan four years ago are row advocating hie election from tho platform while none Of hla supporters in the first great battle supporting McKinley. This all looka 1 kettu Amorican p-o -plo are going to he honest on election day and if they are, Bryan and Stevens son will win with votes to spate Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and Rids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the cinausted digestive or gans. It istlie latent di'*coveredd geit ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach lb iu tiiaMenty. slantly itliovesand pe;m anon Dyspeyn-la, ludigcsUon, Flatulence. Sour Stomach, NouWa, Sick Headache, GaMralßiß Oran-raand allotbcrrcsnltsof .iupcrii ;digestion. PriceSPejaiihM. Large- ■>.*.- < times su.a’i-'. ' ft! ' •ut iwtrtcj ! ■ - - e SVgp. THE BEUNBWICK TIMES-GALL, uai'OßM 31, iM flk Jsltg Gin t Often ths. v, icu o:ncn. "I* c.*n’t eog wfciiflp'Omc Over Mary; she used to he. apdr a jolly girl,” whi the remark' of a yottjig woman vit-ting. a "■.-.-I - married chSoi I mate. . marriage C ro°b kcr vital gives backf the lost strength by the pu.r._. tion and female weakness, It " ' 1 makes weak women strong aijd sick women well. "For two years i had been a sufferer from chronic diseases and female weakness," writes wSPA Eobsom of lusAodman Street, PhUadelphia, Fa. "load two different doctors, and they gave ne medicine which only relieved me for a time. My niece advised me to lake Dr. Pierce’* Favorite Prescription. I con- Cloded that to open a correspondence with you for your advice would be .atest, so I did and have been highly benefited. I find that'aftet biking six lsjUle6 of ‘ Favorite P*escript(on 1 and five of * Golden Medical Discovery t and follow ing yonr advice in regard to local treatment, 1 am nosra strong woman. Accept my Sneer* thank* for the Interest manifested in my case • nd the happy results obtained" Sick w<ms 4rr invited to eonselt Dr. Pierce by I' liqt'frrr Correspondence pri vnte. Address br, k. V. Pierce, Buffalo, tf.y. STICKS TO IT. Cleveland Retracts Nothing He Has .Shitl. Chicago* Oct.%L£-A special to The Record from DhccctoD, N. J., (gars; “Ex-Freeidval Grover Cleveland has aunt the following lettfct to Den M. Dickinson, the former postmaetor geuy* efal. • “ Princeton. N. J., Oct. 29,—Hon. JJ M. Dickenson—My Dear Sir—The’ speech I made at the Reform Club din ner in April,lß97, is a part of my rec ord in adycoacy of true damocritcy. I cannot suppress it or abate Ifoai lt,yad I would not if I coold. I sbafl no! fy jeet to any uie you see fit to make at it. Fours sincero’y, “Grover Cleveland,” of safety pervade the hoqse hoid that uses One Minute Cough Cure,’ the only harmless remedy that pro dimes immediate result*. It is infalli ble for coughs, oolda, croup, and all throat and long troubles. It will pre vent consumption. W. J. Bolts. - ‘ DEPORTED CIVILIANS. , Loaded, OSt. 30, —The report thai Lord Salisbury notliiud Atnhjssadpr Choate (hat the British authorities vnTl release all American prisoner* in Cey lon, South Atfle*, ami St. Helena is incorrect, .Mr. Choate was not notified of their approaching release nor hay. any representations been made to that end. KIDNEY DISEASES arc f (he most fatal of all dis eases. tniCV’O KIDNEY CUHE Is 8 iULI I 0 6uarantßßd Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for KJdney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. “ , yV- W, j. Bntts. tbeDrugfst. No other pill* can equal DeWitl’e Little Early Ibarra for oromptness, certainty and efficiency. W. J. ilutia. We Receive By every steamer new and up-to-date poods cbmprisinS the latest styles in csoscr^C3£3.„ , 1 ■ • w NOT ION‘B, ‘ J. H. HFXI l & BROC . 314 Si, "B*tsveei\C. ?,f cCd.irve's and Thomas lveanev. THE STATE FAIR Promises to Bea Great Sucoess, Eclips ing Past Records. Valdosta, Ga„ Oct, 30.—The Georgia State fair today ie in lull blast. All the exhibits are now in, and everything is in tip-top condition. Tbs people got an idea on yesterday of what they were to expeet in the shape of crowds, and today ths streets are one coiling mass of person*. The hotels are full to overflowing, the boarding bouses are packed to tbeir. utmost, and every available space is taknr? But with this congealed condition, all wilbs previded for.* Five thousand as many mat(r~*g*B, are hre in the dep b, and will be placed in public hall*, offices, etc., where every one will be assured of a comfortable place tp sleep, ll> Happened in a Drug Storo. “One day last winter a laujr came to my drug store and a*ked for a brantbot Cough medicine that 1 did not have 4a ;toek,”’sey* M". , it. Hramlto, the popular druggist of Ontarlo.S.Y. “She was -disappointed and'wanted to know what congh pfeparafion I could recommend. I said to her,that 1 could freely recommend .CliAtnberltimfs Coiigh Keruedy and that *ho e<aMd take a bottle of the remedy and after giving it a fair trial if she did not find jt worth the maujsy to bring hack the bdffle and I would refund tho price paid. In the conr.o of a day or twd the lady came back in company svllh a Itletul In/WM if a cough medicine imdadviacff ,lrer to buy a bottle of Chamlierla'n’a Congh KertiCdy. I consider lha* a very good recom mendation. for the remedy." The remedy owe* It* .gt&iijk popularity and extensive sale la a Uvg* ip.a*re lo the per-onnl recominenda tlons ofjiSopVt, tyho have been cured by Ms twe. Blshmt', h— .getore. The-'s%Ss-Call job office ie in full 'blast again and those -who desire to save mpnoy {should let it bid cn their work, workmen eudj best ■equipped. -i*f Second 4iand household funature Bought and sold; organs, trunks, imnws, etc. J, • •*S&, *■’ W *• ~wr~ ,t New Gtiorgia syrup tnd buckwbent, It !.. E: Robsrt*’, corner Egiuor.t and Aibeuiarie street*. J ” .akSw A - .. Complete *•* . . Wf '• | !6 THE L|NE OF iM'f l |lii Ms which I no-yr have on exhibition. —> CALL M FXAMINE. Til. F. Winter, THE TAILOR. 311 Newcastle S>\ II is exanpenatißg to nh ' kn s fry* lloney an’ Tar, and know* what it nil do. tn. have a dealer rocommen<l w> etM*ig e ; *> a “Jusi the aroe," or “juai an $r I' f ’ f' K coughs, 'roup, la giipp*, tk. W*J, Jinttn rir vou i kft* cloth . f t. b* (} -*? It Jiin Ort* r. 9 oo Drops AWgelaWe Preparalionfor As - ttieFood andßegula ting the Stoinailts anclßowels of I nfan is/Cm id hi. n ?. omotes bige9tion£heerfut nessarelßest.Coalains neither Opium,Mofpliine nor>liueral. Kot'Nahcotic. fimpe afOUIJi-SAKUUPtTWER Pm,Jon Seal- , j4ix.S#vui 1 JRoMU&Mt- § ; IfeSLLk- ( ' JMnpSemde- 1 A perfect Remedy forConslipa- Tlon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .CtMtvulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of <&&&&&jZk NEW YORK. A I 6 ut oil Ih s I<l J) D IPS f V - } -y L L N 1 s ExaSt copy of WRAPPER. K. M. MILLER & SON. Monday’s steamer will bring us a line ot-@wntal Tapestries, Screens, Couch Cover, Cur tains, etc. direct from those fa mous importers of Oriental goods of A. A.VANTINE&CO jfo'V V* ' v Also a lot o\ muslin and Bobbinet Curtains, Cut Glass, Silverware, Rugs, % etc- WINE OF CARDUI How a Woman Suffersm 4 wMAjJ Howell, litd., Not. 2®. I I wfll alwaya praise Winaof Cardui. Ii / . C—J haadan me more good than all the medi- / cine* I have ever taken in my life. I’iease / \ I I b-j art'll a book about female disetaaa to the / \ Lj I ladiea whose names X enclose 1 Uri. MINNIE BTODQHILL • WineTciisti* 1 It isn’t necessary for a woman to give When she says she has “female troubles”, other women know what that means. It meins days and nights of endless suffering. It means headaches which no tongue can describe, it means that terrible bearing and dragging down in the lower abdomen, it means agonizing backache, and shoulder ache, and arm ache, and aches in the lower limbs. It means nerves on edge—the blues— despondency and loss of hope, it means debilitating drains that the doctors call leucorrhcea. It means martvrdom—some tunes even death seems preferable. And still Wine of Cardui will utterly put those diseases and pains to rout rusiis’ MviSMt K>MTuT. ** h thousands of cases i For AiiTtcrt iu r*(jnirina when nothin? else on firth would. !■ To the budding woman, to the luiicisiio, ciiumoob,Tum. bride, to the wife, to the expectant ' " " mother, to those going through tlie Change of Life, this Vegetable Wine is a blessing. Druggists Sell Large Bottles for SI.OO. WIN BQfiSWSWi3 UI ST FOUR IN ONE | (|| Prickly ash bitters $i V® c “ ttteNrr*. v tivee, a. sTaeacH -.* tt>, eowris. wcjm MtvciMt ron cue oon.AF. i : &sm s&ss&rwm /. Bfcfe. Uttcw A.-CSI. . . emu For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / i Signature' XY\tr kf Use v*A For Ovgjrf Thirty Years emu THE CCHTAUU COMPANV, NEW VOftN CITY,