The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, October 31, 1900, Image 7

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* Typhoid Feyer Experience Is not desired in your own per sob. A Doctor’s Observation Is Valuable to All. Read what one ssrs about Johnson's Chill } Fever Tonic Fall we bad a good deal of Tvpbo*Malarl*. or perhaps Ty phoid Fever. Some patients died; some recovered after six or eight weeks. After trying regular rem edies two weeks, i gave Johnson's C|ill and Fever Tonic. In no In stance had it been given mors than 2\ hours, when fever cooled down and did not return. Patients regained good health rapidly" J. ¥. Kinchbt.ok, M. D., v. Conway, Ark. Rke JOHNSON’S TONIC at ■ the first symptom, and KEEP WEL,L. 9p. Girardeau, Savannah, Cia, Bole Mnnufac turer. Ira House, Nov. 6th, NIGHT. The complete Election Re turns will fc„ received over a private wire. In audition an interesting program .will be given consisting ot Sin g>ng', /Dancing,: x* Boxing, ■ / . y Erices only 15c up stairs; orchestra reserved s?c; boxes 50c; seats on the stage sl. ‘ \ _ . . \U ZISSIMATO, £\ Newcastle St. i.... OrGARS AND TOBACCO to Cream Fresh Ererv Sa?, Milk Shake Soda Water Etc,, All Kinds of Candy . ilSf DISEASES are e (he most fatal of all dis eases. CM EY’Q KIONEY CUHE Isa I ULL I 0 Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. ana SI.OO. „W. J. Butte, tbe Drug's!. Wall Paper AT THE 2 PAINT STORE. 502 Monk St-* W.H. LYTLE PROPRIETOR. Our Greatest Specialist fJFor 20 years Dr. J. Newton Hath away hae so successfully ‘rested chronic diseases that he Is acknowledged today to stand at the head of h if rofession in this line. His exclusive irethod of treatment for Vaficocele ana Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery oirei in 00 per cent, of a!! cases. In tbe treatment of loss of vita] forces nervous disorders, kidney and urinar; complaints, paralysis, bioq* poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh ami iflseasce pecul iar to women, he is equally successful- Dr. Hathaway’s practice is more \ ban double that of any other specialist Cases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treat inent. Write him today fully about your case. He makes no charge for consultation or advice, either at his of fice or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 25 Bryan Street. Savannah, Os cj jel. *s* vs 'irm . Byars the BongM SHIPPING REPORT. Corrected Duly by Otto JohaanoMD Port of Bnu*iek, Oet. 29,1900. MONDAY. ARRIVED. SS. Rio Giudr,flJoUuston, Hevr York B rk Slvjtiec G. Il*rt, Bab'ndge. New York. Schr. Anns R,Biobar, Biw- n. Mow York. Schr. Carrie K. Look, Vetzie, Fall ICver, Schr. Blanch' H. King. Ccok, New I.oud . CLEARED. British bam Ethel Clarke, Brlntoc, S’. John . Schr. E. H. Weaver, Weaver, Nen York . TUBSIMY. ARRIVED. SS. Drctmre, Br,, Fbeland, Fort Talbot. S8 G’”. W. Clyde, Ghlcherter, Phil adelphia. S"hr. Three Mary's Con' , ver, Frov. idenc”. Srh*. iVir. H Sumner, Yealon, N'w Y"rk. ♦ SAILED. B'. bark E hel Cork**. Brinton, St. Jobr. Rchr. Cai F. BronOnn, New York. Schr E.H. Weaver, Weaver, New York. Schr. Grren'eaf Johnson, Woodruff, Provideroe, WANTED. Ar’esigit well, to drive at $250 esch Riee Ruarantaed will aluo Welle in 15 days. an or addieos A. U. Baktr ! 205 Gloucester afreet. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aid* Nature Id streugtbanlug and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gan*. It lathe latest discovereddigest ; ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, i Fiataience, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgla Cramps and : all other results of imperfect digestion. PriceSOc. and Jl. Large sire contains ZVttimes small sue. Book all about dyspepsia mailedfres Ej.pared by E. C OsWiTl A CO . CfilesßA • W. J. BUTTS. This is tbs Besson when mothers aic slartred or fccocnf of croup. 1' ! quickly cured by One Minote Cough Cure, which ohlldren like to lake. 95, J. But's. • ; Pure W bisSoyilarpsr'c. Peifect iWblrkey, Every bottle j guars rte|.(j Herper’.. Sold b) T. Nw -| map, Brunswick, Os. ! No other pills oau equal D.Wiu's iL'til- Early Riser-* for promptrp’f, | certainty and efficiency. \V. J. Bu'te. BUY fHE GENUINE'' SYRUP OF FIGS ... BLANT7FACTTJxtEI> BT ... CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. rr sots THr h.\ ml t" TOUR FACE IS YOUR FORTUNE. Th ovr a wav Cornet! c. American Women throw uw %y < wentv -fl. e million dollar* annually lor fac pow lera, lotions, etc. ino which are made of pois'n one eu!atruces an Rtroy the skin. To seem e a Nati.ra’, Rob Wealthy Complexion, get a VIRGIN RUBBER ,MAK. Restores original contour, permanently re move* pimples, freckles. blackheads, anu all ceoiptexlouni imperfections. Absolutely harmless Keeults guaranteed. Write for pa r ticti!ars Price I*l.oo by mai (Moves SIOO and 12.60 VIRGIN RUBBK.'I C'J.. West Htb St N. Y Brown Drug Cos., Sole Agts Brunswick, Georgia SSOO H' #ai c. We w*'i pay the above reward for any case of Uvcr Complaint, Hick Hen J ache, Indigestion, t on-t:pati'n or Costivenfesa WS cannot cure with Liverata, the Up to*Date i Littfe Liver I*l Ua, when the directions aie tf.i: jtly cotmdied with. They ere purely vege tal I * and never fail to give satisfaction. 2*e boxes contain 160 pills. Hie boxes contain 4c pill fi, Sc boxescont;*n 1R pills. Beware of,sub stitutes and imitations. Sort by mull. fttamps akin. NKRVTiA MEDICAL CO., cor. Clin ton and J ckson St*., Chicago. 111. F r sale i.y Brown Dfv.'£ (Jo , Utimsvuwi, c a. iHB BRUNSWIOK TIMES-CALL’ OCTOBER 31, I9to. WITNESSES COME TODAY. || Those Who Arc to Idei.tify Latimer's CJB Murderer.. Several parties who claim to know the mac who murdered Conductor La'-i --mer will arrive in th s city todav and see him at < be i It "'i | bn r m- min r.l that a man at says uii ihc cf the kill ing a uegro cin e to him auJ slate:' that ha intruded stealing a rde to Brunswick and if the conductor en deavored to put tun iff he Would be shot, ft is also raid that the negro purchased a pisiol ul the ab„ve place and is well know-u there. Griffin, the prisoner, says he has never spent anj time at Everett City and only passed through there or a Ua’n. If thise wit ne.-ses -ay he Is the ma-i i> will b' very strorg testimony against him. Lamer.*.* in the mu-cle. and joints in dicate rheumatism. Boh’t dally with it a minute. Take Hold's Sarsaparilla and cure it. Have your winter suit measure taken by Jim Outer. He represents the leading tailors of Aru-rioa. All tits guaranteed Dr. W. U. Lewis, Lawrencev lie, Va., writes: “I am using Kodol Dys pepsia Oirfe in my practice among se vere oases of indigesticn, and find il an admirable remedy.” Many bun dreds of physicians depend upon the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in stom ach troubles. It digests wha’ you ea*. sod allows you to eat all the good food you need, providing you do not over load your stomach. Gives instant, re lief and a ppjtnarreot: cure. W. j. Butt*. is-. FIRST CL \SS DYEING.. J'm Carter has just returned from Savannah, where he bat-made ar rangements with tbo leading steam dye works there, fo^rtpresent them in this city. Brunswick will afford a first-class st.Mm esftlish raent, and all persune-.dgiiriug Brat, class work in tMa’ II aw Jim. Carter at. the Brunswick Clwmng * Pressing Cos. Dyeux .‘a colors a spe cialty. A iso cpi’oring 1 ice curtains . Came Near Dying. ‘•Fi r tiues days and Eights sptJfejwaflUSfcy untold frsm an attack cholera rtSfiun" brought on by eaiiug .cskmnhers,” says M. E. Lowlher, clerk of the dietrict’eourt, Center ville. lows. 4 *l thouyCy i’sbosM .iieiy die uml tried a doien differs)^. inedicigts, but ill to no purpose. 1 seat for a'4,.',ti.’ of ( hsmber laia Colic, Cholera and nedy and three doses relieved \l Went to steep and did not aw , l On awakoiii.'ga few hours *#s t fcirVo tiatiil.d --i lost the first work 1 do on tbosaflurv Is to write to the ihtUHifaeturci's of tin, rm.iedv and offer ihcm iny gratemi. thanks attd .ay *GOd Wm you and, the Splendid thbdtpne yin, make,’” I’his re.riedy is for tala at .Biaii op’sdrur*tore. ‘ .-L . If. —— ‘.' For -prams, snelliags and ismepess sSttre nothing so ood as Chiuaberlki: ’. .Txfa Itdlip. Try if. For -art-atfir, bisiiop’s drug Store. P. LEVAIU.S Gocerics Country Product -<£—Vegetables etc. Also ContfiCtione^, MO SK STREET. GA V GEORGIA BETECTive W' BIUMSV ’CF, QECF?<3:A, Civil and criminal cases attended t<. .•.dint,*. vtiiCtlf coufidentia.. £.l tj .f-eveendveted with gpc-eey Menec^r Southern Railway Cos.! Office of General A gent, Brunswick, Ga SCHEDULES. J For SavAnnah, Washing’ . m I New Voi > IbV Brunswick <;43in \ ( Ar Pavannab .10 3* *, lun Ar Vi’ashingtOii 756 •.* opm' Ar New York 2 Oil pm W Mir | • For lac^hon.iile Lv Bi cnswfek .. 600 ABB 826 pm OOi |.m \ r ,\ur tsum vi lie 0 2.' M .70pm J3O tin For M aeon. Atlanta. Lonisw'lo ..nd Cincinnati Lv Brunswick...... . .. fl hr *zu u pn. A r M aeon . . j 3OO n* A r At ant a , m .‘/t. Ar Lo'iiftVflie it o mi* 7 ft ,m Ar Cincinnati 7 45 i.i 7 Y pm p rom Ne , York, WaiulhgUm and Lv $ w Yo* k ... ? t /- pm 12 if* an* Lv W. hingtoo.. i'* pm II j. i-m LvS.iAannab .3 i *2o i BOOritEi Ar Brunswick... l>2* * 0/ / •* i! FiOto ?a kau .illu, j *,v Jacksonville.. lHspn* a t Brunswick 6 28 pm Fiotß Cincinnati, f/Oidsville, Allan.a and Macon, ir Cincinnati S &m % pm Lv Lou .t*ville . 7 4:. am 7 i ’> !>■-. Lv Atlanta 20*5 pm U<r, < ILv Macon .... , 1 am ‘D 'pr.i lA* DiUudwvii i tt l'!U A QUICK k .. TOR. COUGH? A N CO T DS V -ry ”r* ■ ’ ■ '• • ■! ].tA't*-A \,\\ , . .ited, : N -'IT 1 -’■ ■ ■ 1 '•■*- Bright’s D a a-e. High living. Intern, eiancr. .\|i,,siire and many other tilings bring on Bright’s disease.. Forty's KidnejeCure will prevent Bright’s dis ease and all other kidney nr bladder disorders if taken in time. Take nothing else. W. J Bmts. c Bloodwortti Clones New Livery Stables New Buggies ‘ Fine UorsesJ Prompt attention given alt orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. E St The Quakers Are Honest People. §The Quake? Herb Ton id is not only a blood purifier, but a Blood maker for Pale, Weak and Debilitated people Who have not strength nor blood. It acts as a toniq, it regulates di gestion, cures dyspepsia and tends strength and tone to the nervou* sys tem. It is a medicine for, weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, and can be. taken by the most delicate. K'dney disease. Rheumniign and all diseases of Uit) Bloody Stumaeh and Nerves sOdn stfocumb to its wonderful effect- on the human system. Thous ands of people in Georgia recommend It, Price SI.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the med- the Quaker Doctor mado nil of hl quick'cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Tootfiaohe, Backache, Rheumatism. Sprains, Pain in Rowel-; in tact, all ffikin it. Price 25c RRt'iVH<'TE WONDER SO.A P. a iiio,diO*tdd soap . fur the Skin, scalp and A'ltfiptexior,. Price 10c a cake. * QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointuie t hr the cure of tetter, eczema anil eruptions of the skin, price tCo a bur. FORSALE BY AM, DRUGGISTS. • A DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati. Palh** Tib I>rmg Store ruiiuc sm e State I'ijW’orgla-er.'rmjiy nf (Tlynii. IbMlei’Khd hy.vir’iuj of tin-’ power of snle ehmsuiffl In;' ftic thisi i..- I'm; debt from Arnando D ■ v.l. lu the Dnrnswick Title Guar' no atul ! < om|>ai,v, made eveculed ami lir.iltrredon tin nil. nay u< Fehrtiorr.lSDa, ftod n hieli tald .t .ed ... sen,re debt ! diilv l'e ooi*A ~iq':e- i tij'wnlti or Voi ,1 iff the. a.'nei'sl record 1 <>l, njueount - ', Deorgia, ref ' ereh Dion In l.t Icie. ti e llnmswit’k.TH'e. i 'Ciiirnnfci. am Lonn i.mpauy will expose and ' otter.for -uie to llw t* giekt end heal (adder for | cash, liesyre the Cuon liouo doer of (ilyuu ! comitTyO.iorgl'i. wi'h.n th , legal hour* of aide. lon the fli.-t T-i. ad y i,i N'ovemhcr. I'.SHi, all of th,it certain tract, lot ior , Ptc<! of lanilf null the buildings : tuia improvements thereon eituaie lying and Ud in ihc Old Twe it tlie <:!(.. ,V Hruns- Vffey. r-iyntt oottatv, U>n.*bi knit , end do vcilhed, *8"j n- hen* ore .id'll!) fret, 0 f old lown ’oi. lwel e (rig bounded on the noitiv li.) tlier.,.ton. 0( lot munbrr (ltd. oei; rust try Orlothorpe tdrei tut) n rtr roitth li v U,., trinainlng easierii portion of tale l a uni or mio f et, anil west by mi' nortnwi btrnri>,:rtloo of said old Town lotnuiriier-t* 3 'ftet aid Old Town lot num bor 14 hir,g Itl.tiwlged ,he map of mid rlty t/iiide hv (leer-ie tell Hwtr Ti, ISB7, to W'hn.h ride sln rrliy had tor tbet.iiriiosr ! of liquidating the ini’M, o' to s tins coat - patiy b.i il.t aid gri.up.i-. i.ariiely. fCOO.OO ui in cipat fleet, beslflr inlei ert unto the first I'uos- I .lay in NoventbiT. 100 .trountlng t,, fj!7.fct. I and 'ho further sum of fafiOas costs of mlvcr- I Using thi. sate liKUNSWIOK ! I 1 I,K OUAIMN’I'KK & LOAN ! UOMIANy. H.vo 1' ’I” I 'VI, it. men out. | Attest' ” l : ”^2® i,i’ ' t, n ouxi.fl, \ ai'iioti’ur Ally- Jiut couiH from cool \ und c'lii i* ijljtrt Relief,if not cur ia* i cur- hwi liln <JftKy re&cti. Our DR UGb and M EDICIN EH CkiiT il>* p. #li• m" *• H kaownspecifics for ijjk-.-c t 'ißi< , tiTfoit 'ou or vo'* ''V'-Cu. v 0 n* v b t e4ly mip* <i o /j/l^LLh’d New Gorirets syrup snd bn kwhtt, Nt L. E. Rdijafts’, certihr Kgmoii'. mid lel.l.voiai.c Ssfoete, SHERIFF SALES. GE< >RGIA, Glj nn County. Will be sold before the coorthotipe door in said county, on the first Tuosday in November JiKK). the kihuc being the 6th day thereof, within the legal hows of aule to the highest bidder foi cash, the following property to-wit: One rolei top desk, six (6) oak mantels, three (8) large tombstones, five (5) small tombstones, one Moa ler iron safe. Levied on as the property of the defendant. Reed E. LaMance, to satisfy an exe cution issuod from the City court or Bruns wick, comity of Glynn, at the March term, 1599, in favor of Swingler & Falconer for three hun dred ikd eighty-one dollars and four cents (s:vsl.oi) principal, wt'h interest thereon from December 14,1590, at 6 per cent, por annum until piiM and all costs. made and re turned to me by E. F. Tayou, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and plnce, the following described property to-wit: Thatcer tain lot, tract or parcel of land, situate, lying ami being in tlio city of Brunswick, county ol Glynn, state of Georgia, and known and de scribed on Baldwin's map of said city made in the year 1837 as thejsouthwest one-*ixth (1-6) vf Old Town lot number 64. Levied ou as the property of the estate of J. J. Door under and by virtue Of an execution issued by H. J. Read, tax collector, for state and county taxes uue for the year ISU9. Amount of tax $25.00 with inter est and all costs. Levy mado ami returned to me by R. S. Pyles, deputy pheriff. Also at the same time and plnee. the following described property towit: Those certain lots, tracts or parcels of land-situate, lying and being in the city of Brunswick, coun ty of Glynn, slate of Georgia, and known and described on Simmons* map of said city, mode in tho year 1801. as Habersham park lots num bers 76, 7L-01 anA#e, bot.w<|*u Lee and Gordon streets. LevietrmVas,tludLama^vt 0 f Mrs. F. K. Habersham umi? jr<tfone of an e\o eulion issued x v collector, 1 r state and cou’&'f Lf rSUttAi '' c year Amount of 'J Gycl all cost 1a• vr made MWHjHk I’vles deputy t.hvnHßa^ fi ] a i. £ i . Also at th||f* * 1 a lcs 1 Bty*h. follow! om , r rain lot or eituate, 9CS ‘ff . ing in the mffdTstyTbt'G. M.. county w j Glynfi, state of Georgia, kssown as a part of Colo nol’s island, containing two hundred (200) acres more or less. Bounded on the north by lands of the South Brunswick Railway Cos., on the west by Fancy Bluff creek, on the south and east by lands of the Brunswick 1 lock Cos, Lev ied on ns the property of said Brunswick Dock Cos. under anu by virtue of an execution issued by 11. J. Read,tax collector,for state and county taxes due for the year 1899. Amount of tax one hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125.) with interest and all costs J evy mado and return ed to mo by R. S. Pyles, dojmty sheriff. W.H. BE ERIE, Sheriff Glynn County,Ga. ADMINISTRATORS SALK. GEORGIA—GIynn Countv. By virtuo of an order of the Court of Ordi nary of said county, I will sell at public outcry on the first, Tuesday in November, 1900. at the court houßc iu said county, within the Jegal hours of snle, the following described lnnds, the property of the estate of Bridget Mlnelian, de ceased, situate in tho City ol Braunswick, in Hafd state and county, towit: Lota ntumbers twelve hundred and thirty-seven (1287), twelve hundred and thirty night (1238), twolye hundred and thirty-hine (1239), twelve hundred and forty (1240 j, six hundred and forty-two (042), and six hundred and forty-three (613), respec tively, each of said lots being in that portion of said eity commonly called “Now Town,” Snd designated upou the map of the plan of said city as made hy Geo. R. Baldwin, serveyor, A. 1). 1837, and of the addition thereto,by the num bers above described, and to which map and to tho order of said court of ordinary aforesaid, roferenoo Is made for all purposes of desoiip tion. Also, the unexpired leasehold interest in and to the following lots or parcels of land sit uate in the city of Brunswick, and in that part thereof commonly called ‘‘Town Commons, >* to wlt: That portion of lot number seventy-live (75) fronting forty <,40) feet on Amherst street and ninety (IK)) feet on .1 street, the leasehold therein expiring upon March 21,1*67; lot num ber one hundrod and thirty-live (185), bounded east by Albany aomn > *.£ so-v.,s*i, \rtv t. by Wolfe itirehi, and north by lot number one hundred and thirty four, and having a front Upon Albany and Wolfo streets respectively of ninepy (90) feet and a depth betwoen said streets of hundred andeivhty (180) feet. Also* that portion of lot number one hundred and thirty-Tonr (134) bounded east by Albany street, south by lot number one hundred and thirty-five. (135). west by Wolfe stroet, and north bv lot number one hundred and thirty three (138); and the remaining portion of said lot number ons hundred and thirty-three (184, the same fronting'twenty-nine (29) foot upon A tbany street and ninety (90) feet upon. Wolfe street, tho leasehold interest therein expiring .vlarch 2, 1967, and the description of each of said Town Com irons lots and parts of lots being made with reference to the mapof what is com rnonly called the “Hughes Survey” of tho Town ( ominous of said city of flic lu the office of the mayor and council thereof. Terms of sale cash. This October 8,1900. RO>ENDO TORE AS, AtJoiinfstrator de bonis non etc. Bridget Mine bau, deceased. NOiTOE OF APPLICATION FOR RAiI.KO VD CHARTER. mute of Groryia,) To the HonoraMo. the Set ' County of [ rotary of State of the State Glynn. J of Goorgia. The petition of C. Downing, F. I> Aiken. M £, H, Mason, N. Kmauiu i, T. Nowruan, ,i. J. Lott, L. R Aiken, F anti W, G. Brantley, ic-pcctfnlly show>: * I. That each and all of said pelltionfrs, (x --cejit L. It, -\ikoii, reside in the City of B uns* wick, County of Glyun and Stnt* of Georgju, and ‘.bat peiiticiior L. R. Aiken ’esidOß at Mount Pleasant, County of Wayne am! State of Georgia. 11. That i>etiiQa;ierß dcsii* to obtain for fhonrnelves and a-signs, a cliail ter XOr a laiHSld eompany known as the Brunswick Sc Birmingham Railroad Com pany, on fl they seek to be inrornorated under such name as a corporate I) dy. for the purpose of bofhJinK and operating a railway linetonder nafil charter. 111. Thafcthr length of the railroad proposed to be bailt by said company witl be about four hundred ami fifty (450) mile*, an near aaean be estimated at this time, and unit the general di rection of flame will bn Houtbeant to northw^Ht IV That said proposed railroad beginning in llift ' ity of Brun- wick, Georgia, \vl 1 prob ably run through the eonntiea of • lynn. Wayne, '’i<r e # puling, Coff‘-e, Ii win. Wilcox, Dooly, Snrnte , Wi'ba[e*fancl Stewart, in the state ot tieorgiß, ro appoint on the boundary line be ’ ween Georgia and Alabama within the county or Stewart, in the -date of Georgia, and from -aiilpoio to the cities of Montgomery and Bir niinthe State of Alabama, am! the princip l places from which url to which it is pro osed • conetruct said railroad are Bruns wick, Georgia, s-qi Montgomery and Birurn g hana, Ale** V. T -• ‘ to iue capital stock in fluid ’ ' to the amount of til tec*- | I for each mile of said prorofV fi A ring a total canifalization ..rjdx wj | and fifty thousand dodaiHi* , i all of the capital stock i-* to be com and none of it. preferred VD Tim' iiCjh <!•’-irojtf^H^Hftfcr f • rfk : oofpun b o ■ l in II ■ JMfSiL 1 J'-rt aw, I ti j ii ./■ ’.—/i : w iH I- - h W v'wWSMgm 1 ' Viw t i •'{*./ iinjlf t'fJMi el i 'rft-'yJwMiffiMnp : ,( a. ' • ‘• 1 •' j.ii /■ to tin cirpnai Mor k. jpjai' Jr luain in nt! r.|>erte Bid for* potitionina pray that tin y, tbejr successors in i a.ay !>'•. incorporau das such jt.B -rogi'l eotuiui Hv, undee the aiu l orptirale name of tbf "fnroi* a i'•k & Biri inghurn Railroad Company, • b-r rhelewflof tho of Geor /!., wilt i. i ghts, p woir / MHiv’eges i'l cdi’in and peril'- nt to *'■’ duo o *r poral:on ohj >' :;e fixed and fined by the f'lw of Haol P’’. nd p'imioneri will ever pray. O.l>owninß, t V l Aiivcn, M Kaiser, \ E, H. Cason, 1 N. Ri.iannel, r T. Newman, v J. J. Jx>t, W L. R. Aik* i), , E. Brobfltoti, > W.u Br.ontley, S’J OVES rkp*^r'rd. Rice, the glove Jc- 'm rcpAirs kilttie <>r err k ttovei rhrfC: , fuy aud noil* ftcuoad hand t-tovoa, 4H Buy 1 4ueut Service By Publication. STATE OF GEORGIA--County of Glynn. John Rogers, ) in Glynn Superior Court, SAgr vs. \ Term, 1900. usie Rogers. ) LIBEL FOR DIVORCE, to the Defendant, Susie Rogers: You are hereby commanded to be and appear •t the December Term, next, of Glynn Superior Court, to be holden at the court house in Brunswick, Glynn Connty, Georgia, on the First Monday in December, 1900, and by Ten (10) O'clock of the forenoon of said date, then and there to answer the complaint of the plain tiff in the above stated case in his Li Del for Divorce. Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Bennett, Judge of the Sup rior Court of Glynn County, this the 10th day of Jaly, 1900. , H.F. daBIGNON, Clerk Superior Court, Glynn ounty, Ga. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. GEORGIA—GIynn County. Mrs Mary 0. Beppard. vs Jeflersoti J evy, The Niitioual Hank of Bruiiswi* k and the May or and Council of Brunswick.—Pet.tioii for par tionof realty in Glynn Superior court, De cember Term thereof, 1900. To the i>efendrnt, Jefferson Levy: You aro hereby notified that the petitioner in the above stated case will apply for a parti tion of that certain real properly in the state of Georgia, county ot Glynn and city of Bruns wick, described a-; follows: T e Northeastern portion of what ia known as and caked the “Thirty Tract” or “The Wells Tract;” having the following courses and distances, to wit: Commencing at the centre of the South ern lineof Union street aud running thence Southwardly 1,610 feet; thence running East ward ly SKMeet; thence running Northwardly 1610 feet; thence running Westwardly 855 feet, except three certain small tracts heretofore sold by the ow-ners; such application for par tition of said laud will be made at the next term of said conit to be held on tho first Mon dao in December next. This notice given in pursuance of an order grranted September 28,1900, by Hon. l’aul K. fceabrook, Judge of said court presiding, the Honorable Joseph W, Bonnet being disqualified in atd ease. Witness the Honorable Paul E. Seabrook, judge of said court presiding, tills October 1, 1900.' , H. F. rU HIGNON. Clerk Knnorior Court, Glynn County, Ga. SPARKS & TWITTY, . ' Potitiorter’a. Attorneys. John M Steele Applic ition for re- Janie Hudler, formerly moral of Janie Steele. disabilities. Aotieo is hereby given that on the th day of October, Kioo, the undersigned filed iu the ofttco of the o'ork ot tho Suiierior court of Glynn county his application for removal of the disa bilities resting upon him under tha verdict and judgment, rendered in said court May 21, 1900, iu the| suit of his former’ wife, Janie Steele, ugainst himfor divorce, and that said applica tion will lie heard at the term of said court be ginning on the first Monday in December next. This October 8,1900. JOHN M. STEELE CITATION. GEORGI * —Glvnn County, To whom it may concern: 11, J. Read having in proper form applied t-o me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Goorge McArthur, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular, the creditors and next of Junof George McArthur to lie and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to H. ,T. Read on George McArthur’s estate. Witness my hand official signature this 12th day 'of Oc tober, IWO. HORACE DART, Ordinary. CITATION? ~ Georgia—Glynn County. Mrs. Fannie A. Smith has applied for exemp tion oi personality and the setting apart and valuation of homestead out of tbe estate of H C, Smith, deceased, late of said county and state, and I will pass upon the same at ten o clock am., on the 82nd day of October. 1900, at my office in the court house of said county fttiu S.Wvr. .. -HORACE DART. Ordinary Glynn. < ouuty, Ga. CITATION. GEORGIA—GIynn County. Whereas. Elia J. Jennings, administratrix of George w: Calvin estate, represents to the tou £v in her petition, duly filed and entered on n airad, that she lias fully administered George W. Calvin’* osciite. This If, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why ad ministratrix should not he discharged from administration, and receive letters of dismis sion <m the first Monday in December, 1000. HORACE I)A UT, Ordinary. CITATION. Georgia—Glynn County. Mre. Mary Mahoney having nui<*e applica tion for twelve months’ suppoit,out of the estate of Timothy Mahoney, and appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same haying tiled f heir return, all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the court of ordinary of said county on the ll rat Monday in November, H)on, why said application should not hegranted. Tins 4th dav of November, 1900. HORACE Dart, Ordinary, CITATION. GEORGI A—Glynn County i rbanue Dart, of Glynn county, in said State has applied to the Ordinary of said county of Glynn for exemption of personalty and setting apart amL valuation of homestead, and 1 wtu jaws upon the same at 10o’clock a. m. upon the . JMh day of October, 1000, at the court house In Saul county of Glynn. This September 22, 1900. r , „ JEFFERSON I). HPARKS, Judge City Court of Brunswick and pro hac vice Ordinary Glynn County, Georgia. Administrators Notice, .A'l persons having claims against estate of J G. Campbell will present them to the under signed, and all owing said ewtntc will pay their account- to J. J, SPEARS, Adm’r. Fhtate J. G. Campbell. State of Georgia—Cotußy of Glynn. Theco-partnerahip heretofore existing, under the linn name and style of Taylor,Cook Sc Com pany engaged in the saw mill business, in tho manufacture of cypress lumber, and otherwise, at Brunswick, Ga., having served its purposes, itis mutually agreed by all oi the undersigned members of said firm that the said partnership be and the same ig hereby dissolved by mutual consent. The business heretofore carried on by the aaid company will hereafter be conducted by the corporation duly created by the Superior court of Glynn county. Georgia, with its principal office in Brunswick, Ga., kuow as and called theTaylor-Cook Cypress Company. All debt ors, creditors and other parties dealing with vaid co-partnership in the past and ail persons otherwise interested will take mu ice. This Oc tober in, pjOO. Respectfully, O. N. Taylor. T. H. Cook. Will K Taylor, J. H CoMc. Mrs. Hattie J. Boss. A. W.Cook. Mis. Rebecca A. Cook. J. W, Cook. Mrs. I M.Calvin. OBKKVICR BY PUBLICATION. Freeman, ] Libel for Divorce, lte ■ tumabln to December o.offie--. • AW W 1 - ur ! ty, < •eorgia f ftJffi hLjßpnt, O. •). Fll • iiia .: i> ■' ’y o kd, mr i.ltlii t' lot said count’. convniiut ■ in Decernlwr i'.nj,then tnd wre to answer tbe plaintiff Clyde Freeman, upon the merit- of her petition lor <‘i .-roefiled against yor ; as in defauli of such appearauct* the Court * seed as to Justice shall appe tain. WitnovTil.o M on Joseph W. Bonnet, Judn of tiJ Superior Cotfrt* th s 22d day of Ang; I NK). A. 4. TOWNSEND, . Deputy Clr !c S~ Court. Glynn Cos., Ga. I>. ’V. KR tIMS,!' tflV Atty. ' NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. For the pprpof of collect!. / the Ataiuand County q ~ .. ;goi>, i will be at the f wing dirD let j ~ ,U on OVes named, to-wit: 26 D’st. O' t. 27. Nov. J 9 and Dec. 8. j r DiftU Oi 2(i. Nov 30 and Dec. i. 1 I T6l> t. t. 2.% N0v.21 and Dee. fl. 141*9 Du Oi t. 24, Nov, 22 and Dec. 7. M Dial. Uci. 20, HO. 8L Nov. 28,24, 20. and Doc. 8,10, 11. H. J. Rkad, T. C. Glynn Cos, f T > J k HAIR BALSAW Wt.Zi ■ ll -• > t HI.-, lb. iMte wr \ .V'f* •> • lixuriHill growth. 1 ■ r l -i*<a to Restore Gray ’ *Wi'' * * i to it* Yonthfo: ,Ool'>r.